"A fractal is a way of seeing infinity." ― Benoit B. Mandelbrot
News, information, discussion images and links about fractals - you know those cool psychadelic computer generated images. eg. Julia sets, Mandelbrot sets, Cantor sets, Sierpinski triangle and carpet, Menger sponge, dragon curve, space-filling curve, and Koch curve etc.
Fractal community discord: here
Currently looking for other subreddits to linkswap and help the community grow :) get in touch with fractalized if you are a mod of another subreddit and you want to link swap.
fractoid. Google play app.
Xaos. All platforms - real time fractal zooms.
Apophysis 7x.
Chaotica High quality render software
Flam4 CUDA flame render
UltraFractal Powerful and versatile editing & rendering software
Xenodream 3D software capable of producing amazing things
Other fractal related subreddits:
10sin(tan(z^2+c)) is really cool
The answer is that the reference point selected (c in the below) has to be inside the Mandelbrot set (so that |z| <= 2.0 in the below.) See https://dirkwhoffmann.github.io/DeepDrill/docs/Theory/Perturbation.html for details. So, basically, z needs to be reset if it grows too large. I'm figuring out the code for that now.
Here's my shadertoy code. Works just fine, iTime gets up to around 85.0 before any artifacts occur.
But it only works for c = (xx, 0)! If I move the center elsewhere, e.g., (-1.45, .001), the iteration fails -- the result is either 0 or MAXITER.
I've stared at the code and double checked the math and cannot see the error.
Why does this work only for c = x + 0i ?
vec2 cmul(vec2 a, vec2 b)
return vec2(dot(a,vec2(1.0,-1.0)*b),dot(a,b.yx));
// zoom center
const vec2 c = vec2(-1.45,0.0);
const int MAXITER = 2000;
const float PI = 3.14159265;
void mainImage( out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord )
vec2 uv = (2.0*fragCoord-iResolution.xy)/iResolution.y;
float zoom = exp(iTime * 1.0);
vec2 dc = uv / zoom;
vec2 z = vec2(0.0);
vec2 dz = vec2(0.0);
int n;
for (n=0; n<MAXITER; ++n)
dz = cmul(2.0*z+dz, dz) + dc;
z = cmul(z,z) + c;
if (dot(z+dz,z+dz) > 4.0)
float x = float (n & 255) / 255.0;
fragColor = vec4(cos ((x - 2.0/6.0) * PI),
cos ((x - 3.0/6.0) * PI),
cos ((x - 4.0/6.0) * PI), 1.0);
The length between two ends of the superdupercoil would be infinite
I found this artist on X and I really like this type of abstract artwork, Is there anybody here knows how to create this? if so please help provide and info or maybe theres a tutorial link?
ps: I ask em and he said that this is a "fractal renders"
For my friend Charlie u/optecs