
Photograph via snooOG

A community for those with dwarfism and their family / friends. This is NOT the place for your surveys, research, read my writing, etc!

Feel free to discuss anything related to dwarfism, including life as a dwarf and the struggles we face daily.

NOTE: Not directly associated with LPA, RGA, LPC, etc!

/r/ Dwarfism Rules and Purpose

  1. /r/dwarfism is a subreddit for people affected by dwarfism or those looking for more information on it. This is not a place to advertise 'gigs' or ask for donations, nor is it a place for you to "collect data" for your research project.

  2. Flair - You can edit your flair! It is recommended to place your type of dwarfism, and your height if you'd like. In addition, there's coloring for gender if you wish to use that.

  3. Trolling and attacks on others are strictly prohibited in this subreddit. There is no reason to be hateful or try to start something. This is a subreddit for those with dwarfism to connect with each other, and to help educate the public at large!

  4. Be respectful to other users, and please keep any self promotion / etc to the weekly/monthly threads.


  • Dwarfism: Any genetic condition that results in an adult height of under 4'10". There are over 200 forms of dwarfism. Includes skeletal dysplasia and growth hormone deficiencies. Skeletal dysplasia usually result in disproportionate dwarfism, where the limbs are disproportionate compared to the head and torso. Growth hormone disorders usually result in proportional dwarfism, where the body is equally proportioned.

  • Little Person: A term to describe anybody affected by dwarfism or under 4'10". Widely accepted by the LP community in English-speaking countries. Shorthand is LP.

  • Dwarf: Medically-defined term to refer to a person affected by dwarfism. The plural form is dwarfs, although it is commonly mistaken as dwarves.

  • Midget: A term that used to be used to refer to people with proportional dwarfism, until it was popularized by circuses and "freak shows" to refer to all LPs in a negative sense. For this reason, it is generally seen as offensive by the majority of LPs.

  • AP: Average-person, used by LPs to distinguish between themselves and those of average, everyday height.

  • Achon / Achondroplasia: Achondroplasia is the most common type of dwarfism.

  • National: A convention sponsored primarily by the LPA that happens once a year. This is where dwarfs make connections that last a lifetime. It rotates states yearly.

  • Regional: A smaller, region-based gathering held by an LP organization.



2,336 Subscribers


Archery Bow for 16yo with dwarfism

My 16yo daughter has achondroplasia dwarfism, and is about 3' 3". She's really interested in getting into archery, and I'm very supportive. We used an old child's compound bow yesterday, but she had a tough time drawing back full - she could only when I assisted her.

Any recommendations for a good bow for somebody with dwarfism and less strength? Preferably one that supports adjustable tension. I'm assuming a compound would be best, but I don't know much about archery.

We're pursuing some PT driven strength training, too.

Thanks very much

16:53 UTC


New driver question

I have a (17) teen with achondroplasia is very excited to drive, they’re 4’2 in. My parents gifted us pedal extensions and we installed them but even at the max extension with the seat pushed uncomfortably close to the steering wheel, they can’t reach the pedals… are extensions different per brand? What other options do we have? TYSM

17:07 UTC


What are your thoughts on Windrose

I am not a person with dwarfism. So please forgive my ignorance if i put this in a poor way. The lead singer of the metal band windrose is a person with dwarfism and the bands aesthetic leans super hard into the Tolkien style of mythical dwarf. I know a little about how it can be challenging for a person with dwarfism to be taken seriously. So i wanted to ask. Generally speaking would windrose be considered a good example of positive representation or a modern-day circus show?

14:43 UTC


Has there ever been a discord for this community?

I haven't used discord in a while but I was wondering if there's an official chat for the sub? I've been bored af on break and would love to make new friends. I'm 18m and pituitary btw. Lately every social network seems abandoned, even fb groups that used to be very active. Hope this place keeps up 'cause I just discovered it :) great resources and debates in the past it seems!

14:29 UTC


MG Cars

Visitor here with a question. The smallest MG classic sports car is called an MG Midget. Is it offensive to call it by name? I hope this is appropriate to ask.

