
Photograph via snooOG

r/ferrets is a sub dedicated to all things ferrets. This is a place to get lots of information, share stories, and photos of your ferret friends!

Posting Guidelines / Rules

  1. Only post photos and videos that belong to you, or that you have express permission to post.
  2. Flaming and trolling will not be tolerated. Please use the Report function, or message the mods if there is an issue with a post/poster. If you cannot comment in a polite and constructive manner, you will be removed from the sub.
  3. We are not vets, we are not a substitute for a vet. If you have an emergency or suspect you may need a vet, then GET TO A VET.
  4. No fundraising requests. If you are selling a ferret-themed product, please message the mods first for approval.
  5. The discussion of, or images / video of ferrets interacting with other animals (cats, dogs, etc) will be removed. This is risky behavior that we do not condone.

Questions about your ferret(s)? Check here first!

Helpful Links

Map of ferret friendly vets

/r/RandomActsOfPetFood - for those needing assistance with food

Poop Chart - warning: poop

Legalize Ferrets - Help get ferrets legalized in California

Holistic Ferret Forum - a raw diet resource

Care Credit - For USA residents who cannot afford vet care

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Would this be a good shampoo to use for my 3 carpet sharks? I want something that smells good I know to use regular oat meal but I’d want something that smells good and isn’t toxic. Any advice would be appreciated! Thanks in advance 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼

22:36 UTC


Curious over the new vacuum

21:52 UTC


Annoyed by the "it's just a ferret" comment

I really just need to vent lol and I feel like or hope some people would agree with me on this.

So I was talking to two of my co workers and I was figuring out my schedule for work for my boy to get to his appt and his surgery to remove two of his MCT (Mass Cell Tumor). One of them said "That's a bit crazy for a ferret, it's not even a dog. I personally wouldn't bother but that's just me. you can literally get another one that looks exactly the same" and it really just pissed me off. I was trying to explain they all have different personalities you can't just "replace" them and I don't believe in that, "replacing" pets. each one of my ferrets have a special place in my heart cause they were all different none of them were the same and they were all attached to me in different ways. I was raised that when you get an animal your agreeing to raise it, take care of it and tend to it's needs until it's his or hers time to go. ( I understand some people do get rid of animals for very serious valid reasons & are not able to keep them & that's NOT INCLUDED in what I'm talking about ) I'm on my fourth ferret and I've spent thousands on surgeries in the past, daily meds they've needed to take, constant vet visits etc. and I don't regret NONE of it. I will continue to gladly spend whatever I need to make sure my babies are comfortable and having a good life. No one can ever make me feel bad about that. I just think it's so rude to say stuff like that to another persoon when clearly their pet is their everything. The other co worker was more so a friend but she keeps calling them "those things" like she said "you spend too much money on those things". "Oh you got another one of those things ?How mu h did you spend on that ?" Or (cause my babies are a lil spoiled lol) I'm always in petco and she's called a couple times while I was there and she'll ask where I'm at, I tell her petco and she'll say "Oh you must have alot of money cause your always shopping for those things" or "how much did you spend there again". We even got into it a couple times cause I started telling her "Thats not your buisness" cause im just so fed up. Just bc of the constant remarks I kinda keep my distance from her, for a while now. This is also the same girl that got 4 pits all at separate times (they were all so damn cute lol) and gave them all away cause "they were too much to take care of and got annoying". Which idk why you would even get a second after the first if you thought it was "too much" to take care of. I love all my animals my mother and father raised me to believe that a pet isn't just a pet you can put down whenever it needs medical attention. Just not understanding why it would be different of if it's ferret. I have a bull mastiff and we treat him the same way. It never crosses our mind to put him down or get rid of him if he needs medical attention, we get him what he needs til he feels better. Sorry guys I'm just so annoyed with the " it's just a ferret " comment. I've owned ferrets for 10 years and it's really starting to get under my skin. Okay rant over

21:44 UTC


Bender, living his best life!)

1 Comment
21:39 UTC


Intelligence tests?

My partner and I have three ferrets: Eris, Juno, and Jove. Eris is really smart, Jove is REALLY dumb, and Juno is in the middle. My partner was musing that maybe we're just interpreting Jove's behavior as dumb because he has a cute derpy face and he's...slow. He stares at things a lot.

So I went online looking for ways to test how smart your ferret is and couldn't really find anything. I just thought it would be fun for them and they'd get some treats. Anyone have any ideas?

