
Photograph via snooOG

This subreddit was created due to a flood of patient questions in various other eye-related subreddits.

However, given that medical advice over the internet cannot be given without an exam, and that legal liability is tremendously high for telling someone "eh, it's probably nothing, don't worry," please understand that it is likely that many of your less pressing questions may not receive satisfactory answers. Online advice can never replace an actual medical examination.

This subreddit was created due to a flood of patient questions in various other eye-related subreddits.

However, given that medical advice over the internet cannot be given without an exam, and that legal liability is tremendously high for telling someone "eh, it's probably nothing, don't worry," please understand that it is likely that many of your less pressing questions may not receive satisfactory answers. Online advice can never replace an actual medical examination.


8,482 Subscribers


28f my eyes are dry and it feels like there is a foreign body where my tearducts are (?)

I wear daily contacts regularly, but only wore them three times in the last week - wednesday, sunday, and tuesday (yesterday). I also wore a ca. 5 month old (too old, I know) and cheap (but sold in a drugstore and considered safe for contact wearers) mascara the days I wore contacts, and never wore the contacts for more than 6 hours at a time.

I had a pretty bad day on monday and I cried all morning, was not wearing contacts or makeup there. I noticed that my eyes were more red towards the inner corner, when normally they are just kind of red all over when I cry. Didn’t think much of it though.

Tuesday my eyes felt and looked fine, so I wore contacts and the mascara in the evening. Everything was fine until I took the contacts out and the makeup off, when the foreign body feeling started. It lasted until I went to bed and was still there when I woke up. It was present all day today (no makeup or contacts worn). My eyes look a bit red and dry, but it doesn’t look like I have pink eye or anything like that.

Do you think this is a reason for concern, and do you have any ideas on whether it might be due to the crying, the mascara or something else? I’ve never had hay fever but of course that can show up at any time in life. I’m also not sure if I can ”feel my tear ducts” due to my eyes being dry or if my eyes are dry because my tear ducts are clogged or something 😅

This is difficult to say from a distance of course, I’m just hoping to get some possible insights!

21:12 UTC


43F; Q About the OCT Machine

OK, I know this is weird, but I have my reasons.

The green cross you look at during the OCT scan- is that just on the OCT machine or is it used in any of the others? Are there any machines that just take a regular picture of the eye that use a green cross?

P.S NSFW due to my previous posts. If you want to retain your innocence, stay away from them. But if you don't, don't 🙃

20:40 UTC


20F Just diagnosed with MGD and dry eye please help

my eyes though are the most dry and red in the corners near my nose. I want to know if there's anything I can do for comfort.

My eyes also started recently clicking when I blink!

I just want my life back. I'm just a 20 year old girl. I don't know how I can be myself anymore

On restatis, doing warm compress and massage. Manuka honey gel, systane hydration of drops, and blinking more

My birthday is in 3 days. I don't know if I can be myself anymore. I'm a shell of who I was

19:13 UTC


32F, possible to be near sighted in one eye and far sighted in the other?

Hi, 32F, white, hx of congenital ptosis and amblyopia (right lid surgery around age 4 or 5). The surgery made a big impact but I still have issues with the lid that I notice in pictures and have been told by essentially everyone in my life that has watched me sleep that I sleep with my right eye partially open lol. I’ve been using eye drops to help with the dryness associated with this. I also experienced an eye trauma when I was 7 or 8 that I had to go to the ER for and wear a patch for a while. Other issues include pituitary adenoma that is monitored via an endocrinologist. I don’t drink or smoke cigarettes.

I went to the optometrist a few weeks ago and given two separate prescriptions/pairs of glasses. One for distance/driving and the other for reading/computer/up close. Here are the prescriptions for them.

Unsure if this is the place to ask, but does this essentially mean I am farsighted in one eye and nearsighted in the other? This does make sense for me in terms of my experience with difficulties with my eyes. The only other things that stood out in the appointment was that she said the difference in vision between my eyes and my astigmatism were probably a big cause of my headaches, and noted I might have convergence insufficiency(?).


17:23 UTC


19F Very similar case to eye ulcer, doctor said it's not ulcer, though. Very anxious still

I know this sounds dumb, I'm just trying to calm myself down.

