
Photograph via snooOG

A community for soccer goalkeepers of every level. Join us to share pictures, videos and discuss techniques, drills, equipment, advice and all things goalkeeping!

A community for soccer goalkeepers of every level. Join us to share pictures, videos and discuss techniques, drills, equipment, advice and all things goalkeeping!

Some Simple Posting Rules

  • When submitting a self post, make your title relevant and specific. Try to avoid duplicate posts or repetitive posts. Have a look at recent or past posts to see if your question has been asked before.

  • Remember to keep this about Goalkeeping. Any threads not relating to Goalkeeping will be removed.

  • This is a subreddit for Goalkeepers of all levels of experience, whether it be a Rec, High School, Collegiate, Amateur, or Professional, everybody is welcome! This is a place to learn and discuss, not a place to discourage others from joining.

  • If you have a question about gloves, make sure you specify what level you will be playing at, what price range you are looking in, what you have used in the past, and any other relevant information. This post gives more details.

  • Keep discussion civil. Racist, anti-semetic, homophobic or abusive remarks will be removed and will result in a temporary ban. Repeat offences will result in a lifetime ban.

  • If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions; please, message the mods and share what you have to say. We try to stay updated, and we appreciate any feedback that you have for us.

Also, if you're looking for quality instruction, drills, glove reviews and more, check out Alberto Ruiz's youtube channel for a lot of great content by clicking here.

Glove companies advertising thread here.

What to put in your custom flairs here.


19,960 Subscribers


Does washing ur gloves make them lose stick?

My gloves smell (not that bad tho) and I’m wondering if I can wash them. But will this damage them in any way and/or ruin the stick?

05:15 UTC


My goalkicks suck. Please help me improve!

05:14 UTC


New to Diving

Me (13m) concended like 2 goals without diving, how do i get over my fear of diving because i dont wanna get injured, I always land on my chest whenever i dive and it hurts. So if someone can please help me out please give me tips! thank you (high dive tips and low dive)

01:55 UTC


new goalie, advice?

Hi, im 16(f) and recently got super invested in being a goalie after trying out basketball. I grew up around soccer; all my cousins & both my siblings play(ed).

I wanna try out for my schools girl team but they’re suuper good and have had the same goalie(s) since my freshman year.

I’m a bit nervous but have started training my positioning, etc. Also, if it matters, I’m 6ft and 135 lbs. & though I’ve never officially played for a team, I’ve played recreationally.

Any tips/advice would be helpful!

19:13 UTC


Does anyone have any recommendations for GK trousers that have the best knee protection possible?

I'm 29 now and have only just come back to playing 7/8 - aside after a 2 year break. I had a really bad 'bucket-handle' meniscus tear almost 2 years ago and I really don't want to damage my knee.

I'm aware good technique means you rarely impact your knees but I'm still improving this a lot and in the meantime I just want as much cushioning on my knee as possible.

I've seen some people suggest knee pads but they restrict mobility so much and are really uncomfortable. I'm just hoping to find a pair of GK trousers that have great knee padding - the best padding possible! I've struggled to find any where I've looked online.

Please help if possible!

18:07 UTC


Old guy learning to dive - advice

So this is pretty dumb. I’m late 30’s, playing in a relaxed, medium-ish level pickup game twice a week. I started jumping in as keeper, because I didn’t mind and actually ended up enjoying it. Never played GK before now.

Looking for some advice (or dissuading) on how to learn to instinctively dive for shots in the air. I’ll get down for ground shots quick enough, but I find myself staying planted and trying to reach or run to a shot in the air.

Thanks in advance for any guidance.

17:20 UTC


Sort of psycho take: the best feeling as a goalkeeper is when your teammate starts a fight after you get clattered.

14:36 UTC


Nike Phantom Luna 2 pro for goalkeeping

So guys recently i've found these cleats for 120€ are they worth buying?

And i cannot afford any elite class cleats so i gotta go with pros (only with discount) or leauge/academy class and cheapest pro class i can found is Luna 2 pro

12:53 UTC


Proud of my son (14). 3rd year as keeper and he continues to practice hard.

12:49 UTC


Should I switch?

My team recently won our league and I'm super excited about it but there is another keeper in my team so I'm not able to claim me being our keeper but my club has 2 teams and I do have some mates in the other team so I'm not sure if I should switch teams maybe I could help the other team or maybe I should just stay and be grateful? Help

09:26 UTC


Diving Mentaility

Hey Keepers,

I'm a low level goalkeeper, play mostly for fun but have been at a high level before with mixed success. I really struggle during training to get in the mentality to throw myself for those dives whether high or low. Whilst I tend to go for it in games, obviously my ability suffers as a result of lack of training.

Does anyone have any tips for overcoming that little voice in my head during training?

Much appreciated in advance!

04:39 UTC


is it too late for me????

Hi guys!! I'm a female 2026 GK that is looking to play D1 college soccer. I know I have the skill play at a high level, but I'm on an ECRL-NTX team, so it's really hard for me to get any recognition from coaches, no matter how many emails I send or ID camps I go to.

I'm wondering if it's too late for me to be able to go D1, especially with the new NCAA roster cap?? I mean I've already seen a lot of 2026 commits, and even a 2026 GK commit to Stanford !!!

03:40 UTC


Best flat cut i ever used

I've been using these Reusch Pro Fusion Advanced Cut since 2022, bought them for 40 dollars at the moment, is a pretty normal flat cut, with a semi-covered finger, but still comfy and very light, i usually use negative/fingeroll, never been a fan of flat cut, but these pair, is probably the best option if you go with reusch and you like flat cut

19:18 UTC


Proud of this kid

Son is 5’5 and fighting all odds. This save came in 20 minutes into the first half for his HS game. He’s continuing to work his legs and get more explosive. Hard road but he’s not giving up! Just sharing in general.

