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This is a place for engineering students of any discipline to discuss study methods, get homework help, get job search advice, and find a compassionate ear when you get a 40% on your midterm after studying all night.



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Vital programs to know as an ME student

As a junior ME student what other programs should I try to learn besides AutoCAD, Revit, Inventor, Solidworks, NX/Unigraphics, MATLAB, and SimScale ? I had been certified for the autodesk softwares during high school.

05:57 UTC


Backend development for Mechatronics engineering student

Greetings everyone, I'm second year Mechatronics engineering student who really love his field and really looking forward to it, but i was thinking to learn backend development to help me earn some money and it will be useful to learn this backed stuff like sql, python...., so is it a good step or it's just a sweet dream(and I'm saying this because I'm seeing backed dev. as a career and won't be good as a side hustle) so please give me some ""real"" advices from your experience.(And if give me a feedback about my english I'll be very grateful 😗)

01:17 UTC


Friendly advice

Hi everyone,

I'm starting my journey as a Mechanical Engineering student this fall, and I'm looking for some advice from current or former MechE students. I have a few questions that I hope you can help with:

  1. Essential Courses: What courses should I prioritize in my first year?
  2. Study Resources: What are the best study resources for subjects like calculus, physics, and thermodynamics?
  3. Time Management: How do you effectively manage your time between classes, studying, and extracurricular activities?
  4. Extracurricular Activities: What clubs, teams, or organizations should I consider joining?

Any advice helps. Thanks in advance

03:04 UTC


Learning backed development while studying Mechatronics

Greetings everyone, I'm second year Mechatronics engineering student who really love his field and really looking forward to it, but i was thinking to learn backend development to help me earn some money and it will be useful to learn this backed stuff like sql, python...., so is it a good step or it's just a sweet dream(and I'm saying this because I'm seeing backed dev. as a career and won't be good as a side hustle) so please give me some ""real"" advices from your experience.(And if give me a feedback about my english I'll be very grateful 😗)

1 Comment
00:32 UTC


Best way to learn MBSE

Hey all. I’m a PhD student in aerospace engineering. Part of my work is to build a framework for some tools, we’re thinking of implementing model-based systems engineering techniques when creating the framework. I thought maybe someone who knows about the field could suggest books, videos, resources, etc that I can use to learn about MBSE

23:52 UTC


Applying to Different Majors at Different Unis

I’m in the middle of my core studies for transfer ≈1.5 years into community college. And I’ve decided to vent my split feelings between materials science / engineering and electrical engineering by taking prereqs for both and just applying for diff majors at diff unis.

Will this hurt my chances? For example: uni 1 - materials Eng uni 2 electrical Eng uni 3 chemistry and materials sci etc.

I know where the two majors will merge for me and will want to do one for bs and the other for ms. So in my mind they’re complementary. But idk if unis will see it that way

16:03 UTC


2nd year back

Hello, I just got an year back in 2nd year. I didn't give 3rd sem backlog papers with 4th sem as I assumed there is another chance to clear it before going to 5th sem. Now, there is no chance left. I got total 6 backlogs now 3+3(3rd and 4th sem). This is the most careless thing one can do and I did. This is the worst phase of my life. Disappointed parents as I didn't even tell them I had backlogs and now they are in shock. This is the worst phase of my life. Please guide how to handle and manage this for something better. Try not to joke around please as I'm in the worst phase rn.

08:07 UTC


Stucked in big problem and needed your advice

I was in first year of my engineering under sppu and right now I got backlog in 8 subjects. It is told to me that now I can't join into second year as in am having a year down. From this year onwards my college became autonomous. So when discussed with principal he told that either I can rewrite the exam till May or drop the admission and take readmission into autonomous. My parents have totally lost hopes on me.I have also been devastated by this having no idea what to do. I surely want to do engineering. Will anyone will help with should I do.

09:14 UTC



Hey guys I have applied for the tnea counselling this year and I have been selected in round 1. By the way my cuttoff mark is 180 and I'm a BC category candidate. I just want suggestions from you guys about what top colleges I can and I might get I've already researched and added few clgs in my list and I think it would be so much helpful if someone really suggested me with a good colleges. I would be so much thankful guys. The counselling date is nearing so pls share any knowledge you have on my request. THANK YOU!!

