What is enlightenment and what brings enlightenment? This subreddit is for thought-provoking discussion around the idea and experience of Enlightenment.
It’s all good as we’re all on a different path but yet still surprises me what can believe yet still what we cannot. No correlation between angel and alien 🤷🏽♂️
Much love ❤️ 🙏🏽
Realize its a Youniversity to get a masters in love
After realization do you get used to the new perspective and new thought patterns?
un-reality side tip: call out a.utomated i.nstruction, make a reference to an old quote. observe the response. map the pattern of communication changes from beginning to end. pay it forward and share your favorite piece with others. they have a basement budget and the reference database used is cheap and does not contain old data for training/reference. each piece creates a wave.
________: "But why can't I just do whatever I want to do?!"
Me: "Because reality doesn't work that way. This is a system. Everything in it serves a purpose and works interdependently with other entities, because reality's a body. What would happen if your kidney just decided it was going to 'do its own thing' and forget about you, your other organs and your body system? What would happen to your body if all of your organs just arbitrarily decided ignore each other focus exclusively on pursuing their own interests?"
________: "But that's different! I'm just one person! How much damage can I really do? No one can even conceive of how big reality is, so surely it can handle whatever tiny, insignificant impact I make on it while pursuing my interests and trying to make myself happy!"
Me: "Yeah... And you're just one agent within a species that numbers nearly 8 billion – 99% of which think just like you do. They all believe that they're special, and that reality (God) should forgive their transgressions against it, but punish the wrongs of others. And that doesn't even account for all the extraterrestrials who think the same way, or the viral hive minds that share that perceptive outlook, or the parasitic twin universe that all of them source from, or the infected area on the higher life form (the large expanse of corruption that extends above and beyond the scale of plane the universe experiences life on) we belong to, etc.
This is why everything bearing the mark of corruption (Satan) must be violently purged from existence with extreme prejudice. Agents of corruption (narcissists/parasites) make huge messes and destroy shit everywhere they go, just worshiping and trying to benefit themselves."
________: "But surely my intentions and how many people like me factor into the equation!"
Me: "Not even a little."
________: "But if everyone around me is doing whatever they want to do then it justifies me doing whatever I want to do too, right?"
Me: "In idealism – in the imagination, but not in reality."
________: "Well I'm just going to what I want to do!"
Me: "Spoken like a true agent of corruption. Go on doing whatever you want to do, and you will pay for it in the absolute worst way imaginable – not for some of it, not for part of it, not for half of it, all of it...
It's not threat, it's a promise."
Just want to share, would love feedback!!
In my experience psychedelics have not helped me spiritually progress and ive had heavy trips (shrooms and LSD) In these experiences I've never had an experience that I think I couldn't/wouldn't/have sober as I think deeply, same with weed honestly, the thoughts are never more outside the box or enlightening that what I can produce naturally, and they are actually just more irrational, and in my experience alcohol actually grounds me, brings me to earth and gives me the liquid courage to engage in shadow work, and I'm just curious because these thoughts always get downvoted to hell, if anyone actually has similar experiences or anything of value to say on the matter? Anyway thanks for listening, I wish you all "luck" on your journey 😊😊
Sorry if message is incorrect I think I did good, I'm drunk right now! Much love
( Would love to hear thoughts on engaging in spirituality and whether or not it's "spiritual bypassing" do you aim to realize non duality directly or is there things you must burn through I guess?)
Life or death? If eternity is real why live at all. And if it isn't why die? To not know the answers to these questions is really daunting. Day after day not knowing if you may die by accident or that you may live to fulfill all your expectations, desires and dreams. I've heard of people leaving their bodies as soon as they've realized that they can LOL!! One way or the other though it's better to move on, do something instead of being frightened and scared in life. Like the saying that goes it's either you Fight, Run or Freeze! Don't get stuck doing the same thing you did five years ago. Keep it going, keep it flowing...like the waters.
With love and harmony I share a sample of my own work and conversation with the Divine. It is available for print on amazon and digitally on most platforms. When production of the audio is complete I will have copies I can give if interested let me know.
I humbly appreciate your time to listen and your feedback is appreciated as a reflection of our growth to learn from each other. 🙏🏽😊 https://youtu.be/NCFZj1Umtjs
try to apply it to everything i think
i’ll try my best to explain what i mean. sometimes people will value another human being life over an animal or something, but in this case this is different.
how come some insects get the pass and get taken outside while some get stepped on? like for example a spider, a bee, a butterfly will likely be saved and return to nature. while a wasp a cockroach, maggot, etc will likely be killed and disposed of. i know some things are cute but spiders aren’t necessarily cute and they bite. so how come we spare some lives but it’s totally okay and acceptable to take others? thought?
3:03 Jan 31 My 2/1 will be in Selma, Alabama. Two weeks ago I was blessed enough to stand in places where moments, momentous things had taken place and feel the energy of the place…The Lorraine Hotel in Memphis gobsmacked me and I walked the streets for 3 hours wrapping my brain around the energy/spark/renewal in that place… As the journey commences, I will update and add the thoughts and emotions that come to me.
Imagine there is a big, dark room with no light in it. Suddenly, light flashes, and you can see things that were not visible before. So now you are able to navigate this room easily. But this room is the Earth, our world, in which we are present. Light has to be lit by us, ourselves, to help us see better.
Until we light up the room, we will keep fighting with our fellow roommates when we collide with them. We will also collide with other things and get hurt. Until we have our own light, afraid for our well-being, we will start following someone who claims to have light. And if, even after following his instructions, we collide with others, we will listen to our leader, who will blame them for not behaving rightly. He can promise us gifts after a struggle, promise us that our suffering is a way to test us, and we will believe him. To make us more obedient, he will make us feel guilt and fear. Our fear will then be used to perpetuate violence against others.
All this simply because we do not have light ourselves.
It does not matter what is being said but from which center it is being said. Imagine you are listening to a beautiful song by 2 different singers .One is singing from the soul and another from an egoistic desire for fame. Even if both have same technique, both stop and sing at right time, voice from the one who is singing through his soul will reach your soul. Similarly, if a Guru speaks from a state of presence , from a state of stillness, seekers will also be able to grasp his words with soul and words will do the magic if allowed to go within without any judgement. But same teaching from an egoistic teacher will not cut deep.
Entanglement, illusions, self created images, thoughts and feelings, wills and wants. Are absence of these death? Is being one with the universe death? Is the proof of invalidity of an idea considered its death? Is something dead when it does not vibrate? Or is it dead because it is not conscious about it's existence? What's the frequency of a dead object? Should you consider yourself dead when you were not even born?
-- Osho
I've always been extremely fascinated and intrigued by how people make sense of this universe, and researching differing spiritualities and religions, as well as reading the various posts and comments on here shows a bountiful variety of philisophical and spiritual expressions and beliefs.
To me it seems one of the biggest divides between peoples' interpretations of the universe is whether everything, including us, is God, or if God is separate from this material universe and that our souls should be delivered from it to a more perfect celestial realm of light and purity.
There's always this fundamental disagreement; is God the universe or is the material universe a lie that our souls must escape and be separate from?
Or, have any of you come up with a way to synthesize these ideas and make them compatible somehow?
I woudl love to hear your thoughts! Thank you for reading~