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A reddit community for dental students to share the latest news, articles, ideas, and anything else pertaining to the field of dentistry. Feel free to find help and ask questions.

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i think i failed my exam :(

hello - I am genuinely terrified i’ve failed my final ever exam. it was a paeds case pres. the tooth had distal caries 2/3 into dentine but the pain history was unclear (been sore before but not sore today) that’s all! out of those who i’ve spoken to, I seem to be the only one who said that because there’s not a clear enough pain history to determine if pain is reversible pulpitis or irreversible pulpitis and to determine if the pain was caused by food packaging or pulpitis then i would temporise the tooth and have the patient return in 3-7 days if no symptoms then place a crown and confidently told them i could see no signs of infection from the x-rays. everyone else said extract and that there may have been infection present. i’m terrified i’ve missed infection and confused myself with root resorption, i can’t even remembering seeing any radiolucency at the roots. please be honest do i have a chance of passing this?? i genuinely have been stressing and i haven’t properly slept since :(

23:48 UTC


Upgrading Dental Loupes: International Dentist Seeking Advice (Ergo vs. Prismatic)

Hey everyone,

I'm an international dentist who recently graduated and will be attending a International Dental Program at UCLA. In dental school, I used basic 3.5x magnification loupes, but I'm looking to upgrade to a better pair, specifically Ergos.

I have a few questions for the dental community:

  • Brand Recommendations: I'm leaning towards Ergo loupes, but are there other brands of ergonomic loupes I should consider?
  • Ergo Price Range: What's a realistic price range to expect for Ergo loupes?
  • Clarity Comparison: How does the clarity of Ergo loupes compare to Prismatic loupes?

For background, I found my old 3.5x loupes to be sufficient for most procedures, but I'm hoping to improve my visual experience and ergonomics with a new pair. Ideally, I'd like to get used to the Ergo design during my bootcamp to ensure a smooth transition into practice.

Any insights or advice from experienced dentists would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

1 Comment
19:51 UTC



I am in a class of prostho, The Dr. Is teaching the topic connectors; he is teaching so horribly that I am forgetting any little concepts I had. It’s like he is just spitting words. Someone help😭

17:06 UTC


Need a solution

I was preparing a post and cure (lap work) as a part of prosth subject practical

After the preparation done i found that I have lost the Initial diagnostic x ray image

This image is important to submit in the end of the work

So I thought about refilling it with Kuta Perka cones and re take an image to it, could that work or do anyone have other ideas

15:33 UTC


D4s how much debt are you in?

Those graduating

06:29 UTC


Send Help! OMFS Residency

Hello Everyone! I'm writing this post because I need some serious help. I'm just finishing my second year of dental school, and I'm pretty set on doing an residency in OMFS.

That being said, I dont know what to do about my class rank. I was 40/83 (i know it's rough rip) going into this semester (first year took me out with the adjustment & I just couldn't wax lol), with the hopes of making a ~4.0 this semester to get me higher into the class rank. I was good fall semester of D2 (i think i had like a 3.95 or so) Wellll, I'm going to have a great amount of Bs this second semester in about ~6-10 hours out of like 28 credits, which I'm for certain will bring my class rank down. I had a death in the family this semester, so that made it rough for me (just for context).

Now I need some real advice as to if and how I can come back from this. PLEASE. I'm am pretty set on doing a 6 year (I really want the MD). I've got strong leadership postions (I know they dont care about this if im like bottom of the class but just for context) and I have one publication as first author for a case report OMFS related, and doing another reserach project with OMFS as well currently. Am taking my CBSE this July too. If I score well on the CBSE, is there a way to offset my class rank potentially? If I grind 3rd year I feel like I mightttttt be able to hit top thirdish (maybee??) And I was thinnking I should shoot for high 70s maybe on the CBSE, and will retake again in Feb if necessary if it's not high enough. I know I still have like 2 semesters left to get good grades (i know a 4.0 both D3 semesters is a necessity at this point), but just wondering what my next steps should be?

