The purpose of this community is to explore human energy in all of its facets while stripping way the esoteric language, rituals and distractions that have accumulated over the years. Out of body experiences, energy healing, energetic connections between people, psychic work and everything in between. This sub is open for discussion, learning and teaching, without judgement, on any and every form of energy work regardless of degree of social acceptability or stigma.
This purpose of this community is to explore human energy in all of its facets. Out of body experiences, energy healing, energetic connections between people, psychic work and everything in between. This is a community about helping people explore, stretch and document their experiences as well as learn new ways and avenues to explore.
A primary purpose of this subreddit is to strip away all of the esoteric language, rituals and distractions that have been built around human energy practice to make for a clear and concise guide of how to achieve certain results (whatever those may be). This sub is open for discussion, without judgement, on any and every form of energy work regardless of degree of social acceptability or stigma.
[Fear Mongering] You're going to burn in hell and entities are going to devour your soul! You will sicken and your hair will fall out! 1) It's bullshit and 2) I said it, now you don't have to. Fear mongering will get you banned.
[Rude, Angry and/or Offensive Comments] Comments will be removed and users will be banned. There is a very low tolerance for that behavior in this sub. Be helpful or begone.
[Gatekeeping] This sub is for sharing information and knowledge, not for growing your guru status or to stroke your ego. Gatekeeping will get you banned.
[Promotional Posts] No longer allowed. The Sunday experiment was not clearly beneficial to the community.
[External Links]
Posts with links to external sites and subreddits will likely be removed if they are, in any way, deemed to be more about promotion (business, self, blog, youtube channel, etc) than about sharing information in a helpful way. Even posts with helpful commentary will be removed if they contain promotional material.
[Healing Request/Requests For Energy]s
Requests for healing or energy are not allowed and will be removed. These can be posted over at r/energy_healing.
[Healing Offer]s
Healing offer posts will be removed and may get you banned if it seems you are using this sub to build a following or to convert interested parties to paying customers. Offering remote reiki or distant healing service for money will get you banned. Alternatively, one can post [Healing Offer]s at /r/energy_healing.
[Reading Offer]s
Reading offers/Free Readings should only be made in response to requests and not as a new link or text post. Reading offer posts will be removed and may get you banned. Alternatively, one can post [Reading Offer]s at /r/energy_healing.
Books of Interest:
These are the books that I've found to be the best in their field on their particular subject. They are easy to read, motivating, clear and cogent.
The Visceral Experience by Daniel Barber, was written by the founder and prime mod of this subreddit. It shares the values that this sub expresses. If you are new to or just starting out with energy work, this is the book you want to read.
A Psychic Bedside Reader by Wayne Martin. Tips, Techniques, Meditations, and Healings for the Novice and Experienced Reader and Healer; a how-to for energy management for people like us. It teaches many of the techniques the author learned in the clairvoyant training program.
The Energy Cure by William Bengston. If you are a skeptic and looking for scientific proof that energy heals, pick up this book. It includes overviews of research in which mice with aggressive breast cancer genes were cured in full with only healing energy from hands.
Adventures Beyond the Body by William Buhlman. A howto book for out-of-body exploration.
Instant Rapport by Michael Brooks. Rapport is a weak and fragile type of energetic connection, but it is a good starting place for learning how to extend your energy beyond your own body. This book is a very interesting read and a great place to start.
Life Rules by Yehuda Berg. An easy read on the nature of reality from the viewpoint of the kabbalah written for the layperson. Effective energy work requires an understanding of reality that is not taught in schools.
The Essence of Reality by Thomas Daniel Nehrer. Another mind expanding treatment of reality from the author's perspective. A great start to a journey of understanding.
