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This is a place for engineering students of any discipline to discuss study methods, get homework help, get job search advice, and find a compassionate ear when you get a 40% on your midterm after studying all night.



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Serious advice required

Hello everyone. This post is more suitable for my Indian folks out there.

I'm 22(M). I've just completed my bachelor's in Mechanical Smart Manufacturing from a good institute. I recently got an opportunity for a two month internship in iit dharwad for a research project being funded by Crompton electronic limited. The title of the project is 'Aerodynamic shape optimisation of ceiling fan blades for enhanced energy efficiency and airflow'. The project has been going really really well and my skill-set has improved much. The professors and Crompton dignitaries were all in awe. And thus they extended my tenure and upgraded my role to project research staff for a period of 4 months and by December it is very highly likely that Crompton will directly hire me for a full time role.

The problem is my dad thinks this is a very degenerate project (as it is about ceiling fans). He says Crompton company is dead and is valueless. And says this won't be useful to me (I want to pursue masters in abroad after working some time in india). Is he right? Or Is this a great opportunity in a inflated market where there are no jobs really?

Please give honest replies Thank you.

08:12 UTC


Should I get a second degree in Electrical engineering?

Hello everyone. Sorry if this is not the right group, but I am seriously considering pursuing a second degree in electrical engineering. I currently have a degree in cybersecurity and work as a field network technician for an ISP. My career is going well, and I don't have many complaints, but I feel that a second degree in electrical or computer engineering would be beneficial for me.

Before working for an ISP, I was employed at a data center. During that time, I often felt that electrical engineering knowledge would have been valuable when dealing with power or UPS systems. I've noticed that some higher-level data center positions(data center lab engineers) require or prefer candidates with a computer engineering degree.

Currently, at the ISP, I work extensively with fiber, DWDM, and optical networks. Once again, I believe that an electrical engineering degree would help me understand the DWDM systems at a more theoretical level. Additionally, I think an electrical or computer engineering degree would complement my cybersecurity degree by giving me a deeper understanding of how things work at a lower level. What you think? Any advice thanks.

06:18 UTC


Ended 1 year with 3.33 I know damn well it’s low. How fucked up will I be in the future? Any specific advice on what to do from now on?

I just had a hard time adjusting and the environment was very unwelcoming.

05:07 UTC


Timeline for Accepting Return Offer

I got a full-time return offer at my internship this summer. At the end of my internship, I asked my manager what the timeline to accept the offer would be and he said he wasn't completely sure but it would probably be fine if I took the school year to think about it. The HR department sent me my official offer letter a few days ago and it is due in a week. Do I bother asking HR if they could extend the deadline? Or do I just make the decision by the deadline stated in the letter?

04:15 UTC


Round 2; advice?

I finished up to Junior year of ME before I had enough. I work 40 hours in between a drafter and a mechanical designer/ qa Engineer. I plan on returning in the spring, is there any books I should read before going back that would soften the courseload, or any advice Junior level +?

1 Comment
03:16 UTC


I fucked up and shot myself in the foot...

Didnt figure out till last friday that if I stayed at CC for one more semester, I wouldn't have to complete the GenEd reqs at my uni I transferred to. I'm currently at 41, 45+ is the threshold. God fucking damn it.

Literally would have been taking the same eng courses anyway. Now I have to take a bunch of useless ass geneds like us society and the arts. Literally could have prob graduated a semester earlier and with less debt.

Young and overly ambitious. But i went to college late cause of covid and not knowing what to do after HS and so I have this massive pressure and drive to push myself at max capacity towards securing this degree so I don't lose the opportunity again.

I'll be honest, I have no idea how college works, shit, my parents dropped out of HS, im just gunning this shit.

IG the most I can do at this point is make the most of it and try to integrate and take advantage of anything the Uni has to offer like clubs, career recourses, and an actual engineering center with equipment.

But damn, I feel fucking stupid. Found that out, swallowed my pride, registered for two geneds then went stright to the campus bar to take a shot.

01:26 UTC


How difficult

Hi everybody I’m an incoming freshman who is currently taking classes at a CC. How difficult is the road ahead gonna be? I’ve always had a hard time in math I took an entry exam this summer and got a 90% on the math part but I worked my butt off to get that. I’m only taking calc for this year as a math but come winter I take calc 2 and a bunch of physics and chemistry classes. Any tips on how to make studying this easier/without so much loss of sleep?

00:59 UTC


Can I become an electrical engineer even though I'm bad at physics?

At first I wanted to become a civil eng cuz I got a job at my dad's construction company and I was working on site as a handyman. Tbh I liked the job, the people were an acquired taste, the job was hard but rewarding, and it's interesting to see how things are built.