Yesterday I went to a sort of "emergency eye hospital" we have in my country (all professionals are licensed doctors, the one who saw me was an ophtalmologist). Because besides BOTH my eyes being super red, left one had a small white dot I could see just over the iris (happened out of nowhere, both eyes got red at the same time). I thought it was an ulcer, freaked out, doctor. No pain, I had a slight foreign body feel on left eye but it was very subtle

She did the slit lamp test, did that orange eyedrop thing (lol) and told me I have allergies that are associated with rhinitis, the white dots are Horner-Trantas dots. She said zero infection, just inflammation. She put me on prednisolone AC. She told me I have 3 of those bumps in each eye, I could only see the one over the iris because it made it more obvious

I'm following her instructions but I'm scared shitless this might be an ulcer, though I'd imagine that's the first thing she checked. And i'd imagine I would be in terrible pain with 3 ulcers in each eye, which im not. Can someone help me calm down? Thank you :( The redness has gone down a lot but the dots won't budge.

17:22 UTC


36M Slit Lamp Exam - Did I just see the light bulb coil as a patient?

So I just had my slit lamp exam (I'm the patient) and I remember at one point I was able to see a light bulb coil illuminated. Is this possible? If yes, can this damage my eyes?

The doctor was using a magnifying glass in her hand and I'm wondering that maybe she did put the magnifying glass in reverse, so that it would actually magnify the light source?

Other that that I was seeing just a pure bright (too bright!) light for the most of the exam, but I'm really wondering why did I see something resembling a snake-like light coil for a few seconds.

16:24 UTC


37 Male: Eye Pain in Darkness?? (not light)

I've had nightly headaches at about 8-9pm on the dot for a few months, but it's mostly gotten better. What lingers is pain around the rim of the eyes (especially the left) only when it's dark. If I walk from my lit living room into a dark hallway to go to bed, the pain hits immediately. If I switch the light on, it mostly goes away. If it's dark again, pain again. Pretty mild pain though, nothing severe. Just weird that it's at 9pm sharp and triggered by darkness. Everything online talks about pain triggered by light, not dark. Any thoughts? I thought digital eyestrain, but idk. None of the other symptoms I read match up. And more or less screen use doesn't seem to effect it. Thanks!

13:40 UTC


27M CLI/mgd

Hey doctors!

No drugs,smoking, or alcohol use.

Here’s my story. I wore contacts for about 5-6 years without problems and have had issues wearing them the last two years. I first noticed this when it felt like I had an eyelash stuck under my eye(not the lense) and I saw a red dot in my eye. (Switching brands eliminated red dot and minimized foreign body sensation)

I was told by multiple doctors that I had dry eye which was not common in 27 year old males. I did restasis for about a year with no real improvement, fish oil, lid scrubs, warm compresses and nothing really moved the needle. My dry eye doctor told me that I needed lipiflow so I shelled out for it and it didn’t help at all. Then she gave me new contacts after saying how much she hated contacts. The contacts made my eyes feel drier than baseline but I was able to wear them for 12 hours but not without resetting drops.

I then decide to check out a laser surgeon. They treat dry eye as well so I figured why not do this first. The doctor(who didn’t have a great bedside manner) comes in and tells me I have mgd but a lot of mites and gives me xdemvy and tobramiacin. That kinda helps but not a huge deal. Then she perscribes cequa which I didn’t feel did much and my vision actually dropped. Then she gives me contacts that feel pretty darn good but don’t stay on my eyes. I mention this and she says I have bumps on my eyelids and this makes my dry eye worse or could even be masquerading as it. She then gives me generic Lotemax and my eyes never felt better. I was able to wear contacts business as usual with only slight dryness. I go in for my folllow up and can read 20/20 both eyes. But she was fired by the main doctor who came in and said “dry eye is unheard of in men your age stop all treatments and let your eyes go back to normal. This is mostly caused by contact lense wear so don’t ever wear them.i have no concerns about your dryness for PRK.

I was all set to schedule my PRK but was convinced out of it.

I have an extreme hatred of glasses and my hobbies/career aspirations don’t allow for glasses. I’ve been thinking of scleral contacts or prk. I’ve heard my eyes are not bad enough for those contacts.

What are y’all’s thoughts?

