
Photograph via snooOG

A Reddit for Doom Emacs: a configuration framework for GNU Emacs.

This community is for discussing features, issues, questions, and more related to the Doom flavor of Emacs


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Error upon opening new files on AIX

I'm trying to run doom emacs on an IBM AIX server and getting the following error upon the opening of any file. At a total loss as to whats up so any insight would be appreciated

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument stringp (defun . doom-transient-hook0))

string-match("\\(\\\\|/\)elec-pair\(\.so\|\.elc\|\.el\)?\(\.gz\)?\..." (defun . doom-transient-hook0))`


eval-after-load("elec-pair" #f(compiled-function () #<bytecode -0xa43993d>))



set-auto-mode-0(c-mode nil)

set-auto-mode--apply-alist((("/bspwmrc\\'" . sh-mode) ("\\.\\(?:zunit\\|env\\)\\'" . sh-mode) ("\\.bats\\'" . sh-mode) ("/README\\(?:\\.md\\)?\\'" . gfm$

#f(compiled-function (&optional keep-mode-if-same) "Select major mode appropriate for current buffer.\n\nTo find the right major mode, this function che$

apply(#f(compiled-function (&optional keep-mode-if-same) "Select major mode appropriate for current buffer.\n\nTo find the right major mode, this functi$

(progn (apply fn args))

(unwind-protect (progn (apply fn args)) (when (buffer-live-p buf) (with-current-buffer buf (evil-change-state old-state))))

(let ((evil-state evil-state) (evil-previous-state evil-previous-state) (evil-previous-state-alist (copy-tree evil-previous-state-alist)) (evil-next-sta$

(evil-save-state (apply fn args))

(if evil-state (evil-save-state (apply fn args)) (apply fn args))

+evil--persist-state-a(#f(compiled-function (&optional keep-mode-if-same) "Select major mode appropriate for current buffer.\n\nTo find the right major $

apply(+evil--persist-state-a #f(compiled-function (&optional keep-mode-if-same) "Select major mode appropriate for current buffer.\n\nTo find the right $

#f(advice +evil--persist-state-a :around #f(compiled-function (&optional keep-mode-if-same) "Select major mode appropriate for current buffer.\n\nTo fin$

apply(#f(advice +evil--persist-state-a :around #f(compiled-function (&optional keep-mode-if-same) "Select major mode appropriate for current buffer.\n\n$



#f(compiled-function (&optional error warn noauto after-find-file-from-revert-buffer nomodes) "Called after finding a file and by the default revert fun$

apply(#f(compiled-function (&optional error warn noauto after-find-file-from-revert-buffer nomodes) "Called after finding a file and by the default reve$

(progn (fset #'sit-for #'ignore) (apply fn args))

(unwind-protect (progn (fset #'sit-for #'ignore) (apply fn args)) (fset #'sit-for old))

(let* ((old (symbol-function #'sit-for))) (unwind-protect (progn (fset #'sit-for #'ignore) (apply fn args)) (fset #'sit-for old)))

doom--shut-up-autosave-a(#f(compiled-function (&optional error warn noauto after-find-file-from-revert-buffer nomodes) "Called after finding a file and $

apply(doom--shut-up-autosave-a #f(compiled-function (&optional error warn noauto after-find-file-from-revert-buffer nomodes) "Called after finding a fil$

#f(advice doom--shut-up-autosave-a :around #f(compiled-function (&optional error warn noauto after-find-file-from-revert-buffer nomodes) "Called after f$

apply(#f(advice doom--shut-up-autosave-a :around #f(compiled-function (&optional error warn noauto after-find-file-from-revert-buffer nomodes) "Called a$

