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We're the largest Funko Community on reddit. Keep up to date with Funko News, browse other redditors' hauls and collections, and engage in discussion about our favorite hobby.
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Chance at a chase Frankie and mystery gifts.
Pretty happy with what I got!!
They’re cool in my opinion, but I’m not sure what the value of something like these are. My hopes are to sell them but where should I start?
Hey all- wondering if anyone has any ideas here. I ordered two custom pops and yesterday got an email that my order was cancelled. There is no way to call anyone/ chat. I did email and got nothing. My coworker ordered one the same hour I did and hers was delivered already.
When setting up/displaying your pops…what makes you decide whether or not a certain pop stays inside the box vs. which goes outside? Do y’all keep the boxes of the ones that stay out? And i’m also talking in terms of solely collecting, not at all looking to re-sell any grails/rare pops I come across.
What’s better for collection tracking? I think I’ve seen more people using HobbyDB but not sure if it’s better than the Funko and if so, why?
Got em for 60€ together. Aint that bad imo
Can’t wait for this drop