
Photograph via snooOG

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D100 Rooftop/Skyline Encounters

Hello all!

Surprisingly, I've been unable to find such a list as this anywhere on the web, so let's make one!

Looking for city rooftop encounters for a fairly vanilla quasi-medieval fantasy rpg world. Be as dark or as tame as you desire.

Here's what I've got so far (bearing in mind that I'm using Pathfinder 1e- feel free to change/adjust as needed for you own purposes, ofc):

  1. Rooftop fight between a Skulking Brute (CR 1) and a Catfolk Burglar (CR ½).
  2. PCs interrupt romantic encounter between two adolescent humanoids: a male half-orc and a female tiefling.
  3. Small girl playing ball with her goblin friend
  4. Two city guard (CR ⅓) threatening to knock a bandit (CR ½) off of the roof, so as to force a confession.
  5. A human corpse that appears almost melted onto the rooftop. If PCs spend any length of time in the area, the body pulses briefly and then a Hell Moth bursts out of the corpse and attacks
  6. A wererat
  7. A shack built of trash upon the roof of a building. In it lives a blood hag. Her name is Elma.
  8. Undead raven swarm.
  9. A rickety dovecote / pigeon coop. Roll 1d6: 1: It contains Stirges, 2: Dangerous Bats, 3: Psychedelic Danger Moths, 4: Attack Opossums, 5: A family of Pseudodragons 6: Heat Seeking Homing Pigeons or a Carrier of High explosive Homing Pigeons (u/MaxSizels)
  10. A security guard, sneaking out to smoke. The door or hatch may or may not have accidentally latched closed behind them. (u/MaxSizels)
  11. A rooftop garden with an unexpected rare herb or plant that will set your druid / alchemist / herbalist senses tingling with excitement. (u/MaxSizels)
  12. A black-market clandestine sausage-in-bun vendor selling to the roof-runner-guild-crowd. Shh, no talking! Best damn sausage-buns in the district. (u/MaxSizels)
  13. A clandestine distillery or alchemical operation. (u/MaxSizels)
  14. A small, makeshift astronomy lab, complete with a telescope, some calculating tools, a platform and implements for writing, pages of notes and drawings, and optionally some divining tools. Perhaps the notes hold a revolutionary scientific discovery, a foreboding warning of some impending celestial cataclysm, or are merely the work of some local amateur. (u/mrweissman)
  15. A couple of guards posted to the rooftop, specifically to catch people trespassing on rooftops in the city. The fine is small, but the party will be escorted back to street-level. If one is able to successfully sneak up on the guards, they will overhear them discussing how ridiculous their post is. (u/mrweissman)
  16. Someone has abandoned a human or demi-human infant on the roof. The party arrived just in time - scavenger birds are starting to circle overhead. They should at least surrender it to some local authority, such as a guards' post or church. Optionally, the baby may actually be a shapeshifting monster in disguise. (u/mrweissman)
  17. A small container garden with an assortment of culinary herbs and vegetables. There are 2d6 such containers, each with a harvestable quantity of ripe produce. There is a 1-in-6 chance for the gardener to be present, tending to his crops. (u/mrweissman)
  18. The roof of this particular building is weak and full of cracks and fissures. A light step and/or architectural knowledge will be needed to safely traverse this roof. (u/mrweissman)
  19. A magical lighthouse keeper gone mad, and someone needs to check on him. (u/smiles__)
  20. A mechanical-magical town protection device (e.g. maybe protecting a wall from encroaching beasts or aerial critters) is on the fritz and threatening the town it should be protecting. (u/smiles__)
  21. Cool kids hanging out on the fantasy equivalent of a rural watertower at night. (u/smiles__)
  22. An inconvenient nest is built atop some important high structure, but the nesting birds/aerial critters are locally revered so people are reticent to hurt them in any removal attempt, and don't want any harm to come to them. (u/smiles__)
  23. Ivy and vines have overtaken a deserted town, slowly twisting their way up and down every structure. Some adventurers were reported missing in the area, and locals on a nearby farm tell tale of carnivorous plants. (u/smiles__)
  24. A chimney sweep coming home from a hard day's work. If it's a holiday, then a legendary holiday figure delivering toys to kids. (u/ProfBumblefingers)
  25. A chimney that was allowed to become too sooty and is catching fire! (u/ProfBumblefingers)
  26. A rat nest with trinkets, maybe a key to a bank vault? (u/ProfBumblefingers)
  27. Morning dew (or rain) has made the steep roof slippery. (u/ProfBumblefingers)
  28. A belfry, with bats. (Vampire bats???) (u/ProfBumblefingers)
  29. A bell tower, with the big bell of the city. Ring it to cause a distraction, send a signal? (u/ProfBumblefingers)
  30. A platform with a fire pit used as a signal fire to communicate with neighboring towns. (u/ProfBumblefingers)
  31. One end of a zip line that leads to a cool place. The zip line is nearly invisible from the town streets below. (u/ProfBumblefingers)
  32. A squirrel, looking for / scratching his nuts. (u/ProfBumblefingers)
  33. A water cistern. (Refill waterskins? Deprive town of its water supply?) (u/ProfBumblefingers)
  34. Anti-dragon ballista station. (u/ProfBumblefingers)
  35. Lightning storm approaching. Rooftop is pretty exposed. Does this building have a lightning rod? Oh, s**t! Am I holding onto the lightning rod?!!! (u/ProfBumblefingers)
  36. Crossing a thatched roof, fall through into the middle of a tense negotiation between rival thief factions. (u/ProfBumblefingers)
  37. The town floods, now rooftops are islands, everyone fighting for a place on a rooftop. Rats, snakes, chickens, too. (u/ProfBumblefingers)
  38. George, the roof repair guy, repairing a leaky section of roof. George is bored and likes to talk. Knows a few rumors, adventure hooks. (u/ProfBumblefingers)
  39. The supports on the house below have been compromised causing the roof to collapse if the players attempt move to quickly across the rattling and shaking structure. (u/MaxSizels)
  40. A horrifically murdered person, "fridged' in the most disturbing way possible. There is a spectre or vengeful spirit nearby that comes out at night. The smell is terrible. (u//MaxSizels)
  41. Two rival gangs having either a knife-fight or a dance off, possibly both. There may or may not be singing involved. (u/MaxSizels)
  42. A large crane or winch. It may be muscle or magically powered with complicated pulleys and levers. It provides interesting traversal opportunities. (u/MaxSizels)
  43. A low-slung clothesline crosses the middle of the span roughly at human neck height. (u/MaxSizels)
  44. A glyph in Thieves-cant, etched into an overhang. It basically reads, "Here, dummy" above a loose roof tile. (u/MaxSizels)
  45. A chimney providing a convenient hand-hold that is hot enough to rapidly burn unprotected skin from just a touch. Doing so frees an Ash Mephit with firey and necrotic attacks. (u/MaxSizels)
  46. A construction crew is still working on it. There are sections of the building that are only framework. There is likely scaffolding on at least one side and there are construction materials and tools lying about. (u/World_of_Ideas)
  47. A mysterious figure runs past you. As they pass you, they say "You might want to pick up the pace". (u/World_of_Ideas)
  48. A trail of blood leads to a rooftop door or trapdoor. (u/World_of_Ideas)
  49. Several shadowy figures on the roof seem to be (trailing, watching) someone below on the street. (u/World_of_Ideas)
  50. Smoke from a local alchemist shop is starting to make you dizzy. (u/World_of_Ideas)
  51. Someone riding a flying (broom, carpet) is (coming in for a landing, taking off from the roof). (u/World_of_Ideas)
  52. You see a large armed force approaching the (city, town). (u/World_of_Ideas)
  53. You see a mugging taking place on the street below. They haven't noticed you yet. (u/World_of_Ideas)
  54. A group of adventurers checking the angles for sniping a doorway opposite. Are they investigating a crime or planning one? (u/d20an)
  55. A tabaxi asleep, curled up like a cat. (u/d20an)
  56. An aarakocra asleep perched on a roof. (u/d20an)
  57. An aarakocra eating a very large sewer rat, charred by the fire bolt that killed it (u/d20an)
  58. A tabaxi stalking an aarakocra, who may or may not be aware and feigning sleep whilst preparing a cantrip reaction. (u/d20an)
  59. Part of the roof is smashed outwards as a figure inside the building grows to giant size. (u/World_of_Ideas)
  60. A roost for messenger birds, mamy secrets can be found in discarded notes, undelivered. (u/measlymeatloaf)
  61. A dropsite for criminals, gold, goods to be fenced, or gobags with directions to the nearest safehouse (u/measlymeatloaf)
  62. A ranger, poised to assassinate someone. (u/measlymeatloaf)
  63. Sky-Knights mounted atop Gryphon steeds. (u/MaxSizels)
  64. A CR5 or 6 Lightning Elemental, buzzing around a lightning rod or weather-vane. The results may shock you. (u/MaxSizels)
  65. A Will-o-Wisp hiding among a roof belfry and some harmless ethereal St Elmo's fire type phantasms that make target identification difficult. (u/MaxSizels)
22:13 UTC


D12 Reasons for each alignment to join the party

Each alignment struggles to find an RP way to join the party, but here is a solution. 12 reasons for each alignment, 108 for full random players.

Lawful Good

  1. To uphold the vow made to another member's fallen parent to protect their child.
  2. Assigned to the party by the local lord to protect the land.
  3. You miss the warm embrace of your lover. Helm has promised you a boon in return for a task.

Neutral Good

  1. To fulfill a prophecy involving the party
  2. Their sister was killed by a monster, and they can't bear the thought of other innocents dying that way
  3. Another member of the party's parents paid you to look out for them

Chaotic Good

  1. To fight boredom and help people
  2. A fortune-teller once told them they were destined to save the world, which sounded pretty cool...

Lawful Neutral

  1. To seek justice for a crime commited by the BBEG that disrupted the order of their homeland
  2. Their order decreed they must perform acts of selfless duty to achieve full membership and privliges of the order

True Neutral

  1. To find an artifact in the BBEG's lair that can maintain worlds balance
  2. Grandfather Oak in the meadow died from a mysterious black ichor, and they vow to find the source of the sickness.
  3. You are as a mote of dust in the wind, swept up in the passage of the party.
  4. You are incapable of either emotion or reasoning due to repeated traumatic brain injuries. You care not what the party does, only that they provide a goal.
  5. You use to be LG, but after witnessing the CE brutality of war as a child soldier you have been left with only one desire: survival.
  6. One or more members of the party is a childhood friend of yours

Chaotic Neutral

  1. To run away from a fate they were destined for
  2. They owe a rather large gambling debt to a dangerous man and need to earn gold, quickly
  3. Character loves the rest of the party to the point they would do anything to keep them alive, and I mean anything.

Lawful Evil

  1. To join the ranks of the BBEG and betray them to obtain higher power
  2. A rival tribe destroyed their village. They need to acquire power, gold, and followers to exact revenge
  3. Your family has made it's fortune locally. Unfortunately your uppity workers are complaining about living conditions and are trying to organise. You hope that by earning the parties trust, and describing how the slow down of production will harm society, that the party will help you deal with the ring leaders.
  4. The bandit raids have been bad for business. You will aid the party in cleansing these lands. The slaves must flow.
  5. The party has a reputation for extreme bloodshed in pursuit of their goals. This will greatly assist in the legal provision of corpses for your research.

Neutral Evil

  1. To receive the bounty on another member's life.
  2. Orphaned at a young age, abused and neglected by vicious foster parents, they want to become dangerous enough so that no one can ever mistreat them again
  3. To eliminate The BBEG that constitutes a dire threat to their home empire. Desperate times beget desperate measures.
  4. Whilst the law does not prohibit the existence of undead, it does prohibit the usual means to create them. Your farm in the valley of Stardew is proving hard to manage without assistance, however, and this roving band of maniacs may yet provide the necessary materials for your future farm hands.

Chaotic Evil

  1. To betray the party, then the BBEG to benefit from both
  2. Parents sold them at a young age to a thieves guild. Quickly learned to look out for themselves. A little adventuring seems a bit more pleasant than burglary.
  3. The party is often invited into noble and royal residences, and this will make it easy to steal from there.
  4. Your family failed to properly socialise you and you have developed an unhealthy ideation of the Drow through [totally not 4chan].
  5. The nun at your orphanage was only halfway through "Robin Hood" when she was decapitated by barbarians as the halls burned around you. Therefore you only learned the "steal from the rich" part.
  6. You miss the warm embrace of your lover. You will master the arts necromantic so that you can restore her corporeal form.
  7. The character is a psychopath, they enjoy killing. As a member of an adventuring group, they get to kill things that no one will complain about. Their choice of targets is determined by the group, but they get to kill things and no one will come after them for it.
  8. Having a loyal group of adventurers is exceptionally helpful for your more malevolent plans. Aid them in anything, genuinely befriend them, ensure your evil plans benefit them too, and profit from the power vacuums that come after a hero kills a villain.
13:29 UTC


Book 1 Quests with Book 6 World Builder?

Hello folks, newby to the game here. I have Books 1 and 6 on pdf, waiting for the soft covers to arrive. So my question is if I'm using both of these products, how do I do the starting five quests from Book 1. Do I just do them all in the World Builder home hex, or do I just start doing them in sequence at the various first 3 WB quest hexes? Hope that made sense, thanks for your help!

00:41 UTC


D100 things NPCs want to talk about that have nothing to do with the plot: red herrings, dead ends, and pointless asides!

Not every conversation has information that will lead to the defeat of the BBEG.

01 - "You wouldn't know it from the way I look now, but in my day I was quite the wrestler." Proceeds to list the opponents defeated, the various antiquated techniques employed, the tournaments won (or unfairly lost due to opponents cheating), and so on. If the DM deems the player has patiently listened long enough, the player gets advantage on next grappling check.
02 - "The goblins in the abandoned mines outside of town have been awful quiet lately. Too quiet." There are no goblins in the abandoned mines outside of town. If investigated, the players find evidence that some other adventuring party wiped out the goblins some time ago.
03 - "The bridge between [this town] and [that town] was washed away by the spring rains. I hope they can get it finished before the upcoming festival." The players can show up to help, but the workers pretty much have it under control. The very experienced supervisor is scornful of their offer. "Oh? And how many bridges have you built, mighty adventurer?" If they persist, he will give them menial tasks to perform like carrying lumber or fetching water.
04 - "Is it just me, or does the queen look nothing like her image on these newly minted coins?" It turns out the NPC has never actually seen the queen but is just repeating a rumor he heard from someone else who also has never seen the queen. Anyone who has actually seen the queen will admit it's a poor likeness but close enough.
05 - "There's a fool down at the docks selling his rowboat for half of what it's worth!" He's asking for 25 GP instead of the usual 50, but the rowboat is in really bad shape.
06 - "My daughter wishes to marry Lennard, the shepherd. A fine lad but I've never cared for mutton." By all accounts they are in love and will have a happy marriage.
07 - "Have you heard that the king plans to marry his daughter off to a prince to the east? She's only nine years old! It's indecent!" /u/gnurdette
08 - "Our priest has fumbled the order of the sacrifice at the last three festivals in a row. He keeps on forgetting to anoint the chosen goat until after its throat is already cut. He's going to bring the wrath of the gods down on this village." /u/gnurdette
09 - "The blue mushrooms that grow near the waterfall are tasty and good for you. They cleared my rheumatism right up. Ignore those cowards who say they're poisonous. They're thinking of the blue mushrooms that grow around fallen elms. Totally different." /u/gnurdette
10 - "Our smith is mixing lead or dirt or something with his iron, I tell you. The tools he makes are worthless, you'd be better off making your own tools from wood or stone. They'd string him up for it if his wife wasn't the baron's niece." /u/gnurdette
11 - "Three people from this village have been hit by lightning in the last year. Three people! Have you ever heard of such a thing? And they say it's just bad luck. Bad luck?" /u/gnurdette
12 - "The merchant who used to pay eight coins a basket for dried apples is only paying five. We can't survive off five coins! He makes some excuse about the market being flooded by foreign merchants. Well, I don't care about that, but we need a way to move these apples." /u/gnurdette
13 - "I ran into a mud crab the other day..." /u/Non-RedditorJ
14 - "Oh! You're from X? We might know the same people! Do you know (NPC name 1)? What about (NPC name 2)? No? Ok, you have to know (NPC name 3)..." /u/GremlinAtWork
15 - "Excuse me, you look like a person whom collects Adventure Hero Cards. Do you by any chance have Klaus the Reaper? I’ve been looking far and wide and willing to trade my left leg for it. I mean literally plops off his prosthetic leg that’s how much I love Klaus. My child as well; all sorts of posters, action figures, his entire room is dedicated to our hero. He might be creepy for others, but the fact that he raised his parents as his first skeletons, says to me that he is a real family man. What do you want for it?" (If the PC’s are of high level, you could replace ‘Klaus’ with one party member). /u/SteveyBee8691
16 - "I like turtles. Do you like turtles? I really fucking love turtles." /u/SteveyBee8691
17 - man angrily throws away his bowl of soup "Fuck soup!" /u/SteveyBee8691
18 - "You look like a person who loves to breathe excessively after waking up. You know what they say, 'oxygen is free'. Good for you!" /u/SteveyBee8691
19 - "Excuse me, where is the toilet for non-binary crab-people?" /u/SteveyBee8691
20 - "I’m asking this for a friend, but what would your advice be to someone with a candle up their ass whom can’t get it removed? … thank you." walks off with a stiff leg, turns around to player “I got a wooden leg!” /u/SteveyBee8691
21 - "Hey, you look like Adventurers! Adventurers, are yez? I could use an adventurin' type like you, actually. You see, I've got this farm and it's on the outskirts of town, it's got gorgeous views and plentiful stables and fields of waving grain. Well, maybe I exaggerate, some, but there's food enough for me an mine own. The only trouble we have, really is the Dragon." If the party asks for more information "The Dragon burns me up er'y morning when I tend to the sheep and the cows and the chickens, deep in my knees, the Dragon burns, but a touch of healing herb keeps it bay most days. The Dragon was such a bother to me Dad and I'm worried it'll bother me kids, too, but what can you do about a Dragon?" if the party lets him keep going "Not much you can do other than the healing herb. Yes, the Dragon of knee pain is just a part of working hard, it is. The real problem, though, is the Fog. Every day the Fog gets just a little worse and me wife says it's hitting her, too, each day just a little more. It seems to come from the corners of the house and the yard and the barn and the well." if the party isn't sick of him, yet "Yes, yes, yes. The Fog of old age makes us sleepy and weak, but, again, what are you going to do about it but stop workin'. We see well enough to get around our homes and, if ye catch me drift, each other. No, no, the Fog isn't really the real problem. Come to think of it, I don't think we've really got any problems at all." long pause "Hey, you look like Adventurers!" /u/Arkenstihl
22 - "Need some coin? The inn basement is infested with rats!" Indeed it is, but they are just normal rats. The innkeeper will pay a bounty of 1 copper for every 10 dead rats, but warns the local Ratkillers Guild will be unhappy with you.
23 - "I have a daughter about your age as of yet unmarried…" /u/Mooch07
24 - "Have you met the spice merchant in town? The cloves are so fresh." /u/Mooch07
25 - "Don’t the wasps seem aggressive this year?" /u/Mooch07
26 - "My cousin has a sweater with that same pattern she wears all the time!" /u/Mooch07
27 - "Such strange weather for this time of year lately!" /u/Mooch07
28 - "Does the well water taste strange to you at all? I think something must have died in it, perhaps." /u/Mooch07
29 - "There are a lot more stray cats around this year than last. Someone must be feeding them!" /u/Mooch07

15:42 UTC


D100 gamma world mutations

Update: just 4 more are needed, still need to update post

Description: Stuff you would see on the mutation chart for the original gamma world or metamorphosis alpha, can be both good and bad. Can be dark and/or funny or something else entirely. I am using this for a text based/online fallout sandbox ttrpg.

d100 gonzo mutations

  1. Ooze filled sac- You develop an ooze filled sack of skin somewhere on your body (determined by DM). There is a 50% chance for the sac to be filled with blood, 25% chance for it to be filled with something of the DMs choice and 25% chance for it to be filled with something of the players choice.
  2. Natural sleep organ-you grow an organ in your body which essentially serves as a “sleep organ”, it will allow you to no longer need to sleep. You will stay well rested for as long as your sleep organ is functioning.
  3. Cold blooded-unable to be detected by robots plus thermal targeting and optics.
  4. Contact poison sweat- instead of sweat you secrete a clear, odorless and tasteless liquid which is a deadly poison for anyone who touches it. You are immune.
  5. You gain extreme beauty, you look similar to your old self but all your features have been slightly modified to heighten your attractiveness
19:08 UTC


[Completed] D100 (and some extra) mild curses, minor inconveniences, and inconsequential mishaps for when you only slightly annoy a hag, fey, or other magical creature.

