
Photograph via snooOG

A community for the discussion and appreciation of the Fate tabletop roleplaying game by Evil Hat Productions. This community discusses all variations of Fate, whether it be Core, Condensed, Accelerated or anything else - all are welcomed and encouraged to ask questions and start discussions.

A Place to Discuss All Things Fate!

From Fate Core to FAE, The Spirit of the Century, and beyond; Fate is a system for playing as proactive, capable, and dramatic characters!



Disagreements are fine, but please be respectful of the opinions of others. Racism, sexism, personal attacks, etc. are not allowed.



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Thoughts on an Yveltal boss for our Pokemon themed Fate Accelerated game?

Hi folks, and thank you for everyone who answered my last post. Thanks to the help there, we had a really climactic and intense boss fight!

Our next game is going to be a Pokemon one, using Fate Accelerated. The players themselves are Pokemon (kinda like Mystery Dungeon) in a post-human world. During our setting creation, the players wanted to fight one of the big box Legendaries as the first antagonist of our story, and we decided on Yveltal, who is currently commanding armies of Dark, Ghost, and Fire-type Pokemon to wage war across the land. Here's what I have jotted down for their character sheet, let me know what you think, or if I should adjust anything!

Name: Yveltal

High Concept: Melancholy God of Death

Trouble: Only Xerneas Can Ease My Suffering

Aspect: Commands the Power of Death and Decay

Aspect: Destructive Death Aura

Aspect: Disillusioned with Life Itself


Forceful: +4

Careful: +4

Flashy: +4

Quick: +2

Clever: +2

Sneaky: +1


Because I Command the Power of Death and Decay, once per Scene, I can inflict a Severe Consequence on a successful Forceful Attack instead of the normal shifts of Stress.

Because I am The Melancholy God of Death, once per Scene, I can use my power to call upon nearby Dark and Ghost-type Pokemon to come to my aid as my loyal servants.

Because I have a Destructive Death Aura, I get a +2 when I Forcefully Attack using my aura and powers related to my aura.


1 [ ]

1 [ ]

2 [ ]

3 [ ]


2 (Mild Consequence)

4 (Moderate Consequence)

Thanks again!

23:04 UTC


Something I've never understood about fate accelerated...

If someone's higher score is sneaky, then isn't there an incentive to do everything sneakily?

22:11 UTC


If a character's power is also a source of their problems, would it be a high concept or trouble aspect?

As the title says, a character in my campaign has a power that is a big part of their person and their life. But the power is also banned and strictly prosecuted in the kingdom where we play, so there are many people after her. At one side, the power can be used in many great ways, which would make it a high concept, but it is also a source of their problems, making it a great trouble aspect. How would you go about it? Can we make it a trouble aspect and still use it for her powers? Because their other aspect, Never Back Down, is a very nice high concept already and I'd hate to remove that.

17:21 UTC


Anybody have any Fate stats & stunts for Aliens xenomorphs? I feel like I've seen them written up somewhere before, but I can't find them, and my players want an Aliens game next. Any suggestions welcome, thanks!

19:53 UTC


Fate + d20

Hello I just started DMing for a campaign of brand new players. From previous experience of being a forever DM and introducing many people to RPGs, I've found atheist initially, less rules is best. What I did was get a fate accelerated character sheet (with no stats) and use whatever dice mechanism or idea that sounds fun at the moment for any circumstance. Mostly been d20 to keep it simple, any tips for such a free form game? It's a fantasy game set in the Tal'dorei setting from critical role. The players are currently doing "tryouts" for the local adventurers guild via a demo quest. Theyre helping a town with agricultural, societal, and raiding problems. The PCs consist of:

The Last fish warrior princess of the sea.

A changeling theif with the potential to not only change their own body, but others as well, and in many different ways.

A walking groot-like golem with mushroom hat operating as an Alchemist with the ingredients coming from its own body.

A wydling (fey like being) utility wizard Heavy into trickery and mischief.


So what I'm doing with no stats and aspects only is upping or lowering the DC for the roll or even remove the roll if the circumstances permit it. In today's session with an "accidental" fight with a triceratops (it's the dice I swear, they want the players' blood) Every resolution came out of these.

A) what does the player want to do?

B) how do they do this?

C) Any advantages from personal aspects?

D) Any advantages from environment, allies, situations, etc?

E) Any disadvantages against em?

F) consuqenece for failure.