#f(advice chain-doom-first-buffer-hook-to-find-file-hook-h :before #f(advice doom--shut-up-autosave-a :around #f(compiled-function (&optional error warn$

apply(#f(advice chain-doom-first-buffer-hook-to-find-file-hook-h :before #f(advice doom--shut-up-autosave-a :around #f(compiled-function (&optional erro$

after-find-file(nil t)

find-file-noselect-1(#<buffer cos.c> "~/file.c" nil nil "~/file.c" (13946244 655368))

find-file-noselect("~/file.c" nil nil t)

find-file("~/file.c" t)

funcall-interactively(find-file "~/file.c" t)

call-interactively(find-file nil nil)


17:43 UTC


Install Doom Emacs Offline

I work on a company which uses heavy proxy and internet security measures. Hence I am not able to use any git commands that connect to internet such as clone, pull, fetch, push. My computer is emacs. And I can download emacs portable and use it. However when I try to do "doom install", it tries to download the required packages through git; hence, fails. I can enter github through a website btw. Also through emacs, I can use M-x package-install to connect melpa or elpa. So, is there a way anyone knows that I can build doom offline.

11:21 UTC


Doom emacs not working on lubuntu help pls

I have a macbook, and I downloaded doom emacs about a year ago onto it, and it works fine without any issues. I have 2nd laptop onto which I am trying to download and run doom emacs on. Its originally a windows hp laptop, but I got a new ssd and memory chip to make it run like new. Its 2TB so i decided to dual boot Lubuntu, and Windows. I wanted Lubuntu just for fun, but I've been using it more often now

The 2nd laptop with lubuntu has emacs on it, but not doom. I have been trying to install and run doom emacs onto lubuntu for a couple weeks now, but I've had no luck. Whenever I complete watching or reading a tutorial to install or run Doom Emacs, and finally open emacs to check. The originial version of emacs loads but not doom. I have tried everything in forums, and yt videos but nothing has been working. I tried installing it using source scripts but that didn't work either. I hope someone can help me run Doom Emacs on my lubuntu. 🙏

(Also if this helps, whenever I try running doom sync or doom doctor, something called the doomsday engine runs, and has a warning sign saying '[Error] (in JSONParser) Error at position 0 (^Data): unknown keyword'.

22:48 UTC


yasnippet remap TAB to "kk" ?

how do i remap yasnippets default key to goto next position from the defaut which is tab to kk. I'm coming from neovims luasnip plugin which allows such a mapping.

17:36 UTC


How to disable the "0 refs|2 refs" in lsp ccls with c++?

Hi guys,

Is there anyone know how to disable those information list below which is very noisy for me?

1 Comment
09:09 UTC


How to open up a maximized instance of vterm

Hello, I am currently trying to get my popup vterm working again. I deleted my old terminal emulator as I decided having vterm and a terminal emulator was redundant.

I previously had it working binding a shortcut to the following command.

emacsclient -c -e '(vterm) (switch-to-buffer "'"vterm"'")'

However, this behavior broke when I added the popup management package from init.el. It seems like there is no vterm buffer anymore. took a quick look at the available commands and came across the +popup/raise command. When I am in emacs, MX +popup/raise works perfectly, but when I try it from the command line

emacsclient -c -e '(vterm) (+popup/raise)'

I'm not getting the behavior I want. It's not maximizing. Any thoughts?

1 Comment
06:11 UTC


Auto-completion painfully slow

I'm encountering a performance issue with auto-completion to the point of slowing me down when writing, and I could really use some guidance here. I'm not a programmer; I primarily use Doom Emacs for (fiction) writing and task management.

Here's a breakdown of my setup:

  • Enabled Packages that may be related to the issue: company, vertico, syntax, grammar
  • Disabled: spell and flyspell

Has anyone else experienced similar problems with auto-completion? If so, how did you address it?

EDIT: I am on MacOS

EDIT2: It's definitely company since the problem stopped after disabling it. How can I make it faster in order to use it?

08:28 UTC


How to make Github notifications icon properly work on modeline?

