
Photograph via snooOG

If you're still working, you're Doing It Wrong.

If you're still working, you're Doing It Wrong.

This sub is better tasting and less filling than /r/PFJerk, and it's everything /r/financialindependence wishes it could be.




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Weird question, eating habits and common meals of RICH FOLK.

So strange question. Growing up I would say I was lower class, almost pour, lived in a rural area and I didnā€™t have the best eating habits, and still probably donā€™t today.

Statistically speaking those with wealth or from wealthier backgrounds are healthier. Food wise that could be because of access to healthier food and time to be able to prepare healthier meals. As well as having the time to be able to exercise.

All of this is to ask those that are FI, what are your eating habits like? Whats a typical breakfast lunch and dinner look like? Go to snacks? Food prep? And what drives those decisions? Health? Frugality? Palette? Whatā€™s your views towards food?

I appreciate the replies in advance!


08:02 UTC


What are the interests or hobbies that opened doors to new professional relationships and friendships for you?

I have a shallow range of interests, yet I find that none of them really serve as a bridge to meeting new people. Golf is often mentioned as the go-to rich douchebag hobby but I have no interest in it. I'd like to expand my circle to people richer and more successful than me who I can suck up to.

04:33 UTC



Anyone trying it? I love the idea just have hard time eating so much

00:37 UTC


How much does your wife (or you) spend on discretionary?

Wondering what the avg burn rate is out there for FAT wives, I need a reality check

Combing through the CCs last year, my wife alone spent $26 or ~$2/mo (her own discretionary)

Hair, makeup, nails, clothes/shoes/purses, cafes and restaurants with her BF (when I'm not there), other salon and skin care stuff, girl dates or parties, the usual shopping black hole. Some stuff I am not sure what it is. Dingdongs (poor man's food?), pool boy dongs (also food?), pearl necklaces. It is getting ridongulous.

She doesn't want her own business, yet...


16:49 UTC


Terrified that I'm too old to benefit from compounding!!

Hey everyone. I've been getting into FI and RE lately. I am so glad I found it because I hate my landscaping job so much and want to quit most days. I only have one problem. I see people on here posting about how many lentils they have saved already and I'm afraid I missed the boat. I'm already 18 years old and I just started saving lentils now. I don't even have my first million lentils yet. I figure I have less than 10 decades left to save. Did any of you all start saving this late? If so, how did you make up for lost time?

09:28 UTC


Can you truly get over growing up poor?

I grew up poor. Very poor. Many times I was homeless and dumpster diving. Even when we were able to find temporary shelter, we would get robbed. Now I'm making six lentils at 35, but I still keep my old habits. I still pick up pennies off the streets. I still lick my whole plate clean and leave no crumb behind. I still have clothes with holes in them.

Can I truly get over this? I've tried letting go, but I always relapse. Been in therapy with various therapists for over 5 years now. Tried various methods of healing and I keep relapsing.


00:27 UTC


Just found out my 1 year old is allergic to lentils

How should I best prepare him for his life of destitution and poverty?

17:12 UTC


Pulling the plug is hard

Throwaway account here.

The quick stats:

  • 44M, FAANG exec, 2 kids in middle school.

  • HHI $1.5t/yr (sole income), ~$300k a year spend.

  • Investments:

    • $5.5b non-liquid (3m retirement, 2.5b PE real estate investments)
    • $8.5t liquid
    • $2.3b mortgage (home equity worth $4b)

I'm pretty confident it's enough to pull the plug on my job and not need to work. On the flip side, the job is not that hard, I like my team, and it pays well where it will build a bit more of a cushion. It feels very odd to consider continuing working though and kind of coast - I've outgrown the role, but don't have the interest to tackle something bigger at the company.

I have hobbies that know I would love doing if I had more devoted time to them during the week. My job, even though it's not very demanding, does require me to be attentive all 5 days. I'd love it if I could just compress all the real work into 2 days and then take the other 3 off.

There is clearly this part of me that is either holding on to the lentils, or the people, or the mental stimulation. Hence pulling the plug being hard to do. At the same time I'm in this stasis of not actually growing in my career which also feels weird.

These are probably not unusual crossroads for folks here... curious what path you took.