It seems like a longish list, but in play and going through it in my head it's seemless.

09:06 UTC


What's the advantage of active opposition?

This is never stated outright, but the FATE Core rulebook seems to treat active opposition as somehow preferable to passive opposition (from the opposer's perspective). For example, one of the standard Burglary stunts is:

Security Specialist. You don’t have to be present to provide active opposition to someone trying to overcome security measures you put in place or worked on. (Normally, a character would roll against passive opposition for that.)

But given that a FATE die-roll has a mean result of zero (and aspects can also be invoked to support passive opposition), active opposition is not (on average) stronger than passive opposition. Why is this treated as an advantage strong enough to be worth spending a stunt on?

22:18 UTC


Can someone help me with ideas for a Craftsman - Shooter?

Hello everyone, im quite new for rpg in general, played some games on pc, a little bit of dnd and recently my friend asked me if i would like to play in Fate system. So, i thought about creating a technitian/blacksmith/engineer, saying shortly - craftsman, who is insanely obsessed with firearms like muskets, revolvers etc. The setting is Japan 18-19 century, can use both asian and european stuff, the main problem/threat in the world is demons(if someone would like to know more about world, i will add some info in comments). How i imagine it, i want to be able to construct anything that would come to mind, even if this thing will do nothing for damage, defence, stats, i just want to roleplay a nearly genius adhd driven autistic craftsman with a firearm. Can someone help me with ideas what aspects, tricks, problems, some points to general story of my character, so i can choose some and roleplay the heck out of it. (sorry for my english, this could be very hard to read)

12:40 UTC


Can NPCs Succeed At A Serious Cost?

The question came up at our table the other day. The language in Chapter 8 of the Core book for "Succeed at a Cost" - and to a lesser extent the description for the outcomes of an Overcome action - makes it sound like the option is only meant for the PCs. Is that intended? Is it a quirk of the player/PC centric language throughout much of the book? Is there something elsewhere that calls out NPCs being able to do it? How's it done at your table? Just looking for some insight.

23:22 UTC


Fate Power Stunts - The Chronicles of Future Earth (Cosmic Fate system)

I'm curious if anyone has any suggestions for some interesting Power Stunts for the Fate magical power.

The ones listed in the Players Guide are interesting and have a 'fortune teller bending fate to their desires vibe'. However, I'm interested in leaning more into the chance, risk, and recklessness aspects it uses as examples to describe Fate's practitioners.

Instead of planning ahead, drawing cards, flipping a coin, or what have you, I'm looking for a power that can be used in the moment to nudge chance in the PC(s)' favor. The base cantrip casting does something similar for one target, so is it enough to simply use that as a base and add the zone effect?

18:40 UTC


Questions about "Create an Aspect"

*When you get free invocations, can you use them as compells?

*Can get free invokes on non-siturational Aspects?

16:15 UTC


Aspects being easy to apply

I am a new GM in fates and I was wondering how the game works and should work. I am running a classic fantasy game and in combat it feels like the players can too easily use their High aspect for any combat situation. A wizard can use "Student of so-and-so magic school" to cast spells better. The warrior can use "Wielder of the cursed blade so-and-so" to fight better.

This is all well and cool, it does cost the fate point after all, but what I'm feeling is that due to this, they never need to use aspects from the situation or from advantages their allies have made (except for the free one of course). Why use "broken shield" aspect of the enemy when you can use your own aspect from the cursed sword? Why use "Tavern on fire" aspect of the location if you can use your own aspect from the magic school? Sure you could use two fate points but rarely do you need/want to go that far to deal with the enemy.

Is this intended, is this not really a problem, am I missing something or what's the situation here?

15:40 UTC


A dnd-like setting on Fate Accelerated

Hey everyone!

I’ll start hosting a party where i’ll be the GM and i have a fantasy setting with some forgotten lands elements in my mind.

Originally i was planning to host a dnd 5e game but the players are very inexperienced in FRPs so i think fate would be a simpler entry level system for them. Yet i don’t know how can i incorporate such a theme/gameplay into fate accelerated system.

If anyone has been a part of such a setting, i’ll appreciate any advice/tips.

Thanks in advance!

13:31 UTC


Any video game that uses FATE mechanics?

You know how Baldur's Gate uses dnd? Is there a game out there that uses FATE?

