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    Need help as new db person for learning project.

    I have 10 columns in an excel sheet. Named cv1-cv10. Under each column name is the assists for that column. So under cv1 I might have N001-N012. And under cv75 I might have R001-S050.

    What’s the best way to layout the database? I want to build a front end to be able to search and add/delete entries. Example is if I select cv1 I only want N001-N012 return.

    We use an excel sheet at work to record all service calls for our maintenance dept in a very large facility and we can easily have 50 entries a day and when you times that by 365 days it fills up quickly. We want to be able to generate a report that shows what broken down or what we were called to fix the most.

    12:02 UTC


    Data naming convention for different data types and sources

    Experts, I'm documenting some data and want to make sure that I use the right naming convention / descriptive of the data.

    Basically I have a question about two areas of data, i.e. the source and type of the data.

    Regarding the source of the data, I have a few options:

    1 - originating from business software (backend), e.g. SAP

    2 - "manually" maintained, basically meaning only existing for the purpose of the specific application/report

    3 - loaded from 3rd party endpoints (though I guess you could consider this the same as the first category?)

    What would be the correcting naming conventions for these source types? I guess the first one would be "Legacy software" or something alike? And the second "Manual data" e.g.?

    And with regards to the type of data, I would consider 3 data types: 1 - Master data

    2 - Transactional data

    3 - Relationships (mainly between master data)

    Is this assumption correct? And what would be the typical naming convention of both the data types and sources? Further, am I missing something?

    1 Comment
    21:48 UTC


    What should be the database design for this application?

    My app: an admin creates a match for an upcoming date, users can see the upcoming match on the home page, they click on it and then press register and input their name, once registered, on the match day the system will randomize the teams into teamA and teamB automatically from all the registered users. The users will be able to see what team they are on by clicking the match. After the match is done, the admin may create new matches, users sign up again, teams randomised again and the cycle continues...


    model Player {
      id            String         @id @default(uuid())
      name          String
      goals         Int            @default(0)
      assists       Int            @default(0)
      registrations Registration[]
    model Match {
      id            String         @id @default(uuid())
      date          DateTime       @default(now())
      location      String         @db.VarChar(255)
      registrations Registration[]
    model Team {
      id            String         @id @default(uuid())
      name          String
      registrations Registration[]
    model Registration {
      matchId  String
      playerId String
      teamId   String
      player Player @relation(fields: [playerId], references: [id])
      match  Match  @relation(fields: [matchId], references: [id])
      team   Team   @relation(fields: [teamId], references: [id])
      @@id([matchId, playerId, teamId])


    21:34 UTC


    convert mdb to format usable on Mac

    hi is there a way to convert old Access mdb fiiles to a format that can be used on Apple Silicon ?

    13:02 UTC


    Ensuring my understanding of 3NF

    Hey databaser,

    Lately, I have been self-studying databases. Three days ago, I learned about normalization, and I wanted to apply my knowledge by checking if one of my small projects (in the photo) meets the 3NF criteria. I found that it is in 3NF. Am I right, or am I missing something?

    and thank u


    22:49 UTC


    Developing a repository

    I work in a field where we submit information roughly once a year for each product in each state for review, and sometimes we’re requested to provide additional support, change certain aspects, etc. I’m looking for an effective/easy way to store these “requests” and our responses in some sort of database, so that we can easily pull up what happened in recent history with a given product in a given state. I know for sure we have access to Power BI, Snowflake, Excel. I’m not sure what else, and I doubt we have it in the budget for anything new. Does anyone have thoughts on where to start with something like this? I don’t have serious technical skills, but I have access to people that do and I’m a quick learner myself. I just haven’t done something like this before and am…lacking imagination?

    Please let me know if you think there’s a better place to post this. Thanks!

    17:09 UTC


    Version Controlling for MSSQL

    I require a version controlling software for the MSSQL database, as many procedures get updated weekly but there is no way to track the changes, someone suggested my using "Dolt" for it but upon searching I found that it's only for MySQL ? or not sure, can anyone guide me regarding it or any other version controlling system?

