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740 Subscribers


Faronics Deep Freeze Cloud enterprise console is a train wreck this week? Is anyone else having issues?

1 Comment
16:32 UTC


Holiday house hold deep freezer

I am wondering if my holiday deep freeze would work in the winter time if it’s kept outside on back porch. I live in Idaho and it’s gets quite cold. This was free and I didn’t get much information about it. Model #LCM050LC

22:55 UTC


Happy Cakeday, r/deepfreeze! Today you're 11

Let's look back at some memorable moments and interesting insights from last year.

Your top 1 posts:

16:50 UTC


Happy Cakeday, r/deepfreeze! Today you're 10

Let's look back at some memorable moments and interesting insights from last year.

Your top 2 posts:

16:50 UTC


My deepfreeze isn't working

I'm sorry if this is not the right community to ask, but can somebody help me with my deepfreeze, I can't open it and it shows an error every time I try to open it (so my pc is always booting frozen)

10:47 UTC


Happy Cakeday, r/deepfreeze! Today you're 9

Let's look back at some memorable moments and interesting insights from last year.

Your top 1 posts:

16:00 UTC


YouTube has a BIG problem, and here are my thoughts on it.

T-series vs PewDiePie is about more than just memes or just PEWDIEPIE #1. The real reason everyone wants to stop T-series is because it has brought attention the rapid corporate takeover on YouTube.


YouTube has an agenda, the left-wing corporate agenda. YouTube used to be about the creators and the community of users but now it's just another billion dollar company. The past few years of YouTube rewinds show that YouTube wants to distance itself from anything that could be seen as unfriendly for advertising, even if those things defined YouTube in that given year, (i.e. T-series Vs PewDiePie.) T-series is just another branch in the corporate tree of YouTube, and the threat of their takeover upsets people because, frankly, people like PewDiePie and the fact that he worked hard to get where he is without a million dollar record studio to help him. Not only has he been on the top for several years but he has lasted even longer against T-series than was predicted, and went from a sub gap of just over 15,000 to where he is now at nearly 500K ahead. The lengths people have gone to to keep him at the number one spot show that the users don't want to see a company take over the platform, they want a real genuine person like Felix who they enjoy watching and who isn't under corporate control, unlike his faceless opponent. Obviously YouTube has not shown support for their top creator, but if he hits 100 mil first they will have to recognize and award them, and if they choose not to, it will show once and for all what YouTube is really all about. Overall, the battle isn't really about memes or PewDiePie in general, it's about the fact that YouTube as a platform is disconnected from their creators and community and their only goal is to make a profit.

This isn't about America vs India. It never has been. And plenty of people have been showing support for pewdiepie from all across the world.

This is about keeping a hard-working individual and his friends at the top as opposed to a massive, faceless, rich company. Youtube was created to AVOID situations where large organisations ruled the site. It was made for creators, for people like Pewdiepie to do what they love and bring others along that journey with them. T-Series, "Last Week Tonight" or any other company or organisation cannot establish that connection with youtube viewers.

T-Series does not care about you. It does not care about making good content or having a connection or interacting with its audience. It does not care about raising awareness or doing good things for the world.

It's a faceless organisation that only cares about money and fame.

Felix, however, works hard to create good content, do things he enjoys so that his audience will enjoy them too, to interact directly with his audience (see r/PewdiepieSubmissions, which he uses to help shape his content. He also interacts on Twitter and other social media), to establish and hold connections with his fanbase and viewers, AND to use his influence to raise awareness and money for charities and good causes. INCLUDING "Cry", a charity based in India that helps children get an education.

This whole fight was never about America vs India. It's not even really about Pewdiepie vs T-Series. It's about creator vs company, individual vs corporation. THAT'S why this fight means so much to people.

I have made a video describing the situation in even more detail if you would like to check it out, thank you for your time!

My Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9Xyt-eiRDA


1 Comment
12:08 UTC


Would Gamespot's latest video on Metal Gear be considered unethical

22:44 UTC


Dark Side of Gaming

Link: http://archive.fo/IMMyl

This site, I find is fair and balance. Because of their ethics policy: http://archive.fo/TGjSF

Here's the staff: http://archive.fo/3mZ3g

And I recommend that it should be added to the support group.

21:13 UTC


Brutal Gamer

If it's not there, you can add Brutal Gamer to the support group. Link: http://archive.is/TZBIq http://archive.is/aSuS1 http://archive.is/hcNmb Ethics policy: http://archive.is/SPWsq

17:36 UTC


Check Out Mic

I first found them when I was searching for "Black Female Nazi" funny articles. Link: http://archive.is/EBJ6e Then I looked up to see if there's any Gamergate articles and I was correct (These are just a few, but there's more). http://archive.is/Z9RW4 http://archive.is/RvQNa http://archive.is/TirKc http://archive.is/QUoEs http://archive.is/wSy1G https://archive.is/adyTY https://archive.is/CxU23 http://archive.is/ZFO29 http://archive.is/le3mb

New site to add for the boycott list.