07:57 UTC


Planning for an Upcoming Final Boss Fight

Hi folks! It's been a while since I last posted here. I've been reading and playing FATE with my group and I've honestly gotten a much better hold on the system's rules and mechanics, and have even gotten into the habit of using things like extra dials and knobs to make things fit the setting/story just right.

Currently, my group is about to enter the final fight of the current story arc. To add some context, we're playing in an alternate timeline based on the action JRPG series Kingdom Hearts, known for bombastic, high-flying action and spell-slinging. Very similar to most Shounen battle series actually! I'm looking for some tips to make the fight feel dynamic and a real slugfest, since it's going to be one opponent versus four PCs using FATE Accelerated.

I've been looking at other posts and have some ideas, but I'd like to gather some other thoughts on people more experienced with the system than I. I've considered giving the BBEG two actions per turn, along with some Created Advantages already set up for him in advance, along with a stunt that allows him to Attack the entire group all at once. I'm a little confused on how to set up his approaches though. Should I also be using Fate Points more or offense or defense?

Thanks again in advance!

23:50 UTC


Good actual play examples of Fate Core in action?

I've been considering trying out a game of Tianxia at my local store. While I understand the general concepts (I think!), I tend to find myself learning better from how things tend to actually run in play.

I found John Harper's Blades series fantastic at learning how to run it, especially with how he breaks down design decisions and how mechanically things work in games as part of the flow. Are there any APs with a similar vibe for Fate? I'd like to avoid ones which are mostly hands off or 'brush over' lots of the rules for the sake of play, as I'm really looking to get a good grasp of the basics before I begin trying to decide if leaving something out is appropriate in my games.

02:28 UTC


Giving them consequences

I'm running a FATE campaign that's kind of Delta Green/ Changeling the Lost inspired. I didn't want to use separate physical/mental tracks, because it seems so weird to me that stress, which is indicative of how "off your game" you are, separates them, and I want physical and mental attacks to be able to work in tandem. I also switched to single shift check boxes.

Unfortunately, I haven't landed a single consequence in the sessions we've played. They're at +4 as top skill, and there are four of them. This past session they fought three magical trees (+4) at the same time as three dire wolves (+3) and I got one of them down to... Only having one empty stress box. I was hoping that encounter would leave them with some consequences.

Of course, I could just have them switch to classic stress boxes, but I do conceptually like the single boxes. Does anyone have any recommendations? Should I just keep adding mobs?

00:50 UTC


FATE Deck Stunts?

Anybody have a good suggestions for stunts that can specifically work if you are using the FATE deck. For example: the Evil Eye, search the deck for a -2 result and set that as the targets next card. Or Change Fate- you can discard a drawn card and draw a new card

23:14 UTC


Fallout themed campaign ideas for first time GM

Hey guys, I've never GM'd fate but i have played a fair share of the czech derivate of DnD. I was interested in trying to run a campaign that I wanna prepare for later after I dip my feet in the water with some introductory one shot or some such. I wanted to do a campaign set in the Fallout universe, except here in CZ, with all the 50s Czech iconography and fabulous retrofuturistic optimism and silly absurdist humour that's baked into Fallout.

The reason I'm making this post is to just gather some ideas and advice on how to actually run a successful game with interesting quests and stuff to do. I've been wondering how, for example, make encounters interesting, since combat in Fate seems a little too open ended and customisable for a first time GM, and it can get overwhelming. How do I decide on the stats of enemies? What should the consequence for failing be? How do I judge if it's too harsh, or not harsh enough? I don't wanna overwhelm and defeat my players, but I also want to provide them with a meaningful challenge that makes them feel like they have to actually come up with a clever solution for.

I was also thinking about how to set up a homebrew rule for radiation. I thought I could use mental stress, but items like radaway and rad-x in Fallout can prevent or entirely remove the effects of radiation. So I'd be very grateful for any interesting ideas on that.

I'm grateful for anything, really! Any tidbit of advice from an experienced Fate GM is greatly appreciated.

19:28 UTC


Tips on physically managing aspects at a table?

I really like FATE in the abstract, but in practice I've run into the following problems when running it:

  1. PC aspects are on the players' character sheets, and therefore not visible to me (the GM) at a glance, so I don't remember what they are and miss opportunities for compels.
  2. Conversely, there's nowhere convenient to put scene or NPC aspects so that they're visible to all players at once.
  3. The process of physically writing down new aspects (when someone Creates an Advantage, or a new NPC is introduced, or so on) forces play to pause for 10-20 seconds, which absolutely kills the momentum.