I remember one day on site we rented a big gas powered generator (it was hightech) and it broke down on site. I volunteered went to fix that generator and I was so invested in fixing it and learning it. I learned all the different features and parts of that generator within a few hours and it was fascinating.

From that event I started to consider electrical engineering. I was good and fascinated with circuits, charges, electric potential, milikian experiments, and many more. In grade 9 I built a hovercraft for a school competition and I came first for both my design and functionality (mine went the farthest before crashing lmfao).

I'm good at math, fusion 360, Autocad, and some other softwares. One thing I'm really bad at is physics. I ended grade 11 physics with an 85 if I could remember and right now I'm taking summer school physics. I literally haven't learned much and I feel so pressured with the pace (3 classes a week for 4 weeks). I ended precalc with 100 and calc with a 98. Ik an 85 doesn't sound too bad but trust me, I'm bad at physics.

I just wanted to know if I should become an electrical engineer. Ik asking pple online isn't the best idea but I'd figure that if anyone replying to this post is bad at physics, they can give their experience.

P.S. my parents are kinda against electrical eng and want me to go into civil cuz I'd have a guaranteed job.

00:54 UTC


Business to help engineering students

I started a small online business that aims to help engineering students adjust to college, as the transition from high school can be intense. I focus on how to study, manage stress/mental wellness, how to get involved in extracurriculars, build your resume, and so forth. I'm wondering if I should keep moving forward with it? I know in writing it seems like a good idea, but would students actually engage and be interested in both free and purchasable resources? I write blog posts about my experience (current mechE who graduated last May), and I'm working on resources related to what I mentioned above. Let me know your all's thoughts please.

23:40 UTC


Give me ideas of what cool circuits I can build using this inductor!

A circuit that can show its properties

1 Comment
23:30 UTC


When is it too soon to leave a job?


I started a job about 7-8 months ago. I was incredibly excited and truth be told, it is an excellent opportunity.

The job is, however, primarily managing construction workers, and I have quickly found myself missing the technical side of engineering work. I’m a construction manager now, and it’s led to incredibly long days for below-average pay, declining mental health, and a loss of freedom. I truly just don’t love it like I thought I would, and I realize the management side isn’t for me.

How soon is it appropriate for me to leave? I don’t want to burn bridges, but for my own sake I don’t know that I can do this job for much longer.

Thank you for any advice!


I’m an ME, for context. I don’t plan on going into construction for my career. I don’t know what I want to do but I’m deeply unhappy where I’m at.

I want to get my FE and PE but I lack the time now, and I don’t have access to any PEs where I’m at right now.

21:48 UTC


Is a Master's degree in engineering worth it for someone already with a job?

I have a Bachelor's degree in aerospace and I am currently employed in a flight simulator company working in performance and flight controls (about 1 year of experience).

I am thinking of enhancing my profile by completing a Master's degree (part time with my job) in flight control or aerodynamics. I am unsure if it's paid by my company, but education in my country is not really expensive compared to the US.

After completing this master's, I would be open to change jobs since I would have gained some experience + higher education level. Is all of this worth it (for salary increase and job opportunities), or should I just focus on work?

I love my job a lot, but I am also looking at how to maximise my salary as quickly as possible.

I am also probably going to be completing an MBA degree after a couple years (maybe in like 10 years).

20:19 UTC


Should I work part time while in Engineering school

I’m genuinely curious if I work 16 hours a week 8 Saturday 8 Sunday and I’m aware I’ll be spending tons of time studying will I have any free time available to relax to spend time with some friends for a bit?

18:03 UTC


Having Second Thoughts About EE and Not Sure What to Do

I switched from Comp Sci to Electrical Engineering over the summer and fall classes have just started. I was super excited to switch majors and was ready to go all in for engineering. I’m a couple weeks into the semester now and the physics is killing me already. I love math but for some reason I can barely stand physics. I’ve been super stressed and overwhelmed since classes started which has thrown me for a bit of a loop and caused me to start questioning if this is really the degree for me. I know I could probably do well in physics if I really wanted to (and I’ll probably end up doing decent), but the problem is that I feel zero motivation to want to try whatsoever. If I don’t do well in physics my fallback plan is to switch to pursuing statistics/accounting/data science/actuarial work. I’m just worried I’ll regret not pursuing engineering someday if I switch, but I don’t know how to know if I’ll be happy or not in it. It feels like I’m going to have to give up everything for this degree in order to do well and be successful, and that’s a tough pill to swallow. I just don’t really know what I want to pursue and it’s quite discouraging. Does anybody have any advice or anything they could add? Am I better off sticking it out for EE or switching again without looking back? Has anyone had a similar experience? If so, how’d it work out for you?

