
Photograph via //r/EffectiveAltruism

Effective altruism is a growing social movement founded on the imperative to make the world as good a place as it can be, the use of evidence and reason to find out how to do so, and the audacity to actually try.

Effective Altruism is a growing social movement founded on the imperative to make the world as good a place as it can be, the use of evidence and reason to find out how to do so, and the audacity to actually try.

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Book recommendations for if you'd like to reduce polarization and empathize with "the other side" more

- The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion. He does a psychological analysis of different foundations of morality.

- Love Your Enemies: How Decent People Can Save America from the Culture of Contempt: He makes a great case for how to reduce polarization and demonization of the other side.

- The Myth of Left and Right: How the Political Spectrum Misleads and Harms America. A book that makes a really compelling case that the "left" and the "right" are not personality traits or a coherent moral/worldview, but tribal loyalties based on temporal and geographic location

- How to Not Be a Politician. Memoir of a conservative politician in the UK, but he's a charity entrepreneur and academic. I think it's the best way to get inside of a mind that you can easily empathize with and respect, despite being very squarely "right wing".

I don't actually have a good book to recommend for people to empathize with the left because I never had to try because I grew up left. Any reccomendations?

16:06 UTC


How bad is the US freezing international aid?

Does anyone have a way to estimate or quantify the negative impact from the freezing of aid? There will be some direct negative impact, but I expect that there will also be massive indirect impact from things like the withholding of disease data and the reduced throughput of research in high impact areas due to funding freezes.

13:48 UTC


It’s scary to admit it: I think AIs are smarter than me now. Here’s a breakdown of their cognitive abilities and where I win or lose compared to o1

“Smart” is too vague. Let’s compare the different cognitive abilities of myself and o1, the second latest AI from OpenAI

AI is better than me at:

  • Creativity. It can generate more novel ideas faster than I can.
  • Learning speed. It can read a dictionary and grammar book in seconds then speak a whole new language not in its training data.
  • Mathematical reasoning
  • Memory, short term
  • Logic puzzles
  • Symbolic logic
  • Number of languages
  • Verbal comprehension
  • Knowledge and domain expertise (e.g. it’s a programmer, doctor, lawyer, master painter, etc)

I still 𝘮𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 be better than AI at:

  • Memory, long term. Depends on how you count it. In a way, it remembers nearly word for word most of the internet. On the other hand, it has limited memory space for remembering conversation to conversation.
  • Creative problem-solving. To be fair, I think I’m ~99.9th percentile at this.
  • Some weird obvious trap questions, spotting absurdity, etc that we still win at.

I’m still 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘣𝘢𝘣𝘭𝘺 better than AI at:

  • Long term planning
  • Persuasion
  • Epistemics

Also, some of these, maybe if I focused on them, I could 𝘣𝘦𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘦 better than the AI. I’ve never studied math past university, except for a few books on statistics. Maybe I could beat it if I spent a few years leveling up in math?

But you know, I haven’t.

And I won’t.

And I won’t go to med school or study law or learn 20 programming languages or learn 80 spoken languages.

Not to mention - damn.

The things that I’m better than AI at is a 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘳𝘵 list.

And I’m not sure how long it’ll last.

This is simply a snapshot in time. It’s important to look at 𝘵𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘴.

Think about how smart AI was a year ago.

How about 3 years ago?

How about 5?

What’s the trend?

A few years ago, I could confidently say that I was better than AIs at most cognitive abilities.

I can’t say that anymore.

Where will we be a few years from now?

15:18 UTC


Did finding out about major problems depress you long term?

Part of EA is facing huge challenges (e.g. factory farming, extreme poverty of about a billion people, etc.)

Did exposure to these ideas significantly affect your mood long term or did hedonic adaptation kick in?

02:31 UTC


Why is EA not talking about NFT'S anymore?

What happened?