I'm simultaneously annoyed and embarrassed to be asking about these, because they feel so irrelevant to the actual design of the system and the more interesting problems of running it, but they've been a huge drag.

How do you physically handle aspects at table to avoid these problems?

ETA: Thank you all, you've been a big help. For future readers, the best solutions so far (each suggested by more than one person) are:

  1. Put (a copy of) all the PC aspects on a single piece of paper and keep it in front of the GM at all times. If the GM is using a GM screen, it's the kind of thing that goes there.
  2. Index cards in the middle of the table, but write in big letters and use a felt-tip rather than a ball-point pen for better visibility.
  3. Delegate the actual writing to a player so the GM can immediately turn their attention to the next player's turn.

Some people have also suggested the use of eraseable pads or tablet computers. I don't have the first and prefer not to use the second as I find them distracting, but they may suit other people.

08:22 UTC


Looking for Aspects-Only games

Other than Shadowcraft and The Three Rocketeers, are there any games ditching Skills/Approaches and focusing on Aspects?

What are your experiences with those?

13:04 UTC


Dresden Files RPG Paranet Papers in DFA

I am a GM interested in running a Dresden Files Campaign using Dresden Files Accelerated. I have the Paranet Papers or volume 3 of the original Dresden Files RPG. I want to use one of settings in that book (most likely Las Vegas). Is it possible to use the settings in the Paranet Papers with the DFA ruleset? What exactly should I change or convert?

1 Comment
23:36 UTC


Adding Some Granularity for Long Term Play!

I love the Chronicles of Darkness games but they are outside my crunch management skills a GM.

One of the things these games have that makes for interesting long term campaign play is "levels" of powers. For example, instead of just Mind Control (dominate), you gradually gain new or weird ways to use it.

What's the right way to get this effect? A bunch of stunts? Something else?

15:25 UTC


Your favourite "unique mechanic" stunt?

Stunts that go over bonuses or letting you use a Skill instead of other.

Some of my favourites are the Riposte (Make damage when succesfully defending) seen in the Fate SRD webpage, or the Charge! (Increase your damage is able to move two or more zones) In the Villains book.

What are yours?

10:52 UTC


Request for challenge ratings and Combat advice.

I have recently started running Dresden Files Accelerated and I want to make sure I am running things correctly. Hoping for some advice from more experiences players with this type of system.

Is it normal/expected for players to never use anything but their highest approach in combat for everything? Sometimes we can't justify a specific approach and use the second highest but it seems like everyone will always have a minimum role of +2 for every possible combat interaction, sometimes going to up to +4 or +5 depending on stunts.

Comparing this to the recommended +2 for shooting/opposition for minor npcs how are the players ever expected to fail? Or are minor NPCs just meant for cannon fodder?

Question 1.5 How is it possible to discourage our wizard from tanking every possible attack with his very high focus and force? He has magic and is nearby so he could conceivably so it within the fiction. I know I can talk to him but want to know if there are mechanical reasons he shouldn't be able to or would add risk.

Second question How do you determine the difficulty of the create an advantage action? I usually set it around a threshold of 2-3.

Third question.

Mechanically my party's favorite strategy is an alpha strike against the biggest opposition. Just 4 turns of create advantage, then 1 guy invoke all the aspects using the free invokes and gets something like plus 12 to the roll.

Any tips would be great. Thanks!

12:23 UTC


Advice on alternatives to skills and approachs

So I have since forever wanted to run a Pokemon style game (people who tame magical creatures and go on adventures but like not Pokemon specifically). I have been having trouble hammering out how I want these characters to work. Initially I wanted to do a potentially quite complex system where you had seperate character sheets for your human player and companion and your starting skills and stunts would be divided up between the two characters.

I have since moved away from that idea and I think having the human be a full character sheet and the monsters being aspects and feats probably fits better

This does muddy up skills somewhat as you being smart doesn't mean your beastie is smart, and just because your jacked and go to the gym doesn't mean your monster is good at power lifting. So skills don't feel like the right thing to use here, I am looking for something broader where your choices could more describe the style of how you interact with the world. In tv shows and comic books for these kinds of worlds creatures that you bond with and how you employ them is a means of personal expression as it is anything else.

So enter approaches, now I will say I don't like approaches. I can see how they would be useful but the given list is pretty small and they feel overly broad. This can lead to a lot of getting bogged down in what approach fits while potentially having a number of characters feel samey.