I know just about everyone and their moms that applies is like top 10% with 75+ CBSE and that there are some really good applicats out there, so me applying with a lower rank will put me at a disadvantage. I've been reading on SDN some (probably where the stress is coming from lol) and have seen a lot of those applicants, but also some that have still matched with some lower stats as well.

What should I be shooting for CBSE and rank wise at this point, and how could my class rank potentially affect me applying for externships as well? (I've been looking into those as well, and plan on doing 3 during breaks this coming year). I know it is hard to gauge without the CBSE, but I've literally been having some much anxiety about this (It's affecting my CBSE studying and we can't have that), so I just need some feedback and guidance lol. I'm willing to do a non-cat year if necessary, but I would prefer to go straight in if possible. (I am a female so the clock is ticking if you get what I'm saying). Thank you in advance, and any advice is really appreciated. Will do what it takes!

02:37 UTC


Sticky Situation

I'm on the WL at two schools and have committed to another school as of now. Should I sign the lease at the apartment for the school that I have committed to or should I keep waiting in case I get off the WL at schools that I'd prefer to go to?

01:54 UTC


Are you at a major disadvantage in dental school if you didn't do undergraduate research?

Since one of the most important extracurriculars for anyone interested in specializing is research, does it become much harder to participate in dental school research if you have no experience whatsoever with undergraduate research, or is it easy enough to get the hang of?

16:26 UTC


Marijuana purchase as a future dentist

Currently a dental student in a state that legalized weed. I’ve made a couple of purchases legally at a dispensary a couple of times. Kinda worried now because they asked for my ID and scanned it and stuff and idk if there’s some databases that release that to future job prospects. Am I valid in my worry? Obviously I’m not getting high before school. Just in some certain weekends if I even have time.

13:20 UTC


Should I get a second pair of loupes

Hi everyone I graduate in a few months and I was thinking of getting a second loupes as a graduation gift. I really like my lumadent ergo loupes but I am leaning into prismatic Q optic just for patient difficulty on supine position. I’m also between andau ergo because many say it’s really good. Although ergo really have saved my neck. I want to take use of the student discount. In your opinion is it worth to have 2nd loupe?

12:35 UTC


How do you keep it up to date with new technology and materials in dentistry? where do read?

How do you keep it up to date with new technology and materials in dentistry? where do read?

08:58 UTC


No Show Percentage

What dental school do you attend and what percentage of patients show up?

01:04 UTC


How to specialize in a P/F dental school?

Hey y’all, I’m wondering what did you do to specialize in a P/F dental school?

When did you take the boards, and what did you do during dental school to apply for residency?

I either want to do GPR or ortho in the future. But my school doesn’t have a lot of speciality programs, and it is P/F.

What can I do to show show that I’m a good candidate for residencies?


12:37 UTC


*Dentistry In 2024*

Hey I wanted to ask about your dentistry career if you don't mind. is dentistry worth it? how much did you earn in your first few years and where did you work? what about after a 2 years how much do you make after taxes as an associate and how much after taxes and overhead as an owner? In around 10 years in 2034, how will the salaries change? is it worth it, how did you do it, in 8 years or accelerated shorter program?

13:23 UTC


Forensic Odontology

This specialization has always fascinated me but it's in a tight spot in my country. What all mainstream countries have something substantial to offer in it? Plus what are the pros and cons of choosing it?

13:09 UTC


Tips on using sectional matrix rings

Looking for tips on using sectional matrix rings, after i place the matrix and wedge and am placing on the ring onto them it always pops off so looking for advice in regards to this.

12:37 UTC


[Weekly] Current Student Experiences

Please ask all of your questions regarding specific schools and the experiences of current students here. If you're looking for opinions on which school to choose (USC vs NYU vs etc), this is the place.

Any other posts about current student experiences from prospective students or crowdsourcing which school to go to will be removed.

12:01 UTC


I made a silly mistake during my OSCE exam, and I can’t move on.

