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Hi! I have a growing collection and I’m running out of room on my side table. I have many more funkos coming in the mail soon! I want to put my collection on my walls but have no idea what sort of hanging shelves I should get. Can someone please help me out with an Amazon recommendation?
What do you think about this one !
Let’s say the box was perfect, how much would this roughly be worth? I’ve always wanted an adventure time collection but they are all so hard to find lol, found this in a small town off marketplace for $10.
I’ve been out the game a while, but had to jump back in when the new Futurama stuff got announced (it’s my favorite show all time). I actually got lucky with a chase or maybe they just made a lot of these, but either way I’m hyped!
I’m fairly new to collecting Funko Pops and the main reason i collect is for Naruto and i was wondering the best resources are? How do i find full lists of all the Pops from a specific show and where do i buy them? Because the official website seems to be missing a lot and amazon as well.
Hello! Sorry for the inconvenience, but I'm quite confused, I always thought that the codes on the underside of the box and the foot of the Funko were unique to each one, but with this case that I have been given a Shadow Heartless Funko and I wanted to check if it is legitimate.
I am quite confused, since I have seen that by putting its code in Google, it appears in several Disney Funko, and to complicate things further, this Funko seems to have 2 FAC codes.
Has it had some kind of reprint? It is a Funko from 7 years ago and with everything I have mentioned, it seems strange to me that they could have given it to me at a reasonable price.
My other reasons for believing that it is not legitimate:
Its head turns from its body very easily, I hardly have to use any force, although I have never had a Funko with these characteristics
The Glow Chase label seems to be a little displaced to the left of the photos that are seen on the internet.
There are glue marks, although this happens even with legitimate ones... but in the glass of the box?
According to the person who gave it to me, it came with a PET case, probably bought it on Amazon, so I don't know how reliable this is.
Could anyone who has this Funko Pop tell me if this happens to them too and they bought them at a physical retailer?
I love the Funko, but I'm pretty strict about having legitimate figures...
Thanks in advance
According to SkittleRampage on YouTube, this is what we will be getting next year!!🔥 FINALLY.
I finally got all my Bleach Funkos in!
Biggest Oswald Fan and got my first Artist Proof and it’s the Chase
Thanks to @SavagePops on whatnot
I went through all of my Funko pops and I’ve decided to sell about half of them. What is the best way to find what their true value is so I can get the best deal out of selling them? Also where is the best place to sell them?
Forgot to add the pic on the other post 😅
Long story short, went to mall in AM and saw common had to come back in PM to exchange something and figured I’d look for the chase now that I have more time. The store before this was let down by a crazy mark up on a Dream chase. Came up on this the very next store!
Holy chase!
What a mail call! Nami from this set might be one of my Top 5 fav pops.
Feel free to remove post if necessary, but any help is appreciated.
I'm moving and want to sell the ones I no longer wish to keep as shown in the photo. By using the Pop Price Guide, they're totaled at a value of $659. That's 58 funkos total, including the 2 pack and 3 packs. Would it be best to sell it as a lot or individually? Based on selling as a lot or individually, which platform would you recommend? I'd like to sell them as soon as possible but I also want to sell them at a decent price for my own pockets. Thank you in advance!
Thanks for the Friendliness