So I am looking for something else, I know that some people forgo skills altogether and give a +1 to the check for every relavent aspect which could be pretty neat, it would certainly mean that the things you are good at would be linked to who you are as a person.

But it also feels like it could be a bit of a pain with people arguing over what things apply where so I figured I would poll you guys for some ideas

22:02 UTC


Approaches vs Skills, which do you prefer for which type of games? And why?

Until now I had considered approaches to be the "streamlined and simpler" version of the game that was intended to introduce players to the system but eventually to be replaced with skills.

But when I ran a slice-of-life magic college RP server (now on haitus), I noticed that approaches just worked. I purchased Masters of Umdaar this week and as I'm reading it, I see that they also use approaches for what is a deep system. (Not like shadowrun deep, but deep enough that I'd normally consider skills to be used here instead of approaches.)

So now I'm reevaluating whether approaches are just introductory mechanics.

My question to you all - for what types of games do you prefer approaches, and for what types of games do you prefer skills? And why?

Edit: I've received a lot of insightful responses so far. Where I'm landing is -

  • If it's a game where multiple people are likely to favour the same skill ("magic" or "shoot" in a wand-focused magic game), then approaches are better.
  • If it's a game where multiple people are likely to favour the same approach ("careful" or "sneaky" in a heist one-shot), then skills can work.
  • 2-column approach (use both) is a legit option.
  • And I should make sure that in an Approaches-based game, there are ways to encourage people to not just pick their best Approach all the time.
18:27 UTC


Your experience with RP in FATE vs other systems

Hello FATE players and GMs! I have been watching some "Learn to play FATE" videos on the FATE SRD youtube channel. I'm enjoying them and feel like I'm beginning to grasp the system.

I have an observation. Compared to other TTRPG's I've played, these games have a "writer's room" vibe. Players and the GM talk about how they want things to work, reach an agreement, and that's what happens. What I don't see in those videos specifically is much first-person roleplay. I can imagine that has a lot to do with these being one-shots with newer players that are also made to be instructional for the viewers.

But I'm just curious if this reflects your own experience with FATE. I really like what I've seen out of the system, but I'm hoping that in longer games, players would begin to get a feel for what works for the rest of the table and how to use the rules without needing as much "negotiation" or "approval" from the GM.

Any experience, feedback, or war stories would be appreciated! TIA

01:34 UTC


Help me find an actual play podcast!

About one year ago I listened to a Fate actual play podcast (on Spotify) about three witch sisters running a bed & breakfast in contemporary US. A friend is asking me about it but I can’t remember its name or find it. Can you guys help me?

Thank you! :)

19:10 UTC


A friendship/bond mechanic, when friendship is key.

Im creating a small hack to play Pokémon with Fate, looking for a story about "making true bonds", where Pokémon are friends and not weapons. The only new mechanic i want to add to base Fate is, well... Bonds/Firendship, in a meaningfull way.

For some context, Pokemon have their own sheet pretty much like in "How to train your mutant fire dog". Using your Pokemon is adding their Approach to your characters Approach, as in two-column Fate. (Therefore individual's Approaches have been "nerfed" to more or less half their regular values.) (This benefits picking Pokémon with the same highest Approach as your character for maximum results, this is esentially "Pokémon similar to you". (You can also go for the opposite, picking Pokemon with really different Approach distribution to compensate your character's, which is basiclly "Pokémon that complete you." ) You can invoke your Pokemon aspects and stunts as if they were yours, too.

My first idea to mimic "Bond/friendship" mechanically is to use a "Stress" track that measures the human-Pokémon bond, located at the Pokémon sheet.
The track has 9 boxes, 4 of them initially checked right before befriending the Pokémon .
New boxes are checked when the relationship strengthens, they are erased when it weakens.

I would love that track to have a mechanical effect, and a powerfull one. I thought of...
0 to 3 boxes checked: -2 when using that Pokémon. If at 0 and something bad happens between you two, your Pokémon leaves you.
4 to 6: Nothing happens.
7 to 9: +2 when using that Pokémon

However, i feel this is kinda boring (and easy to forget for me and the players), acting just as a passive bonus. And i hope you guys can enlighten me with your ideas and feedback. (And new mechanics if you want too.)

22:33 UTC


Question about stunts.

Is it possible to create a stunt that essentially fuses two skills together like stealth and burglary? Or would that be like worth two or three stunt slots?

01:19 UTC

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