1 Comment
12:12 UTC


30F Bacteria in eye

About a month ago i woke up and my top eyelid hurt and was swollen, it hurt for about 3 days then slowly went away. Around the same time i had gotten my eyebrows done and i also had a patient who had pink eye. My eyeball was never pink or red however it was itchy and watery. About a week later i noticed the vision in that eye was distorted and i see double vision when highway signs are very far away. I had forgotten about the eye infection since it didnt really cause severe symptoms but then after the vision changed i was concerned. When i look into my magnifying mirror i can see the inside of my waterline on the top lash is red in one tiny spot that i have to lift up to see. My assumption is the eye is inflamed and thats whats causing the vision distortortion. I had the eye doctor check my eyes and that was a waste of time, everything was “perfectly healthy” and he suggested i get a stronger eyeglass prescription (currently i only wear glasses in pouring rain or unfamiliar places when driving). Now for the first time ive developed allergies but my nose is only stuffy and runny on the same side of the irritated eye. A np at work reccomended artiticial tears/ saline drops. I bought refresh relieva but i dont know if thats the right brand. Please help!

09:04 UTC


18F Melanin production problem

I am 18F, 155cm, 40kg, Caucasian and live in Germany. I have a prehistory with anorexia. I have developed a lighter colour and green discolouration in my eyes, before, inbetween and after can be seen here: https://imgur.com/a/pXxzKey

This has emerged ever since the usage of a brow serum that unknowingly contained prostaglandin for 1 month. I had a strong reaction to the product, so under a month my eyes started to turn lighter as a result and I had bad rashes around my eyes. I was sadly malnourished at that time so I assume because of my weakend immune system i had a stronger reaction. Due to very complex body-dismorphic related mental health problems, I did not notice the extend of the reaction nor was i able to seek out a doctor at that time for the same reasons. I stopped the product after a month (seen in before picture) but for reasons unknown, my eyes still kept deteriorating (inbetween and after image about 8 day difference to the before). I additionally had problems with my pupils, they would contract to an unusually small size. I am still unsure where an existing contaminant could be as I took care/threw away a lot of things that made contact with my eyes at that time. Currently i am using sterile eyedrops and supplements to support healing.

My questions would be:

  1. To my knowledge prostagladins discolouration darkens the eyes during very prolonged use but there are no recorded cases of iris lightening. Could it be the case that the reaction to one of the ingredients in the product inhibited or disrupted melanin production? Could there be a chance of melanin cells permanently dying off because of damage therefore making it permanent? Or is there another reason?
  2. Is this permanent? Will this regress to its original state?
  3. I have visited a doctor but he only has seen the before. Obviously since there was no visible change at that time my case was pretty much dismissed and i was quickly sent off being told it was „fine“. Should I seek a second opinion?

Thank you for your help in advance! And also thank you for taking this seriously, my eyes are really important to me!

08:49 UTC


22 M ocular hypertension and Ritalin

Hello, I've recently been diagnosed with adhd and given ritalin. Reading the info sheet for ritalin mentioned that you should not take ritalin if you had increased eye pressure/glaucoma.

I was first told about my high pressure a while back when they said it was about 26mmhg.

Recent checkup said it was 22-23mmhg and the optician mentioned that I should check up every now. Also mentioned that since I didn't have any family history of it nor damage that I might just have thick corneas which would be a relief.

Should I be taking ritalin?

08:05 UTC


23 f possible bacterial keratitis/some infection

Possible bacterial keratitis/infection

23 F possible bacterial keratitis or some infection etc

Possible bacterial keratitis/some infection etc

      White female 23, eye redness(slowly getting better;almost no redness now), originally occurred this last Saturday so five days, no medical issues or medications, and I do drink alc weekly (3 days a week) and smoke both cigarettes and recreational mj. I’ll try to keep this short. Not healthy I know but I’m honest. 
         Like an idiot I ran out of contact solution and used water for my contacts. There’s no way to excuse that. Yea I know it’s really dumb and I feel really bad about it. Literally was too broke and busy at the end of the week to get it before my pay day Friday and was too embarrassed to ask for help. Did that last week for a few days, wake up Saturday morning with my right eye red. Wore contacts after I cleaned them still that day and then Sunday etc in the eye that wasn’t red. 

