
Photograph via snooOG

The purpose of this community is to explore human energy in all of its facets while stripping way the esoteric language, rituals and distractions that have accumulated over the years. Out of body experiences, energy healing, energetic connections between people, psychic work and everything in between. This sub is open for discussion, learning and teaching, without judgement, on any and every form of energy work regardless of degree of social acceptability or stigma.

This purpose of this community is to explore human energy in all of its facets. Out of body experiences, energy healing, energetic connections between people, psychic work and everything in between. This is a community about helping people explore, stretch and document their experiences as well as learn new ways and avenues to explore.

A primary purpose of this subreddit is to strip away all of the esoteric language, rituals and distractions that have been built around human energy practice to make for a clear and concise guide of how to achieve certain results (whatever those may be). This sub is open for discussion, without judgement, on any and every form of energy work regardless of degree of social acceptability or stigma.

[Fear Mongering] You're going to burn in hell and entities are going to devour your soul! You will sicken and your hair will fall out! 1) It's bullshit and 2) I said it, now you don't have to. Fear mongering will get you banned.

[Rude, Angry and/or Offensive Comments] Comments will be removed and users will be banned. There is a very low tolerance for that behavior in this sub. Be helpful or begone.

[Gatekeeping] This sub is for sharing information and knowledge, not for growing your guru status or to stroke your ego. Gatekeeping will get you banned.

[Promotional Posts] No longer allowed. The Sunday experiment was not clearly beneficial to the community.

[External Links]

Posts with links to external sites and subreddits will likely be removed if they are, in any way, deemed to be more about promotion (business, self, blog, youtube channel, etc) than about sharing information in a helpful way. Even posts with helpful commentary will be removed if they contain promotional material.

[Healing Request/Requests For Energy]s

Requests for healing or energy are not allowed and will be removed. These can be posted over at r/energy_healing.

[Healing Offer]s

Healing offer posts will be removed and may get you banned if it seems you are using this sub to build a following or to convert interested parties to paying customers. Offering remote reiki or distant healing service for money will get you banned. Alternatively, one can post [Healing Offer]s at /r/energy_healing.

[Reading Offer]s

Reading offers/Free Readings should only be made in response to requests and not as a new link or text post. Reading offer posts will be removed and may get you banned. Alternatively, one can post [Reading Offer]s at /r/energy_healing.

Books of Interest:

These are the books that I've found to be the best in their field on their particular subject. They are easy to read, motivating, clear and cogent.

The Visceral Experience by Daniel Barber, was written by the founder and prime mod of this subreddit. It shares the values that this sub expresses. If you are new to or just starting out with energy work, this is the book you want to read.

A Psychic Bedside Reader by Wayne Martin. Tips, Techniques, Meditations, and Healings for the Novice and Experienced Reader and Healer; a how-to for energy management for people like us. It teaches many of the techniques the author learned in the clairvoyant training program.

The Energy Cure by William Bengston. If you are a skeptic and looking for scientific proof that energy heals, pick up this book. It includes overviews of research in which mice with aggressive breast cancer genes were cured in full with only healing energy from hands.

Adventures Beyond the Body by William Buhlman. A howto book for out-of-body exploration.

Instant Rapport by Michael Brooks. Rapport is a weak and fragile type of energetic connection, but it is a good starting place for learning how to extend your energy beyond your own body. This book is a very interesting read and a great place to start.

Life Rules by Yehuda Berg. An easy read on the nature of reality from the viewpoint of the kabbalah written for the layperson. Effective energy work requires an understanding of reality that is not taught in schools.

The Essence of Reality by Thomas Daniel Nehrer. Another mind expanding treatment of reality from the author's perspective. A great start to a journey of understanding.