Not everything is a blood curse or a deadly geas.

Table 1 (D100)
01 - Dogs suddenly don't like you. Strange dogs bark and growl at you, while familiar dogs stare at you warily and keep their distance.
02 - Cats suddenly like you. They follow you, meowing constantly, and bring you dead critters as offerings.
03 - You are unable to judge the temperature of a food or beverage until you actually taste it, at which point it is usually much hotter or colder than you expected, except when you anticipate it being too hot or too cold, at which point it is inexplicably room temperature.
04 - Anytime anyone passes gas in your presence, everyone genuinely believes you did it. Even the person who actually did it.
05 - In any environment where you're likely to be bitten by insects, you receive 50% more insect bites than your companions, no matter what precautions you take.
06 - You suddenly develop a lazy eye. After each long rest, it switches to the other eye.
07 - You're now allergic to your favorite food, getting painful mouth sores whenever you eat it.
08 - Your horse now only responds to commands if you give them in a thick French accent.
09 - Your 10' pole is inexplicably now 9 1/2'.
10 - Slight headache.
11 - No matter how often you correct them, everyone subtly mispronounces your name or emphasizes the wrong syllable.
12 - You bear a striking resemblance to an infamous figure from the recent past who had an unfortunate sobriquet such as "The Goatlicker", "Ol' Pee and Puke", or "Stinkfinger."
13 - Sugar and salt does always seem to be in the wrongly labeled containers. /u/rollepige Unless you anticipate they are wrong labeled, in which case, it contains white pepper.
14 - Under each full moon does the character get a really big pimple right on the tip of their nose. /u/rollepige
15 - There is a small pebble in your shoe each morning, even if you prepare for it by turning your shoes over before going to sleep. /u/rollepige
16 - A simple task at which you were once confident (like pitching a tent, loading a wagon, sewing torn garments, etc.) has become daunting and unfamiliar. Your ability to do the task has in no way been compromised, but you constantly second guess yourself, greatly extending the amount of time spent on the task. /u/mrweissman
17 - Your bladder becomes full at inopportune times, such as mid-battle, formal events or negotiations, as you are drifting to sleep, or halfway through a long queue. /u/mrweissman
18 - People seem generally suspicious of you constantly, even when you're not engaged in anything in particular. City guards follow you around, shopkeepers watch your every move in their stores, and trusted friends suddenly withhold information. /u/mrweissman
19 - Your feet sweat twice as much as they did before, soiling footwear in mere weeks or days, and creating a powerfully unpleasant odor. /u/mrweissman
20 - No matter the actual temperature, you always feel too hot or too cold. /u/mrweissman
21 - When playing a game, you always inexplicably lose. /u/snakebite262
22 - You've become lactose intolerant. Strangely enough, you've now a sudden craving for cheese. /u/snakebite262
23 - You have the inexplainable urge to discuss the quality and aspects of wine and beer. It annoys your friends. /u/snakebite262
24 - You've bloated so that any pair of pants feels too snug. Attempting to cheese this curse with larger pants creates unpleasant results. /u/snakebite262
25 - You can't stop hiccupping. /u/snakebite262
26 - You vomit up 1d4 frogs every four hours. /u/snakebite262
27 - You can no longer use a free-action to grab an item, as it moves ever so slightly out of reach. /u/snakebite262
28 - You grow a patchy beard, which cannot be shaved off. /u/snakebite262
29 - You grow a pair of Donkey Ears. /u/snakebite262
30 - Your feet grow a half size, likely leaving you to either have to get new boots or putting up with an extra tight fit. /u/ExpressionJunior3366
31 - If there is a rut in the road, your cart/wagon/etc. always gets stuck in it. /u/ProfBumblefingers
32 - It rains on your wedding day (and other important outdoor events that you attend). /u/ProfBumblefingers
33 - You are offered something for free after you have already paid for one. /u/ProfBumblefingers
34 - When offered good/true advice, it always seems to be bad/false to you. /u/ProfBumblefingers
35 - You meet the significant other of your dreams, only to find out that they are already married to someone much better than you. /u/ProfBumblefingers
36 - Your wicket is always sticky. /u/ProfBumblefingers
37 - When you sell something, it skyrockets in value afterwards. When you buy something expensive, it plummets in value. /u/ProfBumblefingers
38 - When you arrive at the tavern, they just ran out of beer for the day. /u/ProfBumblefingers
39 - If you order soup/stew, it always has a fly in it. /u/ProfBumblefingers
40 - The birthday candles on your cake always go out before you can blow them out. /u/ProfBumblefingers
41 - If you ever get an ice cream cone, the ice cream always falls off the cone and hits the dirt. /u/ProfBumblefingers
42 - If you ever have a balloon, the string comes untied and it flies away. /u/ProfBumblefingers
43 - Your potion/vial stoppers always seem to get stuck at the worst moments. /u/ProfBumblefingers
44 - Your important scrolls/documents are always ruined by water, moths, mold, etc. /u/ProfBumblefingers
45 - The tip of your quill/pencil constantly breaks. /u/ProfBumblefingers
46 - When adding/subtracting, you always forget to "carry," resulting in wildly wrong calculations. /u/ProfBumblefingers
47 - When talking with someone attractive, you always have a booger showing in your nose. /u/ProfBumblefingers
48 - Birds flying overhead always unload on you. /u/ProfBumblefingers
49 - Each day, there's always a hair in your rations, somewhere. /u/ProfBumblefingers
50 - A black cat crosses the path in front of you sometime each day. /u/ProfBumblefingers
51 - When trying to start a campfire, the wood you choose is always somehow wet. /u/ProfBumblefingers
52 - Your zipper (or equivalent) is always down. /u/ProfBumblefingers
53 - If there are multiple lines/queues to wait in, the one you choose always turns out to move the slowest. /u/ProfBumblefingers
54 - Any door you open always creaks loudly. /u/ProfBumblefingers
55 - When fishing, the largest fish you hook each day always gets away. /u/ProfBumblefingers
56 - When hunting, the wind always shifts direction so that it blows from you toward your quarry, spooking them. /u/ProfBumblefingers
57 - When running, your shoe comes untied. /u/ProfBumblefingers
58 - The thing you're looking for inside your backpack is always at the bottom of the pack. /u/ProfBumblefingers
59 - Whenever you sleep near any humanoid, they always snore just loud enough to wake you, multiple times per night, so that you almost have a level of exhaustion the next day. /u/ProfBumblefingers
60 - Your outfit each day always turns out to be one size too large or too small (no mechanical effect, but you look like a doofus). /u/ProfBumblefingers
61 - Your shirt always has a stain on it. /u/ProfBumblefingers
62 - Whenever you go to the store/market to buy something, the previous customer just bought the last one. /u/ProfBumblefingers
63 - If you wear glasses/goggles, they always develop a scratch directly in the center of your field of vision. /u/ProfBumblefingers
64 - You always forget the name of the most important person in the room. /u/ProfBumblefingers
65 - You always spill a bit of your drink or any liquid you're holding. /u/AquaQuad
66 - You get a disadvantage because you always need to constantly consciously control your breathing/blinking/swallowing saliva/look for a comfortable place for your tongue inside your mouth. /u/AquaQuad
67 - You will never have a "cool" side of the pillow. /u/AnGabhaDubh
68 - You cannot see the color yellow. /u/EmporerEmoji
69 - Sexual gratification now requires the use of puppets.
70 - Even the slightest bit of pepper or spicy-ness causes you to sneeze uncontrollably for several minutes at a time. /u/MaxSizeIs
71 - Even mayonnaise is too spicy for you. Only the blandest of overly-boiled, un-salted, un-seasoned foods are "tolerably spicy". /u/MaxSizeIs
72 - Every liquid containing vessel you spend more than 6 seconds owning, carrying, holding, or interacting with, springs a slow leak. Potions empty within 1 hour once handled by you. Bottles, flasks, canteens and buckets empty completely within 1 day. Barrels and anything smaller than a typical house empties within 1 week. /u/MaxSizeIs
73 - Any fried foods you are within 10 feet of, inexplicably become soggy, overly oily, and floppy, along with a faint flavor of decay or bitter-burnt. /u/MaxSizeIs
74 - Your clothing and possessions always develop a faint whiff of mildew / moldy funk, sewage, ammonia, or skunk-stank no matter how fastidiously clean you try to keep them, up to and including using magic. Plus, it's a different stank each time you clean too, so there's no getting used to it, or being "nose-blind" after a while. /u/MaxSizeIs
75 - Every glove, sock, shoe, and sandal you own transforms to left-handed only. /u/MaxSizeIs... unless you are left-handed, in which case they transform to right-handed only. If you are ambidextrous, the handedness of the item switches instantly based on which hand is holding it.
76 - One heel of your boots or shoes is slightly thicker than the other, sometimes egregiously so (up to several inches) but not in a way that makes good ergonomics, instead it seems to always change your gait just enough that one leg is longer or shorter than the other. It's different every day, too. /u/MaxSizeIs
77 - At least one button on your shirt becomes un-even, making it look like you misbuttoned it, every time. /u/MaxSizeIs
78 - Every picture frame or artwork in your domicile becomes slightly crooked or mis-aligned. No matter how many times it is straightened, as soon as no-one is looking they magically mis-align themselves. /u/MaxSizeIs
79 - You always have a slightly dry throat, that tickles, like you've got something stuck to it. /u/MaxSizeIs
80 - Your soft-palate of your mouth, up inside your nasal cavity, where it is covered by the soft-tissue of your uvula, tonsils, top of mouth, etc; itches. You just can't scratch it without serious, serious effort. /u/MaxSizeIs
81 - Your fingernails grow at least 1 inch per day, but in random spurts, and directions, of up to a quarter inch per time, and are quite brittle, always catching on things and splitting, breaking, or folding over, corkscrewing, etc. /u/MaxSizeIs
82 - You always flub at least one word per utterance, at least once per 10 minutes. If you use some form of non-verbal communication instead, it too is confusing. /u/MaxSizeIs
83 - Smoke from candles, campfires, fireplaces, etc., always follows you and seems to hang around you, much thicker than normal. /u/MaxSizeIs
84 - Everything you touch is just a bit greasy, dirty, slimy, and leaves marks that transfer. /u/MaxSizeIs
85 - Instead of the normal levels of skin-oils and sweat, you suddenly become more like a greasy pizza, complete with pimples and boils. Your facial oil resembles that which comes off a pepperoni, or crude oil, whichever is more disgusting. /u/MaxSizeIs
86 - Your teeth become more brittle, sensitive, and chalky. Eating anything with more flavor or consistency than gloopy wall-paper paste hurts your teeth. Crunching or chewing on anything that hasn't had the life completely boiled out of it, is liable to crack them completely. Cold, heat, salt, sweet, and/or sour is agonizing. /u/MaxSizeIs
87 - Your toast / breakfast / meal is always burnt, dry, soggy, stale, moldy, limp, under-buttered, and/or always tastes of dirt or sawdust. /u/MaxSizeIs
88 - For some reason dead, rotting shellfish (crayfish / shrimp) always wind up lodged in strange places in your possessions or place of residence. /u/MaxSizeIs
89 - Your body-odor is exaggerated, and always exudes visible stink-lines, even in drawings, painting, or depictions of you, in perpetuity. /u/MaxSizeIs
90 - Whenever people hear your name, specifically, when they refer to you or something you have done, your name is permanently, retroactively, and in perpetuity edited to be a variation of "dumb-ass", "asshole", "that shit-rooster", "tubbo", etc. "Did you hear? That Shit-Rooster slayed a dragon?" /u/MaxSizeIs
91 - You skin turns blue (or some other odd colour). /u/storytime_42
92 - You magically learn three exotic languages, but you magically forget how to speak or write in Common. /u/storytime_42
93 - Your voice is always slightly too loud or quiet, whichever is more inappropriate for the situation. /u/DM_ME_YOUR_ADVENTURE
94 - Verbal and somatic components of your spells work only when outlandishly exaggerated. /u/DM_ME_YOUR_ADVENTURE
95 - You don’t hear anything when you try to sneak. /u/DM_ME_YOUR_ADVENTURE
96 - The blood of your enemies always splatters on you. Even if they don’t have any. /u/DM_ME_YOUR_ADVENTURE
97 - Hiccups for an extended time. Causes obvious noise preventing stealth, can break concentration, and the sound becomes annoying to NPCs after a little while. /u/Friend-Boat
98 - Your voice starts becoming scratchy, and you cackle when you laugh. Your body decays, as if you are turning into a zombie. It has no negative effects apart from looking creepy. /u/Prowler64
99 - All potions you drink taste like expired milk. /u/Prowler64
00 - Roll 1D20 on Table 2!

Table 2 (D20)
01 - Roll a d100 each morning. On a 100, you wake up naked in a water fountain. It stops happening after the third time. /u/Prowler64
02 - Your shadow begins misbehaving, acting independently from you, and makes obnoxious and insulting gestures towards you. It might even fight you if it is annoyed enough. /u/Prowler64
03 - You think you're a werewolf, and will turn on the next full moon. /u/NinthAuto591 (But you don't. Or do you?)
04 - There is a pebble constantly in your shoe, and you can never get out. /u/NinthAuto591
05 - You perpetually hear footsteps behind you (only when you walk). /u/NinthAuto591
06 - The next object you touch becomes a mimic. /u/NinthAuto591
07 - Everything tastes like medicine. /u/NinthAuto591
08 - A popular song is stuck in your head for 1d12 days. /u/NinthAuto591
09 - You cannot remember other peoples names, try as you might! If you write names down, the writing becomes illegible. If you ask your companions to remind you of someone's name, your friends begin to get annoyed with you. How can you be so thoughtless? /u/dominaexcrucior
10 - No one in the world remembers your name. Including you. Not even your own parents, or dear friends or trusted allies. To your face, people might say, "Hey you!" /u/dominaexcrucior
11 - Every time you open your coin purse, there has been a bank error and it's never in your favour. You lose 1d4 copper or silver at low levels, or gold at higher levels. Swapping to a new coin purse has no effect. Paying to remove a curse has a low chance at working. /u/dominaexcrucior
12 - You stop showing the physical signs of aging. While some people might welcome such a boon, people begin to whisper that you've done something... unnatural. People are less willing to trust you. Mechanically, this could impact Persuasion checks. /u/dominaexcrucior
13 - Your reflection slowly warps, becoming something hideous over a period of 1d12 days. Nobody else seems to notice it, but you cannot bear to see your face reflected in any surface. /u/dominaexcrucior
14 - Waiters never believe you actually want what you ordered and order for you. /u/Mal_js
15 - You can't learn new words or names, you forget them within the hour. /u/Mal_js
16 - Male-pattern baldness. /u/Mal_js
17 - You now have big toes for thumbs. /u/Mal_js
18 - Every time you stroke your beard, your hand gets caught in it. /u/Mal_js
19 - You feel compelled to watch water boil when cooking, preventing you from doing any other prep until it's boiling. /u/Mal_js
20 - Roll 1D10 on Table 3!

Table 3 (D10)
01 - You constantly want to switch your major. /u/Mal_js
02 - You get a little nervous around anyone shorter than you. /u/Mal_js
03 - "Icy Hot" patches, only when applied to you, get hot before they get icy. /u/Mal_js
04 - You are too full for seconds anytime you go to an all-you-can-eat style buffet or feast. /u/Mal_js Within minutes of leaving, you are ravenously hungry again.
05 - You are always d20 minutes late to every meeting or event. /u/Mal_js
06 - Everyone else is always d20 minutes late to meet with you. /u/Mal_js
07 - Gluten allergy. /u/Mal_js
08 - Super indecisive at forks in the road. /u/Mal_js
09 - Elves (or other fantasy race) all look the same to you. /u/Mal_js
10 - Rotating mild curses! Re-roll on Table 1 after every long rest.

