Welcome to you're "DOOM"!
DAE ever watch that show? Yanno, the one with the Xtacles and shit? and Master Cylinder? Pneumatic tubes? Can't ever go back to Arizona? The show that came BEFORE Archer?? Yeah. We did too.
Be sure to check out the subreddit for Frisky's spiritual sucessor: ArcherFX
There are so many good ones that you can slide into conversation. A "here comes trouble" every now and then or "What is this? Liquid anger!".
Which ones do you use?
Despite these troubled times, it warms my heart to know that there are other people who remember and revere this very dark, very funny, very dark (yes, dark twice) show.
I love the episodes where Killface converted to Christianity- gave Adam Reed free rein to dunk on a lot of terrible stuff they do. One of my favorite lines is when Wendell apologized for almost getting him killed: “Wendell, you are forgiven! [points at Bible] Good bit of that in here, actually…”
For some reason the phrase “Christo-fascist agenda” keeps rattling around in my head these days. Maybe it doesn’t count as prescience because it was in the air back then too, but still. Let’s hope there’s not another Ballocaust
Curious if there is any backstory to the Ashley the secretary bit they do, referencing Season 2 Episode 3.
Wouldn’t surprise me to find out this was just audio from Adam’s real life exchange or even just a reenactment augmented to fit into the storyline. Always found it slightly different from the rest of the gags and bits that he does on various shows.
Anyone have some details they have seen or background about how that bit came about?
Possible there exists “DVD Commentary” on this episode referencing this bit out there answering this question?
Please reach out to your trans homies and make sure they're ok.