An art-sharing subreddit where cute anime boys can be cute.
An art-sharing subreddit where cute anime boys can be cute.
All posts must be in the anime art style and related to the theme of the subreddit. No NSFW content
This is an art-sharing subreddit themed around cute anime boys basically aiming to be the male equivalent of /r/awwnime.
Posts and comments should not focus on fanservice or lewd aspects.
Please include the name of the source anime in your title and credit the artist.
If you forget, add it in link flair. Label characters not from an established franchise as [Original]. Link to the artist's official portfolio page in a comment, or if there is none available, at least mention their name.
Repost Rule
Search before you post. Reposts less than six months old will be removed. Use repostsleuth to check.
No more than three posts per 24-hour period
Use albums instead of making multiple similar posts. No more than three posts per 24-hour period, and no more than twelve pictures per album.