This is r/cutelittlefangs, a place for celebrating, well... cute little fangs. We hope you enjoy your time here!
This is a subreddit for fans of characters with fangs, such as Tooru from Dragon Maid and Tsuruya from Haruhi Suzumiya.
This is r/cutelittlefangs, a place for celebrating fictional characters who have, well... cute little fangs. We hope you enjoy your time here!
Be respectful to other users and the featured artists.
All posts should contain a character with a fang. "The Tiniest Fang" flair should be used when the fang is very hard to see without zooming in. If a character frequently posted here with a fang is seen without one, it may be approved and flaired at the mods' discretion.
No images of real life people or animals or cars. Your pets are adorable but this is a subreddit for anime-themed art. Physical works based off of a character are okay (figures, posters, or other products).
Give credit where it is due. If your post includes a character from a particular series, include the series' name within [brackets] somewhere in your title. If there is a character that is not from an established series, use [Original]. Comment with a link to the artist's original post and/or public profile whenever possible. Use SauceNAO to find artists if you do not know them.
Some NSFW content is allowed but must be marked. Nudity, revealing outfits, and ecchi are examples of what is allowed, while sexual acts and hentai are not allowed. The characters of any NSFW post must not be young or appear to be young. These rules apply to comments as well, such as linking doujins. Please message the moderators if you have any questions regarding what is and is not allowed.
Do not repost an image if it has been already posted within six months or if it received over 1000 karma. Use Redditbooru as a repost checker to see if an image has already been posted and how recently. Check the top posts of all time here.
Only link to reputable image hosts. For images, we suggest Imgur, RedditBooru, or uploading directly to Reddit. Gfycat and Imgur are the best for gif-type posts. Videos are best uploaded to Reddit or YouTube. Directly link the image whenever possible.
Self promotional posts made without prior mod approval will be removed. Please see the announcement here for more details.
Fang Fan Corner: 11/1/2022 Question Corner
Check for reposts with RepostSleuth
SauceNAO reverse image search can find artists from several popular sites
TV Tropes Guide to Cute Little Fangs
Cute Little Fang Encyclopedia designed by u/andres1232
How to use Roboragi to link anime, manga, and LNs
Current header designed by u/andres1232.
Guide to Magic Eye Bot new repost checker as of September 2021
If you have any questions or comments about this sub, please message the moderators.
Sister Subreddits!
For adorable hairstyles click /r/twintails
For high quality art, not necessarily moe, but mostly moe, visit /r/moestash
For girls who can handle the bullies, visit /r/smugs
For girls who might be upset with you, visit /r/pouts NSFW/SFW
A more comprehensive list of our sister subreddits can be found in the wiki. The four here will rotate on a regular basis.