This is a sub dedicated to Cartoon Network's longest running show, Ed Edd n Eddy.
Ed, Edd, N Eddy (1999-2010)
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This is a sub dedicated to Cartoon Network's longest running show, Ed Edd n Eddy.
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No Politics allowed. This community serves as a way for us to remember our favorite cartoon show and remember the good times spent watching it. If you wish to express any political idea, please do so in other subreddits such as r/PoliticsMemes
Suggestions for posts:
With all the fourth wall jokes this show has.
Just almost finished season 1, and wondering what the best season might be?
I’m trying to look for all the specials for the show I know the Christmas one has on a dvd but does the Halloween one have it on this dvd?
He's a good guy so why?
The name went over my head for some reason. I thought they were soft and tasted like Cake or Marshmellows the way the kids eat them.
The whole episode he keeps expressing a desire to lead the kids and protect them, but yet once they all get trapped he just runs off. Do you think Kevin was justified feeling overwhelmed and not wanting to get trapped himself or is Kevin hypocritical and selfish for his abandoning his supposed “friends?”
And while we’re at it, how about hair head canons?
I want to know who thought an episode with the "where do babies come from?" trope was a good a idea.
I've always imagined that when the Eds got older, they restored this van together
You all know what I mean and for me it's blue