       Only did this because I really was unaware of eye infections like an idiot and didn’t put two and two together. Monday night stopped wear completely because now left eye was slightly red too. Redness slowly went down over the weekend and now is almost gone by today, Wednesday now. I called my eye doctor and she said I should be fine since the redness is slowly going away but to keep an eye on it this week and keep not wearing the lenses like I have been. 
        I’ve been a contact wearer since 2012 and I really never had any issues with the water and germs etc. I was naive and never realized how dangerous this can be. So redness is almost all gone. I have slight light sensitivity as of today but I go about my day fine. Basically if anyone has any words of advice etc it’d be much appreciated because even though my doctor said I should be fine because the redness is slowly going away I’m still internally really freaking out where it’s crippling anxiety thinking I’m letting an infection sit undetected in my eye. 
           Thanks for any words of wisdom it’s much needed. Also I know this is definitely contact and water and hygeine related so I know it has to be some infection; could this go away on it’s own since the redness is slowly going away? Also super super worried about this being the serious infection that begins from having tap water etc on your contacts. Google really is tormenting me. 
06:16 UTC


35/female brain tumour worry

I had an eye exam a few days ago for an increase in floaters this past few months.

They did the test where I put my head infront of a machine which shines a bright light into my eye and he looks into the back of my eye from the other side.

He then got this little round glass thing which he held infront of each eye and looked at the again.

He asked me to look up, down, left and right.

But my worry is he spent at least 30-40 seconds looking at my right eye whilst I was looking down. He even asked me to blink after about 15 seconds and looked at it again for about 20 seconds more.

But when he looked at my left eye he only looked at it for about 5-10 seconds.

He said my eyes were healthy.

But my worry is he saw something in my right eye he wasn't sure about but dismissed it.

Would this test have picked up on the pressure caused by brain tumours? Because that's my biggest fear and it was the reason I went for the eye exam because I wanted to put my mind at ease but it's just left me more worried.

I did have the OCT test too but that just looked at the eyeball, he checked the test while I was there with him and talked me through what we were looking at and it was normal.

(35, female, UK, non smoker)

06:06 UTC


31 M CNV risk in eyes with CSR after argon laser for lattice degeneration?

31 M myopic, -3.5 diopters, CSR, lattice degeneration.

Two years ago, I was diagnosed with central serous retinopathy, which resolved in about three months. Since then, I haven't experienced any recurrences that I'm aware of. However, just two weeks ago, I received a diagnosis of lattice degeneration, causing my anxiety to skyrocket. My retina specialist has recommended argon laser treatment for my right eye, followed by the same procedure for my left eye in 14 days.

My concern is whether it's counterproductive to undergo argon laser photocoagulation in eyes with pachychoroids, given their predisposition to choroidal neovascularization (CNV). Am I overreacting, or is there a genuine risk? Additionally, I'd like to understand the odds of CNV occurring after laser photocoagulation. I initially believed this treatment would benefit my CSR by stabilizing the retina and aiding fluid reabsorption, but I recently came across a document on NIH that has left me feeling a bit anxious.


05:42 UTC


2M / toddler corneal abrasion

Hello. We are asian. I have questions, my 2yr old son had his cornea scracthed. We went to urgent care and they gave him antibiotic drops..

  1. Today is day 1 of the antibiotic, I noticed that the scratches in the black part of the eyes has turned white. Is it healing? Or is it part of the healing?

  2. I had to follow up with a optometrist tomorrow but we dont have a vision insurance for my kid. Can I use a medical insurance instead?

Sorry I am a new mom. I am so confuse and scared. He is not bothered he is doing fine and his eye is not watery or has pus (tmi) on it.. thanks!

04:32 UTC


46 F, conjunctivitis in only one eye, no cold symptoms at all, given abx drops

On 5/13 woke up with right eye pink/red with some crusty stuff. It wasn’t super thick but I had no cold symptoms at all. I did urgent care and they prescribed polymyxin drops. Now it’s 24+ hours later and I think it has improved slightly but I think this is muddled by the medicine itself being somewhat drying/irritating.

I have been reading now after the fact that urgent care really isn’t the best place to go for something like this and now I’m wondering if it could still be viral even though it’s only in one eye and I don’t have any other viral type symptoms (no cold, no fever, no nothing). Should I finish 10 days of this stuff just in case?