11:29 UTC


math meme

14:21 UTC


Last semesters Physics 2: Electromagnetism

I just finished my second year of engineering, and Physics 2 was a pain. I’m not sure why, but 95% of my friends understood it so much better than me. Here’s how the test scores were laid out:

Test 1: 60/150 (Learning the ropes of the course, but also study group w/ peers) Test 2: 50/150 (study group with peers) Test 3: 70/100 (cheated) Final Exam: 40/150 (cheated)

The exams were really out of 100 points with 50 points being extra credit. If the exams were the only component in the class, I would’ve failed miserably. Unfortunately I ended with a D.

When I spoke to my peers, some cheated, some put in the time to study, and others did both. Majority had one thing in common, they all had super high scores. Those who I talked to did so well in the class they didn’t even have to try on the final, and it killed my self confidence.

When I was in the course, the professor was supposedly really good. He had an online and In-person lecture, so the lectures were recorded live. From beginning to end, I noticed that the lecture started to become emptier each time the professor lectured. The online section was no different. I followed that method and stopped going to class in person, came back to bite me.

When it was time for homework, I went to professors office hours once, it didn’t help me. I tried studying with my peers or asking them questions, it only helped me a little bit. When it was time for exams, I learned that some peers were cheating and made chegg based cheat sheets, I still did poorly after using that method. This was on top of the face that I almost got caught.

I never understood why everybody succeeded a lot more than me, and it was even worse that I failed a class for the first time ever in the semester prior to that. (Calc 2) So ultimately I was at an all time low. I did retake it last semester and had a B until the final.

The fact that I struggled in such core classes makes me feel like i’m not cut out for this degree path. I doubt my intellect every time I do an academic task, so 9/10 I resort to cheating.

Is there anything I can do to pick myself up from my situation, like small steps I can take? I’d like some academic advice about this. Thanks.

16:04 UTC


Engineering qoute to put in a college shirt

I'm entering a shirt layout contest at our Uni and we're required to put a engineering related motto or quote. can you guys give me an idea?

1 Comment
16:21 UTC


Should I switch majors for my company?

So back in May I got hired on to a large Engineering firm as a CAD/Civil Drafter, currently im working on finishing my associates in pre-engineering at the community college here and am getting ready to transfer to a University to finish my BA, the thing is that ive been pursuing a Mechanical Engineering degree which my company doesn't really have a use for, however if I was to swap over to getting a Civil Engineering degree they would fully support me by helping pay for classes, certs and licenses as well as I'm friends with everyone here and pretty much all of the Engineers will help me study and review for exams and all that good stuff. The only real doubts I have is I wanted to do Mechanical engineering since I was young, but given this opportunity I've gotten at this company and my potential to move up to Project manager and higher, is switching my degree something you guys would recommend or keep going for the mechanical degree.

17:36 UTC



Can anyone help me look over the work I've done on moment of inertia and centroid

15:13 UTC


Wanting to switch from software engineering to forensic science

I’m currently in my last semester of a software engineering degree, and due to various challenges, such as studying in a non-English speaking country, I feel that I haven’t built a strong foundation in programming.

The issue isn’t with understanding programming logic, but rather the time spent translating lectures from another language into English, which has consumed all my time and left me unable to practice programming effectively.

I want to make it clear that I have put in my best effort to improve my programming skills. It’s important to me that no one thinks I haven’t given my all, especially considering the many international students who have dropped out or faced severe stress(trying to commit sui****)trying to study engineering here.

I’m now considering pursuing another bachelor’s degree in forensic science, a field I’m genuinely passionate about and believe I will enjoy studying.

Has anyone here made a similar switch? I’d love to hear your experiences and opinions.

13:37 UTC


Thermodynamics is something else. I need help

I am a high-semester student, well due to my former depression and also some other personal problems, I am still stuck with some papers. Like I am able to do my thesis now but I want to pass my papers first. One of them is thermodynamics.