Other subreddits of interest:


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I manifested 10k

I set my intentions before meditating. Using my sound bowl and listening to only positive frequencies. I used affirmations that I made off the top of my head. I envisioned myself standing outside of a portal and the universe spiraling and on the other side of the spiral was me receiving a lot of money. I got set back a little during unexpected circumstances during the holidays. I was extremely overwhelmed and having anxiety nightly. I meditate as much as possible and try to keep my vibrations high, all of a sudden, I was down. This lasted about 2 or 3 weeks until I saw a YouTube video about portal. If you look in my history you will see it. Anyway, I followed the advice and meditated often afterwards using the same method. My palms were itching Sunday (cliche) bad and my husband was like oh yea you’re about to get some money lol. Well Wednesday he got paid and his check is usually about 3k all of a sudden it was almost 8k! We were like wait huh??! I checked his paystub and it was his vacation pay out for last year. 178 hours! Over 10k payout. I’m still in awe. I was able to get caught up on all my daughter’s college admin fees as well as bless my family and close friends. It’s crazy because we were never expecting this. This meditation method was super successful and I highly recommend. 555✨✨✨

1 Comment
02:23 UTC


Big Shift— any insight?

I woke up in 2012 so what I experienced yesterday felt unique… does anyone have a similar experience like this? Is this the beginning of a gift?

Yesterday, after meditation, I experienced some physical, emotional, mental things & have been downloading information ever since.

All the following happened at once:

My crown chakra was tingling extremely vibrantly, widening past my head into a large oval above my head. Tingling down spine and upper arms. The tingling stayed, did not ebb and flow, it stayed consistently like that for maybe 3-5 minutes, so what was an abnormally long time for me.

I noticed a headache, not painful, but expansive inside my head, pressure pushing outward.

My vision blurred.

I felt nauseas.

No concerns or fear abt it being health related.

A “knowing” that this was a “shift”

I assumed this experience was collective because it felt very big and stayed strong for minutes. The only download received at that time was the word “shift.”

Later the word gift held hands with that sentiment.

After this, I saw my late grandmother come forward with a glowing hair comb and said “baby, we’re gonna comb your brain.” I was meditating earlier on releasing fear at a molecular level.

My grandma then said “they’re gonna help” and gestured to her left where I then saw all my inner children in a line facing me. They were standing side by side holding hands. On one end of the line, there was a bassinet with a baby, the other there was an 18 year old. From 18 year old me to brand new me. All these versions of myself.

I noticed they were all happy to see me and they were wanting patiently to have time with me individually to talk about why they were afraid. Grandma told me the fear and feelings of unworthiness were embedded in my brain’s foundational functions. That in order to move forward we need to comb out the fear and replace it with truth & love.

She then handed me the baby, I held her, observed her, and asked her why she was afraid. She made it very clear with multiple bullet points, and I came up with affirmations for her while I saw my brain being covered in strings of light, wrapped in light, strings weaving through my brain as I hold this baby saying out loud, alone in my living room things like :


And when I opened my eyes, the baby’s blanket she was swaddled in was glowing. I placed her in the bassinet, rocked it back and forth, took a few breaths & sip of water & asked the 1 year old to join. The bassinet was gone and there was a 1 year old there.

Each child had their own lesson. I’ve done inner child work before, but this brain comb thing? Chefs kiss. And normally it’s just one kid visiting at a time— to see all of them in a row together and then having them wait their turn in the house doing age appropriate things while I was with the youngest ones. (the 17yr old was making pasta w the 2 yr old on her hip, the 16yr old was paying her nails watching the 3 yr old, the 4-7 yr olds were painting flower pots and making necklaces, the 8-10 yr olds went to the park to play handball, etc.)

I’ve done visual meditation before but this was and is staying next fucking level.

My grandma died a month ago— she was my best friend and our matriarch. She’s my mother’s mother— and I have big parent wounds I know my grandma is helping with

Also, why am I downloading SOOOOOO MUCH right now? Is this happening for anyone else?

This experience was definitely a gift. I guess I’m wondering if there’s anything else to call it? What do you guys think?