19:11 UTC


What are your thoughts on how people treat Hasbulla?

I feel so sad for the guy, people treat him like a baby, like a kid, and then they get surprised when he gets angry or mad.

People invalidate whatever he says and brush him off, some people argue he's mentally behind as his diagnosis is unknown, but still in some videos he himself says he is an adult and wants to get married.

Every time he's mistreated and he takes out the anger on innocent animals I feel sad.

His parents are doing an awful job, they don't create a safe environment for him, he's always in state of anxiety and feels the need to protect himself.

I feel he's teaumatized to the core by mistreatment to the point of no return

20:37 UTC


Pedal Extensions - any devices to raise the floor to relieve the leg?

Hi all,

I installed pedal extensions for my mother and they've been working really well since I installed them about 2 months ago. Unfortunately, she just told me that her leg was starting to hurt when driving, primarily when using the gas pedal. I think its because her leg is hovering in the air and she has to hold her leg up in the air to use the gas and brake. Normally, the leg would be resting on the floor to relieve the weight of the leg.

Is there a product/solution that can help relieve the weight of the leg when using pedal extensions?


21:28 UTC


General politeness

Hi, I have very limited information about dwarfism and I possibly offended someone lately, which I regret and I’d like to educate myself, so I figured I’ll ask here, hope you guys don’t mind.

There is a girl in our wider circle of friends and I referred to her as a dwarf. I was just describing her, because I was talking about a trip we all went to and there are two girls with the same name and same hair colour, so I said I’m talking about “name” who is dwarf. Later on she came to me and said she doesn’t like to be called dwarf, because it’s like calling her a hobbit, basically fantasy race. I apologized and asked her what does she prefer. She said she prefers the term little person. I’m absolutely going to respect that and if I ever have to refer to her something different than her name, I’ll use little person.

So I decided to google it so I don’t offend anybody and embarrass myself in future. Google told me that the “m” word is a no go (and I wouldn’t use that anyway, it feels rude). Dwarf is generally fine to use, since the condition is called dwarfism, but I appreciate it’s up to anybody’s personal preference.

So my question is, is the term little person ok to use if I ever need to refer to somebody else? Or is there something like universaly accepted that I can use? I felt terrible that I offended her and I don’t want to be in that situation ever again.

09:50 UTC



Did anyone here take Genotropin, and if so, do you know of any long term side effects it had. I was diagnosed with pituitary dwarfism as a child and took Genotropin for years. Now, as an adult, I have a plethora of medical issues!

05:24 UTC


2'4" dude here, glad this sub is back up!

Hey all, Im just a bored 23yo dude and reaching out to the sub :) I've felt/been kind of isolated these past years because of the obvious reasons and I'm just looking for chat buddies at this point, funny enough I've never even met another person with dwarfism remotely close to my size, any here? I know this sub isnt for these kind of posts but I have no luck anywhere else, anyway, have a good one!

16:52 UTC


Been watching S1 of UK Traitors, had a question about LP etiquette

Hi! So I just finished first season, and one of the contestants has achondroplasia (Meryl). Thought she was a great addition to the show in terms of representation, but I was surprised to see how common it was for the other contestants to hold her hand when walking around. This is not something they would do with the other average height contestants, just Meryl. She seemed pretty content about it and would often initiate it. I would have thought that kind of thing would come across as patronising, as if holding onto a child’s hand, but maybe not? Could of course just be a particular quirk of Meryl’s and her preference. Just was curious to hear what other LPs felt about it.

13:31 UTC


Fasting and Dwarfism

I’m 60 pounds and 18 years old. Ramadan is coming up soon. For y’all who don’t know what that is, it’s where you don’t eat from sunrise to sunset for a month. I’m not sure if it is safe for me to fast that much or even how to find out. I could maybe ask a doctor, but I don’t think they would know either. Any suggestions?

02:43 UTC


We're back!