21:49 UTC


[X-post r/the_donald] Trump supporter has compiled a list of journalists that colluded with the Clinton campaign sourced from wikileaks, link to thread in the_donald comment section

09:30 UTC


Claudia Lo - Rock Paper Shotgun - Moral panic

Adds Her Own Comments To Decompiled Code Causing Readers Unfamiliar With Programming To Think They Were Added By The Developer https://archive.is/hQvpl

SJWs move in for the kill https://thinkprogress.org/rimworld-biphobia-harassment-gamergate-3af1a691e50#.dz5l10row

Dev defends himself https://www.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/comments/5ax9a9/some_notes_on_recent_controversies/

15:48 UTC


What's stopping the site from being abused?

I notice the site lists and cites people's actions in relations to GG and ethics, as well as general bullshittery. What's stopping that from being abused? I'm gun shy about these giant tools that could be used to artificially instill distrust.

19:21 UTC


Jesse Singal - New York Magazine - Attempt to trick Candace Owens into bypassing company e-mail


  • My first red flag went up when I realized Jesse only wanted me to e-mail the “evidence” to his personal e-mail address.

This is because Jesse is not a sysop on the New York Magazine server, if Candace had sent it to his work address, he would have been unable to get rid of the paper trail leading to him, if Candace had decided to get the courts involved.

18:20 UTC


Arthur Gies is not necessarily the one who played DOOM in Polygon's infamous video.


Polygon’s gameplay video of Doom (2016), which seemingly featured him playing(http://archive.is/xSIFT), sparked a fairly large amount of controversy, with many people accusing him of lack of skill.


Gies posted on the day the Polygon video came out (May 12th):

because apparently it needs saying, i have not captured any doom footage for polygon. not like i'm captain no-scope, but. not me.


Two days later on May 14 with his video on his YouTube channel 'Aegis':

ANYWAY. again. I amend my previous statement that doom is less gory since last year at e3.

https://twitter.com/aegies/status/731620379559518208 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jCgFOKUwEro&ab_channel=aegies

and THEN 5 minutes later referring to the afforementioned video he posted this (the tweet used to say that he played in Polygon's video)

(and that is me playing doom. not amazing, not MLG. just fine.)


Archived tweets: 1 2 3

09:13 UTC


Chris Person is not on Deepfreeze?

I was just going through the deep freeze journalist list and noticed that Chris Person is not actually on the database despite having evidence that he has accepted merchandise from game developers

-twitter evidence

-instagram evidence

-imgur context/evidence

08:58 UTC


Jay Hathaway of the Daily Dot - "Gamers think 'vagina bones' exist—and want them to stop getting censored" (dishonest anti-gamer hitpiece - writer acknowledges it as an old meme at the end, which the OP clearly was referencing)


Building an article on the premise that gamers don't understand anatomy - and mocking them for same. Then acknowledging at the end that the writer of the original tweet was referencing an old meme. Definition of an utterly dishonest hitpiece.

00:00 UTC


A Little Extra Thing


This is some extra info to tweak the Leigh Alexander article with.

19:40 UTC


Revisiting An Old Topic: Lizzy Finnegan

As much as I like Liz, and maybe exactly because of this fact, I think we need to take a good hard look at her most famous controversy again. I talked with her some when this happened, but I reserved my judgement until more time has passed, so I could let my bias with her fade as much as to allow the facts themselves to come out. But now that half a year has passed, I think I can safely say that time has made a mockery of my loyalty. Nothing in her Star Citizen Employees Speak Out on Project Woes has come to pass. I think we need to revisit the idea that Lizzy has to be placed on Deep Freeze.

I think the specific category would have to be Yellow Journalism. Or Dishonesty. One or the other, not both.

May this never happen again.

04:42 UTC


Can you please add Gamespot, IGN, NBC and both ABC's to the boycott list?

They are all anti-GG.

