
Photograph via snooOG

This is a forum dedicated to civil and informed discussion of military and defense issues and to bring better public understand of related topics. As such, our rules are more stringent than the typical subreddit.

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  • General Rules

    • No blind partisanship. We aim to study defense, not wage wars behind keyboards. Defense views from or about all countries are welcome so long as they are credible.

    • Do not "link drop", where a comment's just a link to an article or news source without any details, clarification, elaboration or analysis. Your fellow users prefer at least a few sentences indicating why we should care, with context or insight.

    • If you have experience in relevant fields, understand your limitations. Just because you work in the defense arena does not mean you are always correct.

    • This is not at all intended to be US centric; posts relating to other countries are highly encouraged.

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    • Links should go to credible, high quality sources (academia, government, think tanks), and the body should be a brief summary plus some comments on what makes it good or insightful.

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    • Refrain from submissions that are quick updates in title form, troop movements, ship deployments, terrorist attacks, announcements, or the crisis du jour.

    • Discussions of opinion pieces by distinguished authors, historical research, and the research of warfare relating to national security issues is encouraged.

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    • All posts will be manually approved by moderators.

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    Credible Outlets

    We maintain lists of sources so that anyone can help to find interesting open source material to share. As outlets wax and wane in quality, please help us keep the list updated:



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    CredibleDefense Daily MegaThread July 14, 2024

    The r/CredibleDefense daily megathread is for asking questions and posting submissions that would not fit the criteria of our post submissions. As such, submissions are less stringently moderated, but we still do keep an elevated guideline for comments.

    Comment guidelines:

    Please do:

    * Be curious not judgmental,

    * Be polite and civil,

    * Use the original title of the work you are linking to,

    * Use capitalization,

    * Link to the article or source of information that you are referring to,

    * Make it clear what is your opinion and from what the source actually says. Please minimize editorializing, please make your opinions clearly distinct from the content of the article or source, please do not cherry pick facts to support a preferred narrative,

    * Read the articles before you comment, and comment on the content of the articles,

    * Post only credible information

    * Contribute to the forum by finding and submitting your own credible articles,

    Please do not:

    * Use memes, emojis or swears excessively,

    * Use foul imagery,

    * Use acronyms like LOL, LMAO, WTF, /s, etc. excessively,

    * Start fights with other commenters,

    * Make it personal,

    * Try to out someone,

    * Try to push narratives, or fight for a cause in the comment section, or try to 'win the war,'

    * Engage in baseless speculation, fear mongering, or anxiety posting. Question asking is welcome and encouraged, but questions should focus on tangible issues and not groundless hypothetical scenarios. Before asking a question ask yourself 'How likely is this thing to occur.' Questions, like other kinds of comments, should be supported by evidence and must maintain the burden of credibility.

    Please read our in depth rules https://reddit.com/r/CredibleDefense/wiki/rules.

    Also please use the report feature if you want a comment to be reviewed faster. Don't abuse it though! If something is not obviously against the rules but you still feel that it should be reviewed, leave a short but descriptive comment while filing the report.

    12:00 UTC


    CredibleDefense Daily MegaThread July 13, 2024

    The r/CredibleDefense daily megathread is for asking questions and posting submissions that would not fit the criteria of our post submissions. As such, submissions are less stringently moderated, but we still do keep an elevated guideline for comments.

    Comment guidelines:

    Please do:

    * Be curious not judgmental,

    * Be polite and civil,

    * Use the original title of the work you are linking to,

    * Use capitalization,

    * Link to the article or source of information that you are referring to,

    * Make it clear what is your opinion and from what the source actually says. Please minimize editorializing, please make your opinions clearly distinct from the content of the article or source, please do not cherry pick facts to support a preferred narrative,

    * Read the articles before you comment, and comment on the content of the articles,

    * Post only credible information

    * Contribute to the forum by finding and submitting your own credible articles,

    Please do not:

    * Use memes, emojis or swears excessively,

    * Use foul imagery,

    * Use acronyms like LOL, LMAO, WTF, /s, etc. excessively,

    * Start fights with other commenters,

    * Make it personal,

    * Try to out someone,

    * Try to push narratives, or fight for a cause in the comment section, or try to 'win the war,'

    * Engage in baseless speculation, fear mongering, or anxiety posting. Question asking is welcome and encouraged, but questions should focus on tangible issues and not groundless hypothetical scenarios. Before asking a question ask yourself 'How likely is this thing to occur.' Questions, like other kinds of comments, should be supported by evidence and must maintain the burden of credibility.