Opening back up the subreddit to submissions again! However, if we receive the amount of spam from "medical" surveys and such as we have before (One company made 4+ accounts attempting to farm here) I'll be forced to close again. Most likely will be opening moderator applications up in the near future, along with a "verified little person" status once I figure that out.

00:40 UTC


National Audubon Society won't stop using "midget"

I've been trying to get them to change their language for at least two years now. Their app has the word used in the rufus hummingbird entry.

I've sent emails, made bug reports, and used their feedback forms. They acknowledge the use, but refuse to change the phrasing.

Please advise

23:54 UTC


Anyone here with SEDc?

10:02 UTC


My friend's film "Unidentified Objects" starring Matther Jeffers is releasing in select Theaters June 2nd and VOD starting June 9th! A really fantastic story and beautiful representation

23:50 UTC


Why are you against height equality?

1: Height equality

2: Anyone challenging heightism!

3: Having JUST AS MUCH right to say no to vosoritide and other drugs intent to wipe our existence off the face of the earth

4: Trivialise our experiences and concerns!

5: Obstruct us from making hegihtism as equally socially unacceptable as other socially unaccepted prejudice!

6: Attack the rights for short stature individuals to even exist let alone equality, treat with respect and dignity and all that.

Sad how pathetically defensive many are on heightism whenever it is challenged!

10:40 UTC


Best representation of LP's in modern media.

Would like to hear other lp's thoughts on the best pieces of media to represent the true life of an LP.

Personally for me. The Station Agent particularly the final bar scene. The first run of the tv series Night Court and the district attorney with dwarfism and how his own parents shunned him.

19:05 UTC


How do you best deal with people who deny saying/doing x thing to you and/or particularly gas-light you etc when you challenge their behaviour towards you as a person with dwarfism?

Honestly its harder and harder for me to bottle up any more of this nasty hostility we face just purely for existing as we are!

Thank you in advance..

1 Comment
09:19 UTC


Literary question from an outsider

I'm working on a writing assignment based on source material. The source material has a character with Dwarfism. How can I describe his stature poetically without being a jerk?

16:17 UTC


Looking for Resources, Tips, Advice, ANYTHING ++++

Hi everyone,

I am a Special Education Paraprofessional in a pre school setting. Just recently a child with dwarfism has joined the classroom I work in. I want to know more about the child's medical condition and how I can better support their health and safety while providing quality care. Does anyone have resources in Spanish for parents?

Also any advice or tips would be much appreciated!

Funding for the program is low so if anyone has any DIY hacks to implement in a home or school that can assist with child's autonomy would be much appreciated!

1 Comment
02:22 UTC


I am a visitor with a question ....

I want to ask about kitchen design. My husband is going to be in a wheelchair (progressive MS), and I have started looking at the world differently, finally. We are doing some renovations, and want to know if everyone has kitchens designed to them, ie) lower built cabinetry, sinks and cooktops. I always thought that I was observant, and am figuring out that I'm not...or we only observe what is within our realm of experience. I have started noticing accessibilty everywhere I go, and its started to peel back some layers for all the types of people we have in the world.... Tell me things about life in general, and why there aren't more sideways opening ovens!!? Much more safe, no?

17:29 UTC


The Peter Dinklage dilemma

Hey little people of Reddit. Hope everyone is doing good for the last day of April.

Last year, there was the news that Disney was making a live-action remake, like usual, of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and it was met with criticism, of course. First, by people who were getting sick and tired of their constant live-action remakes that seem to be getting worse and worse through time and second, by Peter Dinklage. For those who missed what happened that angered him, Disney wanted to hire little people actors to play the dwarfs and consult with dwarfism groups so the portrayal can be sensitive but for Peter Dinklage, it's not enough as he not only refuses to play elves, trolls and other fantasy characters like that, he's also against dwarf actors doing the same as he feels it sets said actors and the little people community in general back and some people in the LP community agreed with as well

However, in the opposing side, people not only defended Disney's decision to hire LP actors to play the Dwarfs, some also criticized Peter Dinklage by saying that he's not only being so self-righteous and offended, he doesn't speak for all little people and he shouldn't be bossing his fellow LP actors on what characters to act. Some of those people also include fellow little people as well. One of them is LP wrestler Dylan Postl who is responded to Peter's comments by saying "Who died and made Peter Dinklage King of the Dwarfs? It pisses me off. Now Disney says they’re ‘taking a different approach with these seven characters and have been consulting with members of the dwarfism community’. Really, who in the dwarfism community? I would have told them to fill each one of those jobs with a dwarf actor. (Hey Disney, call me! I will take every role that you have.) Dinklage is not the spokesman for little people and to believe that one person represents an entire community is ridiculous."

