This is the official hub for all Geoguessr Challenges! Visit our companion subreddit, r/geoguessr, to share Streetview finds, memes, maps you've created, and official news, or to engage in general game discussion.
[1] - Zooming/rotating, moving, external assistance allowed.
[2] - Zooming/rotating, moving allowed. External assistance prohibited.
[3] - Zooming/rotating allowed. Moving and External assistance prohibited
[4] - Zooming/rotating, moving, and External assistance prohibited.
[5] - Zooming/rotating, moving, and External assistance prohibited. 20 seconds time limit per guess.
CHALLENGE 11 IS STILL OPEN! I'm going out to dinner, so am posting Challenge 12 early.
Link to challenge 12 (series 5 - last in series). I will announce who won and who came second when I close Challenge 11 some time in the early hours of the morning. I'm going out for dinner tonight, so thought I'd send this now.
Table will also be updated below!
Whoever ends up winning challenge 11, we know that Wadim has won the series because he only needed one point (which he did), but it was not a whitewash this time and this only happened just before this challenge. As explained at the start of the series, the new rule is that while Wadim can still add to his points tally in the twelfth challenge (another 3 points if closest), whoever is second will also get 3 points, and whoever is third will get 2 points. All other 25k'ers get 1 point, as before.
Today's are all straightforward, so there should be quite a few 25Ks.
This is the twelfth (and last) of the fifth series based on my own GeoDetective map. No moving, no time-limit (take your time!). There is always a clue somewhere that will help you pinpoint the location, some are easier than others. Feel free to leave walkthroughs in comments or ask where the clue was if you missed it, but always use the spoiler tag so as not to >!spoil !<it for others! Official coverage only.
Hello everyone!
Reddit League is back!
For those of you who have never heard of Reddit League before, it is a 1v1 competition where players face off against each other directly over the course of 13 weeks and multiple divisions on a variety of maps to crown an eventual winner.
Here are the rules for Season 10 (subject to slight changes over the course of preseason. If i promised to include a certain rule this season but forgot about it, please let me know)
Changes to previous seasons in red. Please read through them carefully.
The major change to last season is:
How do established players re-sign up?
Just as in previous season, please leave a comment below this post, or send me a private message on Reddit or Discord (calamityx7) that you're in again. I will tag everyone who is eligible to re-sign up from last season below this post. You will not be tagged if you have taken part in a previous season but not last season, however you also fall under this category. The sign-up period for these players ends on the 4th of March 17:00 CEST.
Reddit League NXT players and players relegated from D5:
You will also be tagged and can sign up by simply telling me you're in again. You can choose not to play pre-season and continue in NXT straight away. If you wish to do that, please specify, otherwise, I will enter you into pre-season by default.
How do newcomers sign up?
Newcomers are able to sign-up by leaving a comment below this post with their Geoguessr Name, their home country and a link to their GG-profile. Please be aware, that only sign-ups from players that have played at least 250 regular games with an account age of at least 6 months can be accepted. The deadline for the sign-up is on Monday, 17th of February 17:00 CEST.
An important note to all newcomers who want to sign-up: Please be aware that participating in the Reddit League can be very time consuming. Season 10 will approximately be lasting at least until the start of July and there will be one leg per week. Many participants invest a lot of time and effort in practicing and mid-season quitters are a thorn in the side for everyone. So please only sign up if you are sure that you'll be able to stick to this weekly schedule.
The preseason will take place on the following maps (in order, all handpicked):
The draw for the regular season has given us the following (in order):
The goal here is to get a perfect score, everyday, no matter how long it takes you. Of course you can move, pan and zoom.
Lowest time wins, although this is more a personal challenge, to be patient and persevere.
Comment below on how you found hints, what made it difficult... That's half the fun of the challenge!
Challenge link for today:
Link to challenge 11 (series 5). Congratulations to Zoidbergeo (3 points, 20 yards) and jackES (2 points, 21 yards). All other 25k'ers get 1 point. Table updated below!
Today's are all straightforward. I don't know which will take the longest: possibly R1. But none of them should take too long. And always remember: this is not a timed challenge; it's all about accuracy so, take your time!
This is the eleventh of the fifth series based on my own GeoDetective map. No moving, no time-limit (take your time!). There is always a clue somewhere that will help you pinpoint the location, some are easier than others. Feel free to leave walkthroughs in comments or ask where the clue was if you missed it, but always use the spoiler tag so as not to >!spoil !<it for others! Official coverage only.