1 Comment
15:26 UTC


D100 Air Creatures

  1. Air Elementals

  2. Sea Hat [Legend of Zelda]

  3. Aarakocra

  4. Any Avian bird in the world and such

  5. Karasu-Tengu

  6. Dai-Tengu

  7. Very Happy Kenku

  8. A Kobold with a flying apparatus

  9. Goblin after using a catapult

  10. An Aasimar and a Tiefling on a Date

  11. Warforged

  12. Tortle armour from which fire comes out ( Gamera )

  13. Burning Skull

  14. Rainbow Serpent

  15. Spider on Fire (spies of a Jorōgumo)

11:26 UTC


[Lets Build d100] Magical Boots and their upgrades

1-Jumper Boots:

Allows the adventurer to jump 2x higher

Upgrade: Allows the adventurer to jump 3x higher. Resistant to fall damage.

2-Hopper Boots:

Allows the adventurer to have a second jump in the air.

Upgrade: Allows the adventurer to have a third jump in the air.

3-Quicker Boots:

Allows the adventurer to run 2x faster.

Upgrade: Allows the adventurer to run 3x faster.

4-Spider Boots:

Allow the adventurer to climb walls as if they were walking.

Upgrade: Allows the adventurer to climb into ceiling upside down.

5-Wildling Boots:

Turns the adventurers feet into 2 different animal foots of the players choosing.

Upgrade: Turns the adventurers feet into 3 different animal foots of the players choosing.

6-Shadow Boots:

Allows adventurer to never leave boot trace. It also does not trigger feet based traps.

Upgrade: Also hides their noise made from the boots.

7-Armored Boots:

Boots that are armed with metallic plates.

Upgrade: Greater armor. Boots are now also much more resistant to wear and tear.

8-Hidden Boots:

Boots with hidden hiding spots. Allows one to hide a small knife’s worth of space.

Upgrade: The hiding space now is magical and can store as much as a long sword.

9-Boots of Flight:

Only can be used by halflings, gnomes, creatures with small size. Allows adventurer to fly for a short period of time. There are wings on the boots.

Upgrade: Boots now can be used by medium sized creatures. Creatures with small size can fly longer.

10-Boots of Walking:

Boots that allow one to walk on anything without ill effects. Including water, magma or quicksand.

Upgrade: Boots now allow you to run on these hazardous spaces.

11-Boots of Might:

Leg/kick attacks deal more damage.

Upgrade: Increase kick attack damage. Minor strength increase.

09:23 UTC


[Let's Build] 2d100 Lists for things without names.

The general public is an entity with a wild imagination. These lists will help build what the town/lore/rumor/myth calls the thing that goes bump in the night or causes such a stir. The combination of both lists gives you what the thing is called and where it might be found, typically by those who don't have much dealings with the identification of monsters.

What the "thing" is called...

  1. The Horror
  2. The Terror
  3. The Stalker
  4. The Devourer
  5. The Lurker
  6. The Thing/Those Things
  7. The Presence [u/howlinghenbane]
  8. The Echo [u/howlinghenbane]
  9. The Voice [u/howlinghenbane]
  10. The Creature [u/World_of_Ideas]
  11. The Behemoth [u/World_of_Ideas]
  12. The Shadow [u/World_of_Ideas]
  13. The Nightmare [u/World_of_Ideas]
  14. The Beast [u/World_of_Ideas]
  15. The Demon [u/World_of_Ideas]
  16. The Fiend [u/World_of_Ideas]
  17. The Spirit [u/World_of_Ideas]
  18. The Mutant [u/World_of_Ideas]
  19. The Predator [u/World_of_Ideas]
  20. The Phantom [u/World_of_Ideas]
  21. The Man-Eater [u\Hall_and_Oates] jk... [u/World_of_ideas]
  22. The Deceiver [u/Terrs34]
  23. The Dark One [u/Mal_js]
  24. The Evil
  25. The Devil

Where the "thing" might be found...

  1. ...in the Dark
  2. ...in the Shadows
  3. ...from the Pit
  4. ...of the Forest
  5. ...in the Cave
  6. ...of the Halls [u/howlinghenbane]
  7. ...in the Walls [u/howlinghenbane]
  8. ...under the Hills [u/howlinghenbane]
  9. ...from the Mines [u/World_of_Ideas]
  10. ...from the Labyrinth [u/World_of_Ideas]
  11. ...from the Fissure [u/World_of_Ideas]
  12. ...of the Blizzard [u/World_of_Ideas]
  13. ...of the Blood Moon [u/World_of_Ideas]
  14. ...of the Full Moon [u/World_of_Ideas]
  15. ...of the New Moon [u/World_of_Ideas]
  16. ...from the Asylum [u/World_of_Ideas]
  17. ...from the Quarry [u/World_of_Ideas]
  18. ...from the Tar Pits [u/World_of_Ideas]
  19. ...that goes bump in the Night [u/The_OG_Anime_Mage]
  20. ...that must not be named [u/The_OG_Anime_Mage]
  21. ...of Terror [u/The_OG_Anime_Mage]
  22. ...born from Chaos [u/Terrs34]
  23. ...born from Darkness [u/Terrs34]
  24. ...born from Nightmares [u/Terrs34]
  25. ...from the End of Twilight [u/Terrs34]
  26. ...in the River [u/Mal_js]
  27. ...of the Bog [u/Mal_js]
  28. ...in the Swamp [u/Mal_js]
  29. ...in the Canyon [u/Mal_js]
  30. ...of the Deep [u/Mal_js]
  31. ...in the Sky [u/Mal_js]

Reminder that you can use any prepositional word or phrase for where the "thing" might be found: from, in, around, near, born, of, etc.

10:00 UTC


D100 Weird/Wacky Space Bounty Hunters (Take II)

I want to make a list a weird/wacky alien bounty hunters for my characters to face of against. Leave ideas in the comments

  1. Gubber: She comes from a species dwelling beneath the surface of sticky marshes. Bubbles burble continually from her blowhole. Generally they're innocuous, but when desired she can excrete an enzyme into her mucous glands that turns the bubbles into floating blobs of adhesive.

  2. Big Pokey: A porcupine-like biped whose spikes stick in her foes.

  3. Spitfire: Like an anglerfish, he spits with great range and accuracy. Unlike an anglerfish, the spittle is incendiary.

  4. Flats Domino: This dark creature with two white spots for eyes is so thin as to be nearly two-dimensional. Slips easily through cracks. With the edge of its hands like razor blades, its karate chops are deadly.

  5. The Hugboxer: A master martial artist whose ultimate attack is to pull her victim into a bone-crushing hug, while cooing soothingly.

  6. Inflatermaus: A rodent-like creature that can puff itself up from an internal hydrogen gland, becoming lighter than air.

  7. Ma and Pa Gomerin: an old couple who are retired military but look like completely harmless old people doddering around. However they are considered one of the best bounty hunting teams out there.

R.E.D. Retired, Extremely Dangerous is how they are classified in Ultra top secret Documents that have been HEAVILY redacted!

  1. Killbot 300 Mark VI - a robot that hates living creatures. It takes jobs for extremely low rates not only because it enjoys killing, but because it enjoys undercutting its humanoid competitors.

  2. Slim McGillicuddy - the ghost of a long-dead bounty hunter. Even in death he continues to stalk his prey. He can’t affect the living but he can track them down and report on their whereabouts, should anyone in the vicinity be holding a seance.

  3. Allison Huntsman — beautiful, bold, and relentless. Poses as a bimbo… but she’s anything but.

  4. ⁠Ma Cleetus, and Tha' Boyz: They'z orks whuts r' space cannibals whoze eatz only whatz they killz! They'mz love it whenz da' bounty fightz back! Ma Cletus carries her kettle everywhere, which is made from the turret of an old tank she destroyed back in the war.

  5. ⁠Rollerskates, and rockets, and surplus anti-tank-guided munitions. No one ever said they had to be GOOD bounty hunters, or effective.

  6. ⁠The Pacifsits. They're actually part of a gestalt being which colonizes sapient bodies with sentient couch-potato fat-cell jelly blobs of protomolecule. They'll catch their prey, eventually, they just need to catch their breath a bit, maybe release some airborne fungal fruiting bodies. They are somehow experts at capturing fleeing craft, provided they can land some spores on it, and for there to be sufficient biomass, or in a pinch, some organic material to convert. They hunt bounties to be able to afford the media subscription fees for entertainment media to watch.

  7. ⁠The Aleph Squad. Legally distinct from the A-Team.

  8. Killer Comet: Their ship was made to resemble a comet for their unsuspecting victims. Little is known what they look like. Think twice when you see a passing comet!

  9. The Sale's Pitch: Dressed as space salesman they have something to sell you that you probably don't want at the convenience of your own ship, a swift death! No soliciting has a whole new meaning to life.

  10. The Ship dock: Ship dock workers who angrily gave up their low paying job for a more exciting career of bounty hunting. They covertly pose as typical ship dock workers to only catch you and your ship in a deadly trap. No, that is not where I want to park my shuttle by this highly radioactive cargo container!

  11. Cardiac Arrest: These Rogue Medical Professions know too well how the heart(s) works in any humanoid or alien lifeform and use diabolical means to stop your heart from working when you would least expect! Cause of death: Old age or Heart Attack.

  12. The Collective: Bounty hunting is actually a side effect. There are actually collecting entire planets of people and forcing to become part of the Collective. However a part of them has realized that some of the sentients they collect are wanted and they release them to their fate. however this is really a ploy to find the prison planets so they can be added to the Collective.

i.e. they are like the borg. you will join the Collective or die!

  1. RV-N8, "Ravenna"

One of ten prototype Reaver class assault droids manufactured by Sorotek industries, a defense contractor. The Reaver class was quickly deemed unsuitable for use in the field due to the AI core developing an individual personality too quickly and being prone to insubordination. RV-N8 managed to escape the recalls and has gone without proper maintenance since then, including regular memory wipes. RV-N8 has since decided that she is a person and goes by the name Ravenna. She does everything in her power to present as a person, including wearing clothes and a wig. She even has acquired a reprogrammable Thespian mask to express emotion. When she is on the job, it is always set to happy. The longer she goes without a memory wipe, the more her AI core learns and turns her into the most efficient killing machine in the galaxy. And the more unstable she becomes. Will her AI core make her develop a conscious as she becomes closer to being a human, or will the overwhelming force of her base code to kill drive her insane?

  1. Chin Chin

This bounty hunter is actually two bodies but one spirit. Their species evolved to communicate via shortwave radio and distribute mental processing. Each of them is childlike in size though with a muscular and dexterity of an adult, and adult facial features. They like to trap their opponents who are unaware of their bipartite nature, using signal booster devices to extend their natural range of communication to potentially hundreds of meters.

  1. The "Soiled Doves". Twin sisters from a Westworld like planet. Ex prostitutes turned professional retrieval experts. Going by their trade names, Salty and Sweet, they prowl the space lanes for only the most lucrative bounties. One, a knife and sidearm expert, the other a savant with makeshift weapons. They mirror each other in appearance. Sweet bares the scars. Salty bares the souvenirs.

  2. The Armory: Carries two standard blaster pistols, a sniper rifle, a rocket launcher, a gatling laser, a holdout blaster, a boot knife, a wrist knife, a vibro-axe, a bandolier of thermal detonators, a sonic imploder, a stun carbine, a bat'leth, a cryorifle, a nerve disruptor, an automatic slugthrower, a plasma projector, and a crossbow with thermite bolts. Has never actually caught a bounty, since he is too encumbered to move, plus he can't resist theatrically racking and cocking several weapons before shooting. Still, he manages to keep collecting advance pay from clients who think he looks really impressive.

  3. Boba Feet - mandalorian armor but with giant clown shoes that he keeps getting caught in doors and under spaceship landing struts.

  4. Faye Palentine - really wants to be friends with everyone, even her bounties. Ends up letting most of them go.

  5. Pastor Al: Just wants to feed your soul, delicious, delicious tacos and maybe a little Holy Spirit. Makes a mean taco, wields a bible and a flame thrower.

  6. All The President's Men: They froze thier heads cryogenically, and now have returned as cyborg assasins!

  7. The Glee Club: Known to use pharmaceuticals and sonic based weaponry to subdue thier targets.

  8. The Screamer: She'll cut you, and her sonic attacks are nothing to laugh at. Metal, not organic, limbs should be employed whenever practical.

  9. Sue and Derry: A misanthropic "magical" girl duo who moonlight as maid-cafe afficionados. Thier Sufficiently Advanced Technology is Indistinguishable from Magic.

  10. The Naughty-Cal Boyz: A nautical themed crew, with cute sailor outfits, a Valley Accent, and a penchant for using Atomic weaponry. Thier motto is: "If it's worth killing over, it's worth over-killing!" They're also really fun at karaoke night.

  11. KR8R: A sentient rockmonster that claims to be related to the asteroid that blew up the dinosaurs. Thier claim is questionable, but any who vocally question the beast tend not to survive "Clobberin' Time"

  12. Bal-Boa: A sentient Snake Man who claims they "Coulda Beenssss a Contendersss". Skilled in Pugilism.

  13. The Red Foreman: Sickle and Hammer and a Foot Up Your Ass. A former work-boss of an asteroid mining crew, helped the proletariat seize the means of production. Now they hunt rich bounties to empty the wallets of the filthy capitalists.

  14. The Diamond Dogs: These Vultures Hide Behind Trees. Known for thier fabulous couture, feathers, and using diamondium armored attack hound robots. They have an image to maintain.

  15. The Mandolin-orian: Didn't get the memo on thier first mission, and showed up dressed as a fantasy rpg bard. They kept up the shtick and learned to be devastating pickup artists, and truly skilled at using thier.. wiles.. to ferret out the whereabouts of thier prey.

  16. The Deadliest Catch: This Carcinized Hunter doesnt care about collateral damage. They're always grumpy.

  17. Heston Charlton: Loves guns. Is also a sentient chimp who claims to have been an astronaut.

  18. Legion: They have multiple personalities that change from minute to minute. Some are really really really good at what they do. Others.. others are crazy.

  19. Doug: A sentient golden retriever humanoid hybrid. The Goodest Boy.

Pug the bounty hunter- a small adorable alien resembling a pug dog. Annoying high pitched voice, a taste for booby traps, and a chocolate addiction.

  1. Pug the bounty hunter- a small adorable alien resembling a pug dog. Annoying high pitched voice, a taste for booby traps, and a chocolate addiction.

  2. Tige Buster- is a retired Dog of War from Old Ragnorak. imagine 400 pounds of fleshcrafted muscle, cybernetic enhancement, enhanced sensory organs, and powe armour that can shrug off an anti-tank round, with teeth forged in the heart of a star forge, vat-grown brain with the intelligence of an Einstein, the cunning of a Napoleon, and the tactical skill of Vince Lombardi, and bones stronger than diamond. Now give it the personality of a puppydog, concern for the general welfare, undying loyalty to the Old Ragnorak constitution, and all the malice of a rose petal. That’s an Old Ragnorak Dog of War. The Dogs of war were retired following the peace treaty between Yawning Gap and Old Ragnorak signed by Old Ragnorak President Tenebrous Brink and Yawning Gap Council Head Sky Daddy.

  3. Melvin- incompetent, short and can talk to dead people. His armor looks intimidating until you notice all the bullet holes that killed the last guy to wear it.

  4. The Sovereign Nation of Gule:

At about 1cm in height, the average Gulian warrior is not very threatening, which is why the Gulian royal family commissioned the construction of the transforming battlecruiser ‘Super Gule Fortress One’! A truly colossal 3m long warship capable of rapidly transforming into a humanoid robot and engaging an average sized galactic citizen in hand-to-hand combat! Captained by the legendary warlord, King Gulius Micronimus XIV, the armed forces of the Sovereign nation of Gule will collect bounties on even the most titanic of average sized galactic citizenry in their never ending quest to finally be taken seriously for once!

  1. Envelop - this amorphous sentient collective envelopes its victims entirely covering it from head to foot in a transparent microscopic layer which then takes over the target controlling their every action. Sometimes just forcing them to commit suicide, sometimes controlling them for long periods of time making them do things they wouldn't normally do before killing them.

  2. Bad Penny: She claims she's just lucky, she guesses, and it's not her fault all those bad things happen to her bounties after she brings them in; they were alive and well when they got there! Rumor has it she steals the luck of her prey; they don't need it where they're going.

  3. Final Destination: Always takes commercial transport; trained and certified as commercial pilot on a number of large civilian transport modalities. Only takes lethal jobs or ones in which the bounty is not required to be alive at the end. AI analysis of thier record notes thier presence at a 4-Sigma greater number of incidents involving civilian fatalities than normal, but all events involve only one or no more than a handful of fatalities, never mass casualty events, and never involving a transport the hunter personally rode on.

  4. Hotte Ronda and Her H.O.G.G.: Highly Agressive Sukeban with her Own Licensed Anime Series. This duo consists of a "Biker" and her transforming robotic air-speeder combat-unit exosuit combo. Extreme mobility, and lethal weaponry loadout. The torturous abbreviation of her robot vehicle armor sidekick remains unexplained and undefined, even in her Anime, a fact that leaves many of her fans speculating as to its possible meanings.

  5. The Bukkit Clan: What happens when a clan of Jawas decide to give up the ol' junk dealer route, and instead start to target bounties? You get the Bukkit clan; they converted thier sand crawler for spaceflight, and added some Universal Assembler components to turn it into a walking factory they use to bodge together every manner of second hand crazed killer droid you can think of, and then control them against thier targets.

  6. The Ghost: As in, the Ghost in the Machine, a powerfully skilled hacker who has gained a reputation across all of Meat-space, Hyper-space, and (yes, even) Cyber-space, able to subborn and overridr just about any machine or device, ships included, and turn them into a member of thier bounty-hunting borg collective. Theyre suprisingly adept at avoiding collateral damage too, going so far as to patch and upgrade any devices they hack (that survive the assault and arent bricked, anyway) for security holes.

  7. Narcissoi: Bounty Hunting is a Side Hustle for this androgenous paragon of consumer beauty and fetishistic fascism; their regular segments in HYPERFASHION, SPACEFACE, and their own holo-channel FASTFASHFASCFACTSFAX more than provide a stream of revenue to make even Croesus blush -- no, they love the uniform, darling, and crushing ill-clothed ANTS beneath one's feet is positively exhilarating, and when one has an army of loyal fans as an intelligence network, why not leverage it?