Other subreddits of interest:
What’s the best way to harness universal energy to send to others?
we have always had a relatively enmeshmed relationship. I really liked her and I was her little me and I really felt like her friend almost as a kid (about 4-6) and when she was pregnant around that time it was like i was her little idk friend and I really felt the pregnancy too. I also went to her workplace sometimes and overall spent a lot of time with my parents and adults and did come along with both kids and adults for sure but I became a bit ashamed of being a child at that time. anyways I felt like i was many living separate lives at the same time i guess they could be considered timelines and lol i had a matrix timeline already at that point and it was mainly playing mom and dad to adults and especially mom, it could be due to social norms but anyways it felt like being mom would be better because she is empathetic and leader like and always right and wasy going whereas i think my actual personality is more introverted and observant. emphatetic too for sure but in a different way. It is a nice energy but it feels like carrying something excess and it has always felt that way. Anyways, after my brother was born my mom got depressed and I was really affected by her mood and also her and my dad's relationship was quite distant and it was distressing and I was quite repressed and pleased mom a lot.When I became a teenager I lost weight (I was overweight most of my childhood) and mom became very controlling and we had a very codependent relationship for almost ten years and I was really scared of her. Around that time, being a teenager, I started singing which I always wanted to do as a kid but was too unsure of myself and was unmotivated and scared of my dad's disapproval because he liked music but also was quite judgemental or he became uneasy around anything that had an unconventional undertone or something sexual which is what I preferred. Anyways as I practiced singing I was able to sing with a completely different energy from that of my parents and it feels like it changes, when I sing for a longer time, my body tissues, like I'm talking about muscle tonus of my legs and overall I just shift completely and it's like I'm made of different flesh and it feels more like real home. Now to the point, so, I feel like I have another piece of energy or another head that is made of especially my mom's energy and it's yellow light, yeast, and also reminds me of tennis field and it is kind of rubber like. it also contains the empathy and domething rubber like and along with it comes the letter "p" which is my moms initial. it is a joyous energy but feels excesss. So do you think it could be possible to carry some kind of piece of her soul? the energy is very tiring and for some time I made it my own and was proud of it and people like it for sure but it is like, I want to be the real me and have a separate system. it feels/felt like having an inner child inside a child and then around 8years old and so, also like a role that is both a child and an adult. Or it's like living too separate lives or having two heads, two minds and two souls and the mother-one is the one people, even some spiritual people maybe, consider the real one but to me it feels like the one I'm trying to get away from and go back to something original or some zero state and the real me and real soul. i think I might be receiving some intuitive messages and some i've heard or that have crossed my mind are "womb-head" and "wrong-head" and "another side" and also telescope comes often too. and when it comes to the singing I am very talented but only in the original side which is interesting.Also some time ago when I was searching for some clue on what to work on, i suddenly got a boiled egg that had two yellow insides inside of it and the same day i got some snapchat notif of "conjoined twins". there has been other messages of something wormhole-like which is very cool but also it's so out there😅 and vacuum and Hoover also comes up and sometimes when I talk, this started last summer, the room suddenly starts to sound like you know those rubbery balls for gymnastics? and my voice echoes in a really strange way.
Something unusual is happening to lately. Literally every time I think of someone that person either texts me or show up. And it’s happening immediately, for example I wonder where is my friend and the second later I receive her call. Or if I am meeting with group of people and someone is missing, the moment I wonder where is that person-that person shows up. It even goes deeper, where sometimes someone around me mentions what I was thinking about or wanted to say. I get it that this happens sometimes, in a fun casual way, but this has become super intense for me lately.. like I’m telepathically connected to everyone! Any explanation???
For example, does healing increase if multiple (instead of one) people direct their energy towards one person?
I believe this to be the case but I'm looking for stories of people who've done this. I'm also looking for people who would like to experiment with collective energy work.
Hello, I just relocated to another state to care for my dying in-laws. In the process my massage therapy license lapsed due to CEUs not being approved. 😩
I miss my practice so much, I had a storefront business that exploded before we had to abruptly move with our two young children.
I am a neurosomatic therapist specializing in Pain relief and emotional healing. I am also a certified reiki healer (did not practice necessarily, but I do have that certificate)
I am very interested and well versed in emotional/body code therapy, but with my licensed lapsed and the HIGH cost of renewing in a new state...is there a loophole to practicing something within this realm in any way?
I plan to renew and get everything back and running, but we are in the process of getting my in laws into assisted living, clearing their house, selling the house with both parents in the hospital. My husband needs a break from working to do all this, and honestly I miss working. Can I practice any of this work without getting in trouble? I don't want to lose the ability to practice by taking clients during my license lapse. 🥺
I’m interested in what you’ve found to be the most effective ways to permanently cut or transmute cords? Looking for things that have worked for you and various techniques to try out, and also any knowledge you have about what keeps cords attached or helps them reattach.
