A place for discussing Disc Golf on the internet.
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/r/discexchange - Buy, sell, trade
/r/discdyeing - All things disc dyeing
/r/discgolfauctions - Auction off disc golf discs and disc golf related products
PDGA Official Rules/Competition Manual
Disc Matrix - The Flight Guide
Manufacturer Plastics Comparison Matrix
How To Make A Form Check Video/post
I’m messing around with the idea of not fully extending my arm while coiling kind of like Calvin Heimberg. It just feels easier for me to keep my elbow up and get a better power pocket.
Are there any problems with this change that I might be unaware of?
Yo r/discgolf,
I'm going to throw down for a tech disc I think.
My max controlled distance is 350 ft on flat or hyzer shots. I typically fall apart when trying to throw big distance shots on Anhyzer and I wouldn't mind adding a bit more distance to my "Max Controlled Distance" Throws. Some nose angle work, spin stats, etc.. would be helpful for further refinement to my form and adding a bit more power to my throws.
With all that being said, would you recommend a tech disc in the first place? If so, would you opt for the distance or the fairway driver?
I've been playing for about two months and throw my best shots at full power. I prefer RHBH flat or hyzer lines, while anhyzer is still a work in progress. My first round was on a 5,200' Par 56 course, and I finished +6.
As a beginner who can’t yet throw a 9-11 speed disc 300 feet, how can I better understand disc speeds and the distances I can realistically expect to throw them? I’m trying to gauge when and where to use certain speed discs.
Also, if you have any suggestions for filling gaps in my bag or discs that might suit my game, I’d love to hear them!
I've been trying to come up with reasonable methods of helping disc golf sellers in Canada and gift certificates might be helpful? Americans could buy the certificates now to help with cash flow and then when/if the tariffs are finally gone we could use the value then? I understand not everyone can send off $100 for discs they might never receive if the shops goes under but I wonder if there are enough of us that can to make a difference? We could do this individually or does it make sense to try to organize it and spread the help around? Just spitballin here as I see liquor stores trying to make sure American liquor feels the pain of their presidential support
So we are currently being hit by a tropical low, and have had severe flooding.. one of the local club members decided to go down and check out the condition of the course..
It’s pretty cool to see her get the win so quickly after going back to Innova. I am a fan of hers and hope this kicks off a great 2025 season for her.
If you drive I’ve got gas! Here in a hotel in San Marcos for work with no vehicle.
Welp, Canada just dropped its official list of U.S. imports getting slapped with a 25% tariff starting Feb 4, 2025, and I took a deep dive to see what’s on the chopping block.
For disc golfers, good news, discs don’t seem to be targeted. I searched for anything that could apply (discs, frisbees, sports equipment) and came up empty. However, bags and shoes could be affected since “golf” shows up in those categories. Otherwise, looks like discs are safe... for now.
Here’s the full list if you wanna dig through it yourself: Gov of Canada Tariff List.
I was in MN for a business trip and had the opportunity to play BRP for the first time today!
What does everyone think of this course and the "Winter Warm Up layout"? What's a decent score?
What's the best time of year to return?
Are there any nearby courses that are arguably better or more challenging?
Thanks for the feedback!
I’m an Intermediate player maxing at 300ft currently. Working on form and shot choices. Building a bag is something I’m working on too. Any advice would help. Putter is the Climo Champ. I’m loving it.
I've been playing more or less seriously for about a year and a half and I have most things at a respectable level but I can't get distance, not even anything past 300. I don't know what I'm doing wrong because I've watched every video on youtube, and I'm getting to the power pocket, at least I think I am. I can confidently say im not rounding my arm though. I hold my disc in a fan grip with my pointer finger resting on the underside of the disc where the rim is. My x step is fine although I dont have much of a run up. If you have any advice it would be much appreciated.
Hokay so
I usually go for spin putts and do ok at 15 to 20 feet. I'm not good enough for them to be guaranteed, or even 50-50, but spin tends to be my go-to
I'm trying to learn push with not much success, but I've only started trying in the past couple weeks.
So here's where my question comes in.
While standing around shooting the shit with my buddies and waiting for another, I just started flicking my putts in with a quick anhyzer forehand and just draining them with something like 75 or 80% accuracy.
So am I about to teach myself a bad habit? Is there any reason I shouldn't putt that way aside from a miss being a potential death sentence for par?
Hey everyone,
Thinking about picking up a Cigarra, just have a question:
How does the Cigarra compare to other fairways like the Athena or teebird? I am confused about this release because they already have a good moderately overstable fairway?
Stuck at 400, would appreciate any tips (sorry for bad video)
Would love to play a mountainous course like this, but I don’t know of any. I’m in the PNW, but always looking to take a trip somewhere worth it.
Price of UDisc remains the same this year.
Looking for a zone that is slightly more stable than a stock z zone to use on forehands. Thinking of getting a seasonal glo zone. Has anyone thrown a seasonal glo zone or even a different run of glo zones and can testify if they are more stable? I don't care about the glo strength, just the stability. Thanks!
Sapling edition
Went to my local course today which was absolutely packed due to good weather. Pulling up i noticed a large group of 10 or more in the upper parking lot across the street from basket 1 (about 100 yards from tee 1) with no one on the first basket. Parked, gathered my bag, my kid (9), his bag, took a sip of water, walked about 50 yards to tee 1 all the while there was no one on the first basket whatsoever. I throw four or five warm up throws and my son throws his first throw, about 20 yards on a 280 yard pin. We gradually work our way closer as he throws about 10 times to get to my disc. I make my upshot and we continue towards the basket. About 30 yards from the basket I find a driver and since no one is nearby and no one has been playing the basket since I pulled in I picked it up hoping to find a name and number. The disc was unmarked. I throw it in the bag with the intention of posting it on our local disc golf lost and found page. I notice the big group that was in the other parking lot has just started to gather around tee 1. About 20 minutes later I'm on tee 4 and I notice a guy running up to me through the woods. He asks if I found (insert disc and color) and i enthusiastically say "yes! I was going to post it on the lost and found page when my round was done since it wasn't marked!" He then proceeds to condescendingly say "if you come across a disc you're supposed to leave it alone or put it in the basket it's closest to, you arent supposed to pick it up or take it with you." As he turns to storm off. I tell him that there was no one nearby at all for an extended period of time and the disc wasn't marked. I told him that his way was not the way it worked as he scurried away. Am I the asshole for assuming that the disc was "lost" and taking it with me to attempt to find the owner? Because the way I see it, he threw the disc and then left the basket for more than a half an hour without picking it up. I can only imagine he did it because he legit forgot and noticed when he got to the tee (again, 20 minutes before coming to collect it) or he left it there (in a very good position) to get an edge up on his buddies.