    Please read our in depth rules https://reddit.com/r/CredibleDefense/wiki/rules.

    Also please use the report feature if you want a comment to be reviewed faster. Don't abuse it though! If something is not obviously against the rules but you still feel that it should be reviewed, leave a short but descriptive comment while filing the report.

    12:00 UTC


    In which situations is conventional artillery preferred over rocket artillery?

    Rocket artillery has better shoot and scoot capability since you don't need to set up and tear down a howitzer. Is equivalent ammunition more compact with traditional artillery? What other advantages does conventional artillery have?

    21:00 UTC


    CredibleDefense Daily MegaThread July 12, 2024

    The r/CredibleDefense daily megathread is for asking questions and posting submissions that would not fit the criteria of our post submissions. As such, submissions are less stringently moderated, but we still do keep an elevated guideline for comments.

    Comment guidelines:

    Please do:

    * Be curious not judgmental,

    * Be polite and civil,

    * Use the original title of the work you are linking to,

    * Use capitalization,

    * Link to the article or source of information that you are referring to,

    * Make it clear what is your opinion and from what the source actually says. Please minimize editorializing, please make your opinions clearly distinct from the content of the article or source, please do not cherry pick facts to support a preferred narrative,

    * Read the articles before you comment, and comment on the content of the articles,

    * Post only credible information

    * Contribute to the forum by finding and submitting your own credible articles,

    Please do not:

    * Use memes, emojis or swears excessively,

    * Use foul imagery,

    * Use acronyms like LOL, LMAO, WTF, /s, etc. excessively,

    * Start fights with other commenters,

    * Make it personal,

    * Try to out someone,

    * Try to push narratives, or fight for a cause in the comment section, or try to 'win the war,'

    * Engage in baseless speculation, fear mongering, or anxiety posting. Question asking is welcome and encouraged, but questions should focus on tangible issues and not groundless hypothetical scenarios. Before asking a question ask yourself 'How likely is this thing to occur.' Questions, like other kinds of comments, should be supported by evidence and must maintain the burden of credibility.

    Please read our in depth rules https://reddit.com/r/CredibleDefense/wiki/rules.

    Also please use the report feature if you want a comment to be reviewed faster. Don't abuse it though! If something is not obviously against the rules but you still feel that it should be reviewed, leave a short but descriptive comment while filing the report.

    12:01 UTC


    Ukraine Can’t Destroy Russia’s Air Force on the Ground

    Full Article: https://cepa.org/article/ukraine-cant-destroy-russias-air-force-on-the-ground/

    It would be dangerously wrong to think Ukrainian success in airfield attacks is the solution to Russian air dominance. Because it isn’t.

    • Ukrainian drones have successfully attacked Russian aircraft at airbases, including damaging Su-57 stealth fighters hundreds of miles from the border.
    • Targeting airbases forces Russia to choose between basing aircraft close to the front for maximum effectiveness, or further back and out of range but reducing combat capabilities.
    • Crippling a large air force entirely through ground attacks is very difficult, as the Soviet Union and Arab states showed by recovering from initial losses.
    • Russia can protect aircraft through hardened shelters, dispersal, air defenses, and GPS jamming, as they have already done with supply depots.
    • While Ukraine should continue targeting airbases, it can't fully eliminate Russia's air force in this way given defenses and Russia's large number of aircraft.
    • The air war will ultimately be won through air-to-air combat, not just ground attacks, requiring Ukraine to achieve some level of air superiority.
    • Ukraine lacks numerical and technological air superiority now but will gain more capabilities from allied fighter jet deliveries like the upcoming F-16s.
    • Relying solely on ground attacks could reduce urgency for delivering jet fighters actually needed to make a difference in the air war.
    19:05 UTC


    CredibleDefense Daily MegaThread July 11, 2024

    The r/CredibleDefense daily megathread is for asking questions and posting submissions that would not fit the criteria of our post submissions. As such, submissions are less stringently moderated, but we still do keep an elevated guideline for comments.