What's your thoughts on me dreaming about my first boyfriend who I haven't seen since I was about 18, literally no contact, never even seen him again I'm 33 now
I dont think about him, no social media, absolutely nothing.
I dont have any feelings towards him because I dont know him anymore . I'm in a happy relationship, I have two children and several more serious relationships then that ever was. We were literally kids in school.
So why do I go through phases where he is In my dream every night , this can go on for months . Then he disappears and then he is back .
I don't ever dwell on the dream, I just think it's so bizarre when I wake up that he's still so prevalent, then I keep it moving
Then the next night it will be the same
Always different dreams, sometimes we're together, Any thoughts on this would be appreciated , sometimes he's someone else but it's his energy,.sometimes he's just there in the dream not really doing anything but just still there In the background
I have been able to receive info about smaller crystals when holding them in the palms of my hands in deep meditation. Some bigger pieces I’m unsure of how to hold lol. Any tips or personal techniques would be appreciated.
Something happened 2 decades ago when I was about 15. I didn’t hurt anyone but whatever happened was embarrassing. It never interfered with my life until recently. I want to release the stuck energy by shouting but since I have no idea where to find a place to do that, the stuck energy is coming out in the form of pressure in all over the face and head. I’m also disassociating a bit.
A psychiatrist diagnosed me with OCD recently and he put me on medication. I’m also unemployed right now and spending my days at home which is giving me a lot of time for rumination. I can’t focus on anything due to this issue.
Hey y’all!
I’ve been working on this journey for a while. I’m working on my Sahasrara, and I am facing difficulties; my mind is at its most undisciplined ever with a constant and endless stream of thoughts that will not stop for a second of respite. I have dreams about washing and cleansing my head constantly. I’ve tried everything that I know, daily reiki, sutra atma, breathing exercises.
Anything you could suggest that might help?
What the fuck is that? 😭 And how do you do that?
(I posted this on r/spirituality but if you know any other which fits then lmk)
I decided to write this cause I wanted to reach out. Lately I feel, I've become super sensitive to energies around me. Like previously even if I didn't like a person I could hold a conversation but now nope, negative energy and I HAVE to get out (which especially at work can be con).
I am afraid to even like anything online even if it's a meme/joke, I like it and it becomes reality for me (for e.g. I liked a reel something about being sick and got sick immediately). This was not the case in the past. And it seems to be true for negative things for most part not something positive like winning a lottery or something. Can I do something about this? I don’t want to be so sensitive, it's like I'm walking on egg shells all the time. If you have a non-spiritual explanation then you're welcome too.
(Sidenote- Lately I've been sick too, I had a viral fever and it went away but after a week my health got worse suddenly and I was in ER. I went to doctors and everything was normal and he said I'll recover in a few weeks from weakness but I still do not feel back to my normal levels, all reports came back normal and I've been to doctors multiple times, I'll go again next week cause I still feel weak/fatigue, this might not be related to it and I've been feeling hypersensitivity before this event). I just want to be normal again
hey so i was wondering this in bed last night about something my mum always told me about our family being psychic which i didn’t really believe because i thought i had a really good intuition but sometimes i can see into the future and predict exactly what’s gonna happen when (it does happen) so i was wondering they are pretty weak rn and only come in handy when im in danger or need them so does anyone know how to make them stronger? i can’t buy any material and i go to the gym quite a lot to grow my physical strength but i need more than just physical strength. i also saw something about light channeling through your hands which i was interested in and if anyone could givr me advice on how to do that i would be very happy!
Hi, I am fairly new to energy work. I’ve been feeling overly tired lately… is this normal with sending energy out?
Specifically, I am trying to send love energy and calm energy to someone who is distant. And two dogs I live with.
Just wondering! Thanks!
I have problems with bravery. To be more specific I have a hard time handling my emotions and feelings. I have my whole life. This led me to alcohol and drug addiction, homelessness, being a criminal. I had an awakening, I know now that I am part of a larger whole. Its likely we're all one or at the very least connected. I had a true spiritual awakening. I quit gambling, drugs and alcohol a year ago. I must be honest though, I did that all out of fear, fear drove me out of that life. However, I did do it, I was sober one whole year on my own with no help. Today I relapsed on gambling alone. Luckily only gambling. Here's what I know needs to be done though. I need to do more shadow work but the big one. I need the power to meditate, I know my only possible saving grace is self forgiveness and meditation Sometimes I am lazy about meditating, other times it doesn't feel like its working. Or I feel like I am sitting there even more tortured. Any other techniques are welcome. However, most of the masters, all of them meditated in some capacity or another. They say the only way out is in. I know that's true but getting there is a lot harder than words.
