Decline To State is an internet radio show and podcast hosted by your fellow Redditors from /r/libertarian, /r/anarcho_capitalism, /r/againstallarchons, /r/marketanarchism, and other liberty communities! We're here to talk about the philosophy of liberty, and how it can apply to your life in many more ways than just who to vote for.
Decline To State is an internet radio show and podcast hosted by your fellow Redditors from /r/libertarian, /r/anarcho_capitalism, /r/againstallarchons, /r/marketanarchism, and other liberty communities! We're here to talk about the philosophy of liberty, and how it can apply to your life in many more ways than just who to vote for.
Feel free to join the conversation by posting links to content you want to hear discussed on the show.
Call in with Skype - User: "declinetostate"
Join in the show live! Bring up anything you want, we're here to talk about your ideas!
Shows are currently on Wednesday at 10 PM EST / 7 PM PST
To listen to the show in high quality, commercial free, click here.
To access the archive of all our shows, click here.
What will it be?
Loved the podcast and thought it was a cool group of libertarians from across the country. Bummed out that it isn't around anymore.
I'm listening to the Decline to State podcast for the first time. I started at the beginning and just finished Episode 6 (Schools). It was so well-expressed and brave. May I single out Rudd-O for his almost surgical use of the language? I don't know if he was especially in the flow that day, but I got the jibblies several times. I love the format, I love the content... my only gripe is personal: that I so hunger for such conversations in my real life. Hopefully, the series maintains its quality, I find the balls to search out thoughtful humans, and Decline to State comes back to us before I can finish listening to the archive. Cheers to you all.