    Comment guidelines:

    Please do:

    * Be curious not judgmental,

    * Be polite and civil,

    * Use the original title of the work you are linking to,

    * Use capitalization,

    * Link to the article or source of information that you are referring to,

    * Make it clear what is your opinion and from what the source actually says. Please minimize editorializing, please make your opinions clearly distinct from the content of the article or source, please do not cherry pick facts to support a preferred narrative,

    * Read the articles before you comment, and comment on the content of the articles,

    * Post only credible information

    * Contribute to the forum by finding and submitting your own credible articles,

    Please do not:

    * Use memes, emojis or swears excessively,

    * Use foul imagery,

    * Use acronyms like LOL, LMAO, WTF, /s, etc. excessively,

    * Start fights with other commenters,

    * Make it personal,

    * Try to out someone,

    * Try to push narratives, or fight for a cause in the comment section, or try to 'win the war,'

    * Engage in baseless speculation, fear mongering, or anxiety posting. Question asking is welcome and encouraged, but questions should focus on tangible issues and not groundless hypothetical scenarios. Before asking a question ask yourself 'How likely is this thing to occur.' Questions, like other kinds of comments, should be supported by evidence and must maintain the burden of credibility.

    Please read our in depth rules https://reddit.com/r/CredibleDefense/wiki/rules.

    Also please use the report feature if you want a comment to be reviewed faster. Don't abuse it though! If something is not obviously against the rules but you still feel that it should be reviewed, leave a short but descriptive comment while filing the report.

    12:00 UTC


    CredibleDefense Daily MegaThread July 10, 2024

    The r/CredibleDefense daily megathread is for asking questions and posting submissions that would not fit the criteria of our post submissions. As such, submissions are less stringently moderated, but we still do keep an elevated guideline for comments.

    Comment guidelines:

    Please do:

    * Be curious not judgmental,

    * Be polite and civil,

    * Use the original title of the work you are linking to,

    * Use capitalization,

    * Link to the article or source of information that you are referring to,

    * Make it clear what is your opinion and from what the source actually says. Please minimize editorializing, please make your opinions clearly distinct from the content of the article or source, please do not cherry pick facts to support a preferred narrative,

    * Read the articles before you comment, and comment on the content of the articles,

    * Post only credible information

    * Contribute to the forum by finding and submitting your own credible articles,

    Please do not:

    * Use memes, emojis or swears excessively,

    * Use foul imagery,

    * Use acronyms like LOL, LMAO, WTF, /s, etc. excessively,

    * Start fights with other commenters,

    * Make it personal,

    * Try to out someone,

    * Try to push narratives, or fight for a cause in the comment section, or try to 'win the war,'

    * Engage in baseless speculation, fear mongering, or anxiety posting. Question asking is welcome and encouraged, but questions should focus on tangible issues and not groundless hypothetical scenarios. Before asking a question ask yourself 'How likely is this thing to occur.' Questions, like other kinds of comments, should be supported by evidence and must maintain the burden of credibility.

    Please read our in depth rules https://reddit.com/r/CredibleDefense/wiki/rules.

    Also please use the report feature if you want a comment to be reviewed faster. Don't abuse it though! If something is not obviously against the rules but you still feel that it should be reviewed, leave a short but descriptive comment while filing the report.

    12:00 UTC


    CredibleDefense Daily MegaThread July 09, 2024

    The r/CredibleDefense daily megathread is for asking questions and posting submissions that would not fit the criteria of our post submissions. As such, submissions are less stringently moderated, but we still do keep an elevated guideline for comments.

