/r/darkwingsdankmemes is a meme subreddit devoted to the book series A Song of Ice and Fire and associated written works by George R.R. Martin.
This subreddit focuses only on the written works and does not allow any content from the popular HBO television adaptations of Martin's written work.
/r/darkwingsdankmemes is a meme subreddit devoted to the book series A Song of Ice and Fire and associated written works by George R.R. Martin.
This subreddit focuses only on the written works and does not allow any content from the popular HBO television adaptations of Martin's written work.
This space is exclusively for book-based memes!
Any memes or comments that involve show content—even minor mentions or images—will be removed, and repeat offenders will be banned. Show spoilers are specifically not permitted and are punished more harshly than other show mentions.
We do not require spoiler tags for any ASOIAF content. This is your warning! Exit now if you've not finished the books!
If you've been spoiled by something in this subreddit, that's too bad. But, to be frank, it serves you right for not examining the rules prior to posting.
Be kind and civil to one another, even when disagreeing. Comments deemed to be overly condescending, passive-aggressive, or rude will be removed, and repeated offenders will be banned. This rule also extends to George R.R. Martin himself. All criticisms of George must be politely worded and constructive in nature.
Memes are expected to be of sufficient quality. Please put effort into your memes. Low effort, circlejerk-caliber garbage will be removed. Twitter-caliber comments such as "FiNiSh ThE bOoK lMaO" will be removed.
Additionally, /r/darkwingsdankmemes is intended as a place to laugh and spread joy. Thus posts made with the primary intent to rile and annoy, or to attack opinions of the fandom or soapbox your own opinions, will be removed. Repeat offenders will be banned.
Please make sure you check the top posts of all-time to ensure your meme has not been submitted here before. If you see a repost, please report it to us via modmail and include a link to the original post. Please note that we will NOT remove a post reported as a repost without a link to the original post.
If you are sharing someone else's meme, please credit the source. If you cannot credit the source because it violates Rule I, simply stating the name of the source in plain text is sufficient.
All significant use of original artwork in memes is required to be sourced. Acceptable source links include a direct link to an artist account, eg. Artstation, DeviantArt, Instagram, Twitter, personal website, etc. A link to a third party post such as Reddit, Imgur, a wiki, or pinterest is not acceptable.
If you are an artist and would like to share your work here as part of a meme, please feel free to tag your content as 'OC'.
If you are an artist and would like your work to be removed from this subreddit, please feel free to contact subreddit moderators and we will comply as soon as we are able.
We encourage subscribers to message the mods about interpretation of these policies, questions, concerns, constructive criticisms, or anything else regarding subreddit moderation. You are free to question any removal we make privately via modmail, provided you do so in a kind, respectful manner.
Submissions and comments regarding /r/darkwingsdankmemes rules or moderator actions are not permitted and such comments will be removed. These discussions will occur in modmail; not in the subreddit itself.
An extra special thanks to these wonderful artists for allowing us to borrow their incredible creations to beautify this subreddit for the enjoyment of all:
GRRM Chad Icon by /u/ItsMeGre
Subreddit Banner/Background: Searching for the Iron Throne by Dumaker. We deeply apologize for defacing your gorgeous work of art with our stupid memes. Please forgive us.
Mance Rayder Wojak by Sofia Siede Arias from ASOIAF Loreposting Facebook Group.
Subreddit Footer (on Old Reddit) is original art by Marc Simonetti, destroyed in a nonsensical edit by /u/Jon-Umber's addition of previously cited Mance Rayder Wojak.
CSS Theme by /r/Naut
Logo/Subreddit Design by /u/Jon-Umber
Art source Lord Commander Jon Snow.- by Josu Hernaiz (https://josuoh.com/)