Anyone have this experience or similar?

(EDIT: I should add that I don’t wear contacts and I don’t use eye makeup nor do I historically have eye based allergies that I know of.)

1 Comment
04:17 UTC


47 f please help no prior issues

About 8 years ago i started to form a whitish yellowish spot next to the iris of my eye, in the white part. Fast forward, i currently have folliculitis affecting my eyelashes and have been prescribed Polymxin B Sulfate w/ thrimethoprin solution. As the folliculitis is clearing, the spot on my eye is becoming a more clear color. What is this? PS my vision has gotten very blurry close range

1 Comment
04:04 UTC


24,M. Saw flashes only in one eye when I stood up

24,M. I was sitting down and when I stood up I saw a couple flashes in my left eye only In the top left corner that went away after a few seconds. Am I being paranoid worrying about a retinal detachment just based off of that one thing? Is it possibly from standing up too fast? Should I wait to see if it happens again before calling the optometrist? Thank you.

22:49 UTC


27M PRK and CXL for Keratoconus?

Hi guys,

I have -6 (left eye) and -7 (right eye).

Left eye has Keratoconus, but appears to be stable for past 1-2 years (I am 27 y/o).

The keratoconus leaves my left eye unable to be properly corrected and I can hardly see even with glasses.

I have been rejected for normal LASIK as I have thin corneas in both eyes.

But have been suggested for Trans PRK and CXL (same day) for the left eye to 'normalise the cornea shape.

The plan is to then have ICL (in about 12 months, to allow for the left eye to settle).

Is this ideal or will it cause me problems and not make much difference?

1 Comment
18:58 UTC


19M Retina Image Info

I just got some retinal scans back and the doctor gave me a rundown of what parts of the eye can be seen on the scan and a general interpretation of the scan, but I was a bit out of it and completely forgot what she said. I'm trying to recall so I can talk to my significant other about it, so I'd love to just hear whatever thoughts you guys have on this so I can tell them that. I'm fully aware that this is a forum and I will not take any comments made here as any kind of medical advice. I'm just a bit in a hurry to get some info about this image.

I'm a 19-year-old Asian male. I don't have any major eye conditions but I do wear glasses. I also was diagnosed as pre-diabetic a year ago. I don't drink/smoke/use drugs. I'm not on any medication.


17:53 UTC


19M can I take HRT with retina detachment?

One of my eyes sees nice while the other one sees only light. I had a lot of surgeries on both of them

I have had extreme dysphoria for past 2.5 years. And I really would like to transition to female. I feel I have no choice anymore.

My endocrinologist says I may take EstroGel (as source of estrogen) and Spironolactone (as antiandrogen)

The first one increases BP while the second one decreases

But is it really possible to take HRT with my disease ? I would be so thankful for any answers or contacts

17:13 UTC


32M - Is it possible for Ortho-K lenses to make you see better after 6 hours than after 8 hours?

Hey everyone,

The reason I ask is because it sometimes feels like if I don't wear my ortho-k lenses 8 hours but shorter, I see better. More crisp. According to my optometrist it's bullshit but hey, I'm seeing it for myself (ha) aren't I?

I just want to know if there are others with the same experience so I can feel less delusional about this

14:24 UTC


33M-corneal abrasion

I scratched my eyeball yesterday. I went to a doctor and he did the dye in my eyeball and said id be fine, he didnt see overly concerned. It hurts like crazy, even getting to sleep was awful and waking up it still hurts. I think I am going to have to call off work because I can't use my right eye. Question is-he prescribed tobradex which I am seeing on here people have not enjoyed using. I feel like any doctor is just going to give you a prescription for antibiotics these days. Would I be okay just using regular preservative free eye drops? Do I legit need the tobradex? I guess I am just going to be hurting for a week? I don't want to lose my vision obviously; I have alway had perfect vision

13:12 UTC


24F - Possible PVD or something else?


I’m a 24 year old female, Caucasian, and do not smoke and drink occasionally on weekends. I was on combination birth control for 10 years and got off it about a month ago, and was recently taking oral iron supplements since which I’ve stopped as well. I have anxiety, TMJD, and recently got over Covid in January. I’ve had dry eyes for as long as I can remember as well.