  8. Mirror and rorriM: This charmingly sadistic pair of mutant psychic twins are both quite vain, and have the unique ability to enter and travel through reflective surfaces; the larger, shiner, and less distorted the better, likening it to pushing through water or jelly or even more viscous material depending on various qualities. One quirk, they never are both on the side of the mirror facing the viewer, but occasionally are both seen in the mirror with nothing on our side. Imperial Researchers salivate, and hope one day for these clever twins to screw up enough to be convicted and sentenced to be vivisection research subjects, but so far, despite their vanity, they have yet to be caught committing any offense warranting such a punishment.

  9. The Carson Crew: '♩ Here's a Story of a Bounty Hunteress who was hunting with three very skillful girls, all of them were talented martial artists, the youngest one in curls. ♫ ... yadda yadda da da da dada... ♪ That's the way they all became the Carson Crew!!! ♩♬'

  10. Holo-sitcom Family Turned Bounty Hunters: The entire sitcom family have become bounty hunters. They are really rogue-androids who all have adopted the personas of the fictional family and somehow, in thier shared-delusion, have decided that capturing bounties is all part of a very special episode. They tend to become ultra-violent when something contradicts this world-view.

  11. Marsha Marsha Marsha: She was once a teenage actress on a popular holo-sitcom. Then she got mutant superpowers and became a ruthless bounty hunter. She can duplicate herself, but it takes about ten minutes each time, with the duplicate being indistinguishable and neither able to recall which is the copy. They all answer to Marsha. None of them are sure who is actually the original, or if the original is even still alive.

  12. Little Johnny: Once a patient at an experimental psychiatric treatment institute, Little Johnny came under the delusion that he was part of a beloved holo-sitcom family. Johnny's psychic powers quickly evolved to the point that he is able to manifest the cast of the show and insert himself in as a main character. Due to budget cuts, the mutant was released and his file marked "Not Dangerous". Thankfully, the generally upbeat nature of the show means Johnny sees his role as a figure of Law and Order, upholding Justice for the downtrodden by turning every Bounty into a very special episode. Fatalities and Rescidivism rates from Johnny's Bounties are statistically lower than average, meaning Johnny's Message may actually have an lasting impact...

  13. Dreameater: They lurk around the target for a few days learning both their mind and combat capabilities. Then they psychically assault their target with other people's memories to disable them while they carry out the kill.

  14. Dream-Meater: When a algae-meat substitute vat maintenance technician fell asleep on the job after a particularly long shift without a decent meal, they discovered the ability to somehow psychically create decent tasting meat from pure-energy; except anyone that eats it becomes addicted to it or slips into a sleep-like coma without it, regularly. They know they're part of the problem, but they just wanted everyone to try their good tasting food for once, instead of algae-slop like normal... then the money got to be good and they tried to forget the problems they caused.. then the problems they caused got worse when the people the shared their meat with started doing bad things for their addiction... things got really bad when they discovered the ability to go the other way.. to turn meat, any meat, into energy...

  15. PIP: Picture in Picture was just an ordinary guy with a ordinary cyber-brain conversion, when one day they decided to slot in some dodgy discount cybereyes that fell off the back of a hover-truck. Well, that eye happened to be infected with sentient nano-bots, with a gestalt personality of their own that happened to be evil and turned the eye into a smaller face all on it own. Now with a split personality, and two faces, the two argue like an old married couple, with one "Not Seeing the Big Picture" and the other "Not Seeing it from Their Perspective."

  16. Shlorp: They were a genetically designed organism to clean the sewers. Then they hit some toxic waste, mutated, and gained sentience. Now Shlorp just wants all the nice things that nice people have; except Shlorp, and Shlorp's many, many babies, need a bucket of filth to live in to come up to dry land, and nice things tend not to stay nice when they're around, so it's a constant battle...

  17. Chip Glimrick: The oldest living bounty hunter anyone knows of. Chip has been in the game so long that there isn't a spaceport in the galaxy that doesn't recognize his signature whistle. Due to his old age, Chip may occasionally forget exactly who he's hunting, but he always gets them in the end, even if it takes literal decades.

  18. Shrew-d Negotiator: a humanoid shrew creature with a whole suite of abilities due to his morphology. He is excellent at burrowing and digging, can use echolocation to navigate, and can secrete venom from grooves in his teeth. He isn't much use in a straight fight (preferring to scurry to safety, after biting, if possible), but he is a clever and patient hunter with a penchant for creating traps, hazards, and obstacles.

  19. Glubbleblub: a strange alien that appears almost exactly like a large octopus, except she has 3 eyes at the base of each of her 8 tentacles, a strange purple and yellow mottling on her skin, and an internalized pouch convenient for storing weaopons. Glubbleblub routinely carries an entire arsenal in her pouch, accosting targets with a comical assortment of guns, grenades, and blades.

  20. LiGWM-226 "SteamBuddy™" AI-Enabled Smart Washing Machine: a very irate washing machine which has gained sentience and is hell-bent on murder and destruction. It only serves as a bounty hunter to avoid legal trouble. It comissioned a moving chassis and controllable arms so that it may better pursue its adversaries. If the rotary cannon or rocket pods mounted to its frame don't get you, it may just stuff you into its washing chamber and adjust its settings for maximum pain and lethality.

  21. Carson Krabbe, Esquire: After finding a book, mispronouncing the words in it, he somehow fell out of a time vortex from the 1800s and has had a bad day ever since, and is going to throw the book at the players. Maybe literally if they piss him off enough.

  22. Carson Izator: Woke up one day with a hard exoskeleton, a bad case of crabs, the power to make everyone else crabby, and give them crabs too. Can't let others climb out of the bucket of metaphorical crabs before he does, right?

  23. Karson Kryptonite: Is convinced that every one of the players has superpowers, and so has come prepared with thier weakness!!! Armor made from solid kryptonite! Only he knows the players' weakness! Surely he'll get the drop on the other bounty hunters this way! A little cancer wont stop him!

  24. Johnny LOL: A hulking, honking, hyperviolent, hyperactive, hyperagressive, and hyper-becoiffed, red-headed holo-comedian haha-human Himbo on a heavy-handed televised reality holoTV quest to harras, humiliate, and harm the players with no care for bystanders. Everyone automatically agreed to the indemnity clause by not immediately closing thier eyes and tunning away when he enters the scene.. they and the Network have some of the best lawyers in the galaxy, do you think you can get anything past them? Honk honk! Liz, his long suffering producer, is the brains behind everything. Did you know it only takes 15 minutes 5 creds, and a form to become a bounty hunter?

  25. Sam Spade: He was a hardboiled noir detective, then a dame walked in and he lost his partner, and then he lost her. Now he carries the shovel he used to bury the both of them, and hes going to use it to bury the players.

  26. Golden Retriever: Literally a hyper intelligent golden retriever with powerful telekenesis and mind control abilities.

  27. Mr Universe: Basically a "Flex Mentallo, Hero of the Beach" ripoff. He flexes, they're finished.

  28. The Fisherman: Literally catches perps with a fancy fly fishing rod and thier mutant superpower of catching things with fishing rods.

  29. The Fisher of Men: Catches the players, beats them up, and then makes them convert to his religion. He'll let them go if he's convinced theyre true beleivers.

  30. The Hooker: Pan-sexual with mind-control pheremone glands. A good time will be had by all, and then they'll wake up locked in the hoosegow with a hangover, an empty bank account, a reciept, a smile on thier face, and a hickey in a prominent and embarassing location. Any sexual activity will be strictly consensual, they just use the pheremones for things like: "You want to drop that weapon and put on these handcuffs instead. Come along nicely."

  31. Papa Ratzi and thier 'neice'/'nephew' "Flash" Bolbe: They know the players are dangerous bastards, but were hired to gather intel on 'em / find them for the big boys... except they've fucked up and the players have caught them with thier pants down. Holo-surveilance, Social Investegation, and snappy dressing is thier speciality.

  32. The Tailor: A serial killer looking to add the players backsides to thier look. They like to sew skin. Likes leather jackets and weapons which dont tear the skin.

  33. The Taxidermist: Wants the players bodies after the bounty giver is done with them. Wants to stuff and mount them.

  34. Kamikaze Karl: A triple redundant hardened milspec armored cyberbrain braincase, quantum entanglement WORM (write once, read multiple) remote modular flash backup, reflex enhancers, and hyper-synesthetic translator turns Karl into the ultimate FPV suicide drone operator. They slot themselves in, pilot anything, load themselves up with explosives, and love to just ram into whatever. Theyre practically gauranteed to survive!

  35. Grebbo: Always shoots first. (or so he claims

  36. The Redshirts: There's lots of them, and they look impressive in thier red uniforms, but they die cinematically if the players even sneeze.

  37. ROY, GEE, and BIFF: Roy wears red, Gee wears green, and Biff wears blue. Biff has a head for credits, and is an expert hostage negotiator, Roy has anger issues and fancies himself the leader, and Gee is willing to cut a bastard if they don't behave.

  38. Disco Dru: Disco never died, baby! Also lasers.

  39. The Mechanic: Known for sneaking into the maintenance yards, blending in, and sabotaging target's vehicles for tracking and capture and the like. Owns thier own suped up space-tug with high end quadra-beam tractor technology!

  40. The Psychohistorian: Claims they have a secret technique that lets them predict where targets will appear and when. Half the time it's as accurate and as revealing as examining the entrails of certain asteroid worms for divining the future, but when it works, it's spectacular. The practice has made them quite unstable though.

  41. The Straynge sisters: Grannies with fuckin' magic powers, yo. You can also pack a suprisingly strong repeating laser blaster in the legs of a walker.

  42. Magical Girl Attack Squad: Bubble beams, hope rays, etc.

  43. Knockoff Ratman and Bobbin: Thier utility belts make them prepared for anything, but the gadgets are all knockoff crap that dont always work.

  44. Snively Backlash and his Evil Dog. The dog is actually a hyena man and compulsively laughs.

  45. The Brute Squad: 4-armed Gorilla hybrids with super strength, tear thru bulkheads like they're paper.

  46. Garbage Pandas: Sentient Racoons with cybernetic hand prosthetics on thier backs, and at least one Possum.

  47. Jaques Krabbit: Fancy French Bunny-man with beret, striped shirts, clove cigarettes, and a 12 point plan to take down the system from the inside, by capturing bounties placed by the system; it's all very convoluted. Has a laser pistol with three shots, hidden in a stale baguette, and isnt above taking himself hostage to get the job done.

  48. Craven Corvus Rex-Ravensporte XVII: Fancy raven-person who is royalty, in a bit of a sticky wicket; you see he owes quite a bit of money and likes shiny things too much to stop. All flash, and no spark. This bounty hunting laugh is just lucrative enough to keep it interesting...

  49. Ciel 'Big Slugger' Penny-Pedia: A extremely athletic extremely large seal-person, who prefers to wield a club. Made a name for themselves in Astro-league Basesphere-ball a few years back before a gambling scandal ruined it for them.

  50. Cpt. Ray Scar: The fastest pilot slash bounty hunter that ever lived this side of the spiral arm. He and his pit-crew of the "Thunderbolt", feature no less than seven novatech hyper-impulse drives, Oppenheimer afterburners, and dual StickyBoi model "GR4-BB3R" ultra heavy duty, high response manipulator waldos. There's no escaping them, and when they grab on, theyll cut this ship open like a can of sardines..

  51. Cal Thoolo: Nothing special, just an idjit in a cephalapod body-sleeve, with eight laser blasters.

  52. Flamey the Fire Safety Awareness Salamander is here to see your reign of terror end.

  53. Wren Faire and Slightly Average Sized John: When they arent robbing from the rich to feed to poor, in anachronistic medieval forester garb, theyre chasing bounties.l, and today they're chasing you.

  54. The Patriot: Never bring a knife to a gunfight. Never bring a gun when you can bring two. What's two when you can bring the entire gun store? A gun store armory is just an excuse to buy more guns now that the gun store is empty. Someone's gotta keep the entire military industrial complex going.

  55. Kneel, the Porc Star-barian: Muscles for days and a big sword. What is best in life? To Crush your enemy and to drive them before you!

  56. I, Jedd; A poetical mountain man, looking to keep his family-slash cult of vaguely psychokeneticist ascetics fed. Haikus, Folk Wisdom, and Freaking Laser Swords.

  57. The Doofus Warriors: Cosplayer outlaws who huff gold spray paint and wear football gear and bdsm fetish gear armor. OBSERVE ME!!!

  58. A serial-killer whale.

  59. A sentient swarm of vermin filling a set of body armor.

  60. Three school-children piloting an old tank for some reason. Somehow they have unlimited ammo.

  61. A shaggy looking skinny guy in a green shirt who thinks the players killed his great-dane.

  62. An overused outhouse on a hot sunny day. It's tired of dealing with the player's bullshit and gained the ability to move, somehow.

  63. A circus act hiding the fact that they have a freaking TANDEM PSYCHIC WAR ELEPHANT.

  64. Literal killer clowns from outer space.

18:25 UTC


Let’s build! 1D100 Greater Curses

Let’s go, bring out your most creative diabolical afflictions whether they be given , taken or otherwise!

I will try to keep this game system, agnostic but if I come up with anything that requires explanation, I’ll put it in parentheses.

I’ll begin

  1. you r lungs constantly burn and hurt as you constantly cough up black sand.

Anywhere you tread the plant life dies within 10ft from any point of your body, you have an aura of negative energy 10ft. Anyone who is exposed to you will take 1d3 pts of negative energy damage to their constitution score for any amount of time greater than 1hr per day. (It’s magical sand infused with the negative energy plane that erodes / saps the life of all it touches) You are in constant pain and if you don’t cough up the sand it will build up and kill you. When healing from resting or food , you only heal 25% of what you normally do, as well as any magical healing that uses positive energy is only 25% effective against the negative energy that flows through and around you.

  1. you breathe cloudkill wherever you go as per the d&d 3.5 spell, or equivalent, you breath out 1 5ft square of the cloud for every size category above medium. The cloud stays for rounds or minutes equal to your constitution.

You are unaffected by this.

  1. fate has cursed you.

Your range for critical failure increases by 5 points. It’s like the world itself is out to get you.

  1. any place in which you stay for longer than a day comes under the effect of a gradual worsening storm that increases severity for every day you stay there.

When you leave, the storm will gradually decrease in severity, taking an equal amount of time to ramp down.

The storm acts as the spell storm vengeane from d&d 3.5 except over days.

The longer you stay the higher, the chance, and eventually inevitability that the town will become destroyed or very damaged with many casualties.

The only way to stop the storm is that you must travel 15-25+ miles from the location and you must do this by actually leaving , not teleporting or using portals / going to other planes.

This will prevent the cursed one from forming meaningful bonds in a community, and if they try, eventually, the townsfolk will either die from the storm or they will find out that they are the ones that caused this and run them out.

  1. you are dead and more akin to a spirit than anything else. In order to maintain your being you must possess some being.

When you possess them, you slowly start to burn them from the inside out, using up their essence to fill When you possess them, you slowly start to burn them from the inside out, using up their essence to fuel your own existence.

16:18 UTC


Brainstorm request: table of edge of hex qualities

1 Comment
02:41 UTC


Going "Backwards" from Table Results to Rumors

I have been enjoying using my Setting Automation Spreadsheet for TTRPG stories in a fantasy town. It's working great! But I want to enhance it.

Specifically, I recently was gifted Forbidden Lands and see the importance of having rumors/legends about locations, creatures, and artifacts.

Players can be enticed to move forward to look for potential finds ("Oh! An unexplored river? And the Fishing Rod of Snootiness might be there? Let's go!").

The GM can gain combine foreshadowing into brainstorming to build cohesion in a forward manner ("The table suggests a decision is important here...let's have this location be where that recently used legend of the tragic Council of Oops happened.")

My question is who has advice about working backwards from random table results of locations/creatures/artifacts to creating appropriate rumors/legends about those?

Specifically, has anyone had good results automating this, so a table or computer generator will help create the rumor/legend about a newly generated location/creature/artifact?


Note to mods: Does my link count as having this post contain 5 examples? If not, I can reformat this post. Please let me know! Sorry, I'm new here and not sure how to talk *about* random tables as well as provide them.

1 Comment
18:23 UTC


Another Magical Side Effects Table, Risks of OP Magic [Gameplay Mechanics]

I love the idea of Wizard Flowers from the Trilemma Adventures Blog by Michael Prescott (http://blog.trilemma.com/2015/09/the-full-dark-stone.html?m=1 ; or Google if you don’t like clicking links: Trilemma The Full Dark Stone)

Basically through an ancient wizard ritual, you can melt gemstones alchemically and drink the solution whilst focusing on a Spell you want to memorize. The spell will now literally “Crystalize” in your brain. Now you can always remember the spell and cast it with ease… but I think you should run some high risks and pay high costs for unlimited magic. 

Preferably mechanical side effects, but could be RP if it’s impactful enough. Maybe 15-25% of effects are positive to entice the players to risk the odds.


Where N = number of times you have performed this ritual, including this time:

  1. Roll again twice.
  2. You are consumed, become a Lich.
  3. Lose Charisma equal to N.
  4. Forget another random spell, and you cannot ever learn it again.
  5. Forget your name, cannot hear it or learn it again.
  6. Forget your family, your upbringing, your homeland, cannot learn it again.
  7. Disadvantage on all other spells besides those 'Crystalized' in mind.
  8. Your mind is trapped in The Beyond for 100,000 years, where you experience an endless search through a maze of other realities. When you return to your body after 1 week, you are changed. Reroll your character’s personality traits. (Quest RPG)
  9. Impending Doom: If you hit 0 HP this season, you will immediately suffer a death blow with no chance of recovery. (Mythic Bastionlands)
  10. You are now constantly hunted by a faction harvesting Wizard Flowers from brains.
  11.  The fingers or hands are forced into the atherial plane momentarily causing alien hand syndrome / Phantom limb. Where are your hands? Who knows. (Emotional_Guillotine)
  12.  Your voice is delayed by a few seconds. While you can be heard, your words never line up with your lips. This effect is incredibly disconcerting and causes a -1d4 to all persuasion checks, but +1d4 to all intimidation checks. (imaginarywaffleiron)
  13.  Involuntary bodily functions are rerouted by the Wizard Flower. After every rest, long or short, suffer the effects of confusion for -1d4 hours. (imaginarywaffleiron)
  14.  You crystalize a bad memory or invasive thought, disadvantage on CHA saves.
  79. You fully open up your mind to the Cosmos and drift aimlessly amidst the limitless possibilities of everything. You are comatose for 1d4 years. When you come back, increase Wisdom by number of years adrift.
  80. Increase INT by 1
  81. Learn a new spell of level N immediately and add it to your 'Crystalized' Spells
  82. The spell always deals double damage (or effect > time > radius).
  83. Become a Shade for 1d4 years. Split from your physical form you are immune to all physical damage, but magic hits you for double damage and can still kill you. (Quest RPG Inspired)
07:51 UTC


D100 Collapsible Names (perfect portmanteaus)

What's a collapsible name? They are two words, blended: the end of the first is the same as the start of the second. Dream + amber = Dreamber. Or, with diacritics over the shared part: Dreȧṁber.