This series will feature college basketball arenas. There's no shortage of ranked matchups this week, however there's just one top-5 matchup on the schedule as #5 Florida will face #1 Auburn on Saturday.
Please feel free to leave your walkthroughs in the comments, I enjoy reading them and the feedback can be helpful.
Link to challenge 10 (series 5). I'll fill in the congratulations after 1AM CET when the previous challenge closes.
Congratulations to Ruffinnen (3 points, 8 yards) and to jackES (2 points, 9 yards). Every other 25k'er gets 1 point. Table updated below.
Today's is by far the HARDEST I've ever done. It's not intentional, it just so happened. I do not believe there will be anyone getting under 30 yards, so if you don't do well after the first four, don't give up. But always remember: this is not a timed challenge; it's all about accuracy so, take your time!
This is the tenth of the fifth series based on my own GeoDetective map. No moving, no time-limit (take your time!). There is always a clue somewhere that will help you pinpoint the location, some are easier than others. Feel free to leave walkthroughs in comments or ask where the clue was if you missed it, but always use the spoiler tag so as not to >!spoil !<it for others! Official coverage only.
*2.5 minutes per round
Total 25k's:
Pdong (3), Shapirod91 (2), UrbanIndianapolis (3), RTLewis123 (3), Bwilu (2), DashOneTwelve (3), CherrieAnnie, Patche_Geo (2), thisguy, Shapirod91, BKGeo, Brussels Waffles, Brian, Plouky, Totoradio
Link to challenge 9 (series 5). Congratulations to Wadim (3 points, 10 yards) and to jackES (2 points, 15 yards). All other 25k'ers get 1 point. Table is below.
Wadim: Please tell us how you managed to get the Andaman Island location so accurately in the last challenge (Round 4) because the map did not correlate accurately with the footage. A lot of people are wondering whether you are cheating, but I want to give you the benefit of the doubt and the right to reply Thank you.
The hardest today will be R2, not just because it may take you a while to find, but you are unlikely to get it pinpoint it exactly because it's not at a road junction. Neither is R3 for that matter (though it'll be a lot easier to find). However, with so many of the road junctions being inaccurate anyway, sometimes judging how off-centre one is to a building can occasionally bring better results, in my experience!
This is the ninth of the fifth series based on my own GeoDetective map. No moving, no time-limit (take your time!). There is always a clue somewhere that will help you pinpoint the location, some are easier than others. Feel free to leave walkthroughs in comments or ask where the clue was if you missed it, but always use the spoiler tag so as not to >!spoil !<it for others! Official coverage only.
Welcome to a series that features diplomatic missions around the world. Embassies, consulates, representative offices, international organizations, and more are all included. Moving IS allowed and the time limit is five minutes.
Please feel free to leave your walkthroughs in the comments, I enjoy reading them and the feedback can be helpful.
This series will feature user-submitted photospheres and may be anywhere in the world. I hope you enjoy!
Please feel free to leave your walkthroughs in the comments, I enjoy reading them and the feedback can be helpful.
The goal here is to get a perfect score, everyday, no matter how long it takes you. Of course you can move, pan and zoom.
Lowest time wins, although this is more a personal challenge, to be patient and persevere.
Comment below on how you found hints, what made it difficult... That's half the fun of the challenge!
Challenge link for today:
Link to challenge 8 (series 5). Congratulations to quite a few of you today: Wadim and Schtroumpf (3 points, 8 yards) and to derPate, FtoT Tin0F, Grategis and Lyloor (2 points, 9 yards). All other 25k'ers get 1 point. Table is below.
Today's is a relatively accessible bunch. Funnily enough, the one you will think will be the hardest (R4) is relatively simple, whereas the one you think will be the easiest (R5) will probably take you a while to find (I may be wrong).
Remember: there's no extra points for doing it quickly: take your time!
This is the eighth of the fifth series based on my own GeoDetective map. No moving, no time-limit (take your time!). There is always a clue somewhere that will help you pinpoint the location, some are easier than others. Feel free to leave walkthroughs in comments or ask where the clue was if you missed it, but always use the spoiler tag so as not to >!spoil !<it for others! Official coverage only.
This series will feature international airports from around the world. It is a [3] so moving is not allowed.
Please feel free to leave your walkthroughs in the comments, I enjoy reading them and the feedback can be helpful.