I read all of the tutorials i couldn't find and i simply am not able to fetch the notifications to show on the doom modeline


(setq auth-sources '("~/.authinfo"))
(setq  forge-topic-list-limit '(100 . 0))

(also tried encrypting with .gpg, as told here with to success)

my .authinfo file:

machine api.github.com login hrqmonteiro\^forge password mytokenhere

I even created a token with all of the permission i could on the create tokens page on github, with no effect

And the modeline simply shows a blank icon with no notifications count, and if i click on it with mouse 3 it says "Fetching Github notifications..." on the cmdline and fades, like it is has no effect

02:33 UTC


Is there a way i can set CIDER repl to open on the right? (vertical split)

I searched online and find out to put this:

(after! cider
  (setq cider-repl-display 'right))

On init.el or config.el

I tried on both and nothing worked... I wanted the repl to open on the right instead of opening on the bottom of the screen.

16:25 UTC


Auto set lsp-ui-mode when compatible file is open

I'm trying to play with lsp-ui-mode from doom emacs and I have a small issue. Each time I want to have autocompletion, I need to manually set lsp-ui-mode to make it work. Is there a way to automatically do this when a file with a compatible extension is open?

Also how can I make TAB complete the suggestions and not enter?

11:54 UTC


Working with remote docker containers locally

I am relatively new to Doom Emacs. I want to access the docker container that is running on a remote server. I have tried using TrampandDocker, but doesn't work.

What I have done till now:
- Executed the command /ssh:user@address|docker:user@container_name

If anything else is required to understand the issue, please let me know.

18:50 UTC


Open Files From Dired with External Applications (not a duplicate)

I have an Arch/Hyprland setup on a Lenovo laptop, i5 processor. I installed emacs-wayland and then doom emacs from https://github.com/doomemacs/doomemacs/blob/master/docs/getting_started.org

I am having trouble opening files with my preferred aplications using emacsclient. I installed openwith, which works as expected if I launch emacs alone. But if I I launch emacs with emacsclient -c, I cannot use openwith to open files. I get: opened <file> in external program

If I run !qpdfview from dired, I get:

Failed to create wl_display (No such file or directory)qt.qpa.plugin: Could not load the Qt platform plugin "wayland" in "" even though it was found.This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.Available platform plugins are: eglfs, linuxfb, minimal, minimalegl, offscreen, vnc, xcb, wayland-egl, wayland, wayland-xcomposite-egl, wayland-xcomposite-glx.

My openwith snippet from configuration.el:

(use-package! openwith

:after-call pre-command-hook


(openwith-mode t)

(add-to-list 'openwith-associations '("\\.pdf\\'" "qpdfview" (file)))

(add-to-list 'openwith-associations '("\\.djvu\\'" "qpdfview" (file)))

(add-to-list 'openwith-associations '("\\.mkv\\'" "mpv" (file)))

(add-to-list 'openwith-associations '("\\.mp4\\'" "mpv" (file)))

(add-to-list 'openwith-associations '("\\.doc\\'" "libreoffice --writer" (file)))

(add-to-list 'openwith-associations '("\\.xls\\'" "libreoffice --calc" (file)))

(add-to-list 'openwith-associations '("\\.xlsx\\'" "libreoffice --calc" (file)))

(add-to-list 'openwith-associations '("\\.docx\\'" "libreoffice --writer" (file))))

1 Comment
22:24 UTC


use-package! with only :custom, will it load the package?

For example

(use-package! my-package

:custom (foo 'bar))

Use-package and doom docs says that, without :defer, the package will be loaded at the beginning, so you have to use :command or similar to load it on demand. But I'm not sure if that will happen just using :custom, without :config, :init...

16:40 UTC


org mode html themes

Hey folks,
I started learning about the org mode recently and I'm wondering whether there is a way to know which org mode html theme was used for generating the doom emacs doc site (https://docs.doomemacs.org/latest/)?

