this is the sidebar they keep telling you to read.
This subreddit is satire only.
I had a fucking wonderful thanksgiving couch locked smoked 2 joints and smoked a lot in the bathroom and listened to the typical family fucking bullshit ate like 3 plates of good as food and dipped how was your guys
On the dxm sub
So I tore my entire house up looking for about 1000 dollars that i had a hazy dream of hiding somewhere while barred out a few weeks to a month ago. I basically gave up and then came to the conclusion the money didn't exist. until i looked at my arm and then absorbed something that I should have a long time ago. My fucking arm has hella more tattoos than it did 2 months ago. This whole time, the money I was looking for tearing everything up for was on my arm. I'm a retard.
Apologized to me and smoked a few blunts with me while deeptalking. Life is good. Nahdawgslay 🙏
Hitting the cart.
Poppin the perc.
Sippin the promethazine.
Fuck I gotta burp.
It’s tough out here.
Trappin in the streets.
I need a beer.
But the pharma xans can’t be beat.
I’m rolling On M.
They say im an addict?
Fuck them.
Now I’m tweakin in the attic.
Lighting up my joint.
I might end up there.
But that ain’t the point.
My life is shambles.
My homies smoking crack in the brambles.
Were did it all go wrong?
When my neighbor let me hit his bong.
But drug ain’t all bad.
They have brought me some good.
Trappin got me that bag.
And out of the hood.
What do you guys enjoy the most? The lying and sneaking around w/ family/friends? Feeling of impending doom because you fix enough (avg+), but never enough? The high? The rebound anxiety? The benzos you take for your rebound anxiety? The poly addiction? The withdrawals when you fuck up and just have to take this one? The withdrawals when you tapered down? The first high? The best high that one that time that exactly that song was playing I was the highest I ever been when trying my very best to blow the roof off that average? Always chasing that high? Staving of cravings? Accepting that normal situations are insanely boring when you have blown your dopamine levels to unheard of levels? Thinking about if the drugs over the years actually managed to take something critical from you yet?
I just kinda love em all, so I just take benzos to remove the feeling of everything being boring.
Yes this was about bars, bartard lmaaaoooo
I heard using used ones makes the effects stronger
i think I forgot to read the terms and conditions
(im on drugs)
Last couple nights I’ve been high as fuck scrolling the drug Reddit and that Reddit is shit just a bunch of depressing shit I come over to this Reddit and see some GOD DAMN EAGLE SHIT hell yea that’s all I gotta say
Morphine Monarch here, but I go by many names, Fentanyl Fein, Demerol Devotee, Codeine Connoisseur, Pethidine Prophet, Methadone Maven, Buprenorphine Buff, you get the picture, just wanted to remind you all to get your loved ones a nice bag of Fentanyl™️ this Christmas season, just as the lord intended. Namaste 🙏
We need more natural medicine, but NOT ACID. ACID IS MANMADE AND FROM THE DEVIL
food is evil. it affects the bioavailability of drugs. never eat food never eat food never eat food