
Photograph via snooOG

A community to discuss staking on Ethereum's Proof of Stake network.

The only deposit contract address:


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  • All DMs are scams
  • You should never give your seed phrase to ANYONE. Not your mom, not your dog, not your staking provider.
  • Seed phrases should never touch the internet
  • All DMs are scams

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(Sidebar last updated 2023-09-09 by u/nixorokish)


56,987 Subscribers


CB staking

Is everyoneโ€™s staking APY percentage different? I ask because my wifeโ€™s staking percentage is higher, albiet a smaller amount of ETH.

1 Comment
13:46 UTC


ether.fi protocol using VPN from united states

is it legal to access ether.fi protocol using VPN from united states

13:05 UTC


2048 ETH maximum in next upgrade?

Heard the maximum stake will be increased to 2048 ETH while the minimum still remain 32 ETH. Will the chance of prop increases by the staked amount? For example 320 ETH validator has 10x chance to propose block than a 32 ETH one. Otherwise merging validators into a big one will just lose MEV chances right?

05:29 UTC


node crashes without anything in the logs

Please help, i configured a node which crashes randomly. There is nothing in the logs. How do i proceed. (Geth+Prysm) on a NUC.

04:27 UTC


Want to run Ethereum validators professionally?

I'll keep this short. At ParaFi technologies, we run Ethereum validators on custom-built on-prem servers. We are a Lido Node Operator and among the top three best performing node operators of all time according to rated.network. We're passionate about decentralizing Ethereum and running minority clients.

We have a small, nimble team and we're looking for an infrastructure engineer to help build cool stuff. If you're passionate about Ethereum and blockchain infrastructure, and have some familiarity with running nodes and using Linux, I would like to talk to you. Please send me a message. US candidates preferred. If you happen to live in or want to relocate to San Diego (where our nodes are) that's even better.


21:45 UTC


๐Ÿ„ Stereum Ethereum Node Setup & Manager 2.1.2

We just released

๐Ÿ„ Stereum 2.1.2


featuring various bug fixes and adding:

- ๐Ÿš Secure Shell Access in Stereum: Manage daily operations more easily through the UI.

- ๐Ÿ’ง Lido x Obol - SDVTM One Click Installation Option: Basic implementation. Join the upcoming SDVTM Obol testnet with Stereum.

- ๐ŸŒ New Languages Added: Hindi, Bengali, Urdu, Indonesian, Swahili, Marathi, Telugu, Tamil, and Korean have been added to Stereum. Help us translate on: https://crowdin.com/project/stereum.

Find full details and the download link on our GitHub:

โค A special thank you to all new contributors making Stereum better! We see all the issues and will get back to them soon!

๐Ÿšจ Arguably redundant here, but every eyeball counts & if you haven't seen it already, please take the solo staker survey! This is your chance to provide input that will influence research and proposals aimed at protecting and advocating for stakers like you. The survey takes about 15 minutes and can be taken anonymously - https://stakinglandscape.limesurvey.net/748278


๐Ÿ„ What is Stereum?

For those, who don't know us yet, Stereum is an OpenSource tool designed to simplify the management and setup of Ethereum nodes. It's meant for both seasoned stakers and beginners, offering a user-friendly interface for efficient Ethereum network management. Whether you're managing validators or just want the data from the blocks, Stereum makes it easier. Become a Node Runner! Discover more about Stereum at https://stereum.net/.



20:35 UTC


Help With Erigon

I am trying to sync an Erigon archive node. I am, of course, stuck in the execution phase. I started syncing 14 days ago and I am currently almost to block 16,000,000. The blocks per second was initial fast (around 50-80) but has since dropped off to an average of 2. I have seen it stay as low as 0.1 blocks per second for over a day.

I am running a Ryzen 8 core / 16 thread cpu with 64 gb of ram. I am writing to an external 20TB hard drive. I can see in task manager that erigon is writing to this drive at about 5mps. When I copy large data files to this drive the read/write speeds will typically exceed 200mps so I dont feel like that's the bottle neck.