    05:18 UTC


    Choice of database for a mobile application

    Hi all,

    I'm currently designing a mobile application that will allow users to upload items with any number of attributes to a database. I'm not going to limit the attributes user can enter, they could potentially create new ones every time they upload an item. Right now, I'm not planning to do a lot of querying around these attributes but there will be a need for at least for some analytics revolving those.

    Originally I was planning to use Postgres and just store the attributes as a JSON in a text field. While running queries around that is a bit more painful, I've done this before and it works. However, I'm now wondering whether I should use MongoDB as it is geared more towards unstructured data. It seems like overall a more appropriate choice. My hesitation stems from the fact I'm not as familiar with MongoDB and not being able to use SQL would really slow me down.

    I'd love any thoughts supporting either one or even a different database altogether. Would be very grateful for any input.

    Many thanks

    17:36 UTC


    How do you run a database without doxxing yourself

    I own https://scabidi.com, and I want to own servers instead of rent them from Hostinger, Is there a way to get servers to show someone else's address, this is just a database I would continue to host the website from Hostinger, but it would connect to my database to get things like users.

    12:43 UTC


    ERD/CFD Notation

    I know there isn't a universal standard for the Crow's Foot Diagrams but I was wondering about the common practice around the situations bellow.

    How do you represent weak entity sets?

    I've been drawing them as normal entities with double borders, and double lines connected to the identifying entity. Is there a more standard/common way, because this is something I made up as I couldn't find any example?

    Do you or do you not include FK atributes?

    If entity A has a 1:M Relation with Entity B through a B_pk attribute in the A schema, should you include the attribute in the diagram. I know you don't include it in a Chen diagram but example I see of Crow's Foot vary

    Disjoint vs Overlaping Specialization. How do you represent them?

    1 Comment
    12:38 UTC


    Database Field - How can I choose the best masters for me? Any advice is great!

    Hello everyone! I was hoping to get some enlightenment here on Reddit.

    Long story short: I got my engineering degree in Information Technologies on a web development area in Mexico. Two years ago, I had to move to the States and start an admin job. I always loved how databases were created and considered myself to be really good at finding the connections between all the tables created in a database and the commands. We were taught mainly relational systems (mySQL) at my college.

    I’m wishing to get myself into this field. My dream has always been to be very prepared and knowledgeable. For that reason, I have been thinking about getting a masters so I can create some networking and try to apply for an internship. Everything at this moment feels so vague to me.

    I’d like to get some advice on where I could start since I know that the database field is extensive and has a lot of branches.

    Any advice is well taken.

    01:12 UTC


    Web app for database visualisation

    Ok guys so this is about my homework. Our assignment is to make a database on a theme we choose by ourselves and then make a website/web app to visualise different aspects.
    I made a music shop database and now I am asking if any of you know how to easily implement what I said above. I gotta say I hate frontend but as a last resort, I will go ahead and practice my HTML, CSS, PHP skills.

    20:47 UTC


    Speeding up database operations

    Hi guys. I know this may be a stupid question but I would ask anyway because I'm a noob. Is it better to offload some of the operations done by database operations (such as joins) in postgres (or any database, for that matter) to some algorithm outside the database to speed up database operations or are databases built for handling large amounts of reads and writes in addition to extra-computation, particularly for large amounts of data? I am talking about times when there is a huge amount of reads and writes to that database. I was thinking that the amount of joins in my queries would slow down operations as the size of the tables grow bigger and I cannot help but feel that I'm stuck in a bad case of premature optimization. The joins were supposed to be replaced by data streams that allow us to continous reads and writes without worrying about anything else.

    09:12 UTC


    Bad relationships in Entity Relationship Model when implementing? help

    I am studying about ERM in our database class now.

    the Professor said that some relationships cannot be implemented in the database

    like 1:1 , C:C, M:1, M:C, 1:M, C:M, CM:M, CM:CM, M:M

    The only thing was recommended were

    CM:1 , CM:C, and 1:C

    I cannot get it in my head why is this?

    can someone clear this up for me or give practical examples about this concept?

    10:54 UTC


    Secure PostgreSQL : Patroni, Etcd, Pgbackrest Included

    This blog post serves as an all-in-one resource for securing your PostgreSQL Database Environment, offering comprehensive insights not easily found elsewhere.

