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Hi, I’ve just got a pair of Machomai 2s and my toe is just touching the end of the shoe a bit.
Does anyone know if they will stretch out after a few uses, or should I return them? Width-wise they are perfect.
Brand new NBNL Size 9 for sale. $450 free shipping
Have plenty of past sales on this subreddit and other subs. Please check my profile for positive feedback.
Hi guys,
How do you guys take a heavy bag down by yourself.. I’ve hang my bag in the garage and sometimes need to take it down when we need to park the car in the garage. Do you guys just use a step ladder? It’s all good taking it down with someone but when I’m by myself, it’s a workout in itself.
My bag is 130 lbs so my other option is to get a lighter bag but just seeing if you guys have another method.
I’m going to buy them for my bf and have no idea, so i really appreciate your help
So i will turn 16 in less then a week and i want to buy new gloves, since the ones i have are 6 oz. Reason for that is because I've had them since 12 and i had no issues with them until now. I am 50 kg and quite short.
My theory is 14 oz gloves would be perfect for training for an amateur boxer. as I fight in 12 oz gloves and spar in 16, I feel like 14’s would be the perfect bridge because it’s just heavy enough to condition the shoulders but not so much heavier then a 12 oz glove where you would lose form and mess up technique on the bag and pads. Lmk what yall think I know this isint some revolutionary thought just wanna know what other people think
I know it’s real leather so it will crease but down near the seam on one glove it’s more creased. Is that okay? Thanks so much.
Want to buy these gloves in large? Maybe? But I’m not sure how much they weigh, they only have options for medium,large and extra large, I’m looking for either a 12 or 14 oz glove. What do you guys think?
Hi! I’m looking to get a pair of new 14oz gloves that I can use mostly for bag work/mitts. I’ve only been boxing for about 2 years and train 3-5x/week, so still pretty new and beginner.
I have fairly small hands. I have a 12oz Venum and it fits really well, so I’m looking for better quality gloves that fit similarly. I’m currently debating between these 3, so if you could share your experience with them, I’d really appreciate it:
Any recommendations outside of these 3 are also welcomed and appreciated. Thank you in advance!
I (21F) have started boxing a few weeks ago and as of now it is a hobby and replacement of gym so I don’t really want to spend a lot of money. I live in India so I don’t think we have all the brands here. What boxing glove is recommended for a female beginner in a decent price range?
I'm deciding between purchasing a new pair of 16oz sparring gloves for Muay Thai. My first gloves were the Fairtex BGV1 in 16oz, but even after breaking in, they have felt too roomy on the inside and the wrist protection is supbar, so it hasn't been my favorite to train in. The padding is also really stiff and in general, it doesn't feel like an extension of my body when I use them. My second pair are the Boon Classics in 12oz for bag and pad work and those have been significantly more impressive; the leather feels great, the fit is much much better, and the padding has a great pop when I'm training. I've been researching a lot between the Yokkao and Primo gloves, and they both seem to be super well-regarded and have a ton of cushioning, but I'm not sure which to pull the trigger on. Any insights from those who have owned one or both of these?
Ive tried three boxing boots Hyperko 2 Machomai 2 Box hogs 4 Addidas I had features i disliked on all three
Box hogs outsole was too soft for me
Hyperko 2 i loved the support and the sock but it was still too bulky
Machomais they made me feel very off balanced . I normally wear uk8.5 and sized down to uk8 and its still too roomy and the arch support makes me put pressure on different parts of my foot making it feel very unstable
I wanna find a perfect boxing shoe without anything that i dislike Im thinking of trying the tawas or matflex 7 next I think i would like the tawa as it similar to the hyperko 2 but less bulky
I’ve seen a lot of advertisement for them, and the style of the gloves look quite good, but I’m not sure I should purchase. Also, are their bags any good? Thanks!
I'm looking to spend around 200 or less (I'm waiting for black friday) I want them to be more "protective* than average as I have hurt my fingers. I already have sparring gloves
Preferably velcro but I am not opposed to lace converters.
Any recomendations?
I've been looking at Venum shields, Rival Guerreros intellishock
I have a question regarding speedbags. I would like to put one outside. The only probably is when it rains. So what I’m asking is for those who have their speedbags outside what do ya’ll put over the speedbag so when it rains the equipment does not get wet? Or what are yall’s recommendations so the speedbag does not get wet? I’m worried about the swivel getting wet and the leather of the bag.
I have weak knees and I'm looking for some shin pads that cover the bottom half of the knee. I've seen videos of people wearing pads like this but so far I haven't been able to find any that are similar. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
Does the velcro on head gear affect the hair of African Americans? I’m not being facetious when I ask this. We have an African American female who refuses to wear head gear during employment purpose trainings. Her claim is that her hair will get stuck in the Velcro. Thoughts about this? How can she were the head gear without any issues?
I can't decide which punching bag to buy in my local area.
The more expensive one comes with PVC leather. The cheaper one comes with PU leather.
The cheaper one have 2 year warranty , while expensive have 5year warranty.
My biggest worried is the longevity. The seller said the PU can last to 4 years , more expensive one last more than 5 years. He said the expensive one PVC leather. No customer complaints of flaking. This is the biggest issue I have with PU leather from other item like headphones earpads.
This is my first punching and kicking bag. I want a good solid one . Need to mention I am from Malaysia hot and humid weather.
Cheap is RM 500 PU leather Expensive RM 990. PVC leather
Do you guys have any experience with PVC leather? Does it flake? Also how much durable is the PVC leather compare to PU leather?
The price difference in my currency is kind of huge. Need to mention here. Expensive one have a metal base , comes with 5 empty canvas bags so can fill anything it in. Meaning I need to find filling which I hard for me.
There's a metal connector and the metal pipe in the punching bag just slot in only. No screw nothing. Warranty 5 years.
While the cheap one the base is rubber similar to rdx standing punching bag. Can be fill with water or sand . But the material is PU. The connector in the punching is metal. The base has screw in it.
But the warranty just 2 year.
It comes down to material end of the day I don't know which is better for punching and kicking.
The base for the expensive one is filled with liner wrapping? Quite thick. Seller say can kick the base. But the cons I see base is quite tall at 51cm.
While the cheaper is 40cm. And has more bag ratio. 135cm tall.
The expensive one only 105cm .
If plus the base and everything cheap height is 200cm. The diameter is 36cm
Expensive is 183Cm. The diameter is 38cm .
Who i can make some training and sparring and some bag