I’ve been having some flashes of light/new floaters since early March. I’ve seen an ophthalmologist and optometrist since this began and both have said my eyes look healthy.

The flashes started one morning when I felt very dizzy (I had low iron at the time so I just thought it was this) and then when I went back to bed, I noticed a flash out of the corner of my right eye when I turned it to the right. I also had some mild pain and redness in this eye. These flashes now happen in both eyes, sometimes it’s worse than others. I can almost “make” it happen by moving my eye to the side - if it’s dark in the room it’ll almost always happen in my right eye, sometimes more intense than others. My left eye however is very very occasional. These flashes range from large almost converging my full vision to tiny circular flashes / lightning streaks along the side that fade out. My prescription has always been worse in my right eye as well - not sure if this has anything to do with it. My prescription has been relatively the same for over 5 years now, as follows:

Right eye: -1.75 SPH, +0.50 CYL, 61 Axis Left eye: -1.25 SPH, +0.25 CYL, 141 Axis

The redness comes and goes, and occasionally I wake up with gunk in my eyes but this has only happened maybe twice in the last 2 months. It’s almost as if I have pink eye, but it only lasts the morning then disappeared and doesn’t come back the next day. On top of this, I’ve also had flashes in bright rooms that almost seem like a camera flash, which happened maybe 3 times total, and I have new floaters in both of my eyes but mostly my right eye (clear transparent bubble like floaters that I can only see when looking at the sky or a blank wall). On top of this I also get ocular migraines from time to time and have slight visual snow along with afterimages etc, all within the last two months.

The ophthalmologist throughly checked my eyes with a dilated exam and said everything looks okay, and even got me back in last Friday for a check up over a month later and said everything still looks fine. He said it’s the gel on the back of my eyes and nothing to be concerned about - does this mean PVD? Could PVD happen this early, and would it cause all these other symptoms?

I’m just so confused as to what’s going on, since it seems like it could be an eye issue because of the pain/redness, but also could be a brain issue. Any help or similar experiences is greatly greatly appreciated!

13:04 UTC


29M - white stuff in inner corners

I already have an appointment at the ophthamologist, but I have to wait till september and doctors around here kind of suck anyway. Maybe someone here can help me out.

I've had this white stuff appear in the inner corners of both eyes for a while now - especially in the morning, before and after washing my face and after showering. Usually I'm good after removing it a couple of times, but it can reappear at any time, which has made me constantly touch the corners of my eyes and that can't be good.

There is no itching or anything. The only other thing I've noticed is, that I sometimes have like a film on my eyes which can blur my vision a bit. My eyes are also somewhat dry. Drops haven't helped with the white stuff.

I can provide a pic, if needed. Thanks in advance!

12:40 UTC


24f - sparkling/flickering spots in corner of vision

Some background: I have high myopia (-7 both eyes). I went to the optometrist 3 weeks ago for a routine eye check, was urgently referred to an ophthalmologist due to suspected retinal hole. She also added that I should go to the local eye hospital’s emergency department if I suddenly have new floaters and flashes.

I went to the opthalmologist a few days later, went through some tests and he said my right eye does have some retinal holes but he thinks they’re not urgent and I have the choice whether to monitor it or get a laser retinopexy done. He gave me some time to think it over and scheduled a follow up appointment in 4 weeks (which is 2 weeks from now).

Since this morning I’ve noticed some flickering spots (like tiny sparkles) in the lower right corner of my vision, only from my right eye (which is the one with the retinal hole). No other symptoms and doesn’t really interfere with my daily activities. Should I go to the eye hospital’s ER anyway? Not sure since I have an eye appointment in 2 weeks

10:18 UTC


19M - Potential Glaucoma.

  • My race is South Asain, but I live in the USA.

  • Glaucoma Suspect? More details in the post.

  • No medical issues with eye, just moderate Near sightedness.

  • No medication, no smoking, no drugs.

Last month I went to my optomologist/optometrist originally to get the contact lens testing done. I have moderate Nearsightedness/Myopia.

They did some basic tests initially and found that the Optical Nerve Disk on my left eye was bigger than my right eye.

The doctor told me to not worry too much about it because it is most likely congenital (Born with it), but said it could also be glaucoma, and she would like to have some tests done.

