Subreddit for Gjøvik og omegn.
Subreddit for Gjøvik og omegn (Toten?). La oss holde språket norsk så langt det lar seg gjøre, og normal reddikette gjelder.
I am staying in Gjovik over the coming weekend with a few friends and would like to do some fishing while we are there. Do you know of a way to rent some equipment or do a guided fishing excursion? If not, any suggestions on what to do?
Vet noen når B41 kjører fra sykehuset etter kl 12?
Hei kjære redditorer! Har et håp om at noen her kan si noe om kapasiteten på Bane NORs pendlerparkering ved Gjøvik stasjon? Er det ofte fullt e.l.?
Skal en helgtur til gjøvik i helga. Er det noen utesteder å dra på som har id18?
[SOLVED] My friend and I need help transporting both of us and out Motorcycles to Larvik or Oslo. My motorcycle has broken down and all MC places we have talked to doesnt have the part in stock, or can only get it next week.
We are looking for someone with a van and a few hours to spare. We can pay 1000 NOK with bank transfer or mobilepay.
Og hvordan kan jeg finne ut hvem som er ansvarlig for "min" veg ? Det er helt håpløst her. Dårlig hele vinteren.
Hi all, I am considering applying to Gjøvik IT Security for my master's, and I’d like to apply for dormitories through sit. How well are the rooms maintained? I saw some pictures on the sit site but those are from way back, before anyone occupied the rooms. Can someone provide some pictures or info on the state of the dorm rooms, please? Cheers!
godt nytt år