21:52 UTC


Bright light above head with eyes closed

Has anyone experienced a bright light above your head when your eyes are closed? I’ve even opened them to see where the source of it is. It has the angle and intensity of a full moon or sun. It’s almost like I can see the room with my eyes closed from the light flooding above.

I don’t have any eye issues and it happens sometimes in meditation, or if I’m having an anxiety issue and let go of fears. If anyone does tarot I feel like I’m in a tarot card like the sun, moon or 2 of swords.

15:38 UTC


Cutting energetic cords

I have been trying to cut energetic cords that I have been ruining my life for quite some time to no avail. I can't sleep, I can't think on my own, and I can't do what I want without feeling some sort of strange energies or getting a really negative vision. It feels like my will is compromised and I'm facing all sorts of pain and discomfort all over my body. Why do you think this is? Why can't I remove them?

13:48 UTC


Energy download after waking up

Hi there, I would like to ask you if some of you have the same experience I have since I have begun with energy work. Each time I wake up, I feel a strong energy coming into my solar plexus, on the palms and soles. I do not feel particularly energized afterward. What do you think it is?

11:11 UTC


Guardian Angel Names

My mom is a dog breeder and naming the litters by the alphabet to keep track of them. Like for A it’s dogs named after artists. I want to do G for guardian angel names so if people could leave guardian angel names in general or theirs that would be helpful.

03:54 UTC


Did anyone else feel that?

Is there a shift or something significant happening today spiritually?

I felt physically, emotionally, mentally a ton of things at once w a knowing there was a shift.

I've never felt anything like that. Anyone know about a shift?

01:52 UTC


Telepathic communication in Dreams?

I dream about having intimate moments with strangers. People Ive met once and liked in the moment. Months later seemingly out of nowhere: intimate dream. Connection? Communication? Or Ego's dream?

20:04 UTC


How do you know you are actually feeling another person's energy from a distance and it's not all in your head?

I had an experience a few nights ago that had me thinking that i just felt another person from a distance, but at the same time, me being the straight to the logic type of thinker, I immediately ignored it and felt I was just delusional or legitimately going crazy. I try to be rational, but it really did throw me off..

I made a post about it if you want to read about the experience in my profile, but I just want to know about other people's experiences here.

Has anyone here actually felt the energy of another person and knew or was able to confirm later on that you were not crazy and you did indeed feel them?

What were the symptoms or experiences like?

Edit: I just wanted to clarify when I mean picking up on someone's energy from distance. I mean someone you're not interacting with. You just suddenly pick up on energy that feels like it could be them out of nowhere where. Like a sudden surge of emotions that came out of nowhere or maybe even getting images in your minds eye.

Edit 2: okay so based on the comments I got i can go ahead and conclude that it's either extremely rare, you probably have to have legit psychic abilities and in most cases it really is all in your head 😭😭

Edit 3: Okay, I think i finally know why a lot of people are not understanding the experience I'm speaking about because what I actually think i felt would be called precognition.

19:36 UTC


attracting people who mirror us ??

So, there's a guy who goes at my bible lessons.
From the 1st time we talked, he was always doing the most to try to make me "comfortable". For example we were all standing in circle to evaneglize and he kept askign "are you okay ?" "do you have a headache ?" etc.. several times.
I found it annoyign at first, but didn't pay it any mind. We had to evangelize and after this, he kept trying to engage convos, "hi [my name]". And when i smiled he pointed it out, as if he'd been waiting for me to smile. I'm generally stoic.
And when i said i suspectd he had a crush or smthg, he said no, and that he was just trying to make me "comfortable". Because he assumed i was.
Once i didn't have the bible verses for the day on my phone, and he asked other people to lend me the verses, when i could've done it MYSELF.

