
Photograph via snooOG

An inclusive community for anyone who fits in the Venn diagram of LGBT and engineer, or is just a huge nerd. Loosely based on the smbc comic, and an offshoot of /r/gaymers.


893 Subscribers


From Biomedical Engineer to Coder

Hi guys, recently i have been struggling with what i want for my career, im not longer want to be Biomedical engineer and i want be coder, i know a little bit of Java but i would like to learn swift/IOS and focus my career path on this field, any suggestions ,tips or comments about swift environment?

Greetings from Mexico :D!

18:08 UTC


SF engineers / students

Does anyone happen to know of a good SF or nation wide lgbt engineering IG page where people can socialize?

22:22 UTC


Help building LGBT database


I'm building a website: http://www.pridesummit.com and need volunteers to help develop it. The purpose of the site is to link peoples interests with LGBT people. Reach out if your a coder or have any ideas for the site. The code is seen at: https://github.com/robwblake/Pridesummit-code


21:57 UTC


More churches should be LGBT affirming

20:39 UTC


Fellow engineers! Any interest to revive this subreddit?

Someone posted an engineering-related thread in /r/askgaybros and I'd remembered this place after seeing it. Let's talk nerdy to each other! -_- :P

Roll call? Materials engineer here, metallurgy focus.

15:11 UTC


Searching for Facilities Management professionals!

This sub is pretty quiet but I'm sure there are some lurkers like me. So, I'm wondering if there is anybody here who works in the engineering side of facilities management? I'd love to connect with other gay men (or women) in a similar field to mine.

12:22 UTC


LGBTQ Participants Needed For Online Study on Intimate Relationships. Have your voice heard in research! [Master's Thesis Project]

I am a Master's student in Clinical Psychology at Queen's University, and my passion is in conducting inclusive sex research and making sure that LGB&T voices are heard in research. I am currently completing my master's thesis that looks at how different couple constellations negotiate and navigate sexual problems. We are currently recruiting participants in intimate romantic relationships who have been dating a minimum of three months for an online study on sexual problems and sexual well-being. We are looking for participants in ALL relationships with any level of sexual satisfaction, with or without sexual problems or concerns. We greatly appreciate everyone who is able to participate and/or able to help us spread the word. (link to our twitter: https://twitter.com/QSexLab/status/700710369988210688). Thanks you for your help in conducting inclusive sex research! *****To participate visit: https://surveys.psyc.queensu.ca/SWBR.aspx ~Note: There is also a 'save and exit' button in the survey if you would prefer to complete it over multiple sittings.

15:21 UTC


bisexual in civil engineering


I'm going to be going into the field of environmental engineering quite soon. I graduate in May. I love my field. It makes me extremely happy. (I had an internship this summer in it.) But my field is also extremely heteronormative. As I am sure many of you are aware.

Pretty much the great majority of advice I have received about being bisexual in civil engineering is "Stay in the closet." Which I understand. Does anyone have any advice about my field specifically? If you have come out in my field what has been your experience? If you have stayed in the closet how have you done it?

(As far as I can tell mechanical has a culture a lot like civil. So if you're in mechanical that will help, too.)


21:35 UTC


Automation Engineer (SDET)? Let's hear from you!

What's your specialty? Languages? Scrum or Waterfall? Let's hear where and how you guys work!

04:50 UTC


Anyone else studying for the GRE?

I've bene procrastinating all day. All. Day. Someone distract me and tell me what to do with my life.

1 Comment
19:49 UTC


Advice on getting a PhD?

Not really a gay-specific question but I'm looking into getting a PhD by research. Any tips from fellow engineers who have gone down that path?

EDIT: Just some background. After my undergrad, I worked in industry (albeit in a faux-engineering/management staff position) for a while so I had an idea of what it's like. I had lots of interactions with process engineers so I get what they do as well. I decided to look into an academe/research path because I felt it suits me better. There's just lots of uncertainty that's why I wanna read stories about people who have done a PhD.

06:48 UTC


Homophobic companies?

I'm really lucky to be in a place that's very accepting. Are there any companies or locations that are not welcoming for lgbt software engineers? I'm curious about other STEM fields as well.

19:30 UTC


Any one here a neuroengineer or think you may be interested in it?

I know it's not quite a fully developed field yet, but I am looking to move into it. What stinks is that there aren't many programs (only but a few) for neuroengineering, they're all under biomedical engineering. Time for some new labs! Also, expertise is welcomed. What I know is little and possibly inaccurate. Claimer stated, enlighten me.

21:35 UTC


What's a good dating site for gay engineers?