20:36 UTC


Being Early ≠ Being Wrong: Why We Shouldn't Ignore People Who Warn Us Too Soon - By Scott Alexander

Suppose something important will happen at a certain unknown point. As someone approaches that point, you might be tempted to warn that the thing will happen. If you’re being appropriately cautious, you’ll warn about it before it happens. Then your warning will be wrong. As things continue to progress, you may continue your warnings, and you’ll be wrong each time. Then people will laugh at you and dismiss your predictions, since you were always wrong before. Then the thing will happen and they’ll be unprepared.

Toy example: suppose you’re a doctor. Your patient wants to try a new experimental drug, 100 mg. You say “Don’t do it, we don’t know if it’s safe”. They do it anyway and it’s fine. You say “I guess 100 mg was safe, but don’t go above that.” They try 250 mg and it’s fine. You say “I guess 250 mg was safe, but don’t go above that.” They try 500 mg and it’s fine. You say “I guess 500 mg was safe, but don’t go above that.”

They say “Haha, as if I would listen to you! First you said it might not be safe at all, but you were wrong. Then you said it might not be safe at 250 mg, but you were wrong. Then you said it might not be safe at 500 mg, but you were wrong. At this point I know you’re a fraud! Stop lecturing me!” Then they try 1000 mg and they die.

The lesson is: “maybe this thing that will happen eventually will happen now” doesn’t count as a failed prediction.

I’ve noticed this in a few places recently.

First, in discussion of the Ukraine War, some people have worried that Putin will escalate (to tactical nukes? to WWIII?) if the US gives Ukraine too many new weapons. Lately there’s a genre of commentary (1234567) that says “Well, Putin didn’t start WWIII when we gave Ukraine HIMARS. They didn’t start WWIII when we gave Ukraine ATACMS. He didn’t start WWIII when we gave Ukraine F-16s. So the people who believe Putin might start WWIII have been proven wrong, and we should escalate as much as possible.”

There’s obviously some level of escalation that would start WWIII (example: nuking Moscow). So we’re just debating where the line is. Since nobody (except Putin?) knows where the line is, it’s always reasonable to be cautious.

I don’t actually know anything about Ukraine, but a warning about HIMARS causing WWIII seems less like “this will definitely be what does it” and more like “there’s a 2% chance this is the straw that breaks the camel’s back”. Suppose we have two theories, Escalatory-Putin and Non-Escalatory-Putin. EP says that for each new weapon we give, there’s a 2% chance Putin launches a tactical nuke. NEP says there’s a 0% chance. If we start out with even odds on both theories, after three new weapons with no nukes, our odds should only go down to 48.5% - 51.5%.

(yes, this is another version of the generalized argument against updating on dramatic events)

SecondI talked before about getting Biden’s dementia wrong. My internal argument against him being demented was something like “They said he was demented in 2020, but he had a good debate and proved them wrong. They said he was demented in 2022, but he gave a good State Of The Union and proved them wrong. Now they’re saying he’s demented in 2024, but they’ve already discredited themselves, so who cares?”

I think this was broadly right about the Republican political machine, who was just throwing the same allegation out every election and seeing if it would stick. But regardless of the Republicans’ personal virtue, the odds of an old guy becoming newly demented each year is about 4% per year. If it had been two years since I last paid attention to this question, there was an 8% chance it had happened while I wasn’t looking.

Like the other examples, dementia is something that happens eventually (this isn’t strictly true - some people reach their 100s without dementia - but I think it’s a fair idealized assumption that if someone survives long enough, then eventually their risk of cognitive decline becomes very high). It is reasonable to be worried about the President of the United States being demented - so reasonable that people will start raising the alarm about it being a possibility long before it happens. Even if some Republicans had ulterior motives for harping on it, plenty of smart, well-meaning people were also raising the alarm.

Here I failed by letting the multiple false alarms lull me into a false sense of security, where I figured the non-demented side had “won” the “argument”, rather than it being a constant problem we needed to stay vigilant for.

Third, this is obviously what’s going on with AI right now.