21:04 UTC


Can' t Launch Dired

OS: Nixos (flake, HM module.); WM: Hyprland on a Lenovo laptop. I installed emacs-Wayland (which is emacs29-pgtk) . I Installed doom according to the instructions here: https://github.com/doomemacs/doomemacs. I configured doom, ran doom sync, reloaded with no errors. But when I try to launch dired I get the message " listing directory failed but ‘access-file’ worked doom emacs" . I have read/write privileges on the directory I want to open.

16:47 UTC


Can you print a dependency tree?

I'm looking at my .local/straight/repos directory and see a lot of packages. If I want to find out which Doom module is responsible for any given package, I can just grep through Doom's source code and my config. Often though, some other package requires the package. Does straight.el gives a way to print the dependency tree?

How do you find what loads for example annalist.el (I know it's required by evil-collection), but to find that out I had to grep through the entire 'repos' directory. That is tedious, given that I have around 300 packages in that folder. So, is there a better way?

05:48 UTC


Newly Installed Doom Emacs gives me vanilla Emacs

Hello frens, I freshly installed Emacs then Doom on Windows, then ran doom sync, made sure the PATH was correct, restarted Emacs and it still gives me the vanilla version. What should I do?

19:18 UTC


How to rebind a key in evil-motion-state-map

Hi Folks,

I am happy user of Doom last few years. But there is one classic key that still bothers me.

I would like CTRL-e to be bound to 'end-of-line'. I have decades of muscle memory and simply not able to adapt to VIM keys ($, 0 etc).

How do I idiomatically rebind a evil key such as this?

17:54 UTC


How to toggle org mode to preview equation with enter

If I recall correctly, at some point I was able to toggle math equation previews using the enter key.

Is that the default behavior ? Does someone know how I can get org mode to do that ?

15:32 UTC


Can I get a more retro look in Doom Emacs to make it similar to the normal Emacs?

I really like Doom Emacs. It's maintained well, good choice of packages, super easy to enable/disable packages, but I feel like it's "too pretty" and I'm looking for something more terminal-like. Is it possible to make it look similar to the normal Emacs?

Is this just a matter of modifying the theme or is it more complicated than that? I tried disabling the doom package in init.el but it just hung the window. Is there anyone here doing something like this? Would love to see a screenshot if possible.

07:14 UTC


How to call swiper-isearch in fuzzy and non-fuzzy mode?

I want to use swiper-isearch with fuzzy search for one keybinding and non-fuzzy search for another keybinding. Here's what I have done till now-

(setq ivy-re-builders-alist
 '((counsel-rg . +ivy-prescient-non-fuzzy)
 (swiper . +ivy-prescient-non-fuzzy)
 (swiper-isearch . ivy--regex-fuzzy) ;; Changed this from default
 (t . ivy--regex-fuzzy)))

  :n "SPC s b" #'swiper-isearch)

When I press SPC-s b, I get fuzzy search mode. 'swiper-isearch does not take any additional argument so I am unable to proceed further. I would appreciate any help.

10:07 UTC


A good video tutorial/series for doom Emacs in windows?

I'm a beginner at doom Emacs and I know it's generally used in Linux so most of the tutorials are linux oriented. But I want to use it in windows and I'm a visual learner. So is there a video series or tutorial which is helpful in learning doom Emacs and is windows specific?

1 Comment
06:25 UTC


Copy from Doom to System Clipboard

Update on a post I deleted because I believed the issue to be resolved, and my noob question worthless. But I find that the problem persists. On my Dell XPS13, vanilla arch, I use two wms, i3 and hyprland, each for different parts of my workflow. So the issue is present in both X and Wayland. I cannot copy from doom emacs to the system clipboard and therefore cannot paste from doom to kitty (as an example). Not with M-w, y, not using the kind suggestions by experts on the various forums I have visited. But I have another laptop, a Dell Vostro, same setup, same configuration and the problem is not present. But something is amiss because on the Vostro, I can change the cursor shape and style for the different emacs modes, whereas on the one that presents the copy/paste issue, the cursor shape/style is determined by the terminal. And my configration.el is not sourced completely. I thought this latter issue was caused by the use of emacsclient but the problem exists whether I use emacsclient or launch the binary by itself. I am loath to wipe the drive and start fro scratch because otherwise,, my system is tweaked to my satisfaction.