    I will delve into the details of database security, uncovering the integration of robust tools like Patroni, Etcd, and Pgbackrest and demonstrate how TLS can be implemented to secure data in transit for Etcd, Patroni and Pgbackrest.

    I hope you'll find it valuable.


    1 Comment
    05:23 UTC


    Advice Needed: Enhancing Data Verification System with User-Friendly Interface and Database Integration

    I’m currently working on improving our system for verifying and updating physician and clinic information in our database. Currently, our workflow involves the following steps:

    1. Data Entry via MS Forms: We fill out physician info via MS Forms and submit their details.
    2. Automation with Power Automate: Submissions trigger a Power Automate flow that updates our SQL Server database and emails our leadership team about new or updated entries.
    3. Approval and Processing: Updates are then processed and, if necessary, go through an approval process via MS Approvals.

    While this system works for data entry, it's not proactive in maintaining up-to-date information. We send out empty forms that physicians fill from scratch, which is time-consuming and not user-friendly.

    What I Want to Achieve:

    • Pre-filled Data Forms: Allow physicians to select their names from a list, view the information we currently hold in a user-friendly format, and make updates as needed.
    • Seamless Updates and Notifications: If updates are made, these should trigger a Power Automate flow to email and notify our leadership team, possibly go through an approval process (like MS Approvals), and subsequently update the SQL database record.

    The Challenge:

    • We have a tool for data entry (MS Forms) but lack a straightforward method or workflow to retrieve and display current information from the database for user verification and updates.

    Questions for the Community:

    • Has anyone implemented a similar system that integrates data retrieval with user updates in a user-friendly interface?
    • What tools or platforms would you recommend that can seamlessly integrate with SQL Server and Power Automate for such a functionality?

    I'm looking for any advice, tool recommendations, or insights that could help streamline this process and make it more efficient. Thank you in advance for your help!

    23:24 UTC


    Advice Needed: Enhancing Data Verification System with User-Friendly Interface and Database Integration

    I’m currently working on improving our system for verifying and updating physician and clinic information in our database. Currently, our workflow involves the following steps:

    1. Data Entry via MS Forms: We fill out physician info via MS Forms and submit their details.
    2. Automation with Power Automate: Submissions trigger a Power Automate flow that updates our SQL Server database and emails our leadership team about new or updated entries.
    3. Approval and Processing: Updates are then processed and, if necessary, go through an approval process via MS Approvals.

    While this system works for data entry, it's not proactive in maintaining up-to-date information. We send out empty forms that physicians fill from scratch, which is time-consuming and not user-friendly.

    What I Want to Achieve:

    • Pre-filled Data Forms: Allow physicians to select their names from a list, view the information we currently hold in a user-friendly format, and make updates as needed.
    • Seamless Updates and Notifications: If updates are made, these should trigger a Power Automate flow to email and notify our leadership team, possibly go through an approval process (like MS Approvals), and subsequently update the SQL database record.

    The Challenge:

    • We have a tool for data entry (MS Forms) but lack a straightforward method or workflow to retrieve and display current information from the database for user verification and updates.

    Questions for the Community:

    • Has anyone implemented a similar system that integrates data retrieval with user updates in a user-friendly interface?
    • What tools or platforms would you recommend that can seamlessly integrate with SQL Server and Power Automate for such a functionality?

    I'm looking for any advice, tool recommendations, or insights that could help streamline this process and make it more efficient. Thank you in advance for your help!

    23:21 UTC


    Which Graph database to use?

    Hi everybody,

    I am having some serious issues finding the right Graph database for my real-time Knowledge graph application. The use case is:
    - Insert nodes and edges to the database in real-time (every cpl seconds)
    - Run graph queries: subgraphs, paths
    - Algorithms: similarities, centrality, betweenness etc...

    - Writes: ~100 nodes, 500 edges per minute
    - Reads: real-time backend for my app (with 1 minute caching)

    So far, I've tried 2 graph databases unsuccessfully:

    • Neo4J: It looks and works great, but is incredibly expensive and completely out of budget
    • Memgraph: It looks and works great, but has some production level bugs that make it unusable

    I've already spent months deploying to Neo4J and migrating to Memgraph. Memgraph is now failing in production and I'm a bit fed up with Graph solutions so I'd love to hear the community's advice and feedback.

