
Photograph via snooOG

A community for women looking to improve themselves and their personal lives.

Please note that this sidebar is currently under development. If there are materials that would be useful to include, please contact the moderators.


  1. Read the rules. Failure to follow the rules will result in removal of your post/comment.

  2. This is a forum for women to get advice about seduction (typically seduction of men, but women interested in other women are also welcome). The following are considered off-topic: Posts from men seeking advice; Posts about products (other than specific books, etc, directly relating to seduction); Posts that are merely venting without seeking advice; Posts about ethics and morals (that's up to you to figure out on your own, we can't decide that for you).

  3. This forum is focused on seduction, socialization, and self-improvement strategies and theories. We discuss the effectiveness of such, but this is not a place to discuss ethics or morals.

  4. Men are more than welcome to post and comment, but please keep in mind that this is a forum for women to get advice. This is not /r/AskWomen. It is also suggested that you add flair to indicate that you are male. This does not indicate that your perspective is invalid, but only that it is different.

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  6. Don't be mean to each other. Sometimes comments require giving hard truths, and there's plenty of room for disagreement, but keep it focused on the ideas, not on the people. We're still a small community and growing, so be aware of how your comments will appear to new arrivals.

  7. Post the type of content you want to see. Even if you are a total beginner, your experiences can still help others learn.


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No Doubt She Ignores You! Don't Make This Mistake!

09:58 UTC


This is CRAZYYY ADVICE guys!! Check this out :}

20:16 UTC


Ideas for locations?

Background: Living in London. I recently split with my ex wife but we still live in the same flat (we co-own it) and have made an agreement not to have dates come back (because of our daughter).

It’s going to be at least 6 months before I can get a place of my own.

So I’m left with the option of going back to girls’ places (which I have done a couple of times), or… nothing. 😬

Does anyone have any ideas about places suitable for final phase / sexy time? I’ve considered renting an Airbnb in the centre of town…

21:02 UTC


Middle Eastern girls/ women from perspective of western white men


What are your thoughts/ experiences on dating and picking up girls/ women from Middle Eastern countries as a western white male (such as Lebanon, Iran, Jordan, Egypt, Syria)? They can be absolutely stunning (curves, full lips, especially if combined with blue or green eyes) and also seem solid for potential long-term.

1 Comment
12:11 UTC


Getting Past Assumptive Statement

Ok. I'm soaking all the knowledge in from all the available books on Amazon. One of the key steps they talk about is "make an assumptive statement" during the initial threads of dialogue during the approach. Seriously though. Almost always I get hit by that "So what about me makes you assume/think..." question.

I included the dialogue below because something tells me this is common so thought to bring it here. Any interesting angles to easily get past this and continue on with the building attraction phase?


Me: heh, I saw you walking by there so thought to come meet you know...be social, all that jazz.
Her: heh, well, that's nice of you.
Me: So what are you up to?
Her: Just swung by her for a few to grab some stuff. It's my favorite spot
Me: yeah, they're not bad...very quick checkout.
Me: heh, you know you got an east coast vibe to you.
Her (looking curious): East Coast? well...why would you say that?
Me: just instincts
Her: So what about me gives out an east coast vibe?

1 Comment
11:25 UTC



Add me as a friend on Discord! Invite expires in 1 week: https://discord.com/invite/2b4rzRVu

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01:58 UTC


If your interviewer smiles while her hands are clenched, BE CAREFUL #psychology

02:25 UTC


Creepy Behaviour of a psychopath. STAY AWAY from anyone with this trait.

02:22 UTC


Most Underrated method to know if a girl really likes you

1 Comment
09:59 UTC


How to use eye movement to DETECT LIES #bodylanguage

03:44 UTC


How to make Girls at the gym LIKE you INSTANTLY

14:11 UTC


What happened to Jason Capital?

