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Returning Player, where to start?

After a few years of not playing i decided to return to the game to check out the new content and its ... kind of overwhelming.

I currently own a DBX and a Python as well as 80m, and would like to make some big bucks to buy something bigger. So where do I start? Previously I did some bounty-hunting and exploration, but I don't mind trading as well as long as it's even profitable with the python. My current access to engineers is limited, only have Felicity on lvl 4.

Xenobio seems interesting to me as well, but I have no idea where to start with the odyssey content and the option to by a proper suit seems rare? Also Thargoid and Guardians are new to me, so maybe I should engage with that before that content changes or gets removed completely?

So yeah, any recommendations welcome


10:22 UTC


Ship Question - Coming back to game after long absence

I haven't played in years. When I did play, it was mostly solo, and I was on console, and there were many aspects of the game that I didn't learn, or was just terrible at. I mostly space trucked my way to a small fortune, for me, at the time.

I have roughly 1 billion worth of ships, Krait Mk2, Python, Anaconda, Type 6, Type 9, Dolphin, bunch of smaller ships...etc. I have roughly 1 billion worth of credits. I had started to figure out how to find Engineers, but i don't believe I engineered any parts, or if I did, it was basic stuff.

I just started playing again, I have some friends that picked it up as I was quitting, and they got into it pretty hardcore, and finally convinced me to play. One aspect of the game that I was legitimately terrible at was PvE combat, and that was one aspect of the game that I wanted to learn a bit more this time around.

My Krait mk2 is okay, and to be fair, i didn't have a pilot hired, so my fighter bay was not in use, but it feels so slow to turn, and fighting other ships felt pretty awkward and lackluster.

I was looking at the Python Mk2 and the Alliance Chieftan starter packs as potential options to try, which would have the added benefit of no initial cost when i die, and im sure i will die relearning how to play this game.

My question is, what ship would you recommend for something that packs a punch but retains some decent agility? Regardless of what I pickup i understand that i need to engineer it and upgrade it. Im looking for something that has some nimbleness to it, but can still take on a high level pirate zone.


08:53 UTC


3D - Elite Dangerous VR - Fly-By

Watch this 3D SBS video (captured on Quest 3) in VR using the YouTube app or Skybox app

08:48 UTC


In the name of democracy!!!

08:42 UTC


custom bindings being reset/lost in-game

I'm using a Stream Deck with mhwlng's Stream Deck plugin streamdeck-elite from GitHub.

This plugin requires that you use the custom key bind saved as 'custom'.

E:D is deleting my keybinds in 'custom': I set them; I save them (apply); exit menus; go back to look at them and the ones I set are blank.

I'm using a Sony DS4/PS4 controller (I started playing with console and I'm happy with this). Also there's keyboard, mouse and a Stream Deck.

What do I need to do to get the 'custom' settings to actually get saved in the Custom.4.1.binds file that the com.mhwlng.elite.sdPlugin will use?

1 Comment
07:34 UTC


Pharmaceutical Isolators are easy to farm, it's just most people don't know how

Everyone -- including me at one point -- complains about how Pharmaceutical Isolators are impossible to farm, and you just have to trade other things (like famously easy to farm Imperial Shielding) for them at 6:1.

This is actually not the case. I can go out and find an HGE full of them any time. It's super easy now, but even before the giant engineering nerf, I could do it.

The process is as follows:

  1. Go on Inara and do a Star System search for the nearest Independent system, population 1 billion+, controlling faction state Outbreak. Then repeat that search for Alliance systems. Go to whichever one came up closest.
  2. Jump to that system, and go scan the nav beacon, then return to Supercruise.
  3. Look and see if there are any High Grade Emissions on your nav pane for the faction in Outbreak. There won't be -- I've never had one come up in 10 years of playing -- but if there are any, then you're done, just go there and pick up your wealth of Pharmaceutical Isolators.
  4. Since there weren't any, like always, return to Supercruise.
  6. Once you've been in Supercruise for 10 minutes, fire up your FSS and start looking for signal sources. You'll probably find a High-Grade Emission in short order; I do about 75% of the time.
  7. Fly to that HGE -- it's easy with SCO now -- and pick up your giant pile of Pharmaceutical Isolators.

This works with every other HGE type, too. It's just that most of them you easily find an HGE you want at step 3 and don't need to go any further, whereas with Pharmaceutical Isolators as far as I can tell you always need to do the rest.

07:07 UTC


What ships can have fighter bays?

I'm newer to the game and I won't lie I'm honestly more into the transport missions of the game because I suck at the combat and from what I've heard having a fighter bay can help

07:02 UTC


Uhhh what..

So I decided to restart my game since a friend boosted me and I had money to use and no will to play since I just had 130 million and was still low level....I have been doing deliveries for quick cash and to get back into the game more and I said I wish I would get a big delivery job with big pay...this is not what meant. And I the same time didn't even know slave trade was a thing in this game 😅

06:24 UTC


Thargoid hunter looking for advice in tracking.

As the title suggests, bow does a hunter go about finding thargoids that are a current threat. I tried using Inara to find stations under attack however the ones i arrived to were all in systems that were no longer unter threat. Yes i searched for damaged stations not repelled or repairing. I am currently in the tvasu sector helping with this cluster. I am outfitted and confident for medium and station up to hydras. I would prefer a way to find stations as they seem the most profitable (80-150m each). If anyone kniws of any stations that are under attack, sectors currently being seiged, or a way for me to track them without having to go to the sector to verify if it is still a live sector please let me know.