    Comment guidelines:

    Please do:

    * Be curious not judgmental,

    * Be polite and civil,

    * Use the original title of the work you are linking to,

    * Use capitalization,

    * Link to the article or source of information that you are referring to,

    * Make it clear what is your opinion and from what the source actually says. Please minimize editorializing, please make your opinions clearly distinct from the content of the article or source, please do not cherry pick facts to support a preferred narrative,

    * Read the articles before you comment, and comment on the content of the articles,

    * Post only credible information

    * Contribute to the forum by finding and submitting your own credible articles,

    Please do not:

    * Use memes, emojis or swears excessively,

    * Use foul imagery,

    * Use acronyms like LOL, LMAO, WTF, /s, etc. excessively,

    * Start fights with other commenters,

    * Make it personal,

    * Try to out someone,

    * Try to push narratives, or fight for a cause in the comment section, or try to 'win the war,'

    * Engage in baseless speculation, fear mongering, or anxiety posting. Question asking is welcome and encouraged, but questions should focus on tangible issues and not groundless hypothetical scenarios. Before asking a question ask yourself 'How likely is this thing to occur.' Questions, like other kinds of comments, should be supported by evidence and must maintain the burden of credibility.

    Please read our in depth rules https://reddit.com/r/CredibleDefense/wiki/rules.

    Also please use the report feature if you want a comment to be reviewed faster. Don't abuse it though! If something is not obviously against the rules but you still feel that it should be reviewed, leave a short but descriptive comment while filing the report.

    12:00 UTC


    CredibleDefense Daily MegaThread July 08, 2024

    The r/CredibleDefense daily megathread is for asking questions and posting submissions that would not fit the criteria of our post submissions. As such, submissions are less stringently moderated, but we still do keep an elevated guideline for comments.

    Comment guidelines:

    Please do:

    * Be curious not judgmental,

    * Be polite and civil,

    * Use the original title of the work you are linking to,

    * Use capitalization,

    * Link to the article or source of information that you are referring to,

    * Make it clear what is your opinion and from what the source actually says. Please minimize editorializing, please make your opinions clearly distinct from the content of the article or source, please do not cherry pick facts to support a preferred narrative,

    * Read the articles before you comment, and comment on the content of the articles,

    * Post only credible information

    * Contribute to the forum by finding and submitting your own credible articles,

    Please do not:

    * Use memes, emojis or swears excessively,

    * Use foul imagery,

    * Use acronyms like LOL, LMAO, WTF, /s, etc. excessively,

    * Start fights with other commenters,

    * Make it personal,

    * Try to out someone,

    * Try to push narratives, or fight for a cause in the comment section, or try to 'win the war,'

    * Engage in baseless speculation, fear mongering, or anxiety posting. Question asking is welcome and encouraged, but questions should focus on tangible issues and not groundless hypothetical scenarios. Before asking a question ask yourself 'How likely is this thing to occur.' Questions, like other kinds of comments, should be supported by evidence and must maintain the burden of credibility.

    Please read our in depth rules https://reddit.com/r/CredibleDefense/wiki/rules.

    Also please use the report feature if you want a comment to be reviewed faster. Don't abuse it though! If something is not obviously against the rules but you still feel that it should be reviewed, leave a short but descriptive comment while filing the report.

    12:00 UTC


    CredibleDefense Daily MegaThread July 07, 2024

    The r/CredibleDefense daily megathread is for asking questions and posting submissions that would not fit the criteria of our post submissions. As such, submissions are less stringently moderated, but we still do keep an elevated guideline for comments.

    Comment guidelines:

    Please do:

    * Be curious not judgmental,

    * Be polite and civil,

    * Use the original title of the work you are linking to,

    * Use capitalization,

    * Link to the article or source of information that you are referring to,

    * Make it clear what is your opinion and from what the source actually says. Please minimize editorializing, please make your opinions clearly distinct from the content of the article or source, please do not cherry pick facts to support a preferred narrative,

    * Read the articles before you comment, and comment on the content of the articles,

    * Post only credible information

    * Contribute to the forum by finding and submitting your own credible articles,

    Please do not:

    * Use memes, emojis or swears excessively,

    * Use foul imagery,

    * Use acronyms like LOL, LMAO, WTF, /s, etc. excessively,

    * Start fights with other commenters,

    * Make it personal,

    * Try to out someone,

    * Try to push narratives, or fight for a cause in the comment section, or try to 'win the war,'

    * Engage in baseless speculation, fear mongering, or anxiety posting. Question asking is welcome and encouraged, but questions should focus on tangible issues and not groundless hypothetical scenarios. Before asking a question ask yourself 'How likely is this thing to occur.' Questions, like other kinds of comments, should be supported by evidence and must maintain the burden of credibility.