Yesterday I had my 1st OSCE Exam, and the patient wasn’t cooperative at all. Anyways I was doing well at 1st and then at end the of my exam I did the last examination wrong, and it was so easy. And after that my examiner asked me a question and my answers were so stupid. I’m really sad because I know this technique and I know the answers of the questions, IDK why I said that. How do you guys get over silly mistakes??? I really feel so stupid.😭

1 Comment
02:34 UTC


How does your school handle “no shows” or patients who don’t come?

Hi, at roseman, they don’t do anything to keep patients coming to their apts. They send an automated text a few days before. They refuse to charge a “no show fee”. It drives me crazy because we are subsidizing the clinic with 12,000$ a year for “clinic usage fees”. What does your school do to limit no shows? We have about 35-40% ish no show.

02:55 UTC


Is it worth renewing my radiographer license if I am starting dental school?

I have to renew my license this year if I want to keep it. Is it necessary if I'll be starting dental school? Will this license be built into the course/degree or is it something I would need to reapply in the future as a dentist if I don't renew?

01:44 UTC


Question for Dental Students - Do you get cleanings/dental work done at your dental school or do you see a separate dentist?

Just wondering :)

01:05 UTC


In the beginning stages of dating someone in dental school, how can I support them?

As a dental student and you were beginning to date someone new: what are some things you would appreciate to see?

As someone unfamiliar with the medical field studies and the mental battles that come with it, I would love to support the best I can.

00:14 UTC


Help with downpack

Hey folks, we use the warm vertical compaction obturation technique, and when I try to sear off the gutta percha, the whole thing pops out half the time. I'm just not sure how to be consistent so that everytime I'm only searing off what I'm supposed to. Appreciate any tips.

21:33 UTC


Concerned about Grades during Dental School now that I'm applying to Residency (prosth)

(originally posted in OralProfessionals. wondering if I might get more traction here.)

Graduated from an American DDS in 2013. At the time, I had no intentions to specialize, and just wanted to graduate, start working, pay off school debts, and get on with living life.

I didn't push myself to achieve the highest grades while in dental school..I had my reasons.

I did, however, push myself clinically, and I'm sure my patients appreciate that. Now that I've got 10years of work experience, and have taken a ton of CE, I'm a bit older, more mature, and I'm motivated to learn and grow, and put in significantly greater effort into a residency (specifically prosth)

I'm concerned that my class ranking (bottom 25% of the class) will hurt my chances... or force automatic rejections for my applications.

Does anyone have insights about my situation? Has anyone out here made it to a residency despite having a low class ranking?

After being out of school for a decade, do the grades from DDS matter to program directors?
If so, what can I do to improve my candidacy for residencies?

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you fellow colleagues :)

17:56 UTC


Trying to figure out how residency applications work

Hey guys! D2 here going into D3. I’m interested in possibly doing endo residency but I’m aware it’s very difficult to get into endo right out of school, and that most residencies prefer GPR or work experience first. My question is, would it be possible when I apply to residencies in my d3/d4 years, could I technically apply to both endo residencies and GPR, or is it like I need to stick to one thing. Hope this isn’t a stupid question lol, I’m just not so sure how residency apps work yet. Thanks

17:37 UTC


20 years repayment program

Do dentists actually get the remainder of their loans forgiven after 20 years? Is that actually true?

16:29 UTC


Ranting about Lab

Just finished my first year. Didactic courses I did pretty well on, but the lab classes 😓 my school’s lab is that each professor grades his/her section of 8 students. Luckily for me, I am always getting the rudest (to the point he tells me he’s disappointed in me) and toughest graders. Usually they’re the course directors, and they’re so busy that they don’t have time for their students. So I go to other professors for feedback, and they give me great advice and tell me to keep up the work. Then my professor grades me and gives me a low grade😣 I’m just so annoyed with how subjective grading in lab classes are. Like it literally depends on who your faculty is whether you pass or not

15:58 UTC

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