Outfit: Python II cool run Medium engineering Clean thrusters 3 A-rated Low emissions plant 5 A rated 2 thermal vent beams 4 AXACs

I havent mastered orbiting yet but i can solo a cyclopse with more than 50% hull. Otherwise i run with my group or with AI as shields.

If anyone knows a more profitable way of hunting ill also take that advice too. So far stations are the best bc of the refit and restock.

1 Comment
05:13 UTC


Beginning to compare landing footprints

I got tired of just guessing at the sizes of the footprint for landing between various craft, so I have taken it upon myself to actually measure directly! Here is the first of many. I just have to wake up in the morning so I'll do more when I am able to get time again...




I'm planning to test against the Viper Mk4, the iCourier, the Sidewinder and the regular Eagle. It will be nice to have some solid data to share.

1 Comment
05:00 UTC


Always great to find one of these

04:04 UTC


Best way to kill an npc

03:45 UTC


Seen a few people mention that the Imperial Navy rank grind is less painful/slow than Fed Navy. What makes it faster?

Just wondering how the two grinds are different, thanks!

03:04 UTC


Any Halloween 2024 event?

Hi all, I've been out of the game for a while but plan to come back and do some exploring again. I've really loved the halloween events of the past couple of years....haven't seen anything for this year yet though. Any info would be much appreciated, thanks!

00:49 UTC


Found an error lol

Apologies for the smudgy picture, the phone case I have never really wipes clean on the cameras it’s weird

But the main part of the post; the spacing between “at” and the number next to it appears to not actually be a space.

Most notable for “at750” merits you can really tell but even the ones that start with a 1 look like the distance on the space is shorter like someone missed it.

00:29 UTC


Which Loose Screws episode had drunk Chig ranting about Kraft Singles?

They mentioned the episode in their 250th episode, but I can't narrow it down enough by searching through the episode notes.

23:51 UTC


Had a bit of fun with a racing wheel at Dav's hope

23:20 UTC


As a trader, would there be any negative effect from declaring allegiance to a faction?

I'm new to the game. Had it for about a week, and I traded my way up to a Type 9. If I declared my allegiance to the Empire (I want to go into combat later once I've accrued enough money to feel secure), would I be barred from entering and/or be more likely to be attacked in any areas?

22:20 UTC


How rare is this?

I feel like I've been winning the ED lottery of late... just discovered a system with two ELWs, two water worlds, an Ammonia world, and multiple HMC worlds. I LOVE exploration so much. And the system before that had over 20 bio-signals across multiple planets. Share your favorite exploration stories and discoveries - I'd love to read them!

22:11 UTC


My heart stopped when I realized impact was inevitable.

22:01 UTC


Exo and scanning

I have never seen this before so I don't know what it means.

I have flown to a system and scanned the first body. Normaly it tells me there are x about of bio and human signals. But it tells me nothing. No blue mask on the body or filter. There are 3 bio on the body.

Does this mean no one has been down to identify what's on the body? Or am I reading the results wrong.

I'm using edcopilot and it tells me there are 3 bio but unknown

21:56 UTC


I'm sat here in my srv, in turret mode, and clicking mouse doesn't do anything. what am i doing wrong?

21:18 UTC


How does one find surface PoI's?

Returning player after a few years out so I'm either rusty or things have changed.

I'm currently out in the black trying to track down a bio signal on a moon that the FSS told me about. I've done a surface scan but there's no markers on the planetary map or in the nav panel. I've tried flying around at 2k altitude as the wiki recommends but even when I'm *directly* over a geological PoI there's no response from the scanner in front of me. I tried driving around to see if I could spot the bio signal with my own eyes but after an hour of driving between different geo signals I gave up.

Am I missing something incredibly dumb, or should I give up on finding plants that aren't exceedingly common ever again?

21:06 UTC


I hope that one day we can also manage the services and missions of our vessels since this same console.

20:38 UTC


Station/Outpost under Thargoid invasion - Reputation/Class nonsense

Your system is under attack by enraged Thargoids. Every station and outpost in the system has been destroyed, except for yours, which is now under heavy assault. There's only one ship in the docking bay that can save you and your family – but nooo, sir, you don't have enough reputation! Or even better - you don’t even have first-class cabins!"

There is too much nonsense in the name of "gameplay" in this great game... Devs, please...


19:59 UTC


Is this how you guys drop into station?

In my last post I was asking if people were dropping in front of the mail slot and some were saying no because it's planet side and slows you down too much. This is a typical approach for me. Finding the slot and hitting it planet side without getting trapped in the gravity well.

19:51 UTC


New Feature - A Theory

As much as I want CMDR controllable NPCs (not just in fighters) or a manufacturing game loop with a real economy, I am pretty sure those things will never be. But, on this beautiful Sunday morning I had a thought.

Microsoft Flight Sim 24 is coming out and one of the big features is the ability to get out of your aircraft, find animals, and take photos. Reports say that the animals are assets developed by Frontier for one of their zoo games. Additionally, the Mandalay explorer arrives just days before the new feature is announced. This sexy atmospheric ready ship with downward window would be perfect to fly over and look for animal herds.

What if we're getting true atmospheric planets with plant and animal life. I'd imagine the animal life will be reskinned from Frontier's existing assets. Maybe there will be gentle species that can be scanned, tracked, and studied...and not so gentle species that can be hunted and autopsied.

I am out here in the void right now scanning the same kinds of plants over and over. And, while I enjoy the serenity, and payout, of it all, it does get repetitive. I think adding fauna could add to the exploration game loop and would fit the new ship perfectly.

Imagine if there were missions where you had to go out and find a type of animal, tranquilize it, and bring it back to the Imperial zoo.


19:51 UTC

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