Because of that, what do you little people feel about Peter and Dylan's statements? Is Peter justified? Is Dylan justified as well. Has the casting of LP actors in fantasy movies and shows gone too far as Peter points out, what do you guys think about this?

23:13 UTC


writing resources for writing about characters with dwarfism?

Hi there! I am not a little person— I am writing a story with two main characters. One of them has Hypochondroplasia. Aside from the medical sources about dwarfism, I know there isn’t much in the way of (good) sources and representation for little people.

I wanted to ask your thoughts, sources, favorite movies and books with little people, etc. Even advice, no-nos, etc would be super helpful.

The character herself comes from a long line of werewolf hunters. I still don’t know if I’m setting the story in current times or early 1900s. I don’t want her story to focus on being treated bad or feed into any negative stereotypes. I just felt, when making these two characters, that this one has Hypochondroplasia. It’s not to make a point, it’s just what I envisioned when making her character.

Thank you so much in advance :)

05:44 UTC


Short gestational femur and humerus. But no other markers for achondroplasia. What can it be?

The doctors have been following our baby closely since 27th week of pregnancy due to short bones. We are 37 weeks at the moment. Femur and humerus are steadily below 1%. Today, at the check, the head circumference and abdominal measure was around 50%, average for gestational age. Femur was 63 mm and humerus was 51 mm (corresponding to 32 and 30 weeks. The femur has grown 8 mm in the last 2.5 weeks while humerus kind of stagnated.

3 doctors are checking us and all of them are quite cautious. None of them found any other markers for achondroplasia or hypocondroplasia. Today, our doctor said our child will most probably have significantly shorter arms and legs. And she added that we should be watching his mental development as well as physical development for a year after birth due to genetical or non-genetical issues. She wrote down “suspicion of dysplasia - syndrome” in our report. She lastly told that she is saying this just in case and that was she is talking about is rare.

Now, we don’t care about the height of our baby but the mention of the mental part was a little overwhelming, even though she said she’s only pointing out in case. She didn’t give any examples when I asked what kind of syndromes there are. Do you have any idea what the possibilities are? Or could one have just have significantly short legs and arms (5 to 7 gestational weeks difference is quite much) but no dwarfism or dwarfism related syndrome?

Some extra info: me and my partner are 5’5 and 5’11, so slightly above average. No syndrome is running in our families that we know of. NIPT test came low risk, so down syndrome is unlikely. The weight of the baby is close to average, making Russell Silver Syndrome unlikely as well.

18:31 UTC


Clothes Brand for Little People!!!

I'm back again with another little person resource I've found online!


This is a UK base brand that ship worldwide. They mostly have women's clothing but they also provide templates for other to design clothes for little people and wheelchair users!! They also have bridal dresses!



20:07 UTC


Anyone have any respiratory problems?

Been feeling like i cant breathe to the full extent my lungs want to when taking deep breaths due to lack of space?

10:59 UTC


Full body cardio

My son, 12 year old with achon, likes going on the treadmill at our house but can't reach the panel so someone else has to run the controls which is less than ideal for both parties. We were talking other cardio options and I mentioned a rowing machine but wasn't sure if it would work either? Love that he's talking fitness with me and am willing to get a machine for him but wondering what would be a good "fit". Suggestions?

21:11 UTC


Discord, part 2: Nobody posted one, so I made one

Invite link here: https://discord.gg/m55f4vCT

Drop in and say hi!

18:53 UTC

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