04:19 UTC


Set Cursor Shape and Type if Launching from Emacsclient

If I launch doom emacs from emacsclient, fonts, cursor shapes and images defined in configuration.el are not sourced/respected. I have read in the forums and tried to implement several (difficult, at least for me) fixes. I am probably just being stupid. Can anyone show me how to resolve this issue? It seems like there must be a fix, because the problem is very basic: configs not being respected.

21:19 UTC


Brother made me a keyboard due to carpal tunnel

I am not a developer I really dont know how to code at all but I want to try doom emacs so using MEOW but I understand how to install it in doom emacs. I want to go use it for notetaking todos and to play around with org roam. Ive been using linux mint and I have a split 36 corne keyboard using colemak dh. Ive been going through the documentation but having a bit of a challeging time.

16:04 UTC


Disable session-save

Noob question from a noob making the switch from vim to doom emacs: How can I get doom emacs not to remember a given file I was editing? For example, if I edit a file, quit out of doom and relaunch it, then go back to editing the same file, if I do an undo, the editor remembers the history and begins to undo the operations I performed in the previous session. I want this not to happen. I have (desktop-save-mode -1) in my init file, have appended --no-desktop when launching emacs from the terminal, and used M-x to disable session-save. No luck. What should I do to obtain the result I want?

04:11 UTC


Disable Session-save

Noob question from a noob making the switch from vim to doom emacs: How can I get doom emacs not to remember a given file I was editing? For example, if I edit a file, quit out of doom and relaunch it, then go back to editing the same file, if I do an undo, the editor remembers the history and begins to undo the operations I performed in the previous session. I want this not to happen. I have (desktop-save-mode -1) in my init file, have appended --no-desktop when launching emacs from the terminal, and used M-x to disable session-save. No luck. What should I do to obtain the result I want?

04:05 UTC


I lose control of fonts/cursor color/type etc, when launching from emacsclient

I am making the switch from vim to doom so I am a noob, but I can RTFMs, follow directions, watch videos. I am running Arch/i3 on an XPS13. When I launch doom-emacs from the daemon or emacsclient, I lose control of fonts, cursor style and color and other sundry settings in my config.el. I won't bore you with links to posts, videos, etc. I think I have read and watched them all lol. I do have a basic understanding of why this happens but the workarounds/fixes suggested in the forums do not work for me (in X or Wayland). Does anyone have a reproducible solution to this problem? Seems like this would be something that should have been fixed long ago, so probably it has been and I am just being stupid. Thanks in advance! (Curiously, on my hobby lappy, which is an old Lenovo X1 carbon, running Nixos with flakes and a home-manager module, the problem does not occur.)

15:54 UTC


Best way to iteratively build doom emacs config?


On a MacPro, My work flow is like this

  1. modify packages.el
  2. run doom/reload
  3. quit emacs
  4. rerun emacs

If I don't quit, even though doom/reload is done, is still complaining about some file not found.

Is there better way to do this?

1 Comment
18:58 UTC


Go to Definition Not Working for Python/Java

Hey everyone,

I've been dabbling in Doom Emacs and one thing that is severely holding me back from switching is the setup and getting the things to work OOB (with some reasonable config, and tinkering).

One thing specifically is the go to definition for Python and Java do not seem to be working. I've updated my init file to have lsp, java + lsp, and python +lsp all uncommented. Doom is synced/reloaded. Doctor says nothing is wrong.

For whatever reason, when I open a project in Java, and do go to definition using space c d on a class in another file, it just takes me to the import. I've tried a few things to get this fixed, but none seem to work.

This is the same for Python.

What might I be missing here?

OS: Mac

1 Comment
14:59 UTC

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