A subreddit for discussion of the Marvel character Daredevil.
A subreddit for discussion of the Marvel character Daredevil.
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If there’s one thing that Daredevil has always had, it’s been allies. But he’s never had a fully trusted ally by his side in his endeavors.
He has had a sidekick in the form of Samuel Chung/Blindspot. And like Iron Fist, Sam had briefly used the identity of Daredevil. But we haven't seen much of Blindspot lately. And as much as I would like to see Matt and Maya/Echo get back in a team up or romantic way, there hasn't been an interaction between them for a long time.
He's had plenty of allies in a general sense, but not one that's close to him in a fighting team up. A proper sidekick, or successor so to speak. There had been people who have impersonated Daredevil to help him out. And Elektra had taken the mantle alongside him. It does beg he question as to whether or not he needs a sidekick/successor.
In the original Ultimate Universe, after Ultimate Daredevil had perished in the Ultimatum event, he had a temporary successor in a young boy named Raymond Connor. In one alternate future, he had a successor in Ben Urich's foster/adopted son Timothy Lange. Matt has had a connection to the former Leap-Frog/Frog-Man, Vincent Patillo in having tried to defend him once and having fought him. His son Eugene had succeeded him and took on his former mantle. Perhaps, he could act as an ally/sidekick of sorts to Daredevil?
What do you think? Who could be Daredevil's most valuable ally on his war on crime? Should he have a sidekick/successor? Form his own team of sorts? Please comment your opinion respectfully.
Not bad for $20 (3.75 inch)
Some of you may know how in the 1989 TV movie Trial of the Incredible Hulk, we were introduced to Daredevil on the screen. The movie itself was testing the waters for a potential Daredevil live-action series (which sadly never happened).
But it got me thinking. If that show would’ve been greenlit, what would it have been like?
Though back then, there wasn’t much care to crafting good live-action comic book shows. But if done right, what would the tone have been like?
I’d have loved to see them base it more on the Frank Miller run but they’d of course have to give us the PG-13 version. Adapting it off the original Stan Lee run could work as long as it didn’t end up being too cheesy (but considering this is the 90s, it may be asking for too much).
And it goes without saying that we would need to see him in a comic-accurate version of the suit (at least as much as they could get, not whatever the heck this low-budget mess is in the picture).
So what about you? What do you think an early 90s Daredevil show would have looked like?
It’s a shame that Rosario Dawson had so little screen time. I think she and Charlie Cox had incredible chemistry.
Any theories or clues that the show will adress the blip since its been so widely discussed since endgame released
A static shot from the trailer
A moving/shaky cam shot from S1E12
Shot from the new promo (the background looks almost green screened or something like that)
Another shot from the promo (same thing here)
Panning shot from S1E13 (the skyscrapers and buildings are a lot brighter and closer)
Still shot from S2E10 (out of focus, but the buildings look real)
The cinematography/camera/lighting all seem way more similar to other disney projects like Loki, TFATWS than the original netflix series. They probably switched the cameras that Netflix had them use (RED Dragon) to what Disney uses for their shows, but while it looks more cinematic, with the aspect ratio, it looks less "authentic"? I am not exactly sure how to put it into words, but I've noticed there are a lot of shallow DOF shots and some shots where the background looks almost green-screened.
I am not trying to be a negative-nancy, I love the netflix show and a major part of the immersion comes from the cinematography. And yes I know we've only been given snippets of footage here and there (including the D23 trailer), but its just something that I found sort of disappointing, considering how they talked about "capturing/recreating the vibe of the netflix series"
I miss the neo-noir aesthetic style from S1 & S2 in S3, but I prefer S3's aesthetic to what is currently shown
Hopefully I'm wrong and we get some screenshot-worthy shots, but I just wanted to put this out here in case there were others who felt the same
The latest teasers have shown him unveiling his Billy clubs from a box in a way that seemed like it was the first time he’d done it in a while, and then the newest teaser shows him on a rooftop clearly practicing with his Billy club. The question now is what causes this hiatus? 🤔(another thing rumored long ago was that there’s a time jump after the first episode so I wonder if that is still the case after the rework, I definitely think it’s possible)
Hi friends, I haven’t read a daredevil comic in a while since chip left.
And I’m curious how was the run after chip Zdarsky’s run??
I’m also curious we’re there any other good Daredevil comics that I’ve missed the last few months?
After rewatching S1-3 (plus Defenders) two points stood out:
While season 2 remains behind 1 and 3 in enjoyment, I’ve had new appreciation for it. Yes, having both the Punisher and the Hand plotlines together made it not go that deep either way, but the dialogue make up for it.
Season 3 was not as “perfect” as I remembered. Either because of the retcon in Father Lantom role (in season 1 it seems he just met Matt, on 3 he knew him since childhood), or not a fan of the style they used for Dex background telling (having Fisk as an audience). In the end I now rank season 1 as above 3 (barely, but above).
The Daredevil crime novel by Alex Segura is finally on sale! Are you guys intrigued by this?
Now that the Penguin show has finished, I see a fair amount of people compare it to Daredevil (some even saying it’s better than the Daredevil show). I was wondering if anyone here has seen the new Penguin show and could lend some thoughts, because even after watching it, Daredevil (whether as a whole or even just season 3 for me) is still better in my opinion
EDIT: (Also, I know that this is the DD sub, I just wanted a different perspective (a more DD leaning one) from the ones I have see, so that I can see both sides)
Daredevil (Elektra) cosplay by me, AegisCostuming || Picture by AegidiusDesigns (IG) 😈
guys guys, I understand that reference!
Which cover is your favourite?
Art by @alvarocostaart
Yo amo que sea tan humano, te puedes sentir muy identificado con las situaciones que vive y como es frustrante el no poder solucionarlas
(Artwork by LuisF47)