For the longest time, I have felt like my soul has been robbed.
I’ve been refraining from making this post in hopes that one day my life would be back to normal like it was before this connection. But as time passes, I feel like it’s something I cannot escape, and it lives with me.
To keep it simple, I had a short but intense connection with someone I believe was a deep soulmate. After this person left, I went through the seven stages of grief (as one does). I fell into a deep depression for 3 months, grieving the heartbreak (I never thought I could feel so much pain).
After that dark period, I thought I was starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel since I believed that there was no more pain left because I had already cried OCEANS over this person. But as time passes, I still feel their energy remains in my soul.
I have tried almost every trick in the book, like cord-cutting, calling back my energy, cleansing, grounding, surrendering, praying, and meditation, hoping to get rid of their energy. But somehow it's always there.
There are many times when I feel their energy coming from either my heart or solar plexus chakra, but sometimes both. It feels as if there is an empty void, almost like I am missing something and often times a deep sadness that doesn't feel like my own.
Does it mean there is a hex on the person or some spirit attachment. It is right above the person's head, first layer but the layers above that black layer is white.
Thank you for your help:)
Does anyone have experience with this kind of thing?
Last nite for the first time in my life i let all the darkness move into me instead of repelling it. It was interesting and not scary at all.
So for the last few years ive been experimenting and experiencing all kinds of white light and colors in meditation. I sometimes work also with the Monroe/gateway stuff and it's very similar, especially if youre familiar with the host of things a certain "Miranon" talks about.
Lately tho, ive been going thru some very difficult "back against the wall" situations and am starting to give in to despair. Usually energy practice is the positive, life-giving part of my day regardless of what i may be going thru. Whenever ive encountered lower vibrational beings or darkness or stuff like that ive mostly succeeded in keeping it at bay or transmuting the energy into good.
So what happened last night has left me bewildered. I was laying in bed, feeling at the end of my rope and it was like when depression starts setting in, but i voluntarily removed all resistance (rebal) and i got a distinct feeling of something very dense and dark trying to make contact with me. So i just let it in. I guess i "merged" with it and got this insane feeling of power.
Usually when i work with light it makes me extremely unselfish. It starts inwardly and ends up radiating where it needs to go, usually to somebody else who probably needs it. It doesnt drain me since im not generating it, just channeling it. Well this dark stuff gave me an extremely selfish feeling. Like i was gathering all this for myself only...and it felt awesome. But i also got the sensation that i was pulling it from the environment forcefully.
If a star generates, radiates, gives life then a black hole does the opposite.
Anyone know wtf happened and is it advisable to stay away or not. Will it bring me bad luck or something. Am i playing with fire
I'm looking for a ritual or practice to end obsessive thoughts about a past lover. My plan is to spend NYE alone doing this to start the new year fresh with tabula rasa. Would prefer it not to be magickal because I find that Magick backfires when I use it.
Thank you!
My brother completely ruined my life and the last time I saw him I felt drained so much I fainted--which I've NEVER done in my life. (I'm never sick). he then hugged me and almost felt like my sould was sucked in as well. I got so terrified when he let go. I promised myself to never see him again (don't even ask why he hugged me, he still thinks I'm clueless to his abuse). I feel so weak now and i don't know how to get my 'life'/energy back.
Hello, I am fairly new to the concept of twin flames and I am plagued by a man I met months ago. We met dancing, He was everything I was manifesting at the time and the connection was instant. I felt deja vu and my head was buzzing with energy for days after first meeting him. I have never felt so instantly excited about someone and it scared the crap out of me. He was my opposite in the most magnetizing way. I believe what got in between our connection was that we both let outside influences and opinions get in the way. I was so afraid of how intense it was I sabotaged it. He did not want a relationship but was very respectful and wanted to remain friends. I knew it was because he was seeking validation from other women and possibly struggling with his sexuality. I ended the connection and believed it to be karmic (as I have a history with players). It was abnormally painful and shattering especially since I barely knew him. We didn’t know each other for long and we’re not even intimate, but I have not been able to get rid of his presence. It was driving me insane. I would literally be in my car telling his spirit to leave me alone like a crazy person and I’d pass a street with his name. He would show up in my dreams and it felt like our souls were connecting.
