r/Futuremoe has gone private in protest of Reddit’s planned changes to the API. This change negatively impacts third-party tools, accessibility, and moderation, ultimately forcing users to accept worse terms for their experience on the website.
For further information, please see: https://www.theverge.com/2023/6/8/23754780/reddit-api-updates-changes-news-announcements
A place for your love for future aesthetics and anime art.
Future fashion, new technology, androids, cyberpunk vibes, post-apocalyptic landscapes, futuristic military tech, mechas, cyborgs, prosthetics, utopian society...
What awaits us in the future?
Submission rules:
All posts must be related to future aesthetics and anime style.
Please try to include the series name in your title.
Characters not from any series are tagged as [Original].
Original content made by you is tagged as [OC]
If possible, try to mention the image source in comments, usually a Pixiv or Twitter link.
No reposts from top 100 or 3 month period of time. To check, please use: RedditBooru
(We do have a bot on trial that clears out reposts from less than 3 months ago)
NSFW rules
NSFW content is allowed, but overly sexual content is not allowed. This subreddit focuses more on the future aesthetics, rather than full sex appeal. Also, no minors.
AI Art
AI art is allowed. Please use the "AI Art"-tag for such content.
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