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Also, are these figures really even relevant anymore?
Heyhey! I've been hyperfixating on a House MD character for a little while now and I'd love to commission a funko pop, but all the ones on etsy are 130+ and shipping is almost 50 bucks on there for me. I saw some shop going from 55 bucks per pop but lost it. I was wondering if anyone has some good stores for me? I don't mind some higher prices, I just dislike shipping costs being so high on etsy for no reason at all...
Heyy^^ I want this Funko pop SO BAD but I can't find this anywhere and if I do I doubt that it's official. Can someone please help me get it?
I honestly don’t see the personal value of buying an already signed pop…all mine have been personally signed.
The factory seal tape was double taped on half of the individual boxes. The first single layer was cut. One box the tape was pealed back and they didn’t bother covering it up. Has this happened to anyone else? The order was from game stop on the mars attacks specialty exclusive which was pre-ordered.
I do also have the void scene from Loki behind the top left section of funkos but I don't really have any other place for it and it nicely lifts up those in the back lol. I do have some nice ones but I am a firm believer in buying them because I want them and not because I think they will resell well or because it's a lot of money. I also almost never buy online because I enjoy the hunt, adds to the "I can believe I found this," want of the Funko. I did buy Animal from the Muppets and the Michael Scott as Jesus online but those have been my only exceptions. I do keep my John cena and The Rock out of the box because there is not really a good place for them when in the box, because it is too tall for the edge of the book shelf.
Anyway, long talk over, I hope you like them!
I am looking to get these goobers but there so expensive and I was wondering if anyone was selling them for a cheaper price I am Canadian
My collection started to get bigger than my cabinets so I finally went open box. I’m sure this is exactly what the 1912 home had in mind.
Just added Pink and the Brain to collection.
also another flea market find! this one has been sitting for months at $20, offered $10 and they accepted!!