At this point it will probably take another 2-3 weeks to finish the block execution alone. I wish I would have just gone with geth.

16:50 UTC


Unstake on StakeWise V3

I am trying to unstake on StakeWise V3 using my ledger. Everything seems to work fine and i can confirm the transaction on my ledger. But then, nothing happens. I tried multiple times and also waited in the browser window.

Progress widget

In the bottom right, this message is displayed.


I tried different browsers, too.


Anyone have an idea, what could be the issue?


1 Comment
16:10 UTC


Risk of ReStaking

Most people only care about the high-yield of restaking but where are those high APY coming from? Nice to see that The Defiant discussed about Risks of AVSs.


04:37 UTC


MEV - Ultrasound vs Flashbots

Between the two options of Ultrasound or Flashbots, which should one choose and support for staking?

Ultrasound - Does not Censor - 3.49% APR

Flashbots - Does Censor - 3.74% APR

The higher APR that censors or support the non censor option with lower APR?

03:00 UTC


Random Eth receive transaction to Ledger

Random receive - is it normal?

Hello, today I noticed a random transaction. I received 0 Eth. Iโ€™m just wondering if this is a sign that Iโ€™ve been compromised. Also, I thought that my hardware device had to be active, to both send or receive, very curious how this happened and what it means.

I understand this is Eth staking, not wallets, but I trust this community.

Thank you

21:10 UTC


Running own node questions

So I want to program something with web3.js and came to the conclusion that I probably want/need to run my own node and I have a Raspberry Pi 4 model B 8GB RAM. I'm not going to stake ETH, just use it to do api calls instead of using Infura or Alchemy. I want to make transactions, get coins etc...

Now I'm looking for an external SSD and came across the Samsung T7 2TB. I read in a different post that people had trouble with syncing with a Samsung T7. Is this correct? Is the Samsung T7 not recommended? If it's not, what external SSD would be recommended?

Has anyone here run an own node on a Raspberry Pi 4, if so, can you recommend me proceeding with this idea or should I just let it be?

My last question would be:
Does anyone recommend resources, links or anything else with instructions on how to set this up on a Raspberry pi 4? I've come across a couple websites, but I've seen they do it in different ways compared to eachother. This would be the first time for me to setup my own node.

1 Comment
14:44 UTC


Best NUC Generation for Solo Staking with Dappnode?

Hey guys,

so I have been running a

i7-1165G7 NUC

on testnet with dappnode for the last weeks. Everything works, EXCEPT my NUC turns off after like 5-6-7 days. I then did "Update and Upgrade" from the System > Advanced menu ,

last week and now yesterday it was off again.

Then i read that other people have similiar issues with this generation of nuc, so I can still return it to amazon, should I do that or other ways to fix?

What is the best NUC for solo staking with dappnode thats proven it does not turn off and works?


07:10 UTC


Max Effective Balance & Custom Ceiling Discussion

u/nixorokish posted on twitter:

FYI - maxEB spec is being decided rn and they're looking for people to speak up on custom ceilings

A custom ceiling allows you to set whatever # you want to compound up to for your validator (e.g. 37)

imo not including this would remove a lot of the benefits for solo stakers

If I understand custom max EB correctly I can set a number between 32 and 2048 and any rewards over that amount will be included in the regular sweep?

I think having a custom amount is a good thing to include. As a solo staker I have to consider what is best for my family, and discuss with them an acceptable amount of money to lock into the machine. A custom amount lets us do this and gives us much more control over our finances. It also helps simplify taxes, which is a secondary benefit for me.

07:10 UTC


The Aestus AVS Operator

As EigenLayer launches EigenDA on mainnet, weโ€™re announcing the deployment of the Aestus AVS Operator.