Why? I think they are neat. Haġrove, Trėėrie, Weaṗȯṅd – they sound fey to me. So ancient, that the language warps around the concepts they're conveying.


I got this idea from a fantasy map I saw on Pinterest, maybe a tutorial or a commission example – it had a forest named Hagrove. And I thought: oh, interesting, the ‘g’ is shared! It felt like was not a mere grove with some hags – but the hag grove. As if the two words were invented just to describe it. You might break the name apart and re-purpose its pieces to describe a troll grove or a hag mire – but you can see that those are derived terms, as they don’t fit as nicely together.

Similarly, I like the idea of prehistoric entities speaking in rhyme. Not intentionally – just due to the gravitas of their presence crumpling and plowing this “new thing”, the language.

##d100 Collapsible Names

  1. Aṗėak: ape + peak
  2. Arḃȯṙough: arbor + borough
  3. Aṙi̇ḋge: arid + ridge
  4. Aṡḣawl: ash + shawl
  5. Aẇėll: awe + well
  6. Baṡi̇ṅkhole: basin + sinkhole
  7. Bȯẇl: bow + owl
  8. Buṡḣire: bush + shire
  9. Cak̇ėep: cake + keep [/u/AwkwardOwl17]
  10. Charṁėṙe: charmer + mere
  11. Chroṁȧgic: chroma + magic [/u/Mal_js]
  12. Clȯȧk̇: cloak + oak
  13. Curṡėa: curse + sea
  14. Daeṁȯṅarchy: daemon + monarchy [/u/Mal_js]
  15. Darking: dark + king [/u/Mal_js]
  16. Dreȧṁber: dream + amber
  17. Elvėṅgulf: elven + engulf [/u/Mal_js]
  18. Fȧėrie: fae + aerie
  19. Festiv̇ȧl̇ley: festival + valley
  20. Gall̇ȯẇlands: gallow(s) + lowlands [/u/Mal_js]
  21. Garḋėṅ: garde + den
  22. Glaḋėn: glade + den
  23. Gl̇ėėch: glee + leech
  24. Gnoṁėadow: gnome + meadow
  25. Gṙїḋge: grid + ridge
  26. Harḃȯṙough: harbor + borough [/u/AwkwardOwl17]
  27. Haṫėrrain: hate + terrain [/u/Mal_js]
  28. Hidḋėṅ: hidden + den
  29. Hi̇l̇l̇usion: hill + illusion
  30. Horḋėn: horde + den
  31. Horṙi̇ḋge: horrid + ridge
  32. Immenṡėa: immense + sea
  33. Jeẇėl̇l: jewel + well
  34. Lak̇ėep: lake + keep
  35. Lav̇ȧlley: lava + valley
  36. Liȯṅyx: lion + onyx [/u/AwkwardOwl17]
  37. Luṡḣire: lush + shire
  38. Massaċṙėek: massacre + creek
  39. Meṙėed: mere + reed
  40. Moȯṙchid: moor + orchid
  41. Muṡėrene: muse + serene [/u/Me_an_anime_freak]
  42. Niḣi̇l̇l: nihil + hill
  43. Oȧṫḣeist: oath + atheist
  44. Putṙïḋge: putrid + ridge
  45. Quėṡṫate: quest + estate [/u/AwkwardOwl17]
  46. Raindrȯṗal: raindrop + opal
  47. Skirmiṡḣire: skirmish + shire
  48. Sliṁėadow: slime + meadow
  49. Snak̇ėep: snake + keep [/u/AwkwardOwl17]
  50. Solituḋėn: solitude + den
  51. Specṫṙėe: spectre + tree
  52. Sprïṅġot: spring + ingot
  53. Sunriṡėa: sunrise + sea
  54. Teȧṙid: tear + arid
  55. Tiḋȧl̇e: tidal + dale
  56. Tṙėėd: tree + reed
  57. Tṙėėgion: tree + region [/u/AwkwardOwl17]
  58. Trėėrie: tree + eerie
  59. Veteṙȧṅge: veteran + range
  60. Weaṗȯṅd: weapon + pond
  61. Whisṗėṙch: whisper + perch
  62. Wilḋėn: wilde + den
  63. Winḋẏke: windy + dyke
  64. Youṫḣorp: youth + thorp


You can search for the names with somthing like Merriam-Webster's "starts with..." or "ends with..." function.

I have also built a online tool specifically for the purpose of making collapsible names.

P.S. I wrote an article about applications of naming for worldbuiling. Feel welcome to check it out!

19:56 UTC


Ideas for a Town of Animals Turned into People

Hello, everyone!
There is a city ruled by a witch in my campaigns. It's a medieval fantasy setting. She got hold of an artifact that turned animals into people and created an entire community of workers to serve her. After generations, the transformed animals are no longer aware that they work for the witch, they think that she has been elected to govern the city in a fair way and they have become accustomed to the tasks they are given and to their precarious subsistence condition.
The idea is that the adventurers will arrive in this city and lead the animals to a revolution or defeat the witch. I haven't thought of anything other than the basis for this event, so I need anything specific, other than basic, to make the event more interesting.
(The transformed animals still retain some of the most striking features of their animal form)

  1. One of the transformed animals is a philosopher, he preaches that the way to happiness is to abandon the complications of life in society and free your inner animal.
  2. One of the transformed animals was a spider and manages, with its various arms, to be the best chef in town.
  3. The transformed ants are more numerous and do the hard work of constructing the city's buildings and expanding it.
  4. There's a march of transformed animals in favor of a reform in workers' wages.
  5. A submissive transformed dog sympathizes with one of the adventurers and wants him to become his owner.
18:22 UTC


Let's Build a Story Bucket List

What is an adventure or campaign type that you've always wanted to run? What is an adventure or campaign type that you've run several times and think everybody should try at least once?


  1. A classic heist

  2. A "drawing room" style murder mystery.

  3. A prison break

  4. A classic haunted house

  5. A zombie (or other) siege, a la Night of the Living Dead or the Alien franchise

  6. A reverse heist (you're defending against an incoming party, rather than vice versa)

  7. A James Bond style spy thriller

  8. A George RR Martin style throne war

01:14 UTC


d100 sayings misinterpreted by an out-of-towner

You engage with the mysterious cloaked figure from distant lands, brooding in the corner of the bar. During the conversation on a DC5 knowledge culture check you notice that he is consistently getting common sayings slightly incorrect.

  1. We can burn that bridge when we cross it.
  2. Two birds in the bush are easy to kill with a big enough stone.
  3. All roads lead to doing as the Romans do.
  4. You can't have an apple and a doctor too.
  5. Swords speak louder than pens.
  6. Do not bite the silver lined hand.
  7. There are too many cooks in the kitchen.
  8. Better to burn in hell than deal with the rain in England.
  9. This was a problem from the gecko. u/zanderrahl
  10. You’re telling me a shrimp fried this rice? u/emporeremoji
  11. If you find yourself in a hole the only way to go is up. u/facelesspoet
  12. An apple a day gets the doctor to stay. u/chainsawnerd2007



  1. Don’t judge a book before you've taken cover!

  2. They are born with a silver spoon between their legs.

  3. Go to hell in a hen basket!

  4. He's a wolf in cheap clothing!

  5. Someone's turning the candle in both hands. (Burning the candle on both ends)

  6. Someone's like a duck out of water.

  7. Taking the wind out of someones saddle.

  8. It will be a walk in the cake!

  9. Looking for an eagle in a haystack!

  10. Time to grab the bull by tail!

  11. Until the pigs freeze over!

  12. A dozen coins! (A dime a dozen)

  13. Let's call us some day! (Call it a day)

  14. Your dress is as good as mine.

  15. Cut somebody some corners. (Cut sth. some slack / cutting corners)

  16. This get's out of sand!

  17. Let us act together! (Get your act together)

  18. To make a short story long ...

  19. No pain, no cry!

  20. Pull out someones leg together. (Pulling someones leg / pull yourself together)

  21. Time flies when you speak of the devil!

  22. Wrap something around your head.

  23. Till the beans.



  1. My eyes are watering, someone must be talking about me. u/smiles__



  1. Looks like the upper hand is on the other foot!

  2. Give a man a duck and he'll eat for a day. Teach a man to duck and he won't walk into a bar.

  3. This may come back to haunt you in the ass

  4. You were so caught up with if a woodchuck could chuck wood that you didn't stop to think if a woodchuck should chuck wood

  5. Feed two birds with one scone

  6. It's not rocket surgery

  7. You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make him walk on it

  8. Let's not beat around the dead horse.

  9. Break a leg or die trying

  10. It’s like taking kids from a candy shop.

  11. Well well well, look who found more than one way to skin a dead gift horse and eat it too.

  12. I should've known this subreddit would exist. Better late than sorry, I guess.

  13. Give a man fire and he'll be warm for the rest of the night. Light a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

  14. The grass is always greener 'til the cows come home.

  15. Fool me once, shame on you. But teach a man to fool me and I'll be fooled for the rest of my life.

  16. The devil is in the pudding.

  17. The road to hell wasn't paved in a day.



  1. You've opened this can of worms, now go lay in it! u/clairlestrange

  2. I don’t give a flying rodent’s bottom about… (Don’t give a f***/a rat’s a** about…) u/myeviltwin47

  3. Rocks thrown in glass houses gather no moss. u/myeviltwin47

  4. Time to play the piper. u/myeviltwin47

  5. Curiosity got the cat out of the bag. u/myeviltwin47

11:32 UTC


Alchemy not meant for eating, drinking, or using on the wielder

Alchemy - Non-Edible & Non-Drinkable

Alchemical concoctions not meant to be imbibed.

Materials and substances created through the use of alchemy.

New Potions and materials to add to your alchemist (books, formulas, lab, lab notes, shop)

Note: These potions may have adverse effects, if the user attempts to imbibe them

  1. Adhesive / Glue - Sticky substance that hardens over time. Mods: Adheres for “x” amount of time then becomes non-sticky / Only adheres to specific materials / Rapidly hardens / Will not adhere to “x” / Works in oil / Works underwater / “x” substance causes it to release

  2. Adhesive (bandages, cloth, paper, patches, tape)

  3. Adhesive Remover - Dissolves glue or renders it not sticky / May also work on (sap, tar, webbing) or variants may be specifically made for these

  4. Air Bag / Fall Cushion - Upon breaking the container the potion forms a (bubble pile, foam pile, giant bubble, etc) that expands to 10ft diameter. It is slightly sticky to hold it in place. Anything that falls on the “airbag” has its speed reduced to something non-damaging. Creatures and objects can pass through the “airbag” but have their movement speed reduced while in contact with it.

  5. Air Purifier - Creates a mist that attaches to particles in the air. Impurities (dust, pollen, smoke) become to heavy to remain in the air and fall to the ground

  6. Alchemically Infused Nectar - Can be fed to bees to produce magical honey with “x” Potion effect. May be fed to insects to produce grubs with “x” potion effect. Possible Potion Effects

  7. Alchemical Mimic - When added to another potion, it becomes “x” more doses of that potion

  8. Animated Bane - Upon contact with animated (armor, constructs, golems, undead) it damages the magic that animates them. May cause (damage / reduced “AC” / reduced “to hit” / reduction of Dex based bonuses / slowness / temporary paralysis)

  9. Anti-Magic Substance - A (coating, liquid, material, paste, powder) that produces an anti-magic field

  10. Anti-Rust (coating, liquid, paint, paste, powder)

  11. Armored Cloth / Hide / Leaf / Leather - Material that is flexible, yet tough as metal. Provides protection equivalent to chain mail

  12. Armoring Agent - Substance that temporarily transforms (cloth, fur, hide, leather, leaves, paper) so that it becomes tough as metal. If material is made into armor, it provides protection equivalent to chain mail

  13. Attractant - Attracts “x” creature / Attracts “x” (class, species, type, variant) of creature

  14. Aura Concealer - Used to coat an item or surface. It conceals the target’s aura. Magic or psychic detection will report the target as non-magical and not aligned to any sources of power

  15. Barnacle Remover - Removes barnacles and prevents new ones from forming

  16. Bath Fizzies - Bath salts that also produce tiny bubbles that make the water fizz. May help with relaxation, give a better clean, and temporarily increase beauty by improving the skin.

  17. Bath Salts - An additive to bathing water. May help with relaxation, give a better clean, and temporarily increase beauty by improving the skin.

  18. Blinding Agent - A substance that when (blown, dripped, splashed, sprayed, thrown) into a target’s eyes, it causes temporary blindness

  19. Blood Tester (ailment) - A sample of blood is added to the potion. If “x” ailment (curse, disease, drug, magical corruption, parasite, poison, possession) is present, the potion will (bubble, change color, fizz, form layers, glow, etc)

  20. Blood Tester (genealogy, lineage) - Two samples of blood are added to the potion. If the two blood donors are related by blood, the potion will (bubble, change color, fizz, form layers, glow, etc)

  21. Blood Tester (race, monster) - A sample of blood is added to the potion. If the blood donor is “x” race, species, or monster, the potion will (bubble, change color, fizz, form layers, glow, etc). Generally used to catch (doppelgangers, lycanthropes, shape changers, spies, vampires, and creatures that can appear to be “x” race)

  22. Breathable Water - Substance that looks and acts like water, with the exception that air breathers can breath it

  23. Breathable Water Agent - Upon contact with a body of water it transforms “x” volume of water so that it is breathable by air breathers. Not good for moving water as the area of breathable waster flows downstream

  24. Candle Clock - Material burns at exact rate. Time intervals are marked on its surface

  25. Cleaning Agent / Soap - Removes dirt and grime from a surface / May remove harmful substances reducing the duration of (corrosives, skin contact poisons, etc)

  26. Corrosive - General Corrosive / Corrosive to specific material / Corrosive to everything except a few specific materials / 2 non-corrosives that when mixed become corrosive

  27. Corrosive Neutralizer - Neutralizes corrosives making them harmless

  28. Colorant - Dye, ink, paint, stain

  29. Colorant (Disappearing) - Dye, ink, paint, stain that disappears after “x” time or condition

  30. Colorant (Disappearing, Reappearing) - Dye, ink , paint, stain that disappears after “x” time or condition and then reappears after “y” time or condition

  31. Colorant (Litmus) - Dye, ink, paint that changes color when exposed to “x”

  32. Colorant (Luminescent) - Glow in the dark (dye, ink, paint)

  33. Colorant (Magical) - Dye, ink, paint, etc for certain spell (books, glyphs, magic drawings, magic circles, magic paintings, rituals, runes, seals, scrolls, tattoos, wards, etc). May be needed for the final product. May increase the quality of the final product

  34. Colorant Remover - Removes the color from a (dye, ink, paint, surface)

  35. Concentrated Stink - The worst smells imaginable magnified by ten. (skunk spray, rotting fish, vomit, etc). Makes concentration difficult, may cause vomiting or retching, makes sneaking impossible if the observers have a sense of smell, likely to repel anything with a sense of smell, severe penalties to social rolls

  36. Curse Blocker - When coating (cloth, gloves, the cursed item itself, tongs, etc), it prevents the transfer of the curse from the object to the person

  37. Curse Cleanser / Curse Remover - Upon contact with a cursed item, it dispels the curse. May only weaken or temporarily disrupt extremely powerful curses. May be ineffective vs. extremely powerful curses

  38. De-Fermenter - Transforms alcohol into a (juice, mash) made from whatever substance it was derived from. Ex: (barley, fruit, grains, honey, rice, potato, etc)

  39. Dehydrated Object - A non-living organic object that has been completely dehydrated. Its volume and weight has been reduced by 50%. It can be magically restored to its original form by adding water or dowsing it with hydrating agent

  40. Deicer / Ice Melt - Substance that causes ice to rapidly melt. May also cause damage to magical (beings, creatures, constructs, elementals) that are made of ice

  41. Delay Potion - Adding this potion to another potion will cause it to have a delayed effect. Using the potion will have no effect for “x” amount of time, after which the potion will begin working as normal

  42. Desiccant / Water Absorber - Substance or material that can absorb large amounts of water. It will actively pull the water out of porous materials. May cause damage to (liquid elementals, oozes, plant monsters)

  43. Dewarping Agent - When applied to a material that has been warped through (natural, magical) means, it causes the material to return to its original shape

  44. Elastic Agent - Temporarily makes whatever it touches elastic and bouncy. Objects will bend, bounce, and stretch as if made of soft rubber. Surfaces will bounce like a trampoline or springboard

  45. Elemental Essence - Distilled concentrated elemental essence. Possibly used for (alchemy, enchanting, rituals, spell component, etc). Possible Elements: (air, blood, darkness, earth, eldritch energy, divine energy, death, fear, fire, infernal energy, life, light, lightning, metal, mind, pain, shadow, stone, water, wind, “x” concept, “x” creature, “x” dimension, “x” emotion, etc)

  46. Ever Frozen Ice - Ice that remains cold and doesn’t melt at warm temperatures. It requires extreme heat to be able to melt it

  47. Exploding Fruit - Upon contact with a plant, the plant rapidly sprouts (bulbous growths, bulbous pods, fruit, galls, nuts). This “fruit” explodes once triggered. Explosion is triggered by: creature entering the area, sound, time delay, touching the plant, vibration near the plant. Explosion mods: acid cloud / drug cloud / explosive shockwave / glue bomb / incendiary bomb / irritant cloud / needle launcher bomb / poison cloud

  48. Explosive - A material or substance that can be triggered to explode (black powder, bombs, fireworks, gun powder, etc). May be used for (cannons, explosives, fireworks, guns, etc)

  49. Explosive Neutralizer - If added to an explosive (material, substance), the substance becomes inert and unable to explode.

