Have you ever been watching a movie and decided to watch the extras rather than the actors for a change? It's amazing the stuff you miss that goes on in the background of movies. Post the odd, weird, funny strand and obscene movie extras that you stumble upon.
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If confused, please refer to our current submissions for what this subreddit is about, and as always, we thank you for spending a portion of your day on /r/extrawoods :)
Our friends:
Welcome to the 2019 /r/extrawoods awards!!!
It's an honour being involved in the nichiest of niche subs that is /r/extrawoods and it's time to celebrate what makes this sub so great!
Nominate posts in the thread below and the top voted posts receive reddit gold! I honestly won't rest until every post in this sub has gold lol. Thank you for making this sub what it is <3
Welcome to the 2019 /r/extrawoods awards!!!
It's an honour being involved in the nichiest of niche subs that is /r/extrawoods and it's time to celebrate what makes this sub so great!
Nominate posts in the thread below and the top voted posts receive reddit gold! I honestly won't rest until every post in this sub has gold lol. Thank you for making this sub what it is <3
"Didn't even win world records unlike other Marvel movies"
"People went to see just to see hints about End Game"
"It's Marvel movies, people go see anything"
"The feminist agenda sucked, they shouldn't force films with automatic massive box office scores to have agendas"
"Brie Larson is about to hit wall"
"This movie will bomb in China because of they don't accept 3rd wave feminism bullshit"
It's been an honour being involved in the nichiest of niche subs that is /r/extrawoods and it's time to celebrate what makes this sub so great!
Nominate posts (with a link to the post!) in the thread below and the top voted posts (it's in contest mode) receive a month's reddit gold! I honestly won't rest until every post in this sub has gold lol. Thank you for making this sub what it is <3
It's been an honour being involved in the nichiest of niche subs that is /r/extrawoods and it's time to celebrate what makes this sub so great!
Nominate posts (with a link to the post!) in the thread below and the top voted posts (it's in contest mode) receive a month's reddit gold! We have 10 to give away. Thank you for making this sub what it is <3
Hello everybody, it's time for /r/extrawoods best of 2016 Awards!
As part of reddit's /r/bestof2016 event, we've got 10 reddit golds to hand out to people who have contributed to /r/extrawoods this year.
Our sub was created 2 years ago by /u/alienbrayn1 and has to be one of the most under rated subs on reddit, let's celebrate what's made us great as we strive for an even more successful 2017!
The Categories are:
Best Original Post:
Best Content Creator:
Best Gif Maker:
Best Comments: (multiple golds)
Most heartwarming post/comment:
Post of the year:
Best Knowledge Award:
Community choice: This is an open category for the community to nominate people who have been important to /r/extrawoods development this year.
How voting will work:
This thread will be set to contest mode, meaning scores will be hidden. If you want to nominate someone then reply to the appropriate category with their username and a link to the post or comment where appropriate. Most votes wins. The runners up with the most votes will receive the remaining reddit golds.
Only nominate one submission per comment and try not to repeat one already nominated.
Thanks for your amazing work i'm so glad to be part of this community!
I'll do whatever I can, I have all admin access commands so can pretty much add/take down things around the subreddit.
I've know Alienbrayn1 for quite some time, I see he still comments from time to time, and even though I've messaged him several times, he just doesn't reply.
I'll be glad to help make this place more content-y as much as I can. Any ideas where I could promote this to draw in more subscribers thus more posts for everyone?
Thank you to all the contributers so far, both OP's and and commenters.