
Photograph via snooOG

Entomology: the branch of zoology concerned with the study of insects

All insect and science related posts are welcome!

Entomology is the scientific study of insects, as well as arachnids, myriapods and crustaceans. All are welcome!


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  • No bug hate. Calling for unwarranted harm to our leggy friends can result in a ban. Discussion about the ethical destruction of invasive species and certain pests is permitted.
  • No bite identification requests. Due to the low success rate of IDing bites and the danger of misdiagnoses we ask that you seek professional assistance instead of posting here.
  • ID requests should include an image of the animal. We can help identify animals that could cause harm, we cannot identify harm that may have been caused by an animal.
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Thank yall for helping turn my fear of bugs into a love of bugs

ive always been horribly afraid of insects, but being here has helped me go from hating them to, at worst, avoiding them.

learning more about them makes me realize just how interesting these little guys are, even if ill never get within a mile of a cockroach or touch a cicada lmfao.

specifically ants and house centipedes, theyre so bizzare yet so interesting i cant help but love them

06:05 UTC


Why is this lady bug running in circles?

I was sharing a strawberry with this lil lady and I wasn’t sure if it was a legit sugar rush or could it be something else? It even continued circle away from the strawberry! Is it okay I fed it a strawberry? 🥲🥺👉🏻👈🏻

05:40 UTC


Can anyone tell me if this sounds like a cicada or something else?

It's about 12am, and we go outside and hear this sound. It sounds very different from the long cicada trills we usually hear during the day. It almost sounds like static or crackling? Our only other thought is it may be an old house borer. Ignore the second bug making long buzzing sounds in the video, I'm only interested in the crackling one. Any ideas?

North TX

1 Comment
05:40 UTC


What is this ?!?

Found by my bathroom sink . What is it?

05:06 UTC


What is the etymology of the name "Harmonia axyridis"

I know the origin of each of other folk names for this bug, but I can't find any information about the scientific one

1 Comment
04:22 UTC


What kind of caterpillar is this?

And what is the green bubbly thing on its tail?

04:16 UTC


Any idea what this huge moth is?

Found this huge moth earlier and I am curious what it is exactly

02:29 UTC


Stag beetles burrow in my yard (Northeast USA)!!

Never actually seen one in the burrow before. Went back and gave it some squished cherry halves so it could enjoy the fruit juice (to make up for bothering it with the flash)!!

02:26 UTC


Black spider ID requested!

Found this super cool spider when we were hiking about 6,000 feet up in a scree field / snow patch in the North Cascades NE of Mt. Baker in WA. Any help identifying would be appreciated loved the way he moved over the snow!

02:18 UTC


Unballing a Cuckoo Wasp

Anyone have any types to unball this bastard

02:10 UTC


Advice keeping an Ivory-marked Borer as a pet?

First time posting!
I want to know what's normal behavior for this species and if I'm feeding Gustav the right thing. (I don't know anything about the beetle's sex, I just call him this.)

Found 7/10/2024 under my grandma's carpet (5 days ago); US East Coast.
I learned they can live 10-40 years(?) and was fascinated with him.. but I'm worried since I haven't seen him eat yet.

Currently in a small reptile tote — 9x6x6.5" (~23x15x17cm)
Kept on my desk & gets common indoor light + a small amount of indirect sunlight.
House temp: 72-75°F / 22.2-24°C


  • He drank from some water droplets the first day, seeming very thirsty indeed (was drinking for minutes on end.) Video in the link!
  • Haven't seen him drink anything since, but I leave water droplets near him once a day.
  • I use filtered water from my fridge


  • I've put a variety of dead-wood scraps in his enclosure. Stick, log chunks, trunk bark, & stick bark of unidentified hardwoods. Probably just oak.
    • Found on a log pile outside, didn't clean them specially or anything & they're a bit weathered, but I read that adults eat more deadwood while larvae eat heartwood.
  • Tried to give him a spinach leaf (dry now)
  • and a piece of celery (partially dry now)
  • (Also put some gravel in the bottom, not food but yknow. Enclosure stuff.)

Behavioral Notes————

  • Rarely moves, hanging out on the walls or underside of the plastic lid.
    • Slowly moves antennae when I blow gently on him
    • Day to day I'll notice he's rotated in place or moved a few inches across the underside of the lid.
    • I don't know if he goes to and from the pieces of wood while I'm asleep or at work, but I haven't seen him do so while I'm at my desk.
  • I've placed him on the wood or leafy offerings a couple times but didn't notice chewing. Could have chewed the wood without me picking up on it, but definitely didn't chew the leaves.
    • Eventually would mosey back up to the lid of the tote.
  • Doesn't try to escape when I open the tote, and wasn't jumping all over when I cupped him
  • Doesn't seem afraid of my fingers nudging him
    • I haven't picked him up by his body, I only move him by nudging him to walk on something else I can pick up.
    • Hasn't squeaked at me
  • All around just kinda a lazy chill guy


  1. I don't know how often the species eats, how old he already is, if he's not moving because he's preparing to pass away, is unhappy, or just a slow-living species.
  2. I don't know how intelligent or emotional the species is or how to observe this.
  3. Don't know if/when the species sleeps?
  4. What other things should I try to feed him? Green/fresh wood? Oak leaves?
  5. Any wood fungus to watch out for?
  6. So these guys really only eat wood? No preying on other smaller bugs at all?
  7. Anything else to know about keeping this species/other longhorn beetles/beetles in general?
  8. Links to research on the species is also appreciated.

Ivory-marked borer under a glass

Gustav's enclosure

01:32 UTC


What kind of moth is this if it’s a real moth?

I don’t know if this is the right place to post this, but I found a photo of a moth online and was wondering if this is a real kind of moth or is it edited? If it’s real, what kind of moth is it?

01:29 UTC


A cute grasshopper In my basil

1 Comment
00:46 UTC


Any clue on what this Is? (She) Found (me) in South Italia, around 1cm. I assume its a wasp maybe because of the antennae and Wing shape?

23:44 UTC


Questions about Floating Specimens

What would the recommendation be for specimens that float in ethanol/isopropyl... (I would rather have it at the bottom of the jar to actually view it)

l've seen people use unscented /clear hand sanitizers for suspending specimens in vials or jars... But over time it seems like the sanitizer closer to the specimen starts to turn yellow?

Would glycerin be a good alternative? Would it preserve well and be a thicker consistency? What type of glycerin would be good to use?

I have this Dobsonfly that I found dead and collected around two weeks ago. I would've loved to pin it, but not only did it seem 50/50 on whether people preserve megaloptera via pinning or alcohol... But also it started to smell gross just after an hour of being found. So I just decided to toss in a jar with 70% iso... Any recommendations or suggestions are appreciated. Thank you.

23:35 UTC


Is this a wasp? What is it

23:30 UTC


Can someone please identify this bug

I was sweeping my floors and saw this thing crawling around. Wtf is this?! Please help me thank you.

1 Comment
22:28 UTC


How do you label when you don't know the species level of a specimen? Leave blank after genus or put "sp." after genus?

22:19 UTC


Help ID this cool looking spider I found.

Location: SW Ohio

Best I could find from my own research is that it could be a slater spider? Though this one has a much longer abdomen than the reference picture. Could that mean the one I saw was a lady heavy with eggs?

19:18 UTC


Gorgeous lil June bug in the yard

He wasn't happy to see me and kept buzzing but not actually flying. Looking back at the photos I wonder if his wings weren't working right? He just vibrated angrily the whole photoshoot instead of absconding.

18:42 UTC

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