Since meeting him I’ve learned level II reiki and have healed and grown a lot spiritually. I have also sent him so much reiki (and as soon as I started doing so I never saw him again, until recently) so I believe he must be growing spiritually as well. Once I sent reiki to his throat chakra and he reached out to me while doing so. For awhile he would show up in my dreams and I could tell he wasn’t doing well, in turn I felt depressed and drained, until I sent him a bunch of reiki and I finally released his pent up emotions. I had a dream that night that I was walking down a river and met up with his soul, but then he left to be with another woman. So I continued down the river only for his soul to return and we jumped into the river together and floated away.
After not seeing him for months I was finally ready to let go and performed a cord cutting ritual, and literally that same week I see him again. We don’t say anything to each other but I saw him watching me. I feel delusional and I don’t know how to handle this. I want to reach out but I am also afraid, I don’t want to rekindle something if it was only karmic. If it is a twin flame how can I handle this? Or do I have this connection only because of energy work? Any advice is welcome I want to hear lots of perspectives.
Hello everyone, I found out about the body code method. I will be reading the book soon. I've had chronic fatigue for a few years now after having Some traumatic experiences related to my health since 2016. I've almost lost my life twice within a week back in 2016. Now I'm so worried that I'm sick and can't seem to find healing. Will this help?
Haven’t done any energy work in decades. No formal training but picked up some grounding/clearing skills along the way in self-defense. Tried to find someone to study with decades ago and it didn’t go well. Been blocking/head blind ever since. I guess I need to look again and even the thought of *looking* feels awful.
Just got back from a super stressful vet visit where in frustration I assume I pulled some energy to settle everyone down because after everything got calm, the headache and malaise set in and everyone did their best to pretend they weren’t running from the room after. I will be doing a salt bath after I post this for the physical stuff and I’ll dig out my amethyst and start wearing it again. But I think I need to find a gentle teacher ‘cause blocking isn’t the same as living with, and doesn’t appear to be working anymore.
I would be grateful for ideas on where to start. . .lightly.
I haven't had dreams that I can remember since I was a kid. For myself it's just 1 second I am awake and the next it's morning with no dreaming what so ever. I never really wondered why that is until recently.
I've recently figured out something interesting. The way I see it the physical world is really one world pretending to be two. You have the frequency bands decoded by the five senses and astral.
The astral is where you find ghosts, and negative entities. And it is where you find the energy of people, objects, and locations. The astral is right here in the same space. But it is outside of the frequency bands decoded by the five senses. So it feels like it doesn't exist.
Why is this important. It's important because it shows they can't just throw us into a video game and completely cut us off from energy and the afterlife. I'm sure they would love it if they could. But they can't.
It also shows that the physical world is a real three dimensional world. And not just a data stream being fed into the mind. Because different areas have different energy. If you go to a haunted house you may sense that the area is very cursed and has very bad energy.
Likewise if you go out into nature or to a beach you may sense that the area has very good energy. You can't see this energy because it's outside the visible light spectrum. But it's there. Different places have different energy. So that proves that it isn't just one big illusion.
So what does this mean. It means that they can't completely cut us off from energy and the afterlife. Part of the afterlife is right here. We call it the astral. But it's not really a different dimension. It's just outside the frequency bands decoded by the five senses. So it feels like it isn't there but it is. And this is where ghosts, negative entities and the energy of people, objects, and locations is.
So they can't completely cut us off from energy or the afterlife. I'm sure they would love it if they could. But they can't. Also things in the afterlife do sometimes manifest physically. Ghosts and negative entities can come into the visible spectrum and be seen. So they are right there they are just usually outside the visible spectrum.
From what I can tell the brain acts as a virtual reality headset. The five sense decode waves of energy at specific frequency bands. They transmit that information to the brain as electrical signals. And the brain decodes them into the illusion of a physical world.
So the physical world is really nothing but energy at specific frequency ranges. And beyond that is the astral or afterlife. It's in the same space as the seemingly physical world. But it's outside the frequency ranges decoded by the five senses.