The SB1047 AI safety bill tried to monitor that any AI bigger than 10^25 FLOPs (ie a little bigger than the biggest existing AIs) had to be exhaustively tested for safety. Some people argued - the AI safety folks freaked out about how AIs of 10^23 FLOPs might be unsafe, but they turned out to be safe. Then they freaked out about how AIs of 10^24 FLOPs might be unsafe, but they turned out to be safe. Now they’re freaking out about AIs of 10^25 FLOPs! Haven’t we already figured out that they’re dumb and oversensitive?

No. I think of this as equivalent to the doctor who says “We haven’t confirmed that 100 mg of the experimental drug is safe”, then “I guess your foolhardy decision to ingest it anyway confirms 100 mg is safe, but we haven’t confirmed that 250 mg is safe, so don’t take that dose,” and so on up to the dose that kills the patient.

It would be surprising if AI never became dangerous - if, in 2500 AD, AI still can’t hack important systems, or help terrorists commit attacks or anything like that. So we’re arguing about when we reach that threshold. It’s true and important to say “well, we don’t know, so it might be worth checking whether the answer is right now.” It probably won’t be right now the first few times we check! But that doesn’t make caution retroactively stupid and unjustified, or mean it’s not worth checking the tenth time.

Can we take this insight too far? Suppose Penny Panic says “If you elect the Republicans, they’ll cancel elections and rule as dictators!” Then they elect Republicans and it doesn’t happen. The next election cycle: “If you elect the Republicans, they’ll cancel elections and rule as dictators!” Then they elect Republicans again and it still doesn’t happen. After her saying this every election cycle, and being wrong every election cycle, shouldn’t we stop treating her words as meaningful?

I think we have to be careful to distinguish this from the useful cases above. It’s not true that, each election, the chance of Republicans becoming dictators increases, until eventually it’s certain. This is different from our examples above:

  • Eventually at some age, Castro has to die, and the chance gets higher the older he gets.
  • Eventually at some dose, a drug has to be toxic (even water is toxic at the right dose!), and the chance gets higher the higher you raise the dose.
  • Eventually at some level of provocation, Putin has to respond, and the chance gets higher the more serious the provocations get.
  • Eventually at some age, Biden is likely to get dementia, and the chance gets higher the older he gets.
  • Eventually at some level of technological advance, AI has to be powerful, and the chance gets higher the further into the future you go.

But it’s not true that at some point the Republicans have to overthrow democracy, and the chance gets higher each election.

You should start with some fixed chance that the Republicans overthrow democracy per term (even if it’s 0.00001%). Then you shouldn’t change that number unless you get some new evidence. If Penny claims to have some special knowledge that the chance was higher than you thought, and you trust her, you might want to update to some higher number. Then, if she discredits herself by claiming very high chances of things that don’t happen, you might want to stop trusting her and downdate back to your original number.

You should do all of this in a Bayesian way, which means that if Penny gives a very low chance (eg 2% chance per term that the Republicans start a dictatorship) you should lose trust in her slowly, but if she gives a high chance (98% chance) you should lose trust in her quickly. Likewise, if your own previous estimate of dictatorship per administration was 0.00001%, then you should change it almost zero after a few good terms, but if it was 90%, then you should update it a lot.

(if you thought the chance was 0.00001%, and Penny thought it was 90%, and you previously thought you and Penny were about equally likely to be right and Aumann updated to 45%, then after three safe elections, you should update from 45% to 0.09%. On the other hand, if Penny thought the chance was 2%, you thought it was 2%, and your carefree friend thought it was 0.0001%, then after the same three safe elections, then you’re still only at 49-51 between you and your friend)

Compare this to the situation with Castro. Your probability that he dies in any given year should be the actuarial table. If some pundit says he’ll die immediately and gets proven wrong, you should go back to the actuarial table. If Castro seems to be in about average health for his age, nothing short of discovering the Fountain of Youth should make you update away from the actuarial table.