    Please read our in depth rules https://reddit.com/r/CredibleDefense/wiki/rules.

    Also please use the report feature if you want a comment to be reviewed faster. Don't abuse it though! If something is not obviously against the rules but you still feel that it should be reviewed, leave a short but descriptive comment while filing the report.

    12:00 UTC


    CredibleDefense Daily MegaThread July 06, 2024

    The r/CredibleDefense daily megathread is for asking questions and posting submissions that would not fit the criteria of our post submissions. As such, submissions are less stringently moderated, but we still do keep an elevated guideline for comments.

    Comment guidelines:

    Please do:

    * Be curious not judgmental,

    * Be polite and civil,

    * Use the original title of the work you are linking to,

    * Use capitalization,

    * Link to the article or source of information that you are referring to,

    * Make it clear what is your opinion and from what the source actually says. Please minimize editorializing, please make your opinions clearly distinct from the content of the article or source, please do not cherry pick facts to support a preferred narrative,

    * Read the articles before you comment, and comment on the content of the articles,

    * Post only credible information

    * Contribute to the forum by finding and submitting your own credible articles,

    Please do not:

    * Use memes, emojis or swears excessively,

    * Use foul imagery,

    * Use acronyms like LOL, LMAO, WTF, /s, etc. excessively,

    * Start fights with other commenters,

    * Make it personal,

    * Try to out someone,

    * Try to push narratives, or fight for a cause in the comment section, or try to 'win the war,'

    * Engage in baseless speculation, fear mongering, or anxiety posting. Question asking is welcome and encouraged, but questions should focus on tangible issues and not groundless hypothetical scenarios. Before asking a question ask yourself 'How likely is this thing to occur.' Questions, like other kinds of comments, should be supported by evidence and must maintain the burden of credibility.

    Please read our in depth rules https://reddit.com/r/CredibleDefense/wiki/rules.

    Also please use the report feature if you want a comment to be reviewed faster. Don't abuse it though! If something is not obviously against the rules but you still feel that it should be reviewed, leave a short but descriptive comment while filing the report.

    12:00 UTC


    CredibleDefense Daily MegaThread July 05, 2024

    The r/CredibleDefense daily megathread is for asking questions and posting submissions that would not fit the criteria of our post submissions. As such, submissions are less stringently moderated, but we still do keep an elevated guideline for comments.

    Comment guidelines:

    Please do:

    * Be curious not judgmental,

    * Be polite and civil,

    * Use the original title of the work you are linking to,

    * Use capitalization,

    * Link to the article or source of information that you are referring to,

    * Make it clear what is your opinion and from what the source actually says. Please minimize editorializing, please make your opinions clearly distinct from the content of the article or source, please do not cherry pick facts to support a preferred narrative,

    * Read the articles before you comment, and comment on the content of the articles,

    * Post only credible information

    * Contribute to the forum by finding and submitting your own credible articles,

    Please do not:

    * Use memes, emojis or swears excessively,

    * Use foul imagery,

    * Use acronyms like LOL, LMAO, WTF, /s, etc. excessively,

    * Start fights with other commenters,

    * Make it personal,

    * Try to out someone,

    * Try to push narratives, or fight for a cause in the comment section, or try to 'win the war,'

    * Engage in baseless speculation, fear mongering, or anxiety posting. Question asking is welcome and encouraged, but questions should focus on tangible issues and not groundless hypothetical scenarios. Before asking a question ask yourself 'How likely is this thing to occur.' Questions, like other kinds of comments, should be supported by evidence and must maintain the burden of credibility.