I came in for my follow up and had some tests done, including the visual field test, and a few other. The doctor hasn't said anything else but that it would take a few appointments to really know weather or not is it glaucoma and to come every 6 months, and they can't 100% tell any results since I was a new patient for them, and he told me to not to worry too much about it since I am still young.

I have no family history of glaucoma that I know of.

So the questions I had were:

  1. The only other time where my Optical Nerve Disk was checked in 2022 with a different OD, he hasn't noticed anything in the time, why is that?

Would that mean that the asymmetry of my Optical Nerve Disk was not congenital (Born with it) and was caused from Glaucoma?

When I do another eye check up in Sep/Oct would I better off with the doctor I visited in 2022, its been 2 years since I went to him so I do not know if they get a image of the Optical Nerve Disk saved up like that? Do they usually have it saved somewhere on file?

Or should I visit the OD that found my asymmetric optic nerves in the first place and has my visual field tests results, etc?

  1. Is there any other potential causes of asymmetric optic nerves other than Glaucoma and being born with it, that I should be aware of? Would the asymmetry itself cause any vision problems in the future?

  2. What is the likelihood of this being Glaucoma? I know this is something I should have ask my doctor but I was just wondering what were your opinions on this?

02:03 UTC


34M - Chronic Styes

I have been getting reoccurring styes around 6 weeks apart and they last for 12-14 days. This has been going on for 2 years now. They're painful and unsightly. I am extremely hygienic. I do not wear makeup. I frequently wash my pillow cases. I'm a white male, I have psoriatic arthritis, because of that I take a biologic. I have a Pomeranian dog. I'm only mentioning these because I do not know if they're factors. What could be causing these reoccurring styes?

04:42 UTC


33F Abnormal Optic Nerve Causing Diplopia for Two Months, No Diagnosis

According to a neuro-ophthalmologist, a nerve in my left eye looks abnormal from an MRI scan. I have double vision always whenever I look down, but occasionally it will be double when I look up, or when I look left to right, or when I look anywhere at all. I have maybe 15 minutes in a day when I have no double vision at all. The double vision is always the worst in the morning for about an hour. I don't feel any pain but I can feel a slight pressure in my left eye for most of the day. When I tilt my head back, my right eyelid gradually closes normally but my left eyelid won't close past halfway. I can force it shut. The double vision seems to be less intense on the weekends when I'm not staring at a computer for eight hours, but it's always lingering in some direction.

This has been going on for about two months. I've had a CT scan, an MRI, a thyroid ultrasound and blood tests and the doctor doesn't seem to know what's causing the nerve in my left eye to not function properly. The doctor says that the nerve in my eye looks abnormal and it's probably nothing major and possibly something I just have to live with.

I have IBD so I’ve been on the same anti-inflammatory medication for almost 10 years. I also started a birth control pill for the first time in my life about a month before the double vision began and stopped taking the pill about a month ago. The BC pill was the only new change in my life when the double vision began but no one seems to think it had any effect on my vision. 

I occasionally wear an eye patch when the double vision is clouding my entire range of vision, but I'm not sure if wearing it will actually help the eye heal in the long term. I'm afraid that wearing it for too long will cause short and long distance adjustment issues.

Is anyone familiar with something like this? Is it possible that the nerve will recover and perform normally again? Is there anything I can do to help speed up recovery if recovery is possible?

1 Comment
23:32 UTC


31f- left eye itchy and scratchy

I have an appointment with my eye doctor Friday but wondering if I can get some possibilities before then.

Right eye feels fine. For the last ~week or so my left eye is itchy, scratchy and it's been twitching for the last few weeks off and on as well.

I just started dry eye drops today and it helps a little bit but not a lot. And when I look at my eyes in the mirror with a light, it almost looks like there is a little white spot on my caruncle and what looks like maybe discharge or a little string coming off of it. I've tried gently touching it with a qtip to see if maybe it was something stuck in there but that did not budge. The feeling is an itchy/scratchy feeling towards that corner of my eye. And a feeling of pressure as well.

The pressure may or may not be unrelated, I've had a virus from hell for the last week and a few days before that the feeling of pressure/strain near that eye started.

1 Comment
01:58 UTC

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