Aestus entered the MEV-Relay ecosystem as indepenent solo-stakers intent on playing our small part in contributing to Ethereum's decentralisation, ensuring that the outsized returns from MEV are equitably distributed to all stakers โ€“ large or small.

We see many parallels in the restaking space. Whatever your opinion of this new paradigm, the additional yield that EigenLayerโ€™s Actively Validated Services (AVS) promise, represent another potent vector of economic centralisation. Many, if not most of the current operators are associated with existing staking pools, and we expect many of them to charge significant fees while negotiating relationships with AVS networks. Some of these patnerships may be exclusive.

Meanwhile, the AVS ecosystem is developing rapidly, with exciting and diverse projects including general purpose L2s, DePINs and decentralised sequencers all expected to launch on EigenLayer mainnet in the coming months. As an operator, weโ€™ll robustly evaluate each AVS as they emerge, on a case-by-case basis - putting safety and security first - and actively seek the involvement of those who choose to delegate with us in the decisions on which services we offer.

One of the unanticipated consequences of launching our relay was the opportunity to advocate on behalf of solo-stakers during calls with developers, institutional players and other ecosystem participants. We will continue to fulfil that role in the restaking space, by participating in EigenLayer and AVS community conversations, and working with community organisations like EthStaker to ensure effective representation.

Decentralisation in Ethereum is unlikely to survive on altruism, alone. Weโ€™re committed to ensuring that solo-stakers can be competitive in this ecosystem. So, those who are natively restaking with EigenLayer and choose to delegate to the Aestus operator wonโ€™t pay any fees to use our services. Achieving this will take some time, but we hope to leverage and build on the existing work to identify solo-staker addresses - and will seek support from the EL team.

You can support us in this new venture, by delegating your Native or Liquid Restaking Tokens to us here. Once we hit the required thresholds, we'll bring our services online. Expect more news and further updates, as we gradually develop this offering.

1 Comment
00:22 UTC


On issuance reduction and anti-correlation incentives

I'm going to do my best to summarize a very hot (and contentious) debate in Ethereum staking right now.


Ethereum was developed as a credibly neutral smart contract platform. As staking was developed the intention was to create a system that was capable of deep decentralization, the idea being that any person could stake from home and this would develop a robustly decentralized staking network. The reality of staking is showing a trend toward centralization, suggesting that the incentives for decentralization are too weak and should be reexamined.

You can see some foreshadowing of these proposals in the Bankless Endgame episode with Mike Neuder and Domothy

These two proposals have different mechanisms that could work together to promote long term decentralization of the Ethereum network.

Staking Targeting Proposal

The Staking Targeting proposal by Ansgar and Caspar modifies validator incentives to target about 25% of Ether staked. This is done by lowering staking incentives as the total number of staked Ether approaches 25%, and then potentially entering negative incentives (fees) when more than 25% of Ether is staked.

At first glance, this is harmful to home stakers who are most likely to exit their validator and leave large staking operators on the network. But from a broader perspective, this proposal limits network capture by limiting the ability of any single entity to exert undue influence over the network. It ensures Ether will always be the money of Ethereum, and not a liquid staking token offered by a third party. This proposal is effectively an insurance policy that says, โ€œEthereum will always be controlled by Ether holders, not third parties.โ€ In a situation where a malicious third party takes over the staking layer, it is very conceivable to forcefully unstake them and stand up a new validator set. This is only possible if that staking entity controls a minority of the Ether in the network, it is a significant challenge if that entity controls validators that represent the majority of Ether - at that point they own the network.


- a limited validator set reduces the risks of protocol capture

- reduces the ability of LSTs to become "money", preserves the concept that eth is the money of Ethereum


- potentially lower validator payouts because rewards will decline with more validators, finding a naturally low equilibrium.

- less stake breaks the narrative of "locking Ether means higher priced ether", but this has already been broken by LSTs.