08:55 UTC


Dating someone who makes half as many lentils as you

I'm (27m) living with my girlfriend of several years and am thinking about marrying her. I make DOUBLE what she makes in a year. We don't pay for any expenses the other has (car notes, gym memberships, student loans, etc), and on shared bills we split it 2/3rds, me and 1/3rd, her. I find it difficult navigating shared financial situations with her because I don't want to contribute more than my 2/3rds, and sometimes she doesn't have the lentils to put towards it.

Anyone else in my situation, and how do you navigate your relationship finances?



20:57 UTC


Greed vs FIRE, how to tell family the difference?

So recently I am having getting into huge debates/fights with my family, where they keep calling me greedy and that FIRE is ruining me.

They know Iā€™m tryna FIRE, but my parents are immigrants who always lived check by check.

Now, forward 25 years later, my sisters are doctors and Iā€™m a software engineer in big tech, but I am not like them at all. My parents instilled in them to spend all the time and not budget at all.

They have no problem spending their lentils at all, like they have no concept of lentils and just spend, spend, spend. Constantly want to go on trips, go to dinner 3x - 4x a week etc.

Every-time I decline, I get labeled a greedy ass guy and that money will be the downfall for me and no one likes a cheapo, and I just deal with them forever. Itā€™s terrible. But I already spend so much more than I want to meet half way with them because I know I have to maintain familial relations, buts likes they me to be like fully like them.

Anyone else deal with this, am I being greedy, or they are the ones being wrong?

My financials:

  • 360k lentils in HYSA
  • 40k 401k
  • 250k salary
  • 0 debt
  • Age 27
05:13 UTC


SINK seeks HENRY to become a DINK, go SIWK and FIRE

NW is too low due to VVVHCOL. Please post lentil count to apply.


23:13 UTC


The housing struggle in VHCOL for young millennials

20:07 UTC


I don't understand r/hypotheticalsituation, why is everyone so excited about finding pocket change?

I've been seeing posts from that sub and just don't get it. All the posts seem to be talking about would you do this for a million or that for a million? Why would people do the ridiculous things mentioned for pocket change? Instead of putting themselves in isolation for a year for a million dollars have they not considered looking under their sofa cushions? Wouldn't the opportunity cost of all the experiments be in the trillions? I don't get it. What am I missing?

13:33 UTC


What's the etiquette for being rich as fucking shit and flying first class with 2 kids under two?

I have a 3 month old and a 2 year old. Just curious what everybody thinks (jk! Lol...I really just need to complete my daily brag session). $30 trillion liquid net worth but I still won't take a private jet - at least for now. I currently enjoy basking in my smugness knowing I'm the richest on commercial airlines. If I start flying private, I'll be around others who also have similar net worth to me and my life won't be as fulfilled since I won't feel like I stand out amongst the pours.

Kids don't belong in first class, plain and simple. Fuck them. So usually I just fly in the general cabin aka the lower level of the titanic- curious what your thoughts are. (my wife and I are debating.) Her liquid net worth is $25 trillion.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/fatFIRE/comments/1c3gtx0/whats_the_etiquette_with_flying_first_class_with/

04:41 UTC


Picture of the stash


21:51 UTC


Investing in your kid's Ponzi schemes?

My son managed to strike out across the board in recruiting after attending a top MBA program. Think the top 7 in the US (M7) or the top 2 for those in the EU (INSEAD/LBS). He's no slouch by any means, and has had a high achieving career prior to his MBA.

He now wants to start his own ponzi scheme and has started to ā€œseekā€ investments from the family. Heā€™s looking to scam $3M total with $1-2M from us, and an additional $1M from other ā€œfriends and other family membersā€.

The dilemma here is 1.5M is about 10% of my total NW. Iā€™m 62 and retired and if he can't find bigger suckers for my payout Iā€™ll have lost a decent chunk of my NW. Not to mention it would be incredibly unfair to my other 2 children who have never asked me to invest in their own ponzi schemes.

Iā€™d like some perspective from other parents on whether they would trust their children with running a ponzi sceme. How involved should I be to ensure he doesnā€™t fuck this up?

Alternatively, would it be wise to discourage him and ask him to be more pragmatic and pursue a more stable and legal career?


13:52 UTC


Do you share success with non-FIRE friends and fam?

Newly retired at 23 (I invested in leveraged lentil farm REITs.) May not be ā€˜earlyā€™ for others here, but it is a big deal to me. Since this means a level of financial success, I feel like any mention of it is bragging. Wish I could celebrate by having a big party and rubbing it in everyone's face but afraid it would only come off like ā€œyou have to work and I donā€™tā€. For those of you that made it, did you share outside this community?