I went along with it because i had a crush on the guy, and thought i needed to play dumb in order to be "liked". But this created an uncomfortable dynamic. I was always stressed and anxious in his presence. Some people are just hyper tuned to others, and seem to always look outward for something to "fix" instead of looking inward and doing the job to fix themselves. Because that's what it's about, people with a saviour syndrom often project their need to save themselves onto others .

Getting help when you asked for it is fine, but when you haven't, it's just annoying interference. It's not like i needed "saving", i'm just an introvert.

This situation taught me a lot though. I was willing to use this tactic of playing damsel in distress just to get a guy's affection. It's also manipulative. When you're not authentic, you're gonna attract a whole bunch of people who are emotionally dependant on others, have unhealthy attachment, aren't secure in themselves.
Had i been authentic and speak up from the beginning, it wouldn't have deteriorated the way it did. I guess that's also where my anxiety stemmed from: wanting to keep a facade instead of honoring my emotions.

16:31 UTC


What’s the meaning of others breaking my things?

I’m having a weird time where others are using or breaking my things.

Some instances so far:

  • laptop screen being broken
  • phone being broken
  • ex’s partner using my makeup and writing in my notepad
  • favorite mug that I’ve had for 20 years being broken
  • the glass container with my lunch broken so I couldn’t eat lunch

These all happened fairly close to each other and I’m getting a little unsure what it all means.

Does anyone have experience of this or know what it could mean?

14:44 UTC


Energetic effects of sex with different genders

Hey as a man, what does having sex with another man or a trans person do? Is the energetic entanglement less than with a straight encounter? And what about sex for money? And can your protect yourself energetically and how?

13:06 UTC


In what ways from a female perspective, are you attracted to masculine energy?

Can you describe from a woman's perspective and point of view, what things you are attracted to in masculine energy and why ?

Working on myself, and trying to understand from a female's point of view, how she sees and views a man/masculine energy from him.

12:19 UTC


While on LSD I have I sense of some energy floating around me and also in me.

I have this reocuring experience while I take LSD of some kind of energy floating in my energy feild and it also enters my body. Its very hard to describe the sensation but I will do my best, The sensation of this energy is like its some kind of energy knot och energy hole. When it is outside of my body I can feel how My energy is getting pulled in the direction where it is at the moment, the feeling is kind of painfull and its makes me loose balance. When that energy is entering my physical body the feeling is like it is sucking my body in to it, and i can feel my whole body getting sucked or pulled in to it. And it is really painfull.

Anybody have an idea What this could be and how to deal with it?

Thanks ❤️💚💚

10:11 UTC


What is the best way to start learning energy work? Any particular modalities?

For a beginner. For someone who might be affected by alexithymia a bit.

It's not like there are recognised accreditations and qualifications in the energy world so you're just faced with loads of people selling their product and you don't know how good it is.

02:47 UTC


Consuming "darkness" as a human

Does anyone have knowledge or experience about using negative energy to fuel yrself?

I discovered this by accident, in a fit of despair. Normally i, my entire life, tried to be a paragon of light. Ive worked with and learned many things about positive energies and how they can help ppl. Normally when encountering "darkness" ive done various things to turn it around or get rid of it, or at least push it away.

But one day recently, i was feeling the lowest of the low. I hit rock bottom in my personal life and some things happened: i felt a strong field of darkness around me, i guess u could call it evil. Instead of working against it, i just surrendered and let it be. After i got used to it and processed some intense negative emotions it turns it it didnt rly hurt me. I was already in a "fuck it" sort of mood so i experimented recklessly, and for the first time in my life wasn't actually afraid if it.

Turns out i can also work with it. I took it in to myself. Saw it and felt it for what it rly is. The depression disappeared instantly. And i got a massive powerup. I felt a surge of energy i hadnt felt since i was a young boy, when things were more raw and before i got bamboozled into christianity.

Immediately in the days following i started experiencing unusual good luck and good feelings, more energy, more clarity of thought.

And im thinking "evil" and all that goes with it is just social conditioning. Energy polarities i guess are there for good reasons, and somehow humans have been taught to reject "bad, dark, negative" things. Idk.