I worry that people aren’t starting with some kind of rapidly rising graph for Putin’s level of response to various provocations, for elderly politicians’ dementia risk per year (hey, isn’t Trump 78?), or for AI getting more powerful over time. I think you should start with a graph like that, and then you’ll be able to take warnings of caution for what they are - a reminder of a risk which is low-probability at any given time, but adds up to a high-probability eventually - rather than letting them toss your probability distribution around in random ways.

If you don’t do this, then “They said it would happen N years ago, they said it would happen N-1 years ago, they said it would happen N-2 years ago […] and it didn’t happen!” becomes a general argument against caution, one that you can always use to dismiss any warnings. Of course smart people who have your best interest in mind will warn you about a dangerous outcome before the moment when it is 100% guaranteed to happen! Don’t close off your ability to listen to them!

Original article here

1 Comment
14:39 UTC


Help save up to 100,000 lives & $37 billion in taxes with the End Kidney Deaths Act

 My son and I donated our kidneys to strangers. 

I was a Columbia professor who resigned to end the kidney shortage by passing the End Kidney Deaths Act. I met with 415 Congressional offices last year. The aim is to get the legislation rolled into the spring, 2025 tax package. We need your advocacy to get to the finish line.

The question is, should we offer a tax credit to encourage more people to donate kidneys, knowing only 2% complete the donation process, or let Americans continue to die from kidney failure due to the kidney shortage? 

In the last decade, we lost around 100,000 Americans on the kidney waitlist. All of them were healthy enough to get a transplant when they joined the waitlist. It's the waiting time that killed them. The next 100,000 will be saved by the End Kidney Deaths Act. 

Kidney donation is time consuming, painful and stressful work. It's morally important to pay people for difficult work. 

Very few Americans are healthy enough to be kidney donors. The transplant centers' evaluations are rigorous. Only the healthiest are selected, and living kidney donors live longer than the general population. Potential donors to strangers usually have to see two to three mental health experts in order to be approved. Kidneys that are donated by strangers go to those at the top of the kidney waitlist, those most likely to join the 9,000 Americans who die on the waitlist each year. 

The 100,000 lives the End Kidney Deaths Act will save in the next decade will definitely be lost without the bill's passage. Most of those people will be low income Americans because high income people list at multiple centers, put up billboards and hire teams to help them get kidneys. 

I just spoke with my friend Doug who waited on the waitlist so long that he has now been removed from the waitlist due to a pulmonary edema. If we had no kidney shortage, Doug would be thriving now instead of withering away due to the kidney shortage. 

Half of the 90,000 Americans waiting for a kidney will die before they get a kidney due to the shortage unless we pass the End Kidney Deaths Act. 

Let's save the lives of all of those who are dying from preventable deaths. This is within reach because this problem (unlike so many others) is solvable!  The legislation is bipartisan and had 18 cosponsors last year. Join our advocacy and write to your Congressional leaders about this essential legislation.

Click here to send a letter to your Congress: https://actionbutton.nationbuilder.com/share/SPK-QENBSEA=

Click here to be invited to our monthly meetings: https://www.modifynota.org/join-our-team

12:02 UTC


I put ~50% chance on getting a pause in AI development because: 1) warning shots will make it more tractable 2) the supply chain is brittle 3) we've done this before and 4) not all wanting to die is a thing virtually all people can get on board with (see more in text)

  1. I put high odds (~80%) that there will be a warning shot that’s big enough that a pause becomes very politically tractable (~75% pause passed, conditional on warning shot).
  2. The supply chain is brittle, so people can unilaterally slow down development. The closer we get, more and more people are likely to do this. There will be whack-a-mole, but that can give us a lot of time.
  3. We’ve banned certain technological development in the past, so we have proof of concept.
  4. We all don’t want to die. This is something of virtually all political creeds can agree on.

*Definition of a pause for this conversation: getting us an extra 15 years before ASI. So this could either be from a international treaty or simply slowing down AI development

14:45 UTC


Urgent Platelet Need in the US

Due to the severe weather throughout the country, blood collection has been disrupted.