But the good news is they can't completely cut us off from it. The energy of people, objects, and locations is still there. Even if we can't see it. And ghosts and negative entities are still there. So all they can do is firewall off our perception so that we can't see and interact with some things. But they are still there.
I've been working on remote viewing for about a month. And I've started using it to erase negative entities and negative energy. So I'm probably going to end up seeing a lot of things that they don't want us to see. That are outside of the visible spectrum. From what I can tell there is a huge energetic world that we don't see. And I think it's time we did see it.
I also think that some types of energy is veiled even in other matrixes. I can manifest shields to repel negative entities even in the physical world. But I can't see the shield. But when I astral travel and put up a shield I can usually see the shield.
But I think some types of energy are naturally veiled even in the astral so you can't see them. Otherwise you would see your own personal energy and it would block your view. So they probably make that veiled so that doesn't happen.
But usually when you astral travel or after your dead you will be able to manifest energy and actually see it. Even when you can't see something it's still there it's just been veiled so you can't see it.
So the whole point of this is that energy and the afterlife is right here. It's just beyond the frequency range of the five senses. So we think it doesn't exist when it does. So I hope you found this interesting. Let me know what you think in the comments.
My housemate suffers from paranoid delusions that she is being ‘gangstalked’ ( someone from her past has paid random people to spy on her and psychologically intimidate her ). Whether or not this is true, it’s starting to get to me; the energy she carries. We used to be quite chummy and friendly, but it started to get too much - I’d be cooking in the kitchen and she’d randomly come in and ask a question of reassurance re: the stalkers and I would affirm her, “don’t worry about it, they feed off your fear, continuing to live your life is exactly what they don’t want” etc. But it got to the point where I’d just be repeating myself. When I walk into the kitchen or lounge room and she’s there, she’ll jump and be scared at my presence and apologise. This happens at least every other day; It’s the same thing every time. It pisses me off — I understand this is a real reaction but she’s 20 years my senior (I’m 25, her, 45) and I feel like we are the same age. By default my energy just shuts down around her and I can’t really bring myself to have too long a conversation with her even if I wanted to; it’s exactly the same energetic dynamic I’d feel with my family when I lived with them, just energetically shutting down and basically going non verbal. I think the real tipping point was when she asked me via text to do a ritual together because she “likes my energy” and “thought I could help her”. This threw me all the way off. I’m not sure why I feel annoyance towards her instead of compassion, I’m typically compassionate and understanding but she feels like an exception with the paranoia.
What’s the energy behind paranoia and how can I safeguard against it? Starting to piss me off!
I have a feeling that clothes and accessories a person wears impact the way I feel them at an energy level and this is not just a psychological phenomenon.
Do you feel clothes and accessories influence a person's energy? If so, how and why?
If you take someone attractive and with old money, and made them wear what a homeless person wears, would it influence their energy?
Conversely, if you took a homeless person from a third world country and made them wear the clothes and accessories worn by someone from with generational wealth, how and why would it influence their energy. Conversely, if you took a homeless person from a third world country and made them wear the clothes and accessories worn by someone from with generational wealth, how and why would it influence their energy of the homeless person?
This raises a followup question. Considering clothes and accessories are physical objects, what gives them different quality of energy? And how is this energy given to these physical objects?
This might sound a bit unbelievable but I’m not lying and really looking to get to the bottom of this.
I have a sound coming from my stomach that ranges from sounding like IBS gurgling to straight up Predator clicking sounds. This sound bounces around my torso. Even within the span of a minute it can go from my stomach all the way down into the bottom of my womb, like a pinball machine. It can go from the front of my stomach to my back all the way down to my colon or my womb and anywhere in between. This happens on its own throughout the day but usually the sound gets louder when I’m quiet or at the end of the day when I’m laying in bed. It definitely wants my attention, which I try to give but my attention span is also fked so that doesn’t help with giving it the prolonged attention this situation likely needs.
There is no accompanying pain or gas and my bowel movements are normal so I definitely don’t think it’s IBS related although my diet definitely needs to be healthier. I have also checked with my doctor and even gotten an xray, ultrasound and labs and nothing abnormal came up.
