Post a different sob story
1) Find pictures that were posted with a Sob Story (like from /r/no_sob_story). This should usually be from /r/pics, but if the sub doesn't cater to sappy/sob stories and it's a full on sob story, if works here too.
2) Make up a completely unrelated but believable story. Not a title making fun of the person in the picture in a cruel way. Not a snide comment about race, gender, or sexual orientation. Make up a title that will make people chuckle when they realize it's not the original, but could easily be mistaken for the original. Ideally your new story should be as completely unrelated to the original as possible, while still being believable. If one is subscribed to both this sub and /r/pics, it should be very hard to tell which is which at a glance.
3) Post it here. You can either use the original image post or rehost it (this is an updated rule).
4) Include a comment on your submission with a link to the original post. Cross posting is not enough.
Not following these rules might get your post removed. But with the lack of moderation tools in mobile apps, it might not! The main rule enforced strongly is don't be cruel, and if I have to find a laptop to remove your post from, I'm going to permanently ban you while I'm there.
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