15:09 UTC


Enhanced discrete ordinates approach for mitigating shadowing effects in obstructed gas-filled spaces: Implications for astrophysical and industrial applications ☆


§   New quadrature scheme, UCWQ, for the DOM, which effectively overcomes the limitations of standard SN and TN quadratures.

§   A novel pyramidal mesh design enabling unlimited angular refinement, preventing distortions in temperature and radiative flux profiles.

Matlab code is provided as supplementary material for this article, with the listings included in the appendix.

§   Mitigating shadowing effects and minimizing errors caused by ray effects.

§   Industrial applications, such as studying combustion, atmospheric pollution layers and radiation contribution of greenhouse gases.

§   Astrophysical systems, such as stellar atmospheres and structures within the interstellar medium.



15:18 UTC


Online beginner courses for CpE

I'm starting my freshman year at UNI in computer engineering, and I don’t know anything about computers, so I’m considering taking a course so that at least I know about what I’m getting into and boost my confidence. I have two courses in mind, which are CS50: Introduction to Computer Science and Georgia Tech’s Intro to Python Programming, but I'm still pondering which one I should sign up for or if there are more suitable options for me. If you have any recommendations on other online courses, whether they're 4 months or 1-3 weeks for beginners, please list them. Thank you.

16:27 UTC


Help to get updated on new concepts energy transition/transformation/conversion?

Hello eng redditors, so I need some help on choosing a project subject in engineering under the theme of transition or transformation or conversion of energy. I would love to hear some ideas of new projects or new ideas or breakthroughs so I can do more research on my own and execute. Also l'd like to at least get updated with new concepts there are in market or that engineering labs are using so I can be on track at least!! Also I know it's a vague question to ask but l'd like to hear everything!!! Thank u all in advance. Ps:this is a question to get updated more rather than asking to do homework.

16:31 UTC


Best YT channel for Chemistry

My teacher sucks

1 Comment
16:40 UTC


Should I complete as much of my math as possible at community college?

Just started back at a community college and I'm taking precalculus algebra this semester and precalculus trigonometry next semester. It sets me back an entire year in terms of math but I figured it was better to do this to myself than attempt Calculus I again even though I barely passed in high school 3 years ago and immediately set myself up for failure and set myself back that way.

I could do Calculus I, II, III, Linear Algebra, and Differential Equations at community college but it would probably mean I spent 3 years in total there instead of 2, even if I take 1 or 2 maths over the summer. I just wonder if I should do the normal sequencing and get done with Calculus II and then gamble on transferring to university or if I should do as much math as possible at my cc where I imagine the class sizes for advanced math will be very small and I may be able to get more help that way if I need it.

16:37 UTC


Can I switch from Electrical Engineering to Mechanical Engineering?

So, I want to get a degree on MEng but the course is not very common where I currently am, hence I am going for a diploma in EEng. So, if i get a diploma on EEng, can I switch to MEng later for further studies? On the other hand, my family wants me to go for CSE and I don't know which would be better. MEng is what I've been set on since the beginning but I just don't know anymore.

10:43 UTC


Confused between choosing master’s in mechanical engineering or master’s in industrial engineering!

I did my bachelors in mechanical engineering from India and I am planning to pursue my master’s in either mechanical or industrial engineering. I am confused between the two because they are quite opposite as the former one is scientific and technical while the later is management related. Also I feel like pursuing master’s in mechanical engineering will be repetitive and studying industrial will lead to abandonment of my mechanical education

Engineers of the industry please give your opinions/ advices/ future scopes/ statistics

13:34 UTC


I wanna switch from ME to IE.

I’ve been thinking alot about switching to IE for a long time and its been on my mind since i figured out that my university doesn’t even have what i want in the course. i’m interested in cars, engines and such and unfortunately my university only has one elective course and barely teaches anything, so i thought that i could be an IE and leave the cars thing on the side but have my main interest in businesses and such. I have finished most of the struggles with dynamics, mechanics of materials, statics, applied mathematics and yet i feel like i’m not in my place not what i thought ME was, it was just nothing but a nightmare.

I really want some advice on wether i should switch or not.

Btw i am in my second year going to third🫡.

14:30 UTC


Is there a difference between CS and CSE?

Hi all, My sister is in 3rd year Computer science engineering student and lately she is a bit down and confused how CS major is different from CSE regarding the studies and the job field. She recently realized that most jobs for CSE can be done by CS majors too. She says she could have taken an easier path and studied CS instead if that is the case.

I am not an engineer and I have no idea about all this, that is why I thought it would be a good idea if she can read your responses on here. Are there any advantages for CSE major than CS? Can you guys give us some Job titles that require a CSE specifically? Does she need to study extra courses after grad to have wider job opportunities.

14:42 UTC


What are my chances of being accepted into my list of colleges?