  50. False Aura - Can be used to coat an item or surface. Hides the (area’s, being’s, creature’s, item’s) natural aura and gives it a fake aura that detects as (death, divine, elemental [type], infernal, magic [type], power source)

  51. Fertility Tester - A donor adds a bodily fluid (blood, milk, spit, urine, etc). The potion changes color or form layers, if the donor is: a. infertile (unable impregnate or get pregnant) / b. fertile / c. in a fertile cycle / d. pregnant

  52. Fertilizer - Makes the soil better able to support plant growth

  53. Fertilizer (Magical) - Has a magical effect on the plants grown in it. Armored Plant Material / Bioluminescence / Bountiful Harvest / Fruit, nut, seed gains potion effect / Grow to giant size / Multiple harvest per season / Non-poisonous / Rapid growth / Resistant to cold / Resistant to fire / Spell enhancing spell component / Unusual coloration

  54. Filter Agent (air) - Potion is added to a cloth. Cloth is used to cover the mouth and nose. Treated cloth filters out airborne (allergens, diseases, drugs, dust particles, poisons, pollen, smoke, spores, etc). Temporarily bestows immunity or high resistance to any ailment that must be breathed in except for drowning

  55. Filter Agent (water) - Potion is added to a cloth bag or sack. Pour water through (cloth, bag, sack). Treated bag will temporarily capture any (diseases, drugs, impurities, micro-organisms, poisons, salt, silt, etc) while allowing pure water to pass through it

  56. Fire Resistant Materials - A material such as cloth or paper that is extremely resistant to burning

  57. Fire Suppressant - A liquid or powder that can be used to extinguish fire / Prevents coated materials from catching on fire, however they may still be damaged by fire or extreme heat

  58. Fish Finder - When added to a body of water, it eliminates glare and refraction. An observer on the surface is able to see clearly to the bottom assuming the water isn’t (muddy, murky, silty, etc). 1 dose treats “x” radius, and “y” deep. Running water will significantly reduce the duration. Variant: causes aquatic creatures to glow or change to a very contrasting color

  59. Flammability Agent - Temporarily makes whatever it touches flammable. Any such material can be burned and will take damage from and be slowly consumed by fire. Can be used to set (ceramic, glass, metal, stone) on fire with a open flame or spark

  60. Flare Potion - When its container is (opened, broken), it creates a thin column of spectral fire that reaches hundreds of feet into the air. This flare is visible up to 25 miles distance. Duration “x” (seconds, minutes). May be available in different colors

  61. Flash Bomb - Creates a blinding flash of light with set off

  62. Flash Cord - Rope or string that burns instantly when exposed to flame or spark. A 20 ft length of cord will burn in under a second. Possible uses: fuse, preventing others from using rope, destroying evidence of rope

  63. Flash Paper - Paper that is burns instantly when exposed to flame or spark. A full page burns in a fraction of a second. Variations may burn different colors when ignited.

  64. Flavoring - A substance that can change the flavor of a material. Typically used on food or drink but could be used on anything. (specific flavor, good flavor, bad flavor, no flavor, amplify natural flavor)

  65. Foaming Agent - Causes another substance to become an expanding foam, that fills “x” amount of area while retaining its other properties. Typically uses with (cleaning agent, corrosive, corrosive neutralizer, fire suppressant, glue, poison, etc)

  66. Fuel - A substance that can be used as a fuel source. Enhancements: burns extremely hot / burns slowly / burns smokeless / burns specific color / burns underwater / light counts as natural (moon, sun) light / light (attracts, banishes, blinds, buffs, charms, paralyzes, repels, reveals, weakens) “x”

  67. Fuel (coldness) - A substance that creates cold (instead of heat) when burned

  68. Fuel (darkness) - A substance that creates shadows or darkness (instead of light) when burned

  69. Fuel (revealing) - When burned the light produced reveals “x” (blood, ethereal, finger prints, ghost, illusions, invisible, past events, recent foot prints, true form, undead, “x” substance, etc)

  70. Fuel Enhancer - When added to a fuel source (candle wick, oil, wood, etc). The fuel source gets used up slower than normal, allowing it to burn for a longer duration

  71. Gasification Agent - Substance can temporarily transform a solid object or surface into gas. Transforms “x” into gas, transforms a related group of materials into gas, transforms anything but “x” into gas. Solids generally turn into a heavier than air gas. Breathing in said gas may be harmful

  72. Geyser Trap - Potion is (painted, poured, splashed) on a surface. When a creature enters the area the potion explodes into a geyser of (acid, boiling oil, boiling tar, lava, mud, steam, water, etc).

  73. Hardening Agent - Causes other materials to become hard and rigid like stone / Makes a specific material hard

  74. Hardening Foam - A foam that will expand outward and then harden

  75. Homunculus Potion - A sample (blood, bone, hair, etc) of a creature is placed in the potion. The potion becomes a miniature version of said creature. The clone has a limited life span (hours, days, weeks), after which it will turn into (ash, dust, goo, mist). Variant: Amorphous Homunculi. Ability to squeeze through a 1 inch space

  76. Hydrating Agent - Rapidly restores a (dehydrated, desiccated, dried) object (flesh, food, hide, leather, plant, wood, etc) or substance (clay, glue, ink, paint, etc) back to its hydrated state

  77. Instant Air - 2 substances when mixed together produce breathable air. “x” volume of substance produces “y” volume of air

  78. Instant Barnacles - Any surfaces coated with this material will attract barnacles and they will grow and multiply faster than normal

  79. Instant Barrier - Potion is poured down in a line. A wall of “x” material forms along the line. Wall grows to “t” ft tall. Each (5ft, 10ft) section has “d” damage points. May have damage resistance or damage threshold. Each dose can create “l” ft of wall. Variations: Affects intangible / Elastic / Glue trap / Only affects intangible / Regenerating / Spiky / Spiky + Poison

  80. Instant Bog - Upon contact with the ground, it temporarily creates and area of muddy sticky terrain. Terrain becomes difficult and slows movement through it. 1 dose creates “x” radius of bog. Anything still in the bog at the end of the duration may become trapped and require a strength roll to free itself

  81. Instant Charcoal - Upon contact with wood, it rapidly transforms it into charcoal without heat or fire. Causes damage to wood (elementals, plant monsters). 1 dose transforms “x” (volume, weight) of wood into charcoal. Variation: Charcoal becomes alchemical Fuel* and has enhanced properties

  82. Instant Cheese - Upon contact with milk, it rapidly transforms it into cheese. Type of cheese created depends on the type of milk (animal it came from). 1 dose transforms “x” (volume, weight) of milk into cheese.

  83. Instant Clone - A sample (blood, bone, hair, etc) of a creature is placed in the potion. The potion transforms into a copy of said creature. Clone has all the physical abilities and skills of the original. Clone may or may not have magical and psychic abilities of the original. The clone has a limited life span (minutes, hours, days), after which it will turn into (ash, dust, goo, mist). Variant: Amorphous Clone. Ability to squeeze through a 1 inch space.

  84. Instant Clone (identifier) - A sample (ash, blood, bone, hair, etc) of a creature is placed in the potion. The potion transforms into a non-living paper thin copy of the creature. Used to identify remains.

  85. Instant Cloud 01 - 2 substances added together to rapidly produce an obscuring cloud of (bubbles, fog, mist, smoke). Cloud covers “x” radius area. Wind significantly reduces the duration. Variants: persistent (unmoved by wind) / specific color smoke / specific scent / very opaque

  86. Instant Cloud 02 - 2 substances added together to rapidly produce an obscuring cloud of (bubbles, fog, mist, smoke). The “cloud” rises up in a column to a height of “x” ft and begins to spread out in a vaguely mushroom shape. Cloud covers “y” radius area and provides shade. Wind significantly reduces the duration. Variants: lightning / persistent (unmoved by wind) / precipitation (hail, rain, sleet, snow) / specific color

  87. Instant Curing - Upon contact with a wet substance such as (cement, epoxy, glue, lacquer, mortar, paint, plaster, resin, shellac, varnish, etc), it causes it to rapidly dry and harden. This process creates its ideal state of hardness without causing defects in the resulting material

  88. Instant Decay - Upon contact with a non-living organic material, it speeds up the rate of decay. “x” volume of organic material decays in (hours, minutes, seconds)

  89. Instant Ferment - If added to certain non-living organic materials, the substance rapidly ferments in minutes. Can be used to create alcohol. Can preserve certain foods.

  90. Instant Fire - 2 substances mixed together to create fire

  91. Instant Freeze - 2 substances when mixed create a freezing cold substance

  92. Instant Freeze (lava) - A material or substance that will freeze lave on contact / Upon contact it temporarily turns “x” volume of lava into room temperature stone

  93. Instant Fruiting - When added to a plant, the plant will rapidly grow (berries, fruit, gourds, melons, nuts, tubers, etc). Plant produces “fruit” that it would normally produce. May or may not (damage the plant it is used on, deplete the soil around the plant that it is used on, alter the flavor of the fruit that is produced). Alternate Version: Plant produced “x” type of “fruit” even if it doesn’t normally product that type of “fruit”.

  94. Instant Grip - When spread over (a surface, footwear, gloves) it prevents slipping without becoming sticky. Even works on surfaces coated with (algae, ice, grease, mud, oil, etc)

  95. Instant Ice 01 - Substance that causes water to rapidly freeze into ice. Upon contact with water, produces up to “x” volume of ice

  96. Instant Ice 02 - Substance that causes water to turn into ice at room temperature. Resulting ice will be at ambient temperature instead of cold

  97. Instant Mold - Coated surface will attract mold. The mold will grow and spread faster than normal

  98. Instant Pearl - Upon contact with a creature that normally makes pearls (clams, muscles, oysters), it will rapidly begin making a pearl. The process of growing a pearl is reduced to (hours, days, weeks)

  99. Instant Plant Grow - A few drops can make a plant grow from (seed, seedling) to full size in a matter of minutes. Extra doses will make a plant grow to gigantic size. May decrease lifespan of plant. May deplete soil around plant.

  100. Instant Plant Structure - Dousing a plant with this will cause it to rapidly grow into a structure (blockhouse, hut, tree house, watchtower). The resulting structure will be composes of the plant that it was created from.

  101. Instant Raft - When added to water, the potion forms a flat material that floats on the surface of water. Each (5ft, 10ft) section of raft can hold “x” weight before it sinks. Each dose can create a 5ft x 5ft raft

  102. Instant Rust - Rapidly rust iron / May cause oxidation or corrosion in other metals

  103. Instant Spikes - When (painted, poured, splashed) on a surface, it causes spikes to grow out of the surface. Spikes grow to “x” (inches, feet) long and are made of the material that the surface is made of. 1 dose covers “x” area

  104. Instant Tornado - When exposed to air, the substance creates a tornado. Variations: fire tornado, frost tornado, water spout

  105. Instant Water - 2 substances when mixed together produce water. “x” volume of substance produces “y” volume of water

  106. Instant Whirlpool - When added to a liquid it creates a whirlpool in the liquid. Size and strength of the whirlpool depends on the amount of liquid and the amount of potion added to it

  107. Itching Agent - A substance that temporarily causes severe itching upon contact with skin

  108. Lens / Crystal - Looking through the “lens” allows one to see: specific light frequencies / auras / chi energy / invisible / magic / parallel dimensions or planes of existence / possessing entities / psychic energy / through illusion / true form / weak points in the barriers between dimensions / etc

  109. Levitation - Creates a (bubble, cloud, gas, mist, etc) that slowly rises to “h” height and levitates anything within it. After “t” time it slowly descends back to the ground and then dissipates. Can’t levitate (creatures, objects) that weigh more than “x” or are larger than the area it cover

  110. Lighter than air gas / Lift Gas - Gas used to hold dirigibles and balloons in the air

  111. Liquefied Item - A physical object that has been liquefied and stored in a container. Upon being poured out the item expands and reshapes itself into its original form

  112. Liquid Pit - When poured onto a solid horizontal surface, it forms a pocket dimension pit. Forms a pit up to “x” ft radius and “y” ft deep. The depth of the pit doesn’t have to match the depth of the surface. It could be poured on a sheet of paper and create a pit 50ft deep.

  113. Liquid Portal - two substances that are magically linked. When (painted, poured) onto a surface they form portals. One can jump into one portal and exit the other. They will not form a portal unless both potions are used.

  114. Liquid Purifier - When added to a liquid impurities either float to the top or sink to the bottom. Impurities can then be scooped out or the liquid can be poured off. Works on any liquid / Works on a limited type of liquids / Works on a specific liquid

  115. Liquid Springboard / Trampoline - When poured onto a solid horizontal surface, the resulting puddle becomes very bouncy. Alternatively it makes the surface it is poured onto bouncy. Can act as a trampoline to: reduce fall damage, increase vertical jump height.

  116. Liquefying Agent - Temporarily causes a solid material to transform into its liquid state at room temperature. “x” material / Related group of materials / Any materials except “x”. Resulting liquid will be at ambient temperature, all other properties will be based on the material in its liquid state

  117. Living Substance - A (blob, gel, jelly, ooze, pudding, slime, sludge) type creature

  118. Living Substance (Elemental) - A ooze type creature made of a singular non-living substance (alcohol, blood, butter, cheese, chocolate, clay, honey, ink, lava, melted fat, mercury, molten glass, molten metal, molten wax, mud, oil, pepper juice, sap, sewage, tar, water, etc)

  119. Lubricant - Substances that make things slippery. May be used to free up stuck or jammed moving parts. May be used to create a slipping hazard

  120. Luminescent Material - A material, substance, or coating that glows in the dark. Enhancements: color / color changes if “x” / light counts as natural (moon, sun) light / light (attracts, banishes, blinds, buffs, charms, paralyzes, repels, reveals, weakens) “x”

  121. Luminescent Material (detector) - A material, substance, or coating that glows in the presence of “x”. Material, substance, or energy. It glows brighter if: it gets nearer to “x”, higher concentration of “x” in the area, higher purity of “x” in the area

  122. Magical Beacon - A material or substance that emits a specific magical aura. Using the correct magic, this aura is easily detectable over long range. Used for navigation. May also be used for tracking devices. Weaker versions may be used as an ID for magical security systems. Security system treats whoever holds the beacon as a friendly

  123. Magically Delicious - When added to any edible (creature, food, drink, drug), it temporarily makes it magically delicious. Any (person, creature) that sees or smells the magically delicious target must make a (cha, wis, will) save to resist trying to consuming it

  124. Material (anti-divination / anti-scrying) - Material, substance, or coating. Anything completely surrounded by this material becomes extremely difficult to (analyze, detect, identify, locate, scry upon) with magic

  125. Material (cold) - Material that will remain (cool, cold) for (hours, days, weeks, months, years)

  126. Material (corrosive resistant) - Material that will not be dissolved by or react with acids / bases / corrosives

  127. Material (detection) - Material or substance that (bubbles, changes color, changes shape, clouds up, cools down, fizzes, glows, heats up, releases scent, rings, vibrates, etc) in the presence of “x”. Changes to the material become more pronounced based on (close proximity / mass, number, quantity, volume / purity) of the thing it was made to detect

  128. Material (disintegrating) - Material that (disintegrates, turns to [ash, dust, gas, goo]) when: (it comes into contact with “x” / “x” amount of time passes / it vibrates at “x” frequency / etc). Until its disintegration it looks and behaves like normal (ceramic, glass, metal, stone, wood, etc)

  129. Material (dual reality) - Material exist in 2 or more (dimensions, planes of existence, realities) simultaneously. It can effect and be affected by (actions, creatures, events) in both planes of existence

  130. Material (elastic) - Material such as glass or wood that becomes elastic and stretchable

  131. Material (flexible) - Material such as glass or metal that becomes flexible like cloth or rubber

  132. Material (heat resistant) - Material, substance, or coating that only burn or melts at very extreme temperatures (1000s of degrees)

  133. Material (hot) - Material that will remain (warm, hot) for (hours, days, weeks, months, years)

  134. Material (insulating) - Material, substance, or coating that slow the transfer of (cold, heat, electricity)

  135. Material (levitating) - Material or substance that levitates. “X” amount of material can lift “y” amount of weight / Material or substance that levitates when exposed to “x”

  136. Material (lightning rod) - Material attracts “x” energy towards itself

  137. Material (magic resistant) - Material, substance, or coating that is very resistant to magic

  138. Material (magnetic) - Material that is not normally magnetic (clay, glass, wood, etc) is now magnetic. Variant: Magnetically attracted to or repelled by “x” (material, substance)

  139. Material (photographic) - Material that when exposed to light, becomes a photograph of whatever it was facing. Mods: Photograph shows (astral, auras, future, illusions, parallel dimension, past, possessing entities, true form, etc)

  140. Material (reflective to magic) - Material will deflect or reflect most magic that is cast on it

  141. Material (resistant to specific alchemical mixture)

  142. Material (slow fall) - material falls slowly despite its (aerodynamics, mass, weight) or the outside forces pulling or pushing it. Material can resist “x” amount of (force, weight) before its slow fall is overcome

  143. Material (solid to intangible) - Material, substance, or coating that is solid to the (astral, ethereal, intangible)

  144. Material (sound absorbing) - Material, substance, or coating that blocks sound from traveling through it

  145. Material (super dense) - Material that is much heavier than its volume would suggest

  146. Material (super light) - Material that is much lighter weight than it should be

  147. Material (super strong) - Material that is much stronger than it should be

  148. Material (transparent) - Material that is not normally transparent, is transparent like glass while retaining its other properties

  149. Material (water resistant)

  150. Memory Viewing Fluid - When poured into a (bowl, puddle) it will display memories of whatever creature is touching it. May display the last moments if a corpse is touching it. May display random memories if a disembodied brain is touching it

  151. Mock Life - A substance that magic detects as alive. If an inanimate object or undead is coated with it , it will detect as a living (being, creature). May cause unintelligent undead to attack undead that are coated with it, especially if they hunger for the living or have orders to kill the living

  152. Mold Remover - Kills mold and prevents new mold from forming on a surface

  153. Navigation - Potion is keyed to a specific (creature, object, person, place). Upon opening the container, it releases a tendril of colored smoke that flows towards the target that it is keyed to.