I've written about the effectiveness of donating platelets before, but the tl;dr is that platelets are used in life saving procedures like cancer treatment and organ transplants, but they only have a shelf life of 5 days, meaning that the platelet supply is very responsive to a change in available donors.

Platelet donation takes about 4 hours of your time including transport, check in, the actual donation, observation, and driving home, but for about 2 of those hours you'll be able to watch TV, which is something a lot of us would've been doing anyway (or in the case of us social media addicts, probably better than what we'd be doing anyway).

Based on the estimates from my last post, platelet donations are a better time/effort to life saved investment than getting a second hourly job and donating 100% of the proceeds for most people.

If you want your platelet donations to have a higher than average marginal impact, this week and next will be high impact weeks because of the loss of supply from snow and wildfires.

DONATE BY THE 26th AND YOU WILL BE ENTERED FOR A CHANCE TO WIN A TRIP TO THE SUPER BOWL. The trip comes with a $1,000 gift card you could donate in part or in whole to Give Well instead of using yourself. Also because of US Sweepstakes laws, there's an email you can use to sign up for a chance to win without even donating blood.

I encourage you to do some research about the procedure before signing up. The red cross's website has a lot of good information, and the people over at r/Blooddonors can also help you out

Donation for all blood products has been disrupted. If you can't donate or don't want to donate platelets, you can still do good by considering whole blood, power red, or plasma donations.

23:26 UTC


This new study uses data from 60 countries and 64,000 respondents to uncover how universalism—preferences for altruism across group boundaries—varies globally

22:26 UTC


An Effective Altuist Argument For Antinatalism

The cost of raising a child in the U.S. from birth to age 18 is estimated to be around $300,000. If that same amount were donated to highly effective charities—such as the Against Malaria Foundation—it could potentially save between 54 and 100 lives (it costs between 3000 to 5500 to save one). And that's just one example. Even greater impact could be achieved by supporting effective animal charities.

This idea isn't mine; I came across it in an article by philosopher Stuart Rachels "The Immorality of Having Children."

What do you guys think ?

Sources :

- Cost of raising a child : https://www.fool.com/money/research/heres-how-much-it-costs-to-raise-a-child/

- 3000 to 5500 estimate : https://www.givewell.org/how-much-does-it-cost-to-save-a-life

- Stuart Rachels' article : https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10677-013-9458-8

21:43 UTC


How do you deal with the problem of "how much is enough"?

I am new to EA, just exploring philosophies tackling inequality in the world, and I was wondering if anyone can recommend readings or has personal views on how to deal with the "demandingness" problem. Which as far as I understand asks us "how much is enough?". Perhaps I should not buy myself a beer when I am out with friends and give the fiver to the homeless instead, but then I could also cut expensive foods out of my diet, and then I could buy less clothes etc. At what point does quality of life become "bad" enough that you can be happy that you are doing enough.

And I guess that would apply to EA: are you supposed to decide when it stops being cost-effective? Because drinking beer with friends certainly isn't a necessity. I understand that you need to keep yourself happy to be healthy, active, and earn and donate etc., but there are plenty of "useless" things we do in life that can be eliminated - having the heating on, drinking tea, having lights on a little too long. So where do we draw the line? I also see that worrying about it too much isn't particularly helpful but it has just been bugging me so looking for some perspectives.

Edit: Having looked at other posts I find that most people just live by a personal gauge of what keeps them happy and productive. On a practical level I am ok with that. But to me, happiness is relative in the sense that we are accustomed to certain things making us happy. I am used to playing video games which drains electricity, so logically I should instead read more books in my spare time as its less harmful (not considering paper production). If the fundamental idea is that we can train ourselves to seek happiness from different sources, then at what point do we stop? Again, this is just a hypothetical and I am interested in arguments against it - I understand that in practice things are less extreme.

19:29 UTC


It's like with climate change, where people point to a single datapoint instead of looking at the trend. "Climate can't be changing! It was the coldest day ever!" "AIs can't be dangerous. Look at this one way they're currently dumb!"

19:27 UTC

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