17:39 UTC


How do I get over making a mistake.

Whenever I make a mistake in game or training, I can’t get over it. I could be a having a brilliant game, make a mistake, and my confidence is shattered. My teammates just call me shit whenever I let in a goal as well. Hard to keep a good mindset when all that is happening. Any advice?

15:21 UTC


Weak eyesight

I have had an weak eyesight for the most part of my life and now it has gotten worse. So i wanted to ask if it is safe to wear lenses while keeping incase a ball hits my face.

06:08 UTC


17 year old keeper here (need tips)

So I've played the position in the past for 2 years but due to Covid it killed my career for a while. I myself have expirence with the position and really love it.

Over the summer I have practiced the basics daily after work to sharpen my abilities. Woke up watched some tutorials kept em noted then did them after work to practice and it really helped me out.

Senior year now I went to go tryout for the schools team, my performance wasn't the best I could be honest. I'm not really bummed out at all considering that I myself haven't played as long as the other keepers that tried out did. I usually just spoke to em asking em questions about the position and their expirences and got some tips and such. They were really cool guys and they were actually surprised that I had barley played the position because my diving and positioning is really good (which was a huge compliment to me). I realize I won't make the team but yk as long as I got the practice and tips I was satisfied.

Now as I continue further the main things I need pointers on are creating effective plays to give my team opportunities to score. (The coach said that's what I needed to work on the most). I would appreciate it if you would give me some advice on this.

04:18 UTC


How hard do you go...

during full team trainings? Are you going in & challenging on breakaway. Full power dives across the goal? This is during full squad 9v9"s or 11v11's

03:05 UTC


“Cracks” on gloves after wash?

First use today with no prewash (I’m new, thought about washing when I got home) and very muddy. Ran under a sink with warm water and pressed, did not wring. Let to dry, been about 5 hours since then. Not in sunlight.

02:39 UTC



Joining a weekend league for 2 weeks and sounds like I’ll be getting picked up for next session. Need new gloves by Sunday and why I’m going through Amazon. Wanted to stay under $100. Which should we go with? I’ll be primarily playing on turf.

01:03 UTC


I need help on saving tap ins

I have a trial tmr for the school football team I need help on how to save tap ins, I normally just throw my body at the ball and pray but tmr I cannot throw my body since they have good placement

23:47 UTC


I shall not abandon my post!

19:03 UTC


I am so tired of my coach

I'm playing in an 2011 football school in Georgia (the country) .every day when we have training we play again the other 2011 team that is above us for half of the training session. Today we lost 3:0 against them (we mostly lose against them they have way better team) and I had an dissasterclass of an match. Well I'm over exaggerating it but yea I didn't have an good match. First goal went in when ball was rolling towards me from far and when I went to pick it up I underestimated how slow the ball was gonna be so I basically gifted the first goal.seccond goal went in when my defense lost the ball, saved it ,then ball got into the opposition again and they scored (my defence literally could have perverted it form going in but they scored an auto goal) and the third goal went in normally in the right corner. But my coach didn't give me an rest. He blamed me for not saving an good shot in the right corner and not saving an unsaveable second goal (literally no one had him marked). Well first goal was my fault no excuses. But the main thing is that I barely get trained as an goalkeeper. I basically learned 60% of goalkeeping by myself(other 40 is when I had an goalkeeper coach but I now don't). And my coach expects me to be the "leadershiping goalkeeper" when I barely know what to do In some situations. Yes I know the main things but if I only get warmed up before an match and you call that training for an goalkeeper I'm sorry I'm simply not gonna get better.

18:34 UTC


Goalkeeper Gloves Available In India?

When I search online I find good brands but all are from US, UK and Other parts of the world. And the shipping cost are very high. And In India we have some local brand and all good brand have no good stock in india. So how to get good brand gloves in india?

12:04 UTC


Where do you buy your gloves?

Hey, first post here and just wondering how everyone finds gloves that they want? Online seems a bit risky in terms of fitting etc and most sports shops don’t stock quality gloves (thin latex etc).

I’ve been goalkeeping for 15 years and always had a shop I could go into run by an ex-footballer to try a few pairs on.

When I got a little older, another goalkeeper in my region started making gloves himself and I tried a pair of those. They were pretty good and quite cheap and so I moved over to his gloves when I moved to university and beyond.

I took a year or 2 off recently for a number of reasons but he has slowed operations big time and doesn’t seem to have much stock anymore.

I just feel a bit strange ordering a pair of gloves online without feeling the sizing etc on my hands. This might just be an issue for older keepers here as I’m sure younger keepers have no issue ordering online but any advice would be appreciated!

Edit: Thanks everyone for the suggestions, I’ll be ordering in the next week or so and will post what I went with 💪

10:26 UTC


Can y'all stop raising your hands every time you get scored on?

It makes us look like victim bitches.

09:52 UTC


Tips for 7 a side

I've recently started playing in a 7/8 a side league as a goalkeeper and I was wondering are ther any tips that have helped other goalkeepers that may also help me.

The goals are 16 feet by 7 feet so diving isn't an issue for me (5 foot 9)

The shots I struggle most with are the hard straight/knuckleball shots. Especially since the pitch is smaller players can get in the way etc.

What's the best way to deal with this issue.


20:53 UTC


10 yo epic save

10 yo with an epic save

16:09 UTC

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