Anti-correlation penalties for attestations

The proposal by Vitalik Buterin (with supporting research by Toni Wahrstรคtter) could be seen as a remedy to the perceived harm done to home stakers by the Staking Targeting proposal. Even by itself, this proposal is pretty revolutionary - it suggests that the network can use attestation data to recognize when large operators are offline and penalize them more severely than when a small (home) operator goes offline (the "anti-correlation" suggests different reward and incentives based on the number of missed attestations). When a large operator goes offline, theyโ€™ll have a coordinated outage, theyโ€™ll miss a lot of attestations in the same epoch. The network can monitor for that and assign higher penalties during these coordinated outages. This discourages operators who use single machines to operate thousands of validators and it favors small operators using minority clients.


- encourages decentralization, especially by promoting running validators on multiple machines and different networks, this can bring greater long term value to the network

- gives higher penalties to large operations, and favors smaller operators


- this is a powerful lever, but will it be pulled hard enough to make a real difference?

- home stakers who are part of a large outage may suffer large temporary penalties


The core question revolves around the degree of ossification of Ethereum. If Ethereum is ossified, then we are pretty much done at tinkering with rewards and penalties, and we should promote stability that leads to long term value accrual. If Ethereum is still young and under development, then we should continue improving rewards and penalties until we find a Goldilocks zone that promotes high decentralization and worry about value accrual later.

17:03 UTC


Using Coinbase as fee recipient address

Are there any known issues with using a Coinbase address as the fee recipient address for a validator? I've been running my setup for well over a year now. Withdraws (different, non-Coinbase address) continue to work fine, however, my latest Produced Block reward does not appear as a transaction in my Coinbase history and best I can tell I cannot access those funds.

My last proposal where this was not an issue was from back in early March, so I know this was working somewhat recently, however, with the recent network upgrade maybe something has changed to where this is no longer a good or even working option?

At this point I will probably make the change in my setup regardless, but I like to understand what caused something to no longer function and Coinbase support has been less than helpful on this topic.

08:42 UTC


Kiln is now live on EigenDA mainnet! You can now delegate your restaked ETH to Kiln

19:47 UTC


How does Eigen launch change staking?

How has your staking strategy changed with the launch of EigenDA mainnet?

1 Comment
18:17 UTC


Kiln withdrawal costs...double-dipping fees on request to exit AND withdrawal?

I had some pooled ETH staked from Ledger to Kiln and made an exit request a few days ago taking my 6 ETH + about 0.042x ETH ($150) in rewards. The fees came out to about 0.0163xx ETH ($55) for 6 ETH, cutting my rewards from the last few months by a third, but it is what it is, right, so I paid it.

Today my withdrawal shows ready and when I click on it, it's telling me I've got fees again, this time for another 0.0058xxx ETH ($21) to actually withdraw my staked ETH.

WTF did I already pay for when requesting the exit if there is another damn fee for the withdrawal?! Is this normal, because I can't find it anywhere in their documentation.

13:38 UTC


I'm considering selling some ETH, but its all staked in a solo validator. Decentralised alternatives for < 32 eth?

Due to life circumstances I probably will need to sell some crypto for Fiat, it breaks my heart but I have too much of my savings in crypto at this point which is getting a bit stressful thinking about the possibility of a big crash, 99% my my crypto holdings are in Bitcoin/Eth.

I have about 33eth which is mostly staked for my solo node, I really enjoyed running and maintaining it, I'm a little nerd and love messing with new tech stuff so it was a fun project, initially on testnet and for more a year on mainnet.

Additionally I liked the idea to help the network be more decentralised by running my own little setup with minority clients, doing my part for something I believe in.

If I reduce my position I won't be able to run my solo node anymore because eth < 32.

What's the best way to stake what's remaining but helping the network as much as possible with decentralised partial staking ? Rocket pool or anything else ?

11:32 UTC


Preparing to exit validator (need help)

Back in 2020 I setup a validator using blox staking and they are sun setting the company to focus on dvt with SSV network.