Wow he's really disappeared. I been following him since late 2016. I had all his courses on mega. (attraction and game mostly) He was my favorite guy for a long time on the internet. Learned a ton on how to be a high status male and talk to girls. His prime was 2013-2017. OG one of the best ever to do it easily. His bread and butter was game. If you know you know. I still think his best course are the carefree installation system. Followed by the dominance and persuasion courses.(which are indirectly about game) If your reading this and really want to understand game. Check out his courses! Still very good even today. But keep in mind he had a big ego because he was getting hella pussy haha. I understand why he transitioned into personal development. Which he was a god at too. (he took down a lot of his youtube videos which were about morning routine, mindset, tone of voice etc. A marketing wizard, fantastic copywriter, and great at personal development. But he was the best at game. Him and owen cook are the ones that really "got it". Different styles but they are the two best ever too do it imo

21:01 UTC


how long should a cold approach last

problem with cold approach is alot of folks tend to talk too long even after their target becomes uninterested. so should a time limit be set. also, the longer you spend talking to someone who doesnt like you, the less time you will have on those who do. if youre unable to read emotions, then you should probably set time limits so that you dont end up trying to riz up someone who isnt interested. 5 minutes is generally enough to say whatever needs to be said. to be honest, if your target is interested in you, not a whole lot needs to be said. if someone is uninterested, you can spend an hour talking, and they still wont be interested. if someone is interested, you can speak for less than 1 minute, get a number, and leave

15:14 UTC


what are some good places to cold approach?

stand in front of a club, wait for someone you like to get in line, get in right behind, and ask about the club scene. this way you dont have to pay to get into the club, and dont have to pay for drinks. it's going to be the same folks in and out of the club. since youre not going up to ask for a date, and stopping someone on the street, it takes away some of the awkwardness. this will look much more natural and coincidental than if you were to just randomly stop a someone on the street

stand outside a sporting event. sporting events have lots of attractive people. once again. do not pay to go in

outside a concert. same thing.

go to a busy restraunt at lunch time, especially one where alot of people take their lunch breaks. you will get lots of foot traffic in a short period of time. can easily do 10 approaches. everyones in a hurry. either theyre with it or not. again, you do not need to pay to eat there. just stand there like you are waiting on line to order food

one thing to note about malls. or venues like the beach is that they tend to be busier on saturdays than sundays. weather also makes a big difrence. for example a 75 degree cloudy day will not be as good as a sunny 80 degree day, even though the 75 degree day may be more comfortable. also, with malls. even though alot of pua will target malls, they tend to attract more materialistic folks so you have to be aware of that, unless you dont mind spending lots of money on your target

and always look out for those big events- st patricks, haloween, july 4, thanksgiving parade, new years count down, and even things like santa con. as a matter of fact, santa con is very good because it tends to attract alot of single folks in their 20s

1 Comment
15:13 UTC


is it better to wink or smile

let's say you see someone attractive on the street

15:09 UTC


how to approach girls without giving the impression of neediness ?

So I have a great physique and I have High self esteem, but when I get into a date I always do this mistake that I show myself like needy, I give to much respect and compliments to the girl I like and put her like in the center of a relationship or begin to admire them too much. It's hard for me not to do this when I meet someone I truly like! I noticed that this make them slip away like they think I am insecure or something! Even though I feel confident in myself. can you guys give me any tips how to approach girls not giving bad impressions? how do you stop yourself from showing your feelings for a chick that you like? any tips would help. If not, I would appreciate them

03:33 UTC

19:20 UTC


Wing man wanted

I’m looking for a wing to do a bit of day game on the weekend. You don’t need to be experienced just need to dress decent and bring good energy.

I’m late 29 year old male who’s works in oil and gas. Based in London. My hobbies include going to the gym and chatting to attractive girls.

I’ve been out the game for a bit but looking to get back into it myself. Hit me up

17:31 UTC


Searching for wingman

Searching for Wingman in London, Ontario, Canada. Lets connect do the game together.

02:51 UTC


can i get some feedback on this interaction with this girl


video starts at 14 seconds. I would appreciate any feedback from this video. thanks

1 Comment
19:32 UTC


Andrew Tate PhD Girls Course (full)


Thank me later, if you want all of his other courses on girls, fitness, network, business, webcam, etc. comment below

03:24 UTC


How to reinvigorate an on-off flirtation

So, it's a guy from a professional situation. He was flirting hard with me (touching his feet to mine, touching my face, gently caressing the top of my hand, compliments, good body language, standing close, etc.). But I was pretty shy and couldn't figure out how to respond.

More recently he has gone a little hot and cold. I am worried that our flirtation could fully die down.