I can also take other ppls energies of this kind into myself. They want to get rid of it so i oblige, and instead of banishing it, i just "eat it". I know, very strange, but it works so far. Ive spent the last few years doing intense shadow work, so maybe this is helping me in that regard? Have i stumbled onto something here? Im probably breaking some taboos but so far i sense no danger. In fact i keep getting confirmation that this is a worthwhile endeavour. But i know next to nothing about it.

For me "darkness" has always been some amorphous bad thing. Supposedly selfish, narcissistic, distorted, and harming whatever it touches. There's very little talk out there about it. Anyone care to enlighten me?

23:44 UTC


Should I go again?

Over December and this month I went for three energy healing sessions. The first two sessions were wonderful- I felt great afterwards. After the third session two weeks ago I felt incredibly depressed and anxious for three days, I could hardly function, but it passed. I have my fourth session booked in today and I’m really scared it will happen again - do you think I should go?

1 Comment
20:35 UTC


Warmth on Body

Curious to know what I'm experiencing. There are moments when I feel a warmth on the right side of my body. I usually feel it while sitting in solitude but recently I've felt it strongly in a restaurant and while receiving reiki.

20:29 UTC


Is it possible to absorb the energy of the artist of a song you’re listening to?

I’m listening to Janet Jackson right now. Suddenly I get thoughts of Micheal Jackson and the song Human Nature. I suddenly burst into tears and start thinking about the abuse they suffered as children. So I’m curious. Any input welcome. Thanks 🙏

19:54 UTC


Why do women like masculine energy ?

Pls explain

19:30 UTC


Feeling stuck heart chakra?

Lately I’ve been feeling energy in my chest…when I think about my life path and where I should be heading.

It’s like a flurry of pressure like something is sitting on my chest or that it’s being pulled towards the floor. Hard to explain I guess

Any thoughts on how to clear it? Or what to do?

Also! No heart issues so that’s not it.

Edit: I want to respond to you all with a big thank you for all of your great advice and I will look into and attempt to practice everything you’ve mentioned. I appreciate you so much.

13:20 UTC


Does taking medication like SSRIs blunt your connection to "Spirit"/ whatever you call the energy?

I'm really depressed and have been for years but have refused to take any antidepressants out of fear of losing my connection to my self at the deepest levels.

What do you think? Had any experience with this? Had experience of any of the following: lexapro, an't fever., sertraline, Zoloft, women's jeans.

Edit: ok I banged out this post late and auto correct took over.. Meant bupropion and maybe Vyvanse. Also maybe women's jeans 😏

12:32 UTC


Absorbing and automatic grounding for others

Hi all,

My healing gifts recently opened up (on its own, it was not through any initiations or courses or certification). What came with it is that my body seems to be automatically grounding and releasing energies (especially when I’m idle) - which is great.

I noticed that when I have given consent to help someone, their energy gets sent to me immediately (before I intentionally open up). Like I would agree to help someone at certain time but as soon as I said yes I already felt their energy. And this also extends to situations when I help out someone outside of energy healing. For example, my friend would be chatting with me about her problem and I would feel her pain in my physical and subtle bodies.

Last week I joined a group class which included an activation. I spent the next few days following this class purging, and I was trying to constantly clear the energies but it didn’t dissipate. I realised I was still connected to this group and cut the cords immediately. As soon as I did this, everyone else complained about purging and they were fine for the first few days. It was quite a big group and I wonder why their energies went to me? Not like I consented to clear everyone’s energies :/

I’m quite diligent with my energetic hygiene - grounding, clearing/ running energies through my channels, protection, cutting cords, sending back energies etc but wondering if I’m missing anything?

Anyone experiencing the same thing? Any tips on managing this?

17:12 UTC


Emotional release experinces

I'd love to hear about your experinces with emotional release techniques , particularly EFT ,has anyone tried it? What was your experince like and did you noticr any changes?

