
Photograph via snooOG

The European Parliament is the only EU body directly elected by citizens every 5 years. Find out how to #UseYourVote in the European elections on 6-9 June → elections.europa.eu


The European Parliament represents 500 million EU citizens, serving the second largest democratic electorate in the world. Together with the Commission and the Council, the Parliament creates the laws and policies that govern Europe.


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Ideas for European investment and regulation

They should consider a minimum salary for interns by law and set a maximum amount of interns per company.

A higher tax on Chinese cars like America did. Nothing will happen. It will just take longer to make electric cars, but it will be European made electric cars.

Register Russian ships passing through the Mediterranean. If they carry weapons or stolen resources, confiscate them, and donate them to Ukraine, that would move all their logistics to land.

Invest in a European wide drone architecture with recharging towers or platforms so military drones can fly all over Europe to patrol its skies.

Planting more edible plants and trees on public land, It's a good thing for citizens to collect food and feel nature, and it can also provide some food during disasters or emergencies. Things like wallnut, chestnut, or hazelnut trees have lots of uses

Investment into urban farming and other ways of transportation, simple veggies like sprouts should just be grown in the cities to save on transportation costs, or develop an underground train system like a metro but for transporting things instead of for human transport. Also, an extra wagon could also be added to current metro lines for transporting packages using a quick automated system, reducing the vehicles on the surface and with that CO2 emissions.

A European research center paid equally by all members were researchers all over Europe could go and propose their research, in all kinds of topics but mostly for genetic experimentation which is the field that is leaving Europe and going to China the most. https://bigthink.com/hard-science/human-monkey-hybrid/ This is very important research as it would mean way easier organ transplants and animal parts that would be made of human dobor cells, and thus not produce any rejection.

A European laser weapons program for creating laser towers in cities to blow up any enemy drones or missiles coming to our cities, if big towers were built in cities they could employ high energy lasers and completely obliterate any cruise or i tercontinental missiles.

07:50 UTC


How to reduce plastic waste and boost recycling: measures adopted by the European Parliament explained

04:23 UTC


The economy, Ukraine, climate change and migration were some of the big issues the European Parliament dealt with during the past five years. Now that its 2019-2024 term has come to an end, check out how it delivered for Europeans.

20:15 UTC


EU Commission Blue Book Traineeship Oct 2024

Hey everyone, I wanted to open a thread for the EU Commission Blue Book Traineeship Oct 2024 so we can talk about all sorts of things along the way.

First thing I wanna talk about: Did the pre-selected people already get the second stage information? I think they are due this week but I haven't heard anything yet.

10:15 UTC


So what´s the happening with the Nature Restoration Law?

Ever since the council failed to adopt the Nature Restoration Law, there has been barely any news on it, despite the fact that, to my understanding, there should be an ongoing process of mediation.

This is very vexing, because it´s one of the most important laws which was adopted by the parliament. But there´s no information and all the institutions and representatives i´ve contacted didn´t offer up any information, either.

So i wanted to ask- Do people on this sub have any information?

1 Comment
17:23 UTC


Interview with Roberta Metsola: what is at stake in the European elections?

1 Comment
15:03 UTC


2022 Eurovision winners 🇺🇦 Kalush Orchestra have an important message for European voters. “Vote because our future depends on your votes.” #UseYourVote in the #EUelections2024 on 6-9 June.

Find out how you can vote in your country and in your language: https://elections.europa.eu/

1 Comment
07:16 UTC


In the European Parliament, why are the Greens/EFA and S&D separate groups ?

Here is the Greens' vision.

And here are the S&D's priorities.

Reading these, it kind of seems like they want the same things, so why not join forces ? They could be the biggest group in the European Parliament, which would give them more weight in policy negotiations. Not to mention it might allow them to get a European Commission President that is aligned with them.

Is there something I'm missing here ? Some unreconcilable difference that keeps them apart ? Or maybe some big drawback to fusing the two groups ? Or maybe you can explain to me why such a thing is unnecessary ?

Anyway, I'd like your thoughts on the subject.

01:08 UTC


Good morning Europe! This year, Europe Day takes on even greater significance as it comes one month before the European elections. This is your opportunity to make your voice heard in Europe and beyond, to have your say on what's important to you. Use your vote. Or others will decide for you.