[Challenge Link] (https://www.geoguessr.com/challenge/v9dKaCq7wm4fGc1m)
This series will feature interesting and unique locations within the USA (50 states only, official Google coverage only, no Gen 1). This is a no moving series with no time limit. Best of luck!
Series High Score: 20187, solarsensei
The goal here is to get a perfect score, everyday, no matter how long it takes you. Of course you can move, pan and zoom.
Lowest time wins, although this is more a personal challenge, to be patient and persevere.
Comment below on how you found hints, what made it difficult... That's half the fun of the challenge!
Challenge link for today:
Link to challenge 7 (series 5). Congratulations to Patche_Geo (3 points, 20 yards) and to Geoff Duffield and to derPate (2 points, 22 yards). All other 25k'ers get 1 point. Table is below.
Today's are pinpointable as always. I guess R3 may be the hardest to find initially, though I was exactly at that place in 2017 on holiday so I would recognise it instantly, which won't help you at all :D
This is the seventh of the fifth series based on my own GeoDetective map. No moving, no time-limit (take your time!). There is always a clue somewhere that will help you pinpoint the location, some are easier than others. Feel free to leave walkthroughs in comments or ask where the clue was if you missed it, but always use the spoiler tag so as not to >!spoil !<it for others! Official coverage only.
I haven't quite fallen a whole week behind on the series, but I'm getting close...
GG CherrieAnnie for getting the only 25k on Iron Curtain!
From the suggestions, I added a Japan map, and queued it for this week's challenge. Good luck! I'll keep adding the other suggestions in the coming weeks.
The Stochastic maps are large randomly-generated maps that use population data to place locations where people live. Generally, locations will be in populated areas, though rural areas with even a few structures nearby appear as well. I made these maps because most maps tend to focus on rural locations and meta-learnable locations, but I generally find urban areas more interesting to roam around. And while World
is much more urban than it used to be, its distribution is perplexingly strange. I hope other people find them interesting as well.
I welcome any feedback about maps to include, mode + time settings, standings, summary statistics of interest and how they're displayed - whatever. Particularly, with the rotating country maps, please feel welcome to suggest any country you would like to see added to the list.
Map | Mode | Challenge Link |
A Stochastic Populated World | Moving 2 Minutes | Challenge Link |
An Equitable Stochastic Populated World | No Move 1 Minute | Challenge Link |
A Skewed Stochastic Populated World | No Move / Pan / Zoom 30 Seconds | Challenge Link |
A Stochastic Populated Japan | Moving 4 Minutes | Challenge Link |
A Stochastic Populated Spanish-Speaking World | No Move 1:30 | Challenge Link |
Each week has 5 challenge links, with three standard maps (Stochastic Populated World, Equitable Stochastic Populated World, and Skewed Stochastic Populated World), and two other Stochastic maps chosen from rotating lists: One world or large-region map, and one country-specific map. The type of challenge (moving, no move, or no-move/pan/zoom) and duration are selected at random.
The top 5 players on each challenge link (myself excluded) are awarded series points: 5 points to 1st place, through 1 point for 5th place, with ties broken by the time taken. Ties in the all-time standings are broken by the sum of scores from all games played. (I might not stick with this standing scheme.)