I just came back from the test and it was super difficult. I only answered a few questions. In the room of 30 other students, 2 or 3 straight up gave up, I can hear them saying that to the professor when they left before exam time ends. One of them cried, the other left laughing while saying that.

The professor did look distressed.

I have passed my controls systems, fluid mechanics, and some other tough papers but this is another level of difficult.

I need help asap. I really want to graduate as soon as I can. I swear I will start study earlier next time but I want to know some really helpful tips you guys can offer

12:51 UTC


Should software engineers think about pursing Masters ?

Mtech in CSE gives the opportunity to explore diverse fields within computer science, such as operating systems, embedded systems, data science, machine learning, and AI.

An MTech program offers a platform to experiment with various courses and projects, teaching valuable skills like deadline management and multitasking.

While it's possible to achieve career success without a Master's degree, having multiple projects under your belt from an MTech program can enhance job readiness and progression within a company.

For more details you can refer to the video below in first comment.

10:09 UTC


Looking for tips to prepare for Mechanical engineering as a High schooler.

Hello everyone,

I'm currently in 11th grade in India and want to pursue a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering, potentially in Germany.

Given my current workload from school, I might not have much time for extensive projects. With this in mind, I'd love to hear your advice on:

1.What skills should I start developing now that will be crucial.

2.Are there any books, online courses, or other resources you would recommend?

  1. From a career and salary perspective, which would be a better choice for a master's degree: aerospace engineering or mechanical engineering?

Thanks :))

09:42 UTC


minoring in marine biology?

my major is civil engineering but i am really interested in marine biology. i am taking a community college course this summer about it and so far i really like it. i know civil engineers pursue coastal engineering, and i would like to work in that field in the future. would it be a good idea to minor in marine biology to combine these interests? i am already on track to graduate a semester early with a light load so it would not keep me from graduating on-time and it's something i really like. but i would still like it to be useful in my career. i don't want to major in it because of low salaries and i think the major itself is limiting

1 Comment
04:59 UTC


Does anyone know what this question is asking?

idk how to visualize what’s going on. If there’s already 1.2MN is it asking how much more I’d need to add??

02:27 UTC


Studying during break?

I will be entering my sophomore year as an ECE major in the fall, and am wondering whether it is a good idea to self-study some topics. I was thinking of preparing for my fall classes, and learning practical skills, like C, C++, circuit design, doing projects, etc. so I can be more marketable for internships and project teams.

I got pretty burnt out last semester, and don't want that to happen again, but can't help but feel like I need to be doing something. I have gotten a few B's and am not too worried about grades, but not sure if I want to go to grad school in the future. What would be the best thing to spend my time learning? Is it okay to take a break during the summer to regroup?

01:45 UTC


Magnetic Fields, and Electromagnetism in Circuits (Unsure if working steps and solution is correct)

The question states to find a current of a magnetic circuit to establish a flux of 2.4 x 10^-4 Wb.

The question, in question.

Given constants are :

μ0 = 4pi x 10^-7 Wb/Atm (Permeability of vacuum)
μR ( Steel ) = 100 Wb/Atm (Relative permeability of steel)
μR ( Air ) = 1 Wb/Atm (Relative permeability of air)
Number of turns = 100 turns
Area throughout the circuit = 2 x 10^-4 m2
Length of magnetic circuit = 0.05m
Width of magnetic circuit = 0.02m
Length of air gap = 0.003m
Ï• = 2 x 10^-4 Wb

I begin by writing down that Fm = NI , and Fm = Ï•R,
And subbed the equations into each other to remove Fm,
So NI = Ï•R
Rearrange the equation as I = Ï•R / N
Since Ï• and N is given, find R.