So needless to say I would like to prepare to exit my validator, but I am very technically green.

What would be the best way for me to do two things

  1. Set a withdrawl address

2)Exit the validator in the simplest way

Any guides or suggestions would be great. If I left out any important information regarding my setup that might be pertinent to helping you know what the best ways to achieve exit with the least amount of technical effort please let me know!

02:16 UTC


Home/Solo staking survey - please make your voice heard on what's important to you!

EthStaker and Obol are putting out this survey to get to know the landscape of home stakers and solo stakers. We want to create publicly available data that accurately represents what home/solo stakers care about, what kind of software and services we mostly use, what we need, etc. This data can be used to advocate for stakers in ongoing research based on their own words. Some questions were contributed by EF researchers themselves

It shouldn't take longer than 15 minutes, most questions are optional, and no data collected can be tied back personally to you (the survey software is FOSS!). We hope to repeat the survey every 6-12 months to get an idea of how the landscape is changing. Please fill it out and send it to any communities you know with home or solo stakers! It's available in English, Mandarin, Spanish & Italian. We'll leave it open for 2-3 weeks depending on volume. I encourage you to be as opinionated or as easygoing as you want!

The survey is primarily aimed at those running personal validators (anywhere! Cloud services, bare metal services, at home, with a staking-as-a-service provider), minipools, or DVT clusters.

If you have any feedback or suggestions for the next iteration of the survey, would love to hear them! Feel free to direct them to me or to the EthStaker team email (team@ethstaker.cc)

Survey Link: https://stakinglandscape.limesurvey.net/748278

18:17 UTC


Adding withdrawal address issue

I set up a validator for someone back in April 2022 when there was no withdrawal mechanism.

I have updated and resynced their validator a few times up to now. They asked me to add withdrawal credentials and i am going through the process, but when i try to create the withdrawal file, it says that the mnemonic i entered was not the one used to create the fake withdrawal that was generated in the absence of an entered address.

The mnemonic i used was one i had labeled validator recovery. Its 24 words long. I know when i set everything up, the withdrawal part was not setup yet. And i had verified the mnemonic spelling with the other person next to me to make syre i didnt mess up recording it.

I had updated their validator stuff through the merge and re-synced and updated it occasionally when there were problems. Is there any way to be able to get this to work?

I copied the original keystore from the validator and the pubkey in that file matches the validator on beaconcha.in. The pubkey is different when i run the deposit.exe existing-mnemonic with the mnemonic i have.

17:59 UTC


can someone clarify the usa tax implication for eth to stETH or rETH?

If I am swapping 1 eth for the equivalent stETH or rETH, what portion of that is taxed exactly? Do I need to see the cost basis of my eth and just treat it as if I sold that eth? Then I begin the ownership of the steth/reth at a cost basis of whatever it was that day? Assume that I am in the USA regarding the tax.

00:19 UTC


Where/how to stack 53 ETHs with maximum return, minimum risk and minimum hassles?

I have accumulated 53 ETHs and I would like to stack them to generate revenues. However, I am not really up to start a validator as I don't have enough time to run it, monitor it and take the risk of being slashed. In addition, 53 is not a multiple of 32 so even if I started a node it would leave me 19 ETHs unstacked. Also, I am little bit risk adverse but I still would like to generate the maximum possible return (given the said restrictions obviously). What would be the best option in your opinion? Thanks you in advance!

22:10 UTC


I bought 3 ETH back in 2018 and just let it sit in my wallet. I never knew I could have done something with it to earn money/interest on it and I just learned it now. Where do I start?

sorry if it's a noob question but where can I read about it more and how do I get into staking?

22:08 UTC


Ideally should the withdrawal address and fee recipient wallet addresses be different

Any pros/cons in the withdrawal address and fee recipient wallet address being the same or different?

21:29 UTC

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