Player | # Games | Total Score | Series Points |
Patche_Geo | 15 | 294685 | 35 |
CherrieAnnie | 15 | 278806 | 26 |
Ruffinnen | 15 | 277792 | 23 |
Wadim | 15 | 274218 | 22 |
plouky | 15 | 274505 | 20 |
d1e5el | 5 | 97881 | 14 |
I played this map | 15 | 249718 | 9 |
Cdt Lamberty | 15 | 238254 | 9 |
GGMU_EVAN | 14 | 167420 | 9 |
riri22 | 6 | 104148 | 9 |
Stochastic Sunday #53 - 2025-01-19
User | A Stochastic Populated World | An Equitable Stochastic Populated World | A Skewed Stochastic Populated World | A Stochastic Populated Germany | A Stochastic Populated Iron Curtain | Total |
CherrieAnnie | 18,179 | 22,465 | 18,364 | 16,300 | 🤩 25,000 GG! | 100,308 |
Wadim | 20,363 | 22,499 | 14,648 | 17,178 | 24,446 | 99,134 |
Erwan C | 16,355 | 20,910 | 18,404 | 19,183 | 23,651 | 98,503 |
plouky | 15,898 | 19,525 | 22,078 | 16,384 | 23,480 | 97,365 |
Guybrush Threepwood | 17,800 | 21,582 | 16,728 | 16,589 | 23,350 | 96,049 |
Patche_Geo | 17,876 | 21,970 | 16,062 | 14,159 | 24,972 | 95,039 |
Ruffinnen | 16,806 | 18,335 | 13,075 | 19,247 | 24,998 | 92,461 |
I played this map | 13,962 | 21,729 | 17,538 | 15,159 | 19,684 | 88,072 |
MiraMatt | 15,584 | 18,854 | 17,552 | 12,308 | 22,764 | 87,062 |
adaisyx | 13,104 | 21,212 | 14,145 | 18,681 | 18,979 | 86,121 |
Gronoob | 15,263 | 15,351 | 18,244 | 14,688 | 18,706 | 82,252 |
DAVIDESCU | 10,413 | 18,210 | 13,881 | 12,374 | 24,958 | 79,836 |
Matias Nicolich | 13,455 | 16,908 | 11,677 | 17,665 | 19,619 | 79,324 |
sebkierst | 12,779 | 21,151 | 18,250 | 23,594 | --- | 75,774 |
László Horváth | 12,119 | 16,187 | 13,873 | 10,432 | 20,542 | 73,153 |
Cdt Lamberty | 12,712 | 21,478 | 14,011 | 6,264 | 18,527 | 72,992 |
Zeta | 15,551 | 20,162 | 14,592 | 10,835 | 11,300 | 72,440 |
LivelyHorizon788 | 14,155 | 18,702 | 13,372 | 13,070 | 12,718 | 72,017 |
FR-TR | 10,090 | 17,661 | 12,754 | 11,473 | 14,937 | 66,915 |
Thorsidius | 11,852 | 15,944 | 6,551 | 24,632 | 7,465 | 66,444 |
Jens_K | 13,653 | 19,517 | 11,506 | 21,161 | --- | 65,837 |
Brigitta Horváth | 12,169 | 14,877 | 10,121 | 10,712 | 17,848 | 65,727 |
d1e5el | 18,761 | 21,145 | 22,108 | --- | --- | 62,014 |
melat0nin | 7,546 | 17,322 | 12,446 | 9,575 | 14,478 | 61,367 |
GGMU_EVAN | 12,520 | 17,950 | 13,521 | 5,118 | 6,550 | 55,659 |
Tinvn | 10,995 | 15,926 | 10,854 | 5,745 | 9,455 | 52,975 |
riri22 | 12,301 | 20,852 | 19,582 | --- | --- | 52,735 |
Adrienguyotsionnest | 14,316 | 8,207 | 13,385 | --- | 13,098 | 49,006 |
Ivan Semushin | 17,402 | 20,482 | 8,401 | --- | --- | 46,285 |
DashOneTwelve | 13,364 | 17,799 | 9,106 | --- | --- | 40,269 |
Stu | 8,201 | 10,773 | 11,336 | 7,613 | 1,175 | 39,098 |
melkari | 7,812 | 18,227 | 11,464 | --- | --- | 37,503 |
sigusr3 | 11,137 | 9,700 | --- | 10,033 | --- | 30,870 |
blissterrz | 9,598 | 12,282 | 8,619 | --- | --- | 30,499 |
JTbtw | 10,315 | 16,592 | --- | --- | --- | 26,907 |
Evander Harold Amorcillo | 5,178 | 9,418 | 4,783 | 6,858 | --- | 26,237 |
Jk0496 | 12,681 | 10,485 | --- | --- | --- | 23,166 |
Markamarkaa123 | 13,326 | 7,217 | --- | --- | --- | 20,543 |
Anonymous | 9,416 | --- | 14 | --- | 0 | 9,430 |
Bent Roggeman | --- | --- | --- | 7,062 | --- | 7,062 |
Round difficulty, based on the average score compared to all rounds in the series so far, regardless of map and type:
A Stochastic Populated World - NMPZ 45s
: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️ - Avg: 3,769 (530.8 km); Best: 10.7 kmHU
: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️ - Avg: 2,937 (1,838.3 km); Best: 48.0 kmBR
: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⬜️ - Avg: 1,638 (4,069.4 km); Best: 6.2 kmQA
: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️ - Avg: 3,975 (642.7 km); Best: 1.5 kmUS
: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ - Avg: 886 (2,919.5 km); Best: 841.5 kmAn Equitable Stochastic Populated World - NM 120s
: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️ - Avg: 3,929 (516.7 km); Best: 14 m - GG CherrieAnnie!RO
: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️ - Avg: 4,003 (424.8 km); Best: 10.6 kmGB
: ⭐️⭐️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️ - Avg: 4,415 (976.6 km); Best: 745.4 mID
: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⬜️ - Avg: 1,895 (1,794.7 km); Best: 401.8 kmID
: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️ - Avg: 3,116 (1,194.8 km); Best: 37.4 kmA Skewed Stochastic Populated World - NMPZ 75s