    Which graph database should I use for my use case? The criteria are, I thought, quite simple:

    • Mature with large enough community + docs
    • Accessible pricing (30/50 month for lowest tier)
    • Known to power large apps in prod
    • Built-in graph algorithms (similarity, path etc...)
    • On-disk or In-memory is irrelevant: just want the DB to actually work

    I'm running my stack on Azure.


    1 Comment
    17:14 UTC


    Help deciding what database to use?

    I currently have a (relational) database in Access, however I wanted to create apps so I can search/change the data without looking at a ugly table.

    I've been looking at Azure, specifically the Azure SQL Database, as somewhere to host my database. The problems I've seen with Azure are:

    • Azure seems expensive (My database is ~6 tables, with the largest having ~45k records)
    • The learning curve for it seems steep

    I exported the many tables to SharePoints lists (put them in a SharePoint site), so I could use PowerApps (and because we have pictures that take up too much space on Access). This worked for a little bit, but I felt this was not how I should be storing my data (in SharePoint lists) and SharePoint/SharePoint lists felt restrictive.

    Ultimately I would like somewhere to have my database where I can create mobile/web/desktop apps myself and others can use to view/manipulate the data in the database. My database is (relatively) small, so that's what pulling me away from Azure.

    13:59 UTC


    Does this normalization (1NF) look correct?

    We’ve just started learning normalization in university, but I’m kind of struggling to wrap my head around it. I understand the partial and transitive dependencies, but I can’t understand why there are attributes that are dependent on Customer_Name. Sorry if this is a dumb question but I’m still very new to this.

    13:23 UTC


    Online database hosting

    Hey I have been working on a personal project which requires me to store financial data.

    I have scripts which pull information on a daily basis and write to my local machine.

    I am now trying to shift the writing of this information off my local machine to a database online, so I can automate the process and not need to manually run the scripts.

    A simple relational database will do, I don't need anything fancy.
    Do you guys know of any resources which would help me best achieve this?

    I was planning on going with Fly.io but wanted to get some advice first.

    20:23 UTC


    Database integration

    Hello, I'm a junior software engineer seeking advice from those with more experience. I have been programming in C# for two years, primarily on projects where data storage was already set up. I am now planning to develop a full-stack Blazor application and am uncertain about which technology would best meet my needs. I've experimented with both Entity Framework and Microsoft Table Storage but haven't yet decided on either. I need a database solution that can adapt as my application's classes evolve over time. It's crucial that the application remains functional during beta testing, even as I make changes to property names and attributes without disrupting the entire system. What would you recommend?

    18:41 UTC


    Speed up all spatial operations with SPATIAL_VECTOR_ACCELERATION parameter

    Speed up all spatial operations and functions in Oracle Database with SPATIAL_VECTOR_ACCELERATION parameter.


    1 Comment
    14:19 UTC


    I was reading up on databases..and for ex an organization like Wikipedia uses MariaDB I believe, but, do they basically have 1 MariaDB database per data center that they have? I think they have 3 in USA, 2 in Europe, 1 in Asia, but, are those literally 1 MariaDB database per location?

    or do they have thousands of mariadb databases inside of a mariadb database? I don't really know the structure of their databases that they use for these organizations?

    11:59 UTC


    Amadeus Database (via ORBIS/WRDS) - Need Advice

    Hi everyone!

    I am struggling a lot with finding data via ORBIS & WRDS in the Amadeus database. I have tried numerous ways and downloaded sets of data through their web queries, but I feel I am not getting the right data. I need to get data on Global Ultimate Owners in Europe and their subsidiaries, but I am struggling to find a dataset that contains both these conditions within on set to be able to refine from there onwards with other criteria. Does anyone maybe have any advice they can share on how to get the GUOs and their subsidiaries in one set or if this is possible? ORBIS does not allow more than a certain number of companies to be downloaded which makes this task more difficult. I would really appreciate any advice as I have no experience in this area at all.

    11:31 UTC


    Need Some Advice

    Hello guys. Recently, I have learnt MySql. Now I want to be more professional. But I have no idea about What shall I do. How can I use it on real life work. Thank you.

    23:47 UTC

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