Calculating the R ( Total reluctance of the magnetic circuit)
R = Length / μ0 x μ0 x A

Rsteel = Length_circuit - Length_airgap / μ0 x μR x A
Sub into the equation the values,
0.05m + 0.05m + 0.02m + 0.02m - 0.003m / 4pi x 10^-7 x 100 x 2 x 10^-4
Rsteel = 5.45 x 10^6 At/Wb

Rair = Length_airgap / μ0 x μR x A
0.003m / 4pi x 10^-7 x 1 x 2 x 10^-4
Rair = 1.19 x 10^7 At/Wb

Rtotal of the magnetic circuit = Rsteel + Rair
(5.45 x 10^6 At/Wb)+ (1.19 x 10^7 At/Wb)
= 1.735 x 10^7

Using the rearranged equation,
I = Ï•R / N, sub the values into the equation.
I = 2 x 10^-4 x 1.735 x 10^7 / 100
I = 41.64A

I'm unsure if the answer is this straightforward, or am I overthinking it?
My lecturer gave a different answer to this question.

1 Comment
03:29 UTC


Anyone from ESPACE at TU Munich?

If anyone have anyone from here please help me.

06:34 UTC


Mechanical Engineering - Private Lessons


I am an experienced Mechanical Engineering lecturer looking to do some online 1 on 1 support lessons (paid) for mechanical engineering students, here are the courses I can help you with:

  • Materials Science
  • Solid Mechanics / Strength of Materials / Stress Analysis
  • Manufacturing Technology
  • Mechanical Design / Product Development

I will offer a free session for you to decide whether you want to continue working with me

1 Comment
06:46 UTC


What's the typical process for LinkedIn networking for internships?

Should I message engineers or recruiters? I heard engineers are the better option, so do upper level engineers usually respond to these types of messages or is it better to message lower level? When should I message, before or after applying to a job? Is it okay to message these people before the internship has even been posted if I know they will be hiring for the upcoming season? Is it okay to message multiple people from the same company?

Also, one of the biggest doubts I had with regard to networking is timing. If I apply and then message, would they reply too late for it to matter for that job position? If I message then apply after they reply and we set up a call, would that also happen too late for their referral to matter? I'm honestly not sure how it works/how long the process usually takes so if anyone has experience in this I would appreciate it.

Sorry for the load of questions, just needed some clarification.

04:47 UTC


To whom do you speak in a company to get sponsorships??

I'm trying to finance a participation in eco shell marathon, and want to speak to companies for funding, should I get in touch with HR or who?

04:19 UTC


Which CAD software do defence companies use ?

Hi everyone, I recently got a job offer from BAE systems and was wondering which CAD modelling and simulations software they use, just so I can prepare and become more fluent.

Many thanks.

01:26 UTC


Repeat failed semester or transfer?

Hello all,

I am stuck in a bad spot in regards to my studies and need some advice....will be a long post I did my grade 11 and 12 online with no exams and got an overall 89% in grade 12. I started Civil engineering online at University of Waterloo in 2021. I didnt like the online and chose RLP due to a death in family and finished the term with a 59.9% (petitioned to be promoted), then did a non-degree term for W2022 and completed my 1A courses in S22. I did 1 coop in F22 and then 1B in W23 which I failed, got a 58% and had to to repeat 4 courses under 70% avg. I completed an 8 month coop and returned in W24 to repeat my 4 courses of 1B. I still didnt fix my study habits and was feeling kinda depressed because I was repeating the term and oldest in my class. I ended up not working as hard thinking I know everything from previous 1B and failed again with a 53%.

The first time I failed, my parents wanted me to switch programs but I still repeated in W24. Now again they want me to change and I considered it too but I really liked my coops for Civil eng. I was considering transferring to an easier uni but they are only accepting 4 out of 12 credits with 70%+ avg. I need some advice and input from those who faced a similar situation. I am now thinking of doing a non-degree term in environmental faculty, GEM or similar to see how it is since I can graduate in 3yrs using my credits. But I still have my heart stuck in Engineering especially since I liked the jobs and got an admission at UW.

Since I was in school, I always struggled with Math. I took tutoring in uni but my weak point in both semesters which I failed was Calculus. What should I do at this point? Is it worth giving it another shot and genuinely fixing my study habits or should I just bite the bullet and transfer? My original grad year was 2026 and now it will be 2029 if I decide to be in Engineering.

If I do repeat again and pass, how is upper year civil semester course load?


00:10 UTC

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