1 Comment
21:29 UTC



my boy chase (2yo) was sick whilst i was out this evening and again when i cane home. he was then sock when i gave him a mouthful of soupies and since hasnt wanted to have a drink or food, he’s been hiding away in his blanket pile. i’m looking for signs of pain like eye squinting, teeth grinding etc but haven’t noticed it in the past 3 hours that i’ve been home. his sick looks like his raw food. he’s on chicken and lamb raw grinds daily with a bowl of scrumbles 75% chicken cat kibble. the first week of september he had bloody, also cery loose stools. i took him to the vet they ran a bacteria/parasite type test to rule out any infections but never suggested anything else it couldve been. i can’t get into a vet till probably friday at the earliest due to not driving or having the funds readily available. has anyone had anything like this going on and could give me some advice? or what vets have said when you brought them in. is there something specific i should be asking the vet to do? my budgets really tight so i can’t afford to be doing anything unnecessary.

1 Comment
20:56 UTC


Can I put my ferrets food up at night?

My ferret eats dry kibble and I know ferrets are supposed to have access to food all the time. Her food would be up for about 10 hours and I know that’s a really long time. I would feel really bad if she went the whole night hungry. I hope someone can help pls & ty!

20:54 UTC


red bump please help

i just noticed this redish bump with brown dots on my ferrets neck, i already have a vet appt made but does anyone have a clue on what this is?!

1 Comment
20:34 UTC


Is it just me or am I crazy… thinking about my ferrys all day at work… I’ve never loved an animal the way I love ferrets…

19:50 UTC



Hi everyone, I unfortunately have to surrender my two babies due to some personal reasons. My girl needs some medical care as well and I no longer have the resources to get her checked out. I just spoke to a rescue and the guy said they should be able to take them next week and that they will take their cage and all of their stuff and said a donation as well, he also was kinda pushy on the “and a donation” part. I get it it’s a nonprofit organization so they need donations to survive but I am not in a great financial place currently and I’m not sure how much they want from me? How much should I give them? Should I try to find a different shelter or will they all be like this? I wasn’t expecting to have to pay someone to take care of my babies when I am no longer able to, I thought I was doing the right thing by going through a shelter that I know will take good care of them and get her what she needs medically but I’m not financially able to give them a lot of money to have them take them.

18:11 UTC


A Brief description of what we are doing for Ferrets in California

But first, help us by signing the petition - https://chng.it/mw7MJNpc95

Here’s a brief outline of your efforts to legalize ferrets in front of the California Office of Administrative Law (OAL):

1. Background and Issue:

  • The core issue is the classification of domestic ferrets as wild and detrimental animals by the California Fish and Game Commission.
  • No evidence or public hearing was ever conducted to justify the ban, which has persisted as a political issue rather than one based on fact.

2. Current Legal Challenge:

  • A lawsuit has been filed to challenge the Fish and Game Commission’s decision; however, administrative law is more difficult to challenge in court, leading to a shift in strategy.

3. Filing with the Office of Administrative Law (OAL):

  • The case is now being moved to the Office of Administrative Law.
  • The goal is to present evidence and public testimony proving that domestic ferrets are not wild or detrimental.
  • You hope the OAL will rule that you have the right to present this evidence, something that has been denied in the past by the Fish and Game Commission.

4. Supporting Documents:

  • Several exhibits have been submitted to support the case, including:
    • Exhibit A: Fish and Game Code defining wild animals
    • Exhibit B: Proof of the domestic status of ferrets
    • Exhibit D: Statistics on ferret bites
    • Exhibit F: Legal status of ferrets in 48 states
    • Exhibit G: Lack of feral ferret populations in California

5. Next Steps:

  • The next critical step is presenting this case before the OAL, aiming for a ruling that grants the opportunity for public testimony and evidence presentation, which could ultimately lead to the legalization of ferrets in California.

This outline summarizes the legal strategy and current focus on administrative law to challenge the unjust ferret ban.

1 Comment
18:07 UTC


ferret rehoming

Does anyone know of a place/rescue I can rehome my 2 male ferrets? I have contacted and emailed people and even joined Facebook rescue groups and I have yet to find anything. There both 4 years old. My mom has cancer so I don’t have the same time as I used to with them due to helping her. They don’t have a cage as they are free roam and they are litter box trained. I just really want them to be happy and healthy. Im so stressed and I’m scared to rehome them. Please give me tips on who I can call. I’m located in LI NY.

Please be kind, Im new to this.