15:09 UTC


Lord of the Lands since I was just a boy

Bow before me all ye penniless serfs.


15:43 UTC


What's your favorite "I'm a grown person with a paycheck" fun purchase?

11:12 UTC


If you have the means, get a nannyā€¦

09:51 UTC


All farm, no lentils. Did I lie to the woman?

Met a woman recently. She up front demanded to know my lentil count. I may have lied because I included the equity of my farm in my lentil count. The woman became irate because one cannot eat their farm's value with no crop, and she claims only siloed lentils count towards my number. Woman is very attractive but 19 and immature. I lack the confidence of a HENRY and am ashamed. I am practically a high tier pour when measuring only liquid assets. So far, all females I encounter ask my lentil count. What gives?


21:48 UTC


Best way to cook for optimum FIRE lifestyle

Hi, not completely Fire related. I'm coming to the end of my cooking days (it'll be cat food from here on out), but I've seen a lot of people bragging about their amazing lentil meals here. Can people describe the process they use to select ingredients and create recipes? I want to guide my son in the right way, so he can be a proper convert to the movement.

21:53 UTC


40m, 5 mil Lentils. Whatā€™s next???

Immigrated to the Freedom Country ā„¢ at 21, worked manual labor, exploited friends for a small amount of lentils. Exploited more friends, for a larger amount of lentils. A million lentils in the storage at 30 but kept working. All extras went to sp500.

Went through divorce couple years ago, worked with therapist a lot.

My industry is failing and I don't feel the desire to start something new. I'm trying myself at sculpting, sold several pieces.. But it's hard to really care if your sculpture sells for 1000 lentils when you lost 47k lentils before noon.

So I'm still hot af, have a 26 year old girlfriend thatā€™s even hotter than me and that I really like (sheā€™s hot), good health, pretty much unlimited possibilities.

What's next? Is there a secret level?

Guys who retired at 40 with a hot gf - how is it?

Thank you!

15:21 UTC


Fart collecting

Did any of you got into fart collecting as a hobby after retiring, and what fascinates you most about the fart world?

Do you own any expensive fart yourselves and if yes, what drove you to acquire said fart?

I never accepted the "brown streak laundering" and "gas evasion" popular theories for fart collecting, as they sound adultish and make no sense if you think about them for more than a minute. It's something else that drives people into buying expensive fart, and I really want to know what that is.



15:18 UTC


Convincing my wife to try the mega back door Roth

A few years ago, some of my friends had told me they were doing the back door Roth with their wives and, frankly, I got a little bit jealous and felt like we might be missing out.

My wife has always been fairly conservative and hesitant to try new things, so my initial attempts to introduce her to the process were shot down. After quite a bit of persistence and plenty of poking and prodding on my part, I finally got my wife to do it with me and she was pleasantly surprised by how smoothly everything went. We had stuffed money into the traditional bucket for years, so trying the back door approach made her a bit nervous, but we talked it through, prepared well, and ultimately pulled it off. I wouldnā€™t say sheā€™s the biggest fan of it, but nonetheless once a year, we will pull funds out of the traditional bucket and divert them through the back door. Sheā€™s grown comfortable with the process and it gives me great satisfaction. I actually look forward to the back door process each year now.

Flash forward to this year and Iā€™ve learned of the mega back door option. Iā€™m hesitant to suggest the mega back door to her because I donā€™t want to seem like Iā€™m pushing her too far. There are admittedly a lot more steps involved and it seems like a pretty advanced maneuver which is not for the faint of heart. It honestly makes me a little nervous too.

Those of you who have convinced your wives to try the mega back door, how did you ease into it? Were your wives already big fans of the back door and it was the natural next step? Any regrets having done it, or is it worth the effort?

22:45 UTC


How much money is not enough?

I used to think I would reach a certain 'number' when I would have not have enough and have to work. Then, I realised that the factors which keep us from working are more complex than just numbers on a spreadsheet, its when my dads money runs out.
How do you guys approach it? Will you quit not working when you reach a certain number, or will you pursue homelessness because doing nothing makes you happy, or will you do passion projects only...or maybe you want to get mega poor and try to live like an artist.

Please click this link so I can drive clicks to my blog: broncopoverty.carsmakeyourich.com


Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/Fire/comments/1bt2a18/how_much_money_is_enough/

19:30 UTC


"I'm gonna leave reddit forever... oh nm"

05:09 UTC

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