This subreddit features the most ridiculous posts from Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace, and anywhere else idiots try to sell things for WAY more than what they're actually worth.
This is a place to post links from craigslist from people who are delusional when it comes to their prices. 10 year old beds being sold for $500.00, 15 year old cars with blown engines being sold for $3000.00, we have all seen it. This is where we can share those images.
Please post anything that comes from Craigslist. Screenshots, direct links, it doesn't matter. If it is a direct link goes down, /u/craigslist-bot will have the photos in the comments section with a description of the item being sold. Ask yourself this: "Would anyone in their right mind pay what they are asking?" If the answer is no, you are in the right place. Please make sure to blur out any personal information from the seller if at all possible. No witch hunting the sellers!
See also:
/r/delusionalebay A place for overpriced ebay items and their delusional sellers.
/r/delusionalartists A place for "art".
/r/craigslist Anything and everything Craigslist that is usually not delusional.
/r/DIWHY Unnecessary home projects.
/r/bestofcraigslist The best of everything that is Craigslist.
/r/Craigslist_WTF For everything WTF about Craigslist.
$75 for a used hard drive, 2 old CPU coolers, and a $3 harbor freight magnetic parts dish. Who is this for?
Is this a good price for an iPhone 5s that is running iOS 8.4.1? I should also mention that it is gold. Oh, and does anything seem fishy?
Not sure whether the price is fair or not, but calling this a food "truck" is delusional IMO
Makes me sad that some chum starting out their VHS collection is probably gonna snap this up thinking it’s a good deal