17:49 UTC


sleepy girl

15:39 UTC



14:41 UTC


Just got my ferret and he has fleas

This poor baby was given to us with fleas, I have dawn dish soup and plan to give him a bath in just a few. Anyone have different tips though?

13:52 UTC


Ferrets and newborn babies

I have three ferrets (two are younger and playful, one is older and calm). I will be having my first baby at the end of November. Just curious how everyone else in here has made it work. No, I am not going to be rehoming them so please don't worry about that.

1 Comment
12:44 UTC



I apologize in advance, but this is going to a long one. I am dealing with a bit of a complex situation and I need everyone’s help. I have a Waardy ferret who is 3 years and 9 months old. He is a Marshall ferret and came to us with some kind of neurological disorder that has made his whole body shake and his back legs unstable while walking. That has been his normal since he was adopted as a baby. About a month ago, he was diagnosed with insulinoma and was put on prednisone by a veterinarian with a lot of ferret experience. One of his main symptoms throughout this has been neck craning seizures. His seizures have become longer and more frequent. Most times 20-40 minutes long and 3-4 times a day. Because of this, he was also put on phenobarbital. The seizures have continued, despite now being nearly maxed out on both meds. He eats Marshall food, and we understand that this could be the leading cause for his development of insulinoma because of the sugar content. However, this the only thing that he will eat. He is now at the point that he will only eat food in soupie form. We have given him free range of the food and have made sure he eats frequently. This worked well for a couple of days. Now he is having a seizure every time he eats. We noticed this pattern and immediately pulled back on food during med times and stopped frequent meals. The whole afternoon and evening yesterday he didn’t have a seizure. Overnight we allowed him to eat the soupie only when he wants to. We woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of him eating and he promptly had a seizure. We took away the soupie and left him with kibble in case he was desperate and hungry. That brings us to this morning. We ordered some of the Magic Soupie that is made from FDR and are hoping that we will be able to get him eating that and potentially stabilize him. We of course are still working with the vet as well. Does anyone have any advice or ideas on why this could be happening?

12:17 UTC


My two boys (koda left, Pabu right) making a heart while sleeping in their hiding spot

1 Comment
12:03 UTC


Looking for an outside play pin plz help

I’ve been looking for a play pin for my ferret so she can enjoy some grass and the sun but every pin I’ve looked at has a bar goin through the middle and I know she’ll be able to grab that and lift herself out. I need one that’s completely vertical and has no horizontal bars WHAT SO EVER!!! If anyone’s got a link to a pin that’ll be good for her I’d really appreciate it!! I’m working on getting her a figure 8 harness so she can run too but in the mean time a play pin seems best for her.

1 Comment
11:32 UTC


Venting about losing a ferret

Hi everyone. Some backstory, we have 1 ferret now, Bella (used to have 2). Our 2nd ferret, Coconut passed away several months ago unexpectedly at 3 years old. It still boggles my mind, we don't know what happened. Always had vet check ups, he was in great health. One day, we woke up and went about our routine just like we do everyday, and he was on the floor lifeless. DIP.

What I came here to talk about is how traumatizing it was to find our beloved friend lifeless randomly and unexpectedly one morning. Every day before I go to bed, I'm so scared to find our other ferret dead in the morning too. I have that image of him stuck in my head. I just hate this feeling I have of waking up and being so scared to check on Bella. I don't want to find another pet like that again. I've had many pets my whole life, but none of their deaths were as unexpected and traumatizing as Coconut. 5 dogs, 6 cats, and 2 ferrets. All of them were expected to come soon somehow (old age, surgery, euthanasia, etc). Has anyone else felt this feeling before? Sorry for rant but I'm not sure where else to turn for advice / vent. Thanks anyways.

(For reference, Bella is an old girl approaching 6 years old, I hear average life span highly varies between 5-7, which is what scares me even more. Shes an old lady)

07:10 UTC


Once a Zoomie

Bobby’s almost 8 now, and we still go on our park walks. Lately, I’ve noticed he’ll just roll around in the grass and chill. Looking back at our old videos, it’s pretty cute he’s so lazy now 😅 I thought I’d share the timeline lol

1 Comment
04:53 UTC


Happy Halloween! Post your spooky babies!

This is Momo! He just got his nails clipped and he has adrenal disease!

04:48 UTC


Hair balls

I think my little guy has a hair ball. He does majority of the grooming of himself and his sister and today he was coughing and threw up a little. He recovered back to normal after a few minutes. Back to running around and playing.

Is there anything I can give him to help with the hair ball issue? Even a preventative. Or trip to the vet?

1 Comment
04:43 UTC

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