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Links about usage of file systems, FS implementation and theory behind implementations. Floss or proprietary, legacy or alpha-stage.

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Have You Seen a File Location Like This

I can't think of any good preamble for this, so here it is. I'm in windows 11 Resource monitor and I noticed that a lot of activity on my D: drive is going to files with locations I didn't think were legal paths in windows.


Here's a small screenshot from Resource Monitor. I can't get a clean screen cap without showing more than I'm comfortable with, but I'm seeing a dozens of files from places like


What do you know about this path format? The only theory I have is that I did have some bootloader issues because I just upgraded to win11 and it broke my dualboot. I ran some Ubuntu community boodloader repair tool, and it worked, but I noticed as it did it's thing that it was reporting the windows bootloader is on the D: drive even though my install is on the C: drive. I've definitely done a lot of arcane shit to my boot configuration and partitions over the years and I only ever sort-of know what I'm doing, so I wont be surprised if this is some EFI black magic.

Some simple context. I have no D:\0 directory. I don't have D:\Windows or D:\Users either, those directories are on C: like they should be. I've checked that in explorer and commandline tools. Everything appears to be working fine, so this isn't a cry for help, I'm just like mystified. I've never seen this before.

02:15 UTC


Unsure if this is the right place to post but here goes nothing


I'm trying to inquire about windows' file extensions for one thing in particular.

I have a music file collection that I've been gathering ever since I've gotten my first PC. As I've changed PCs over the years, I've always tried to make sure that music collection moves on along with me.

However, certain audio files have had a tendency to... and here's what I'm unsure about, either get corrupted (maybe in the process of uploading and downloading 30GBs of audio in a .zipped folder) or maybe I was hacked at some point, but here what it boils down to: the file names (not extensions) randomly got changed to gibberish (example as its seen in Winamp, #428).

Now here is what I don't remember - whether the file's original name was in Japanese or not, as this was a Final Fantasy X song, which is a Japanese game made by the Japanese.

Could this be something so simple as me not having a Japanese font in my system? Say I used to have it on the previous PC, and the song names were being properly displayed in Winamp (and in Windows Explorer) - at least I'm pretty sure they were - and now, on a new PC, I lack a Japanese font? I thought all Windows systems had at least a single generic font capable of writing and reading the Japanese language, but maybe they don't?

And if it is the case of lacking a Japanese font, I'm guessing installing one should solve the issue, right?

But see, I used to have this exact issue before, except the file got so "corrupted", to the point I wasn't even able to rename it. I kept getting some Windows Explorer error of being unable to open the file (or that it was corrupted) but I'm also pretty certain I personally wasn't meddling with that "corrupted" file myself - which is where the hacking hypothesis came from. After all, I did have my passwords compromised - I believe - 2 times during the many years, which is 2 times too many of course, but I digress.

And lately, I'm having the same issue in my Adroid phone's "generic" music player - I had (and still do) songs in the playlist on that phone that used to contain native-specific letters and the phone could read them (I always make sure I have my native language support pack downloaded AS WELL as an English pack) - but now it displays Chinese characters instead of the ones native to my country. Could my phone have been hacked or what? This seems to change "randomly", like it doesn't happen as I'm using the phone, rather after a bigger system update, when a new system version comes out. And I have not uninstalled either of the language support packs in the old or new system versions.

My phone's maker and brand is Chinese - that could or could not be related as well.

Could you guys weigh on what could possibly be happening here?

1 Comment
09:40 UTC


Please help me recover to previous btrfs from ext4.

I used to use a btrfs for home and root in endeavouros. Currently, while installing PopOs, I forgot to uncheck the format option for my home partition. As a result, both new root and home partition got formatted to ext4 filesystem. I planned on mounting/keeping the same home partition and formatting only root partition.

Please help me to recover my all files. If possible, I want to keep the whole structure as it was. I have not overwritten anything to this home partition.

09:08 UTC

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