07:12 UTC


Schuman traineeship CV


I am currently trying to apply for 3 positions, and since I have to upload my CV at the beginning, I was wondering if I can only upload this CV and not edit it later, or I can upload a different file for each of the positions?

Thanks a lot!

1 Comment
21:01 UTC


European Parliament President Roberta Metsola: This Parliament gets to decide on a lot of things that matter to your daily life. Do not let anybody choose for you. This is the importance of these elections and this is why we are encouraging everybody to go vote, to choose.

1 Comment
17:38 UTC


The European Charlemagne Youth Prize aims to support youth-driven projects that improve cooperation and understanding across Europe. Sisterhood Pathways, a Lithuanian project that aims to combat violence against women, won the 2024 edition.

1 Comment
06:44 UTC


The European elections are your chance to have your say on the future of Europe. Find out about the election rules and how you can use your vote in the first comment

18:24 UTC


Why haven't Sweden, Denmark, and Ireland joined the European Public Prosecutor's Office?

1 Comment
13:14 UTC


Invitation to participate in survey on state intervention [university students or recent graduates (3 years)]

Hello, r/Europeanparliament!

I hope it's okay that I post here — otherwise, feel free to remove my post.

I am a student from Aalborg University, Denmark, conducting research on EU trade and industry policies in the semiconductor sector for my thesis. The reason why I am posting here is because I need more non-Danish respondents, so I'd be really grateful if anyone here would fill out my short (5-10 minutes) and anonymous survey. I know it is a niche subject, but I am very interested in how opinions range across the EU, political affiliations and from different educational backgrounds.


Your participation will be much appreciated - thank you so much ☺️!

07:50 UTC


Which parties/fractions are actually liberal and progressive?

I'm looking at the EU parliament fractions and all of them seem conservative on paper.

If you know more about them, could you please list me some good-to-know facts about them?

05:50 UTC


Media freedom is a fundamental right! 📰 On World Press Freedom Day, learn how the Parliament protects free media 👇

19:58 UTC


The EU Stability and Growth Pact has been updated to allow EU countries more flexibility in how they manage their budget deficits and debt levels. EU countries will be able to make necessary investments in areas such as infrastructure even if their debt levels are high

1 Comment
13:33 UTC


Post A, B and C for the EP traineeships

Hello all, the EP has announced traineeship places this month and I have noticed that there are many identical ones with labels Post A, Post B, Post C.

Am I right to assume that they are simply looking for several trainees for that position? If so, how does it work since they are separate applications and one is allowed to apply to no more than 3 places? Does it make sense to apply for Post A, B and C at the same time to increase your chances? Or do they use one pool of applications to fill the places and applying more than once would be a waste?

Thank you in advance!

12:53 UTC


AMA on Eurobarometer surveys and public opinion in the EU!

Hi, I'm Dimitra Tsoulou and I am part of the team managing the Eurobarometer surveys of the European Parliament. We regularly collect and analyse public opinion on all things EU - and specifically the European Parliament - to better understand what citizens think and how they see the EU. The latest survey we published in April had a special focus on the European elections (6-9 June 2024). You can find the results on the Eurobarometer website: https://europa.eu/eurobarometer/screen/home  

Verification: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/dimitra-tsoulou-b3552793_reuropeanparliament-activity-7191716060608266240-2P53?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop

Ask me anything about our surveys, public opinion monitoring for the EU, polling trends etc.

I look forward to answering your questions live on Friday 3 May between 11-12 am CET.


08:50 UTC


A generation that has only ever known the European Union 🇪🇺 : born 20 years ago, around the time their country joined the EU, as part of its biggest ever enlargement. Cyprus, Czechia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia joined the EU on 1 May 2004.

20:45 UTC


Labour Day: The EU has been working to improve workers’ rights and working conditions across Europe. Find out about specific initiatives: from working hours and parental leave to health and safety at work

1 Comment
11:16 UTC


On what topics do Volt Europe and The Greens differ and how? (I need help choosing for the upcoming elections)

08:53 UTC


Malala Yousafzai speech on education | European Parliament

07:17 UTC


Democracy is fragile. It is up to us to pass it on to the next generation. Use your vote. Or others will decide for you. #UseYourVote #EUelections2024

09:00 UTC
09:00 UTC


New EU rules aim to improve the use of health data for research, innovation and policy-making, while protecting patients' personal information

09:25 UTC

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