"A fractal is a way of seeing infinity." ― Benoit B. Mandelbrot
News, information, discussion images and links about fractals - you know those cool psychadelic computer generated images. eg. Julia sets, Mandelbrot sets, Cantor sets, Sierpinski triangle and carpet, Menger sponge, dragon curve, space-filling curve, and Koch curve etc.
Fractal community discord: here
Currently looking for other subreddits to linkswap and help the community grow :) get in touch with fractalized if you are a mod of another subreddit and you want to link swap.
fractoid. Google play app.
Xaos. All platforms - real time fractal zooms.
Apophysis 7x.
Chaotica High quality render software
Flam4 CUDA flame render
UltraFractal Powerful and versatile editing & rendering software
Xenodream 3D software capable of producing amazing things
Other fractal related subreddits:
I would like to create fractal art where each pixel of each character of a string of text is a fractal of the whole. What direction should I head in?
I recently discovered the monumental Mu-Ency - The Encyclopedia of the Mandelbrot Set, authored by Robert Munafo, where I found about Jonathan Leavitt, a Mandelbrot Set explorer who discovered lots of original shapes thanks to a method he invented.
I was astounded by his discoveries and started exploring myself, following his steps.
On the other hand, since I read the legendary 1985 Scientific American article on the M-Set, I've been fascinated by the Distance Estimation Method, because it does really reveal the intricate shape of the M-Set itself, without relying on any outside coloring. Also, to be honest, I am a bit fed up of the general abuse of coloring in fractal art. This is a minimalist conterpoint to that, which I find very interesting.
This collection of 12 microscopic amoebas are the result of an exploration at the vicinity of one of Leavitt's images, "Meta-Zimnilla", which is also featured here in the 2nd row, 3rd column. It is astounding how varied and organic-like these little creatures are.
I hope you enjoy it!
I'm looking for a free 2D fractal explorer that I can run with my GPU, it'd be a bonus if I could make zoom videos? I've enjoyed this stuff for years but haven't looked at any software for about 15 years so is there any directions you could show me? I tried to look and got inundated with github stuff that I don't know how to compile
This is a short video on how I built an infinite reflective menger sponge. The Menger sponge is a 3D fractal created by repeatedly dividing a cube into smaller cubes and removing the central ones. This process, done infinitely, results in an object with infinite surface area but zero volume.
Pretty stoked on this one! I’m going to tinker and tighten a few more things, and throw some varnish on it. Excited to share and I hope you enjoy it🌀 8” x 10” acrylic on canvas
Calling this one "unicursal light" it's my first ever fractal that i made by manually selecting and manipulating various shapes in Jwildfire.
I recently set up an MPI cluster on a network of Ubuntu virtual machines and used it to compute the Mandelbrot and Julia sets in C++.
Ask me anything—anyone else worked with MPI, fractals, or parallel computing?