  154. Noisy Trap - Potion is (painted, poured, spread) over an area. When it dries it becomes nearly invisible. It creates a lot of noise if anything larger than a rat touches or moves across a coated surface. Sound may be like popping bubble wrap, pulling up very sticky tape, or breaking loud potato chips. Variants may cause the affected area to glow, leaving a trail of (foot prints, hoof prints, paw prints, cart tracks, etc)

  155. Organ Sustaining Fluid - If an (organ, limb, or living tissue) is placed in a container of this substance, it will remain alive and viable for (days, weeks, months, years)

  156. Pheromones (calming)

  157. Pheromones (hive member) - Creatures of a specific (colony, hive, type) will treat you as one of their own, unless you attack them

  158. Pheromones (rage inducing) - Sends a creature type into a blind rage / Causes nearby creatures to attack anything coated with substance

  159. Pheromones (trail) - Creatures of a certain (colony, hive, type) will tend to follow and move along a trail, that has been marked with this substance

  160. Pill Maker - Adding this to a (medicine, poison, potion, food, drink) that can be consumed, will transform it into a pill about the size of a pinto bean. Consuming the pill will have the same effect as eating or drinking the original item. Pills may have a longer shelf life than the original item. 1 dose can transform about (1 pint volume, 1 pound weight) of material into a pill. Pills may or may not transform back if submerged in water

  161. Plant Acclimation Agent - Accelerates the process of a plant acclimating to a new environment. Plant will be able to survive changes to its environmental (humidity, soil nutrients, soil PH, sunlight exposure, temperature, weather patterns, etc)

  162. Plant color change - Once absorbed by a plant, the (bark, blossoms, fruit, leaves, seeds, veins, etc) will change color. Change may be temporary (minutes, hours, days, months) or it may per permanent

  163. Poisons - Substances that have a detrimental effect on living organic (beings, animals, plants, fungi, etc). Poison Effects

  164. Possession Seal - Splashed on a target (creature, object) that is possessed. Temporarily prevents the possessing entity from being able to leave its current (host, vessel). Killing the host may or may not kill or banish the possessing entity

  165. Potion Enhancer - When added to another potion it increases one or more aspects of that potion (effect, difficulty to save vs., duration, effective spell level, etc)

  166. Potion Intensifier - When added to another potion it increases the effect but shortens the duration

  167. Power Source - Material or substance that is a power source for a (airship, automaton, gateway or portal, golem, magic item or device, magic ritual or spell, ward, etc)

  168. Preserving Agent - Slows the decay or spoiling of organic materials. Possible uses: preserve food and drink, embalming fluid, taxidermy, long lasting (bone, cloth, fur, hide, leather, paper, parchment, resin, rope, shells, vellum, etc)

  169. Puddle of Entanglement - When (poured, painted, splashed) on a surface, it will entangle nearby creatures via (grasping hands, tentacles, vines). Variants: acidic, choking, crushing & squeezing, inflicts drug or poison, larcenous, strength draining, tickling

  170. Rapid plant growth - Upon contact with a plant, the plant will rapidly grow to full size. Some variants of this potion may cause plants to grow to giant size “x” times larger than normal.

  171. Rapid grow crystals - Upon activation, crystal grows to “x” size within a minute

  172. Rapid grow seeds - Upon activation, seed grows to full size plant within a minute

  173. Reanimation - Transforms a corpse or carcass into a zombie. Note it doesn’t restore or reattach any missing parts. Zombie is uncontrolled / Zombie is controlled by the 1st person it sees / Zombie takes orders from anyone / Zombie attempts to continue the task it was doing when it died

  174. Reanimation Blocker - When applied to a corpse, it prevents the corpse from becoming an undead for “x” amount of time

  175. Refined Ingredient - “x” ingredient for (alchemy, crafting, enchanting, rituals, spell component, etc). It is possible that refining is necessary for the finished product. It is possible that the refined ingredient makes the final product higher quality. Increased (quality, effect, duration, area of effect, difficulty to save vs, difficulty to dispel, spell level, etc)

  176. Repellent - Repels “x” creature / Repels “x” {class, species, type, variant) of creature

  177. Resurrection Blocker - When applied to a corpse, it prevents the corpse from being resurrected for “x” amount of time

  178. Rolling Carpet - Pouring the potion on the ground forms a sort of gelatinous carpet. The carpet is attracted towards a substance in the bottom of the potion vial. The carpet can ooze along at “x” distance per “t” time while carrying “w” weight.

  179. Salt Extractor - Upon contact with salt water, it causes the salt to come out of solution and crystallize. Salt will for a clump of salt crystals that can be removed from the water.

  180. Scent - smells like “x”

  181. Scent Concealer

  182. Scrying Fluid - When poured in a (bowl, puddle), one can look into it and see a distant location. Alternatively the potion forms a large bubble, that can be used to scry. Displays a specific (creature, object, person, place) / Displays a (creature, object, person, place) that the viewer is thinking about / Displays a past scene from the surface that it is poured onto

  183. Sharpness Agent - Substance, that when applied to a bladed (tool, weapon), makes it sharper or makes it easier to cut with it regardless of sharpness. Bladed weapons gain temporary bonus to damage. Bladed tools gain bonus to skill use.

  184. Sharpening Agent - Substance, that is used when sharpening a bladed (tool, weapon). Must be used with other sharpening tools. Temporarily gives the blade a superior edge, that can cut through things it couldn’t normally cut through. Bladed weapons gain temporary bonus to damage. Bladed tools gain bonus to skill use.

  185. Smelling Salts - Scent emitted from this potion will cause sleeping or unconscious (people, creatures) to wake up. May dispel magical sleep. May temporarily dispel fatigue due to lack of sleep, but does not remove the need for sleep

  186. Softening Agent - Causes other materials to become soft and malleable like clay / Makes a specific material soft and malleable

  187. Solidifying Agent - Temporarily transforms a liquid into a solid at room temperature. Substance remains at ambient temperature but gains all other properties of its solid state. May trap anything that is in the liquid at the time it becomes a solid. May temporarily incapacitate (algae plant monsters, liquid or semi-liquid elementals, ooze)

  188. Static Remover - removes static from a material and temporarily prevents the build up of static charge

  189. Substance (dehydrated) A substance that originally contained a high water content. It has been completely dehydrated into a powder reducing its volume and weight by 70% to 90%. It can be restored to its original state by adding a sufficient amount of water or by adding hydrating agent potion

  190. Supernatural Bane 01 - Substance that damages a specific type of creature that is normally immune to most damage type. Substance burns the creature as if it was acid and ignores resistances. Substance has little or no effect on other creatures

Hit world limit 191+ in comments

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Alchemy – Dangerous or Potentially Harmful Potions

Alchemy – Component Table

Alternative Potion Forms



17:57 UTC


D100 Realm portals to

  1. Fire Plain
  2. Air Plain
  3. Earth Plain
  4. Water Plain
  5. Hells/Abyss
  6. Mud/Oozes Plain
  7. Magma Plain
  8. Ice Plain
  9. Lightning Plain
  10. Wild Lands
  11. Steel lands
  12. xenosis (Alien Realm [Yes AVP])
  13. Arkenius (Ark Survival)
  14. Bayonerisk (Bayonetta)
  15. Bazerkoris (Bazerk)
  16. Darksor/Bloodfield (Darksouls/Bloodborn)
  17. Doom lands (Doom)
  18. Land of the fallen crown (Fall of londen)
  19. Nuker Wastes (Fallout)
  20. Ravnica
  21. Dominaria
  22. Ravenloft
  23. Innistrad
  24. Kaldhime
  25. Zendikar
  26. Alara
  27. Lorwyn/Shadowmor

30-70:[World_of_Ideas] 30. Amalur (Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning)

  1. Asgard (Norse mythology)

  2. Astral Plane

  3. Athas (D&D: Dark Sun)

  4. Avalon (Welsh mythology)

  5. Cybertron

  6. Dinotopia

  7. Discworld

  8. Dream Lands (H. P. Lovecraft)

  9. Dunwall (Dishonored)

  10. Earthsea

  11. Eternia (He-Man and the Masters of the Universe)

42.Greyhawk (D&D)

  1. Hollow Earth

44.Hyrule (Zelda)

  1. Krull

  2. Krynn (D&D: Dragonlance)

  3. Land of the Dead (various mythologies)

  4. Land of the Giants (Jack the Giant Slayer / The BFG)

  5. Land of the Lost

  6. Lilliput (Gulliver's Travels)

  7. Melniboné (Elric series)

  8. Mushroom Kingdom (Super Mario)

  9. Myst / Riven

  10. Narnia


  1. Pandora (Avatar)

  2. Pern (Dragon Riders of Pern)

  3. Sanctuary (Diablo)

  4. Shadowfell (D&D Forgotten Realms)

  5. Shivering Isles / Realm of Madness (The Elder Scrolls IV)

  6. Steampunk World ?

  7. Sunless Sea

  8. The Gloom (The Bad Guys Chronicles by Eric Ugland)

  9. Thra (The Dark Crystal)

  10. Underdark (D&D)

  11. Waterworld

  12. World of The Neglected (Oblivion Island: Haruka and the Magic Mirror)

  13. World of Two Moons (Elf Quest)

  14. Xanth

  15. Zombie Land

  16. Zork

13:27 UTC


D100 punishments for a DM to secretly inflict on the players during a tabletop session

At the start of the session, have each player secretly roll D100 to be assigned a punishment. If at any point they deserve punishment, or just for fun, the DM may give a pre-arranged secret signal to that player upon which they must carry out the punishment. The punishment expires when it becomes boring, at which case they must roll D100 again to be assigned a new punishment for next time.

01 - Any time you attempt a pop culture reference such as a movie quote or song lyric, you must get it wrong enough that everyone knows what you mean but also that it's incorrect. e.g. "Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt elderly." If corrected, politely but confidently insist you had it right.
02 - If you have to roll a six-sided die, instead you must roll a four-sided die. If the result is 1-3, keep it; if the result is 4, roll again and add 3 to the result. If you roll a 4 again, you have to start over.
03 - If another player at the table sneezes, you must be the first and loudest to shout "bless you!" or your character takes 1 HP of damage.
04 - If pizza is being ordered and toppings are discussed, you must insist on (roll 1D4) 1 - pineapple, 2 - anchovies, 3 - broccoli, 4 - all of the above.
05 - When a player briefly leaves the table, such as for a "bio break", you must without explanation sit in their empty seat, and refuse to give it back.
06 - Imbibe beverages as loudly and obnoxiously as possible.
07 - If another player at the table puts a die in "dice jail" for a bad roll, the next time you need to roll a die with that many sides you must without permission snatch it and use it. You can't give it back until you have a good roll with it, at which point you must return it to the original player while dramatically absolving it of guilt.
08 - Without explanation, remove your socks and place them on the table. If you aren't wearing socks, put your bare feet up on the table. If someone is offended, wiggle your toes in response.
09 - If another player at the table has stacked dice to build a tower or other structure, you are compelled to slightly nudge the table with your knee until it topples.
10 - Find a deck of cards and begin shuffling.
11 - Ask the player to your left if you can doodle on the back of their character sheet. If they refuse, keep subtly inching their character sheet closer to you as you hold a pen in the other hand. If they relent, refuse unless they pay you $5 for "a [your name] original."
12 - The next time the party takes a long rest, OOCly suggest the characters butcher and eat another character's familiar, pet, or horse because your characters might gain magical powers, travel faster without it, or just as a way to save on rations. If the other players refuse, ICly have your character offer to take first watch while staring at the creature you wanted to eat.
13 - Start speaking in a thick accent. If anyone asks, say this is your real voice and you're too tired to continue pretending anymore.
14 - Take out your wallet or purse and dramatically count out all your cash onto the table. Then ask the DM if this is enough for advantage on your next roll. (The DM will refuse... probably.)
15 - Any time a player is subtly looking at his or her phone, you have to "tattle" on them to the DM.
16 - Lick the salt or sugar off the table snack and put each "cleaned" pretzel, chip, or cookie on a plate next to you. When you have a good-sized pile, offer them around the table.
17 - You must proudly "take credit" for any passing of gas at the table. Take offense if someone else says it wasn't you.
18 - At an opportune moment, say your character has something important to say. Then go on your phone, sort /r/jokes by new, and deliver whatever is the most recent joke, in character.
19 - Ask another player to borrow their pen or pencil. Then stick it in your mouth like a cigar.
20 - Pretend you saw a mouse! Squeal "eek!" and jump up on the chair or bolt from the table.
21 -
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69 - Politely request that the rest of the session be played as "strip D&D."
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00 - Insist on a 15-minute break where everyone pitches in and cleans the house in gratitude to your host.

17:56 UTC


[Let's Finish] D100 mild curses, minor inconveniences, and inconsequential mishaps for when you only slightly annoy a hag, fey, or other magical creature.

Not everything is a blood curse or a deadly geas.

