To bring together executive and close protection specialists, those new or wanting to join the industry.
We will share training and employment opportunities as well as operational best practices.
We will try to dispel myths and preconceived opinions about this type of work, and try to serve as an unbias voice in the industry.
All questions are welcome, but please keep all opinions or replys respectful at all times.
The director of training for Independent Security Advisors looks back at three days in May.
The Protection of Public Officials: A Democratic Imperative
A look at the threats to our public officials and the effect on our democratic system of government.
Good government and democracy can't function in a security vacuum. That was made clear when members of Congress admitted many of their peers had refused to support, vote for, or against various legislation due to threats to themselves and their families.
For those of us in the private sector who have provided executive protection services to public officials and candidates for office, we have seen our clients cancel public events, reduce the frequency, or even stop meeting with unscreened constituents.
So why is there any debate on providing funds for local law enforcement to receive training and other resources to support the security needs of state and local public officials?
We look at the threats, some of the current recommendations to mitigate those threats, and our history and efforts to support law enforcement.
hashtag #executiveprotectiontraining hashtag #defendingdemocracyinitiative
After the shooting of Donald Trump executive protection training course managers should have started a review of their programs and looked at some of the lessons learned from this event.
ISA has completed that review of its own program and made a few changes.
This Dignitary & Executive Protection training course is part of one of the most thoroughly vetted, and accredited private sector EP training programs available.
It provides training to students who will conduct or support dignitary/executive protective service operations as a single agent or as part of a larger protective detail.
** Graduates meet the requirements for the Virginia DCJS PPS Credentials and North Carolina EP license, and may also receive 12 CEUs.
This course is endorsed by the International Foundation of Protection Officers
The ISA Dignitary and Executive Protection Program has been submitted for third party audit and validation to law enforcement agencies, private sector EP programs, educational institutions and for state accreditation.
This course is restricted to law enforcement, active and reserve military without a waiver. Waiver requests can be processed by contacting mparker@eptraining.us
ISA announcement.
Our fully accredited executive protection training course will be conducted at the MGM Grand National Harbor in Maryland August 5th-11th, 2024.
Graduates will have the opportunity to take part in an Executive Protection readiness exercise Aug 12-16 at no cost.
Just came across this post from 10 months back. It asks about "Certified EP Schools" which has been a bit of a sore spot for us.
There are so many EP schools in a google search that it is difficult to see the the differences between then. So we wrote a blog post on the topic some time ago and we will share the link here. https://www.eptraining.us/why-is-accreditation-important-facts-vs-opinion/
Yes, there are certified EP schools. But not all "certifications" are the same. Please feel free to reach out with any questions on this topic of Certified EP schools.
The Independent Security Advisors executive and close protection training division was founded in 2011. Since then we have trained over 600 members of law enforcement and the military, as well as some 300 private sector investigators and security specialists.
Our graduates currently serve on executive protection assignments for over a dozen federal and state agencies and departments and many have gone on to successfully enter the executive protection industry.
This community will be used to share information about our programs, links to our blogs on various industry topics and to share job postings and opportunities with our alumni.