1 Comment
14:51 UTC


Looking for ways to release stuck energy

So I have been doing a lot of self reflection, working with energy blockages, traumas etc on the mental level. While I am able to neutralize whatever "Need" or "Have to" or "urgent now" thoughts that gnaw at me and the related pain centers in my body dissolve, what I believe is the will energy that is accumulated for the task now has nowhere to go and it feels like it spills inside my chest/heart/lower abdomen.

Feeling wise the pain center that was the urgency, aka the blockage, is gone but instead I feel like all the energy that was held in me for this task now has nowhere to go. It comes out as wanting to puke, heaviness, feeling like it's slightly harder to breathe etc and I feel the energy just spilled all over.

What ways are there to channel this energy out? Or do something useful with it.

10:52 UTC


Frequency hopping

Hello... I'd like to ask you about frequency hopping.

First of all, let me explain what I mean - not sure if this is a coined term, and if it is then even more so - I have noticed that some people tend to mostly not hold their own "frequency". Instead they are very good at latching onto the frequency of others. I guess in psychological terms it would be an extreme case of mirroring?

I am pretty good (by my own standards, thank you very much) at feeling the people I have connected with. Some of them are all over the place. And I don't mean they are volatile - that I can deal with.

I mean when they are with me (in my viscinity or generally focused on our connection even if not physically close) they are basically on "my level". But when they are with someone else, they are on the level of that other person.

As I'm typing it out I already know the answer, thank you people. :D

Just for the fun of it - it sounds like trauma response, survival tactic, not being able to hold their own frequency, or ones frequency being so low, that they "hide" in the comfort of others. An image of the little fish that coexist with whale sharks by attaching themselves to the belly/fins came to my mind. People I speak about often come from broken homes, have childhood trauma, and (which is terrible and speaks volumes about patriarchy) are mostly women. I'd assume seriously unbalanced or sub/consciously repressed masculine energy comes into play as well.

Thank you, I guess.

07:45 UTC


Telepathy with my ex

I have a telepathic link in my head with my ex boyfriend and he does this thing where he tries to send negative energy out to other people but I can feel the energy in my body, does it really go out to people? I don’t know how it works can you help me find clarity?

00:36 UTC


Does stuck energy in the body reflect in our lives?

Say if all/most of our chakras are blocked, or we have a lot of stagnant trapped energy/traumas and emotions, then can this reflect in our physical day to day lives? For example:

  • not meeting new friends or romantic connections, or meeting the wrong kinds of friends or romantic connections that make us feel like we’re not progressing forward
  • feeling held back at work, not getting promotions etc.
  • encountering unexpected money blocks or bills/losses that come out of nowhere
  • experiencing very predictable days… not many new opportunities or experiences coming in

I know we have to put ourselves out there as well, but I wondered if there’s an energetic component to it related to the energetic health of our bodies.

18:01 UTC


My experience building psychic self defense

I started on Robert Bruce's book-The practical guide to psychic self defense and well-being.

My feelings till now-

-I have been a victim of psychic attacks🤑

-I have unknowingly psychically attacked people🫢

-I should shut off all my clairs in fear of psychic attack.🤔

This book reminds me of the paranoia that grips first year medical students where they feel they too carry illness/diseases.

Am sure it's a great one and I have just finished 15%.I still plan to finish it.

Any views by those who have gone through it.

15:02 UTC


Thank yall for the great advice!!

Life has been hectic and thats a good thing, i wanted to thank yall for all the great advice i got on my previous post. I appreciate it a lot, even the unsavoury ones. I helped reflect a lot on my choices in life as i have been living like a crab in a pot(getting gaslighted).

I no longer feel like a victim, projecting my reality wherever i go and realise that im still young and i have so many options in life.

Right now im working towards my faith and health above anything else. Thank yall

1 Comment
14:42 UTC

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