Some quick background: Roughly 1.5/two years ago I had an@l sex with a guy who I later realized was no good for me. We stopped talking. After we stopped talking is when I noticed this sound coming from my stomach. It concerned me. I got tested for STD’s twice and everything came back clear. I briefly reconnected with him towards the end of last year and I told him about this sound although at the time I didn’t make the connection it might’ve come from him and neither did he. One day we were talking and I heard the sound come from his stomach! I asked him what that was and he also looked equally concerned and fucked up over it and said that he didn’t know. We again stopped talking and for good this time for other reasons. But I finally connected whatever I had came from him. Now it also doesn’t fucking help that this guy showed me one of his favourite movies, that being “Dreamcatcher” where some alien takes over people’s bodies. Tbh I didn’t really understand the fucking plot but it did fuck with me a bit that this alien was trying to come through a toilet at one point.
Now I cannot seem to find any info about this online. My solar plexus is definitely fucked for a lot of reasons and this sound doesn’t help. I’m sure just eating better would likely help but I find feeding myself to be a chore. Whatever this sound is is either exacerbated by my fucked solar plexus or a symptom of it. I say symptom because recently, I heard the exact same sound coming from my mom’s stomach and I was like wait wtf like why is she having this? I didn’t ask her though cuz I didn’t wanna get into it with her. My mom also is much more mindful of what she eats and eats healthy. So idk why she has this sound.
Couple notes on the matter: I had a somatic session with a practitioner last year where we tried to get into the sound but my mind literally thought of it as the little robot shrimp from the matrix that the agents put in Neo’s belly. Weirdly, the practitioner suddenly said she couldn’t see me anymore right after this session. I tried to connect with another practitioner who also after agreeing to see me, sent me a message 2 days later saying she was no longer seeing clients. I’m being left out in the dark to figure this out myself.
Second, on psychedelics I have tried to “communicate” with this sound and once it introduced itself and said “Hi, I’m nervous” and it honestly sounded like a lost but very curious and alert little kid who had no idea what was going on but was just happy to be here, and I responded by saying “oh don’t be nervous” only to then realize that “Nervous” was its name and not how it was feeling so I was just telling it to not be itself. The conversation did not go further than this because consciously, I am terrified of this sound and whatever it may be. On psychs, the highest this sound has come is to my esophagus but the fear that I feel towards it is primal so the two times it has moved this far up my abdomen, I just get absolutely terrified and distract myself. I also no longer do psychs for my health so this is not a route I can take anymore.
I’m inclined to believe that it’s just my own body trying to communicate with me and that this guy didn’t give me some energetic STD because my mom has it too so what else could it be other than a mangled solar plexus? But still, it doesn’t take away the fact that I find it deeply unsettling and have no idea what to do about it. It’s been almost two years now that I’ve had this.
Anyone have any idea what I’m talking about?
Thank you for reading all this if you did 🙏❤️
Edit: also, it’s never accompanied with any pain. Just a sound and sometimes if I try to relax enough, i can feel my veins pulsing and the muscles contracting. Never any pain. But this sensation has only developed over the last two years. I never had it before that.
Edit 2: fixed a couple details
started doing some (energy work)/ breathing exercises daily. was wondering what people reccomend to help tune into and channel this stuff?
what ive been trying so far is:
some qi gong exercises: (qi ball, qi loosening, tapping of points, qi pillar)
reiki: (self healing over all, and targeted chakras)
breathing (wim hoff breathing, 4 7 8 breathing, breathing more into the stomach consitantly)
obe (trying some techniques like appear at location, levitate, roll out, stand up (not working yet))
meditations (mantra meditation, longchenpa "meditation")
(telekinesis) exercises
a lot of this stuff is already having some great results. feeling energized, positive and loving more so. can you recommend some other practices or exercises that were greatly beneficial?
also quick question, i am starting to feel kindof sick today (which is rare). is this a common thing that happens when starting out these sort of practices? (just started after traveling and seeing a bunch of ppl so it might just be that 🤷♂️)
thanks for any info 💚🫂
For the practitioners here that are familiar with Robert Bruce his work (New energy ways), do you really use the awareness hands to move energy around, along with the ‘tools’?
I feel more comfortable just seeing the tools, the brush, the sponge etc. move around on my body, instead of seeing and feeling my awareness hands do it. But I can see the value of the awareness hands, I just feel less comfortable using them. Any tips developing them more?