So, I heard you guys needed help because this sub reddit might be shut down. My question is, what dating site do gay engineers prefer most?

14:32 UTC


Tap, tap, tap....Is this thing on?

Just stumbled upon this subreddit in a comment thread and just wanted to say hi to everyone. "Hi Everyone!".

Any fellow field/construction engineers out there? I just wanted to see if anyone had any coming out or odd conversation experiences with laborers or roughnecks. I've found most (99%) of the guys to be pretty accepting - oddly they're more racist than homophobic. And one of the crews has a openly gay straw (a guy under the foreman). I found it pretty cool considering the laborers and inspectors are mostly HS educated and from TX, OK and AR. Definitely had my fair share of titty bar invites, even when they know I'm out. I think they just wanted me to buy them drinks...

Quick summary: I'm working on a 600 mile pipeline construction project stretching from IL and OK. I've been intermittently on the road since October 2013 and I have one more week left (woohoo!).

13:38 UTC


ever feel like you're the only gaygineering student anywhere near you?

I do, a lot. I'm glad to have found this subreddit. Kinda feel like I'm imploding after going back to school to study mechanical engineering. I'm in a southern school in a not-so-large city and am struggling to not worry about what would happen if my classmates/teachers found out about me.

Do you guys know many other gaygineers (outside of redditt)? Do your classmates and/or colleagues know? If you struggle with it like I do, how do you deal with feeling so different than the other guys?

Thanks for letting me vent.


18:13 UTC


So are gay engineers a common thing?

(sorry if stupid post) Just wondering because I feel like it's really a coincidence that there's an entire subreddit dedicated to it of all professions out there for gay people as well as the fact that I want to become an engineer, I'm a guy and nothing turns me on quite like, well, this and...oh yeah this.

So how common are gay engineers? I hope it's common enough to start a new stereotype: "Gays are scum of the earth! They love other guys! And dress well! And are....smart and...get degrees...and work hard...and lead productive lives...SHUTTUP THEY ARE SCUM I JUST KNOW IT!"


21:13 UTC


What sites are most useful/visited by us gaygineers?

Didn't have anything to contribute other than more social bookmarking sites. Just curious what others find helpful or read often.

19:53 UTC


Identity Hackers: NYC Meetup for LGBT hackers! (Wed, Nov. 28)

From the yearly intro, it seems there are a bunch of us in the NYC area.

jorgeortiz85 and I recently started Identity Hackers, a Meetup group for, well, GLBT hackers in the NYC area!

Our first meetup is on Wednesday at 7:00 at Queen Vic (68 Second Ave, @E4th St), and we'd love to see you all there! More info (and some SMBC love) here: http://www.meetup.com/Identity-Hackers/events/91106962/

1 Comment
21:57 UTC


I don't know what to call this post, but I need advice that only gaygineers can give.

I'm a high school senior living in Texas. Basically I am split between two great engineering schools because of money and the freedom to be myself. Financially, UT Austin is my choice; happiness-wise, there's no doubt I want to go to USC.

My parents recently found out that I'm gay, so they've implied that their financial help is dependent on me keeping it a secret while I attend UT because it's closer to home and they can keep an eye on me. My other choice is to leave their bigotry behind, go study in California on student loans, and get a job there when I graduate.

There are a lot of things going on that I'm not explaining thoroughly, but what it comes down to is this: Do I shoulder $200,000 of student debt to get out of Texas, leave an unaccepting family behind, and go to my dream school or do I suck it up, shove myself back into the closet for the next 4 years of my life (I'm happily out to all of my friends already), and go to UT?

It's a long story, but if you're interested in the whole situation, here's the link. http://www.reddit.com/r/gaybros/comments/srfyr/im_not_one_to_ask_the_internet_for_help_but_i/

21:50 UTC


Are there any organizations (aside from this subreddit) for lgbt engineers?

I have googled my heart out but I'm thinking this is the only home for gaygineers.

18:08 UTC


Any advice, gaygineers, on what field I should go into?

So! I was originally planning on doing communications, because yeah, it is my passion, but I don't think my passion needs to be the same as my job. I want to do good; I hope to go to grad school at Queens for applied sustainability. However, I'm not sure what kind of engineering to do my undergrad in. So I have a couple of questions!

  • Can a chemical engineer, if I take environmental electives, do the same work as an environmental engineer?

  • If I want to help the environment and help make the world more sustainable, should I do environmental, water resource, chemical, civil or green processing for my undergrad? I honestly just want to help people. However, doing environmental, water resourcing or green processing would mean not going to my first choice. Basically, I'm asking should I do a broader undergrad degree or something more specific?


1 Comment
21:58 UTC

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