: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️ - Avg: 4,034 (1,043.5 km); Best: 22.7 kmIN
: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⬜️ - Avg: 1,613 (4,523.6 km); Best: 110.8 kmLU
: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️ - Avg: 3,586 (979.9 km); Best: 911.5 mBR
: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ - Avg: 690 (4,744.4 km); Best: 1.8 kmFR
: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️ - Avg: 3,591 (891.2 km); Best: 47.5 kmA Stochastic Populated Germany - M 120s
: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ - Avg: 1,240 (306.2 km); Best: 36 m - GG Thorsidius!DE
: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️ - Avg: 3,753 (70.9 km); Best: 18 m - GG Ruffinnen!DE
: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⬜️ - Avg: 2,153 (172.7 km); Best: 1.1 kmDE
: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⬜️⬜️ - Avg: 2,359 (128.4 km); Best: 114 m - GG Thorsidius!DE
: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️ - Avg: 4,085 (48.5 km); Best: 5 m - GG DAVIDESCU!A Stochastic Populated Iron Curtain - M 240s
: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️ - Avg: 3,289 (721.5 km); Best: 2 m - GG CherrieAnnie!DE
: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️ - Avg: 3,207 (775.9 km); Best: 2 m - GG I played this map!CZ
: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️ - Avg: 4,147 (675.3 km); Best: 2 m - GG plouky!UA
: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⬜️⬜️ - Avg: 2,623 (1,005.2 km); Best: 9 m - GG CherrieAnnie!SK
: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️ - Avg: 3,761 (716.7 km); Best: 0 m - GG Ruffinnen!A Stochastic Populated World: This map uses unadjusted population data, to give every person on earth an equal chance of appearing in the game, if there is Streetview coverage where they live.
An Equitable Stochastic Populated World: This map uses an adjusted population designed to increase the variety of locations that appear, while still favoring more populous countries and more populated areas.
A Skewed Stochastic Populated World: A stochastic homage to the famous A Skewed World, this map turns the camera to the side of the road, hiding the more widely known street-based clues.
A Stochastic Populated Japan: A single country map of Japan. Time to memorize power pole plates!
A Stochastic Populated Spanish-Speaking World: This map focuses on Spanish-speaking countries (as well as Puerto Rico) with official coverage.
The goal here is to get a perfect score, everyday, no matter how long it takes you. Of course you can move, pan and zoom.
Lowest time wins, although this is more a personal challenge, to be patient and persevere.
Comment below on how you found hints, what made it difficult... That's half the fun of the challenge!
Challenge link for today:
Welcome to a series that features diplomatic missions around the world. Embassies, consulates, representative offices, international organizations, and more are all included. Moving IS allowed and the time limit is five minutes.
Please feel free to leave your walkthroughs in the comments, I enjoy reading them and the feedback can be helpful.
The next installment in the series featuring locations at various international ports around the world. It's a [3] so moving is not allowed.
Please feel free to post your walkthrough in the comments, I enjoy reading them and the feedback can be helpful.
Link to challenge 6 (series 5). Congratulations to both RTLewis and velo taf who both get 3 points (12 yards), and to lennyh, Okurka and Bouli who all get 2 points (13 yards). All other 25k'ers get 1 point. Table is below.
Today's will be straightforward until R5. You'll probably know where you are in R5, but it may take a bit of scanning. Sorry in advance. But R4 is so easy, it's only fair that R5 is a bit tougher. No need to rush: this is about closeness, not the time you take!
This is the sixth of the fifth series based on my own GeoDetective map. No moving, no time-limit (take your time!). There is always a clue somewhere that will help you pinpoint the location, some are easier than others. Feel free to leave walkthroughs in comments or ask where the clue was if you missed it, but always use the spoiler tag so as not to >!spoil !<it for others! Official coverage only.