Table 1 (D100)
01 - Dogs suddenly don't like you. Strange dogs bark and growl at you, while familiar dogs stare at you warily and keep their distance.
02 - Cats suddenly like you. They follow you, meowing constantly, and bring you dead critters as offerings.
03 - You are unable to judge the temperature of a food or beverage until you actually taste it, at which point it is usually much hotter or colder than you expected, except when you anticipate it being too hot or too cold, at which point it is inexplicably room temperature.
04 - Anytime anyone passes gas in your presence, everyone genuinely believes you did it. Even the person who actually did it.
05 - In any environment where you're likely to be bitten by insects, you receive 50% more insect bites than your companions, no matter what precautions you take.
06 - You suddenly develop a lazy eye. After each long rest, it switches to the other eye.
07 - You're now allergic to your favorite food, getting painful mouth sores whenever you eat it.
08 - Your horse now only responds to commands if you give them in a thick French accent.
09 - Your 10' pole is inexplicably now 9 1/2'.
10 - Slight headache.
11 - No matter how often you correct them, everyone subtly mispronounces your name or emphasizes the wrong syllable.
12 - You bear a striking resemblance to an infamous figure from the recent past who had an unfortunate sobriquet such as "The Goatlicker", "Ol' Pee and Puke", or "Stinkfinger."
13 - Sugar and salt does always seem to be in the wrongly labeled containers. /u/rollepige Unless you anticipate they are wrong labeled, in which case, it contains white pepper.
14 - Under each full moon does the character get a really big pimple right on the tip of their nose. /u/rollepige
15 - There is a small pebble in your shoe each morning, even if you prepare for it by turning your shoes over before going to sleep. /u/rollepige
16 - A simple task at which you were once confident (like pitching a tent, loading a wagon, sewing torn garments, etc.) has become daunting and unfamiliar. Your ability to do the task has in no way been compromised, but you constantly second guess yourself, greatly extending the amount of time spent on the task. /u/mrweissman
17 - Your bladder becomes full at inopportune times, such as mid-battle, formal events or negotiations, as you are drifting to sleep, or halfway through a long queue. /u/mrweissman
18 - People seem generally suspicious of you constantly, even when you're not engaged in anything in particular. City guards follow you around, shopkeepers watch your every move in their stores, and trusted friends suddenly withhold information. /u/mrweissman
19 - Your feet sweat twice as much as they did before, soiling footwear in mere weeks or days, and creating a powerfully unpleasant odor. /u/mrweissman
20 - No matter the actual temperature, you always feel too hot or too cold. /u/mrweissman
21 - When playing a game, you always inexplicably lose. /u/snakebite262
22 - You've become lactose intolerant. Strangely enough, you've now a sudden craving for cheese. /u/snakebite262
23 - You have the inexplainable urge to discuss the quality and aspects of wine and beer. It annoys your friends. /u/snakebite262
24 - You've bloated so that any pair of pants feels too snug. Attempting to cheese this curse with larger pants creates unpleasant results. /u/snakebite262
25 - You can't stop hiccupping. /u/snakebite262
26 - You vomit up 1d4 frogs every four hours. /u/snakebite262
27 - You can no longer use a free-action to grab an item, as it moves ever so slightly out of reach. /u/snakebite262
28 - You grow a patchy beard, which cannot be shaved off. /u/snakebite262
29 - You grow a pair of Donkey Ears. /u/snakebite262
30 - Your feet grow a half size, likely leaving you to either have to get new boots or putting up with an extra tight fit. /u/ExpressionJunior3366
31 - If there is a rut in the road, your cart/wagon/etc. always gets stuck in it. /u/ProfBumblefingers
32 - It rains on your wedding day (and other important outdoor events that you attend). /u/ProfBumblefingers
33 - You are offered something for free after you have already paid for one. /u/ProfBumblefingers
34 - When offered good/true advice, it always seems to be bad/false to you. /u/ProfBumblefingers
35 - You meet the significant other of your dreams, only to find out that they are already married to someone much better than you. /u/ProfBumblefingers
36 - Your wicket is always sticky. /u/ProfBumblefingers
37 - When you sell something, it skyrockets in value afterwards. When you buy something expensive, it plummets in value. /u/ProfBumblefingers
38 - When you arrive at the tavern, they just ran out of beer for the day. /u/ProfBumblefingers
39 - If you order soup/stew, it always has a fly in it. /u/ProfBumblefingers
40 - The birthday candles on your cake always go out before you can blow them out. /u/ProfBumblefingers
41 - If you ever get an ice cream cone, the ice cream always falls off the cone and hits the dirt. /u/ProfBumblefingers
42 - If you ever have a balloon, the string comes untied and it flies away. /u/ProfBumblefingers
43 - Your potion/vial stoppers always seem to get stuck at the worst moments. /u/ProfBumblefingers
44 - Your important scrolls/documents are always ruined by water, moths, mold, etc. /u/ProfBumblefingers
45 - The tip of your quill/pencil constantly breaks. /u/ProfBumblefingers
46 - When adding/subtracting, you always forget to "carry," resulting in wildly wrong calculations. /u/ProfBumblefingers
47 - When talking with someone attractive, you always have a booger showing in your nose. /u/ProfBumblefingers
48 - Birds flying overhead always unload on you. /u/ProfBumblefingers
49 - Each day, there's always a hair in your rations, somewhere. /u/ProfBumblefingers
50 - A black cat crosses the path in front of you sometime each day. /u/ProfBumblefingers
51 - When trying to start a campfire, the wood you choose is always somehow wet. /u/ProfBumblefingers
52 - Your zipper (or equivalent) is always down. /u/ProfBumblefingers
53 - If there are multiple lines/queues to wait in, the one you choose always turns out to move the slowest. /u/ProfBumblefingers
54 - Any door you open always creaks loudly. /u/ProfBumblefingers
55 - When fishing, the largest fish you hook each day always gets away. /u/ProfBumblefingers
56 - When hunting, the wind always shifts direction so that it blows from you toward your quarry, spooking them. /u/ProfBumblefingers
57 - When running, your shoe comes untied. /u/ProfBumblefingers
58 - The thing you're looking for inside your backpack is always at the bottom of the pack. /u/ProfBumblefingers
59 - Whenever you sleep near any humanoid, they always snore just loud enough to wake you, multiple times per night, so that you almost have a level of exhaustion the next day. /u/ProfBumblefingers
60 - Your outfit each day always turns out to be one size too large or too small (no mechanical effect, but you look like a doofus). /u/ProfBumblefingers
61 - Your shirt always has a stain on it. /u/ProfBumblefingers
62 - Whenever you go to the store/market to buy something, the previous customer just bought the last one. /u/ProfBumblefingers
63 - If you wear glasses/goggles, they always develop a scratch directly in the center of your field of vision. /u/ProfBumblefingers
64 - You always forget the name of the most important person in the room. /u/ProfBumblefingers
65 - You always spill a bit of your drink or any liquid you're holding. /u/AquaQuad
66 - You get a disadvantage because you always need to constantly consciously control your breathing/blinking/swallowing saliva/look for a comfortable place for your tongue inside your mouth. /u/AquaQuad
67 - You will never have a "cool" side of the pillow. /u/AnGabhaDubh
68 - You cannot see the color yellow. /u/EmporerEmoji
69 - Sexual gratification now requires the use of puppets.
70 - Even the slightest bit of pepper or spicy-ness causes you to sneeze uncontrollably for several minutes at a time. /u/MaxSizeIs
71 - Even mayonnaise is too spicy for you. Only the blandest of overly-boiled, un-salted, un-seasoned foods are "tolerably spicy". /u/MaxSizeIs
72 - Every liquid containing vessel you spend more than 6 seconds owning, carrying, holding, or interacting with, springs a slow leak. Potions empty within 1 hour once handled by you. Bottles, flasks, canteens and buckets empty completely within 1 day. Barrels and anything smaller than a typical house empties within 1 week. /u/MaxSizeIs
73 - Any fried foods you are within 10 feet of, inexplicably become soggy, overly oily, and floppy, along with a faint flavor of decay or bitter-burnt. /u/MaxSizeIs
74 - Your clothing and possessions always develop a faint whiff of mildew / moldy funk, sewage, ammonia, or skunk-stank no matter how fastidiously clean you try to keep them, up to and including using magic. Plus, it's a different stank each time you clean too, so there's no getting used to it, or being "nose-blind" after a while. /u/MaxSizeIs
75 - Every glove, sock, shoe, and sandal you own transforms to left-handed only. /u/MaxSizeIs... unless you are left-handed, in which case they transform to right-handed only. If you are ambidextrous, the handedness of the item switches instantly based on which hand is holding it.
76 - One heel of your boots or shoes is slightly thicker than the other, sometimes egregiously so (up to several inches) but not in a way that makes good ergonomics, instead it seems to always change your gait just enough that one leg is longer or shorter than the other. It's different every day, too. /u/MaxSizeIs
77 - At least one button on your shirt becomes un-even, making it look like you misbuttoned it, every time. /u/MaxSizeIs
78 - Every picture frame or artwork in your domicile becomes slightly crooked or mis-aligned. No matter how many times it is straightened, as soon as no-one is looking they magically mis-align themselves. /u/MaxSizeIs
79 - You always have a slightly dry throat, that tickles, like you've got something stuck to it. /u/MaxSizeIs
80 - Your soft-palate of your mouth, up inside your nasal cavity, where it is covered by the soft-tissue of your uvula, tonsils, top of mouth, etc; itches. You just can't scratch it without serious, serious effort. /u/MaxSizeIs
81 - Your fingernails grow at least 1 inch per day, but in random spurts, and directions, of up to a quarter inch per time, and are quite brittle, always catching on things and splitting, breaking, or folding over, corkscrewing, etc. /u/MaxSizeIs
82 - You always flub at least one word per utterance, at least once per 10 minutes. If you use some form of non-verbal communication instead, it too is confusing. /u/MaxSizeIs
83 - Smoke from candles, campfires, fireplaces, etc., always follows you and seems to hang around you, much thicker than normal. /u/MaxSizeIs
84 - Everything you touch is just a bit greasy, dirty, slimy, and leaves marks that transfer. /u/MaxSizeIs
85 - Instead of the normal levels of skin-oils and sweat, you suddenly become more like a greasy pizza, complete with pimples and boils. Your facial oil resembles that which comes off a pepperoni, or crude oil, whichever is more disgusting. /u/MaxSizeIs
86 - Your teeth become more brittle, sensitive, and chalky. Eating anything with more flavor or consistency than gloopy wall-paper paste hurts your teeth. Crunching or chewing on anything that hasn't had the life completely boiled out of it, is liable to crack them completely. Cold, heat, salt, sweet, and/or sour is agonizing. /u/MaxSizeIs
87 - Your toast / breakfast / meal is always burnt, dry, soggy, stale, moldy, limp, under-buttered, and/or always tastes of dirt or sawdust. /u/MaxSizeIs
88 - For some reason dead, rotting shellfish (crayfish / shrimp) always wind up lodged in strange places in your possessions or place of residence. /u/MaxSizeIs
89 - Your body-odor is exaggerated, and always exudes visible stink-lines, even in drawings, painting, or depictions of you, in perpetuity. /u/MaxSizeIs
90 - Whenever people hear your name, specifically, when they refer to you or something you have done, your name is permanently, retroactively, and in perpetuity edited to be a variation of "dumb-ass", "asshole", "that shit-rooster", "tubbo", etc. "Did you hear? That Shit-Rooster slayed a dragon?" /u/MaxSizeIs
91 - You skin turns blue (or some other odd colour). /u/storytime_42
92 - You magically learn three exotic languages, but you magically forget how to speak or write in Common. /u/storytime_42
93 - Your voice is always slightly too loud or quiet, whichever is more inappropriate for the situation. /u/DM_ME_YOUR_ADVENTURE
94 - Verbal and somatic components of your spells work only when outlandishly exaggerated. /u/DM_ME_YOUR_ADVENTURE
95 - You don’t hear anything when you try to sneak. /u/DM_ME_YOUR_ADVENTURE
96 - The blood of your enemies always splatters on you. Even if they don’t have any. /u/DM_ME_YOUR_ADVENTURE
97 - Hiccups for an extended time. Causes obvious noise preventing stealth, can break concentration, and the sound becomes annoying to NPCs after a little while. /u/Friend-Boat
98 - Your voice starts becoming scratchy, and you cackle when you laugh. Your body decays, as if you are turning into a zombie. It has no negative effects apart from looking creepy. /u/Prowler64
99 - All potions you drink taste like expired milk. /u/Prowler64
00 - Roll 1D20 on Table 2!

Table 2 (D20)
01 - Roll a d100 each morning. On a 100, you wake up naked in a water fountain. It stops happening after the third time. /u/Prowler64
02 - Your shadow begins misbehaving, acting independently from you, and makes obnoxious and insulting gestures towards you. It might even fight you if it is annoyed enough. /u/Prowler64
03 - You think you're a werewolf, and will turn on the next full moon. /u/NinthAuto591 (But you don't. Or do you?)
04 - There is a pebble constantly in your shoe, and you can never get out. /u/NinthAuto591
05 - You perpetually hear footsteps behind you (only when you walk). /u/NinthAuto591
06 - The next object you touch becomes a mimic. /u/NinthAuto591
07 - Everything tastes like medicine. /u/NinthAuto591
08 - A popular song is stuck in your head for 1d12 days. /u/NinthAuto591
09 - You cannot remember other peoples names, try as you might! If you write names down, the writing becomes illegible. If you ask your companions to remind you of someone's name, your friends begin to get annoyed with you. How can you be so thoughtless? /u/dominaexcrucior
10 - No one in the world remembers your name. Including you. Not even your own parents, or dear friends or trusted allies. To your face, people might say, "Hey you!" /u/dominaexcrucior
11 - Every time you open your coin purse, there has been a bank error and it's never in your favour. You lose 1d4 copper or silver at low levels, or gold at higher levels. Swapping to a new coin purse has no effect. Paying to remove a curse has a low chance at working. /u/dominaexcrucior
12 - You stop showing the physical signs of aging. While some people might welcome such a boon, people begin to whisper that you've done something... unnatural. People are less willing to trust you. Mechanically, this could impact Persuasion checks. /u/dominaexcrucior
13 - Your reflection slowly warps, becoming something hideous over a period of 1d12 days. Nobody else seems to notice it, but you cannot bear to see your face reflected in any surface. /u/dominaexcrucior
14 - Waiters never believe you actually want what you ordered and order for you. /u/Mal_js
15 - You can't learn new words or names, you forget them within the hour. /u/Mal_js
16 - Male-pattern baldness. /u/Mal_js
17 - You now have big toes for thumbs. /u/Mal_js
18 - Every time you stroke your beard, your hand gets caught in it. /u/Mal_js
19 - You feel compelled to watch water boil when cooking, preventing you from doing any other prep until it's boiling. /u/Mal_js
20 - Roll 1D10 on Table 3!

Table 3 (D10)
01 - You constantly want to switch your major. /u/Mal_js
02 - You get a little nervous around anyone shorter than you. /u/Mal_js
03 - "Icy Hot" patches, only when applied to you, get hot before they get icy. /u/Mal_js
04 - You are too full for seconds anytime you go to an all-you-can-eat style buffet or feast. /u/Mal_js Within minutes of leaving, you are ravenously hungry again.
05 - You are always d20 minutes late to every meeting or event. /u/Mal_js
06 - Everyone else is always d20 minutes late to meet with you. /u/Mal_js
07 - Gluten allergy. /u/Mal_js
08 - Super indecisive at forks in the road. /u/Mal_js
09 - Elves (or other fantasy race) all look the same to you. /u/Mal_js
10 - Rotating mild curses! Re-roll on Table 1 after every long rest.

14:41 UTC


Roll table for a "Wild Magic" Life Cleric

I'm putting together a fancy magic cloak for a Life domain Cleric to zhuzh up the standard primary healing role. Essentially every 100 hp restored charges the cloak and then as an action he can spend the charge for a random effect. Just looking for a whole bunch of unique, Cleric flavored effects that feel worth spending the action on

21:40 UTC


100 Inconvenient RP curses

I am essentially trying my own heavy roleplay DND game, I need 100 curses that will put my players to the test with their roleplaying. I have a few examples of what im looking for.

  1. You now have a lazy eye and everytime someone mentions it, your lazy eye switches.

  2. You suddenly can only speak goblin (even if your character doesnt know it).

Any suggestions are appreciated.

00:20 UTC


D100 Artic Creature encounters LV 1-4

⁸1. An [acolyte] who summons 2d4 [lemure devils] by accident and is now running 2. A moving tribe caravan of 4d8 [commoners] 2d6 [Trible Warriors] and 1d8 [Elks] holding supplies of belongings and carts of tents running from an angry lord/cheaf of the area 3. 1 [giant owl] Flies overhead looking for a tasty meal 4. 1d6+3 [Kobolds] carrying a large icy Crab with ice like patrussions from it as it's dead body the kobolds are tired yet happy but a little scared as they are peeking up at the sky 5. 2 [ice knight Sentries] loom by a frosty keep as 1d6 [Ice Guard] patrol the gate wall above the entrance with a lady waiting at the top tower

  1. A whale-like sea monster, that attacks when the party walks on ice (dalfrex)

  2. A group of 3 [ice mephits] are resting in the tundra. They attack when the party gets within range. If the party spots the resting ice mephits they aren't surprised.

  3. A female [polar bear] is stalking the party. If anyone uses Speak With Animals, she explains that hunters stole her cub. Will you help her get the cub back? (If the party is unable to speak with her, she will follow them for 1d4 miles, but not attacking unless provoked. A successful Animal Handling check or Nature check reveals that her behaviour is non-threatening and she seems to want something.)

  4. You come across a lost [polar bear] cub. Will you reunite it with its mother? The mother is 2d4 miles away.

  5. You stumble into a nest of 1d6 [rime worm grubs]. If the party are digging in snow or a cave, they stumble into a den where many larvae haven't hatched yet. The adult [rime worms] are not home right now.

  6. The local village has rumours that somewhere to the northwest, a [frost giant] has died, and word is the body is still there. The resident alchemist will pay top dollar if you bring back a list of body parts. A local mage (who is secretly a low-level [necromancer]) will pay double the price if you find the body or escort her to the body and do bodyguard work. (A successful Insight check reveals she is hiding something. If they ask around town about the mage, they have the opportunity to uncover rumours that she deals in foul sorcery and has been seen walking in the company of skeletons before.)

  7. A talking white [hare] claims to be a villager, cursed into this body by an evil warlock who lives 1d4 days away. If the party helps the hare break the course, he promises a reward.

17:19 UTC


D100 Creations for Alchamests Tools (lv1-4, Helpful Potions)

Helpfull Potions are: healing. Temporary ability or skill boost and similar ones

Info needed

  • Name
  • Key Components
  • DC
  • amount Produced
  1. Lesser Healing Potion:. Key Component[s]: butterfly's wings or other beautiful and peaceful winged tiny creatures and water/liquid of purity or of similar to creatures need [suagin= Salt Water, Human= Freash]. DC:10. Amount Produced: 2 [Per 4ld of the water and per wing depending on the size] 4 if rolled a natural 20

  2. Temperature buffery [strangth] Potion:. Key Component[s]: the heart of a Bear or another strangthy creature of force boild in in water with some things of sweet wine and the creatures blood till the heart is liquid. DC:17. Amount Produced: 5 [per the amount for the potion] 10 if natural 20

  3. Speech of wilds Potion:.Key Component: a part of the animal you want to communicate with and understand doesn't need to be flesh, it can be blood, other fluids or any way of DNA [Hair, Scail, extra]. DC:15. Amount Produced: 3-6 depending

  4. Draught of Bug Repulsion- all mundane and otherwise "normal" bugs refuse to approach within 10' of the imbiber for a duration of 2d4 hours per dose. Unnaturally large or magical bugs are likewise repulsed on a failed Wisdom saving throw. Key Components: 3 sprigs of rosemary; 1 bulb of garlic, crushed or minced; 1 bowls' worth of burned tobacco and ashes; a volume of high-quality grain alcohol sufficient to serve as a base for the intended quantity of doses (typically 100-150ml per dose). DC: 12. Quantity: 1d4 doses, 5 doses on a critical success, but never more than allowed by the supplied volume of base fluid. (mrweissman)

  5. Alertness Potion- the imbiber of this liquid benefits from increased alertness, wakefulness, and clarity of thought for 1-2 hours after consumption. For the potion's duration, they receive advantage on all Intelligence and Dexterity checks, and their passive Perception increases by 2. Additionally, they are relieved of 1 level of exhaustion, if applicable. Key Components: 3 chicory roots, roasted and powdered; 1 sprig of rue; 5 drops of juice from a wild berry (any non-toxic berry will suffice); 150 ml of fresh, clean water per intended dose. DC: 12. Quantity: 1d4 doses, 5 on a critical success, and never more than allowed by the supplied volume of fluid. (mrweissman)

-All I can think of for now-

15:03 UTC


D100 creatures for a fire dungeon

  1. Azer: Azer Artasin, Azer Lord, Azer [5e books & Homebrew Elemental]

  2. Cinder Swarm [3e/3.5e, Elemental]

  3. Maiming [5e, Elemental]

  4. Salamander[5e, Elemental]

  5. Efreeti [5e, Elemental]

  6. Dragons related to fire (World_of_Ideas)

  7. Elemental of [ash, fire, lava, magma, molten glass, molten metal, smoke, soot] (World_of_Ideas)

  8. Fire giants (World_of_Ideas)

  9. Remorhaz (World_of_Ideas)

  10. Firenewts (Hans_Frei)

  11. Firenewts Warlock (Hans_Frei)

  12. Strider (Hans_Frei)

  13. Firedrake (dragonet), a cousin to the more infamous and feared Red Dragon. Roughly the size of a large-ish dog (like a pitbull, sheepdog, etc.) with pyrophoric blood that can ignite attackers who use blades or piercing weapons against them. I'll link a 2e entry since that's what I'm familiar with, but convert to your intended system as necessary. It's on Fandom, sorry :/ (mrweissman)

  14. Mephits, quasi-elemental Imp-like creatures summoned from other planes. Plenty of options may fit the bill, such as the Fire, Magma, Smoke, and Steam Mephits. Again, 2e source from Fandom, adjust as necessary. (mrweissman)

  15. Fire Toads, similar in size to Firedrakes, are large toads which primarily defend themselves and hunt prey via lobbing weak fireballs. They can be scared away by splashing water on them. You know the drill. (mrweissman)

  16. Fire Beetles, despite the name, do not actually possess any fire-based attacks or elemental affinity (so, sorry if this misses the mark on the prompt). Rather, they are named for the bioluminescent pods/sacs which glow similar to a firefly, though it persists longer. It's at least tangentially thematic. (mrweissman)

  17. Boomrats. Full disclosure, so far as I know, nothing like this appears in any official D&D publications. I lifted it straight out of RimWorld, if you're familiar. Functionally identical to any other large rat your party may come across, except they have large, fleshy glands protruding from their backs which release a small explosion when ruptured, or upon the rat's death (whichever comes first). You'd think they'd have gone extinct already with how easy they are to dispatch (and their tendency to group up and cause a chain reaction), but most creatures have learned that it's generally better to leave them be. (mrweissman)

  18. Fire Myrmidons, essentially fire elementals that are summoned into a suit of armor wielding weapons. Them and their other elemental variants are a joy to run. (Cirey)

10:53 UTC


Npcs of different Churches

Info shown in the numbers

  1. Pillow-Fìn: Cleric, Human, LV4, Evil, Dragon Domain, Low Leader of a Green Dragon Goddess, Followers. 378 Kobolds, 80 Warrior Kobolds, 3 Half Dragon Green Knight, 4 Green Guard Drakes, Dungeon: large.

  2. Chitter Steel: Cleric, Chi-Tin LV4, Evil, Suffering Domain, the fleshy bone god [in my Suffering gods post #1], High Boss Followers. 105 Skin Shedders, 4 Chit-ines, Dungeon: Medium

  3. Carroes: Cleric, Human,LV4, Evil, Death Domain, The king of earthly flesh (Elements, Undead),Low follow boss, Followers. 966 Zombies, 450 Skeletens, 50 Fire Elementals, 25 Water Elementals, 25 Earth Elements, 10 Air Elementals, 2 Death knights, Dungeon: Giant

That's all I have for now

1 Comment
00:56 UTC

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