Hello everyone. I just began my junior year of HS. My freshman and sophomore year I was extremely depressed and had no direction in life. (I got cheated on by my first bf, family problems, money problems, etc.) I failed both years in the second semester, but had passing grades for the first semester of both years. My GPA is 2.0. Im taking credit recovery classes outside of school to make up for the credits I lost, however my failing grade on my transcript will remain the same even once I earn the credit. Over the summer, I had a change in perspective and realized I wanted to do something impactful with my life. I believe i’m smart, and have potential to be an amazing student considering I was prior to quarantine, and have been in the gifted/magnet program since the 1st grade. I understand all the material in my classes from the past two years, I just simply never turned in my assignments. I’m a fast learner, and when I put my energy into something, I do great. Anywho, I want to get my BS in mechanical engineering at GA tech, UGA, GA Southern, Mercer, Kennesaw, or Oglethorpe. I’ve also heard I can go to a less prestigious school like Kennesaw for two years, and then apply to transfer to GA Tech or a better school. Basically, if I get my act together and get straight A+’s, or close to it, as well as a good SAT/ACT score, do you believe I could cancel out my two bummy years in school and get into one of the listed colleges? I know it’s never too late to turn things around, but I want some realistic answers about exactly how much I can repair my transcript in only two years. Im also in my second year of VRC robotics, and this year I joined Society of Women Engineers, Society of Hispanic Engineers, TSA, and Aviation. Im in my second year of my engineering pathway, and i’m taking AP Physics, AP Lang, and APUSH, if that changes anything.

EDIT: Not sure if this changes anything, but i’m a first-gen Mexican-Salvadoran-American.

14:11 UTC


How do you care about mental health?

School is starting soon and I am not ready to spend all my waking hours on studying. I am not exaggerating, I actually study as long as I am awake and I slept 5-6h last year. I zone out all the time and have hard time concentrating so most of the time I study is actually gone that way. Labs are just time consumers and we got a lot of those.

I seriously wanna have time for myself this year. I wanna let go and have fun but my mind won't let me. I literally missed all family and friend events last year. I am not lying I didn't do anything fun or relaxing last year. Hell I didn't even sleep properly.

13:55 UTC


number of hours

hello everyone i have a question: i’ve heard a lot that it’s better not to take more than 14 credit hours, but my schedule has a 24 hours of classes at all😀 like, this time schedule was given for me (i don’t have opportunity to change it in any way) and all of the courses i took are mandatory for semester. is it that bad? what can i do about this kind of a situation🥹 i’m doing freshman year in robotics engineering

10:32 UTC


Internship at tesla

I am an electrical engineer and i have more than 2 year’s experience in this field. Niw im pursuing my masters in the field of Automation. I have applied for an electrical quality control and instrumentation intenship in tesla. I came across an HR interview and now have an interview with the manager in two days. I dont have experience in quality control but i know the basic testing methods of equipments and cables. Can anyone give me insights into how the interview is going to happen or what all questions will i be facing so that i can be prepared?

07:20 UTC


Tell me if I am stupid or the book is wrong (Applied Statics/CON221)

I'm in week 1 of my Applied Statics class and I swear the book is wrong on this example. I'm not super confident in math in general, so it's making me think I am missing something.

Ex. Question states "determine the weight in kips of water contained in a cylindrical tank given r = 20in, h = 5ft." it also states the unit weight of water is 62.4 lb/ft^3. Textbook answer shows below:


However, the answer I come up with is 2.72 kips.

My math:

  1. Find volume of tank using V = (pi)(r)^2(h) --> converted inches to feet, pi x (1.66)^2 x 5 = 43.633 ft^3

  2. Multiply unit weight by volume of tank --> (62.4)(43.633) = 2722.71 lbs

  3. Convert pounds to kips --> 2722.1 lbs (1 kip/ 1000 lbs) = 2.72 kips

What gives?!

1 Comment
22:44 UTC


Colorado FE Question

Hey y'all. I'm currently in my first year of my MS in SE. I'm coming from a non-engineer undergraduate and work background though, would I be able to to take the FE in Colorado?

22:50 UTC


Tips for a beginner

I am a teenager currently trying to self teach myself electrical engineering. I got the "ARRL handbook","Basic Electricity" By The Dover Books On Engineering, "Practical electronics for inventors" and "fundamentals of electric circuits" by Alexander and Sadiku. I also am watching the "Vocademy" YouTube channel which is amazing. Does anyone have any advice on which subject I should focus on first, be it Calculus,Trig or just dive right in? Should I focus on practical applications and make sure I understand it at a gut level, which I find the ARRL handbook to be amazing at, or should I go to classic route of theory and then try it later? Any other resources to learn EE that the community recommends for beginners would be great. Any advice on a strategy would be great too, i.e. which books, approaches etc I should use and in what order.

02:20 UTC

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