Hello! This is another challenge featuring roads that were used in pro cycling races throughout the 2025 season.
Link to the challenge here. Good luck!
With update #2, 69 locations from the 2nd week of the season (Jan 20 - Jan 26) have been added to the map, which now counts 82 total locations.
The scope of the map is still pretty small, as only a handful of races have already taken place. Still, at least this week the map features locations from more than one country.
A detail of the new races added:
Additionally the Tour du Sahel took place in Mauritania, but no locations were added as that country is not on Street View.
The goal here is to get a perfect score, everyday, no matter how long it takes you. Of course you can move, pan and zoom.
Lowest time wins, although this is more a personal challenge, to be patient and persevere.
Comment below on how you found hints, what made it difficult... That's half the fun of the challenge!
Challenge link for today:
Link to challenge 5 (series 5). Congratulations to both Trashmaster and Ruffinnen who both get 3 points (11 yards), and a four-way tie in second means that Wadim, Schtroumpf, ColHawkeye and PhobosDeimos all get 2 points (13 yards). All other 25k'ers get 1 point. Table is below.
Today's is fairly straightforward, though R5 might take you the longest. Unless you have heard of the place already. But it's definitely interesting!
This is the fifth of the fifth series based on my own GeoDetective map. No moving, no time-limit (take your time!). There is always a clue somewhere that will help you pinpoint the location, some are easier than others. Feel free to leave walkthroughs in comments or ask where the clue was if you missed it, but always use the spoiler tag so as not to >!spoil !<it for others! Official coverage only.
NOTE: The Reddit title is incorrect. It is meant to read International General Aviation Airports #79.
This series will feature international airports from around the world that do not receive regularly-scheduled or charter international flights, but still have the designation of an international airport for private flights, emergency landings, and other purposes. It is a [3] so moving is not allowed.
Please feel free to leave your walkthroughs in the comments, I enjoy reading them and the feedback can be helpful.
The next installment in the series featuring locations at various international border checkpoints. It's a [3] so moving is not allowed.
Please feel free to post your walkthrough in the comments, I enjoy reading them and the feedback can be helpful.
The goal here is to get a perfect score, everyday, no matter how long it takes you. Of course you can move, pan and zoom.
Lowest time wins, although this is more a personal challenge, to be patient and persevere.
Comment below on how you found hints, what made it difficult... That's half the fun of the challenge!
Challenge link for today:
Link to challenge 4 (series 5). Congratulations to Wadim (3 points, 15 yards) and both Brussels Waffles and plouky get 2 points (20 yards). All other 25k'ers get 1 point. However, it's a perfectly credible looking attempt by Wadim which took him over an hour, so no suspicions there.
Today's are as always pinpointable, though none of them are particularly simple. Hard to know which one will take you the longest, probably R2.
This is the fourth of the fifth series based on my own GeoDetective map. No moving, no time-limit (take your time!). There is always a clue somewhere that will help you pinpoint the location, some are easier than others. Feel free to leave walkthroughs in comments or ask where the clue was if you missed it, but always use the spoiler tag so as not to >!spoil !<it for others! Official coverage only.
Link to challenge 3 (series 5). Congratulations to Ruffinnen (3 points, 15 yards) and Davits Timo (2 points 17 yards). All other 25k'ers get 1 point. Wadim continues in the game for the time being for making a far more believable guess, but next time you score an amazing result, please write in the comments, because you were close to getting the Vaziz treatment :D Table is below.
Today's R2 fulfils hopefully a recent request, but R3 will make you panic (however, it should be clear which country it is, and once you get close it's surprisingly easy to pinpoint - one or two of you may even have once been there). But as always, this is not a timed challenge, so take you time!
This is the third of the fifth series based on my own GeoDetective map. No moving, no time-limit (take your time!). There is always a clue somewhere that will help you pinpoint the location, some are easier than others. Feel free to leave walkthroughs in comments or ask where the clue was if you missed it, but always use the spoiler tag so as not to >!spoil !<it for others! Official coverage only.
Total 25k's:
Pdong (3), Shapirod91 (2), UrbanIndianapolis (2), RTLewis123 (2), Bwilu (2), DashOneTwelve (2), CherrieAnnie, Patche_Geo (2), thisguy, Shapirod91, BKGeo, Brussels Waffles, Brian, Plouky, Totoradio