What should I say and do that would get the point across that I am interested? What if he doesn't flirt? How should I address that? Could I say "I still like you even if you don't like me anymore"??? Or should I just compliment him or tell him that I feel close to him?

I just don't know the most effective approach, both verbally and physically, without putting myself out there too much. Please, if you have any ideas, give me some different examples of things I could say or do that you think might be effective ! (That way, I will have a few up my sleeve.)

10:01 UTC


Need help trying to slowly make over myself. Please help. I have no friends and no one for advice.

18:42 UTC


Shoot your freaking shot

For context I work at university library music and media section. One of my coworkers is clearly into a guy in her major who comes in all the time. They have great chemistry, a lot in common and she's laying it down thick. Beyond tempted to flat out tell her ask him out!

23:03 UTC


should moving to the district that hv some young girls

now the district i living is less young girls thx

1 Comment
21:02 UTC


Running Game

08:24 UTC


Being The Man That Triggering Female Desire

Many men focus on to get numbers from women and keep in touch with lots of women. By creating desire through manipulation, they try to deceive women about their sexual values and reach sexuality. This video explains that all this is the trivial part. I think it could be a good discussion topic. What do you think makes a man more attractive? Good dating skills or masculine energy?


13:57 UTC


Social Circle Game Got Me To VIP In 20 Minutes, By Having Female Friends

FPUAs are very valuable to each other and to the male community, which is what enabled me to get to VIP in the first place.

Below is an account of a time I went to a club with some wingwomen, and we ended up getting into VIP within minutes.


If you're looking for other FPUAs to discuss game with or wing with, send me a message. This subreddit has been dying for a long time, but we have a secure place on Telegram already with some lesbians in New York, San Diego, etc.

00:37 UTC


would like your advice to compete with another girl he has seen and his ex wife in a very high stakes visit to me.

I would like your advice to compete with another girl he has seen and his ex wife in a very high stakes visit to me.

I've known this guy eight years. The last time I had sex with him was in December 2020. I saw him for my birthday in March 2021 and again in December 2021, but he declined to sleep with me those times.

It's important to note he asked me to marry him in 2015 but I turned him down to move and make another go at the first year of professional school. (I should have told him to move with me.) I ultimately dropped out but he married the next girl he met on Tinder. He lost his vcard to me so he credits me with being able to get her and when he says that I don't really understand. Anyway, he was married to her for two years before he and I hooked up again. He was seeing me from 2019 to 2021. And I have given him a lot of money from my trust fund.

In March 2021 he started seeing yet a third girl and his wife finally left him. He is now in the middle of a divorce. She is a newly minted lawyer whereas I dropped out of professional school. She started living with him for a month but unsuccessful as a lawyer working for herself went to live with her parents again across the country last month. I moved out-of-state in 2021, with much regret.

Meanwhile I am talking to him online this week and he suggests visiting me!

This visit is so important to me but the stakes are really high. He has already said he will sleep with me. But I have noticed I ask for sex more than he does.

I have forgotten how to be seductive. He plays very manipulatively. I don't know what to do with him while he is here either. I was thinking of going to a Virtual reality store but we would have to travel. Ideas for date? He's kind of a homebody. He also wants to visit in one day and not stay overnight.

I also don't know if after he sees me he goes back to the third lawyer girl.

I'm not asking the right questions that would lead to a relationship or something. (Help?)

I'm looking for advice, but also, Where can I find something to read or watch quickly online to bone up on my seductive instincts, assuming that would help.

Also I'm late 30's Guy is 31 this year. And no I don't want to go for anyone else. Also I have money. My apartment is not going to impress him this time. Instead of the high end apartments I usually rent I am renting an older apartment.

17:23 UTC


Putting Together A Group

Hey there, ladies.

We have a group called Game Girls, where lesbian PUAs, bisexual PUAs and other female PUAs can join. Also if you're a transgender PUA, just let me know.

Obviously this subreddit has become very inactive. Nobody posts anything anymore. But a few weeks back I posted a poll, and about 20 of you responded.

So let's actually build a collective community so you can exchange ideas and level up together. We already have a few members, and these people are eager to find more just like them; you!

If you're interested, drop a comment saying whichever one applies to you:





I will then start a chat with you and send you an invite. Let's do it!

20:08 UTC

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