04:05 UTC


Sensationalism: TechRaptor's Andrew Otton misrepresented the content of the ZoePost, falsley claimed it accused Zoe of trading sex for positive coverage

On 08.20.2014 Andrew Otton posted an article titled Zoe Quinn and the Unfortunate State of the Gaming Industry. For the sake posterity I've also archived the article while writing this post. In the article the author states that:

Zoe Quinn is being accused of some very serious actions. Those include: using sexual favors with various game journalists to receive good press coverage and good criticism

As we know already, Gjoni has never made such an accusation. I present to you the earliest archived version of the ZoePost, nowhere can you find him making such a claim. DF's sensationalism guidelines state that:

these emblems are assigned not just assigned to articles taking a controversial subject or stance with the intent of inciting clicks, but for anything describable as “yellow journalism”, thus also covering problems caused by a lack of effort — such as factually inaccurate information supplied by mistake, poor research or things like plagiarism. [all emphasis was added by me]

I think that this would apply to an article that fails to properly represent an easily available series of blog posts in such a manner, especially considering that the article is up for almost a year and half and has not yet been corrected.

02:49 UTC


Cronyism: Destructoid's Patrick Hancock and AbleGamers

Here's the LinkedIn profile of Destructoid writer Patrick Hancock. His resume notes that between January 2010-April 2012 he was a volunteer at the AbleGamers Foundation:

I tailored my previews, reviews, and features to cater to a specific audience by objectively considering games and providing relevant and reliable information valued by that audience.

His claims about his ties to AbleGamers are corraborated in that he has an author page on unstoppablegamer.com, a website owned and run by AbleGamers. On 09.18.2012 he wrote about AbleGamers for Destructoid without disclosing his ties to the foundation. I think this is a clear cut conflict of interest.

16:06 UTC


Timothy J. Seppala of Engadget - "Intel is taking its fight against GamerGate even further", references speech by CEO, Brian Krzanich which doesn't even mention GG.

16:25 UTC


The failure of Allistair Pinsof, Chris Priestman and Robert Purchese to fact-check Chloe Sagal's claims

Before any confusion rises, I'll note that I am NOT proposing to file Pinsof to DeepFreeze for outing Chloe. I know that this particular submission has been rejected by /u/bonegolem, I'm proposing to file him (and other journalists) for failing to fact-check Chloe Sagal's claims while reporting on her IndieGoGo fundraiser. For those of you who don't know, Chloe Sagal is an indie game dev who tried to raise money in 2013 under the pretense that she needed to fund a surgery to remove metal shards from her body. In reality, as she confessed to Pinsof later on, she was raising money to fund a sex change surgery as she'd been orignally born a man. You can read more about this story here.

Pinsof reported on Sagal's fundraiser on 04.08.2013. As you can see for yourself from reading the article, Pinsof initally reported about the fundraising campaign's stated goal as if it were its actual goal, meaning that he had not bothered to fact-check Chloe's claims. DF's current guidelines states that sensationalism entries may be filed for "poor research or factual inaccuracies" amongst other things, I'd say that Pinsof's reporting on Chloe fit this criteria. Pinsof's mistake is not far off from Totilo's "GTA taught me how to drive" article, for which Totilo currently has an entry on DF for sensationalism. I suppose this might be a case of "corrected sensationalism" as Pinsof later on took care to break the news of what was the real purpose of Chloe's IndieGoGo campaign.

If Pinsof is worthy of having a DF page for this mistake, it would be proper to give sensationalism entries for Eurogamer's Robert Purchese and Chris Priestman for having failed to fact-check Sagal's claims as well. The entry for Purchese migth be merely "corrected sensationalism" as I see he had taken care of updating his article after the true purpose of Sagal's fundraising campaign was found out. The same cannot be said though for Priestman.

EDIT 01.23.2016: if you do choose to file those three journos, I'm also asking to file Mike Holmes from GameMaker for doing the same mistake as them: https://archive.is/iHx6t#selection-1209.0-1217.87

19:30 UTC


What does it take to get a site off the boycott list?

I ask because of the change we have seen with Ian Miles Cheong and since he's the head of Gameranx which is boycotted, I'm wondering what it takes. They seem to actually give a shit about gamers and put out decent content now. /u/bonegolem

05:35 UTC


Laura Kate Dale of Destructoid encourages players of 'The Beginner's Guide' to obtain Steam refunds after completing the game?

See here.


"Just make sure to complete it within your Steam refund window, as there are legitimate reasons to want to return this game after purchase."

Not sure how that can be any clearer that she's encouraging players to abuse the refund process.

18:18 UTC


Specific categories for race-baiting and gender-baiting?

Just a thought. I realize it's already covered by 'Sensationalism' - but in the gaming press, this seems to be a very notable and specific issue at present. Would it be a good idea to highlight this?

1 Comment
22:00 UTC


Jacob Kastrenakes of The Verge decides to post a clickbaity controversy bait headline about the GG SXSW panel being cancelled (when the article itself points out it's not)


Yep claiming he panel is done to try and get rage clicks or SJWs clicking to get some back slapping in but then near the bottom of the article itself it points out the GG panel has merely been restored to it's original time and slot.

17:49 UTC

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