    Please read our in depth rules https://reddit.com/r/CredibleDefense/wiki/rules.

    Also please use the report feature if you want a comment to be reviewed faster. Don't abuse it though! If something is not obviously against the rules but you still feel that it should be reviewed, leave a short but descriptive comment while filing the report.

    12:00 UTC


    [Crosspost] We’re defense and security experts ready to answer questions about the NATO Summit! Ask us anything (July 5, 10 AM - 1 PM ET)

    1 Comment
    17:27 UTC


    CredibleDefense Daily MegaThread July 04, 2024

    The r/CredibleDefense daily megathread is for asking questions and posting submissions that would not fit the criteria of our post submissions. As such, submissions are less stringently moderated, but we still do keep an elevated guideline for comments.

    Comment guidelines:

    Please do:

    * Be curious not judgmental,

    * Be polite and civil,

    * Use the original title of the work you are linking to,

    * Use capitalization,

    * Link to the article or source of information that you are referring to,

    * Make it clear what is your opinion and from what the source actually says. Please minimize editorializing, please make your opinions clearly distinct from the content of the article or source, please do not cherry pick facts to support a preferred narrative,

    * Read the articles before you comment, and comment on the content of the articles,

    * Post only credible information

    * Contribute to the forum by finding and submitting your own credible articles,

    Please do not:

    * Use memes, emojis or swears excessively,

    * Use foul imagery,

    * Use acronyms like LOL, LMAO, WTF, /s, etc. excessively,

    * Start fights with other commenters,

    * Make it personal,

    * Try to out someone,

    * Try to push narratives, or fight for a cause in the comment section, or try to 'win the war,'

    * Engage in baseless speculation, fear mongering, or anxiety posting. Question asking is welcome and encouraged, but questions should focus on tangible issues and not groundless hypothetical scenarios. Before asking a question ask yourself 'How likely is this thing to occur.' Questions, like other kinds of comments, should be supported by evidence and must maintain the burden of credibility.

    Please read our in depth rules https://reddit.com/r/CredibleDefense/wiki/rules.

    Also please use the report feature if you want a comment to be reviewed faster. Don't abuse it though! If something is not obviously against the rules but you still feel that it should be reviewed, leave a short but descriptive comment while filing the report.

    12:00 UTC


    The effects of shelling an airport

    I'm wondering what the effects of shelling or using rocket arty on an airport/airbase/landing strip are.

    When I think about shelling an airport, I'm assuming that you're targeting the runway. Is it correct that the aircraft are probably under hardened bunkers that can't be penetrated? (Doable with bunker-busters?)

    When you shell a landing strip, does that BASICALLY make it inoperable? The craters in the runway would presumably make takeoff and landing impossible. (Anectdotally I know that a loaded jet hitting a mortar crater will flip over or something similar.) But what does that mean for the airfield or airbase? I'm wondering what happens in warfare today if you just throw cruise missiles at every airbase or airstrip.

    This question is really with respect to conflict between Taiwan and China. https://www.cfr.org/article/why-china-would-struggle-invade-taiwan I'm wondering what happens if China just shells (or uses rocket arty) on Taiwanese airstrips. Is the Taiwanese air force just useless? I think it sounds about right that Chinese rocket arty/regular howitzer arty can shell Taiwanese strips.

    How do I best further investigate this question?

    00:11 UTC


    CredibleDefense Daily MegaThread July 03, 2024

    The r/CredibleDefense daily megathread is for asking questions and posting submissions that would not fit the criteria of our post submissions. As such, submissions are less stringently moderated, but we still do keep an elevated guideline for comments.

    Comment guidelines:

    Please do:

    * Be curious not judgmental,

    * Be polite and civil,

    * Use the original title of the work you are linking to,

    * Use capitalization,

    * Link to the article or source of information that you are referring to,

    * Make it clear what is your opinion and from what the source actually says. Please minimize editorializing, please make your opinions clearly distinct from the content of the article or source, please do not cherry pick facts to support a preferred narrative,

    * Read the articles before you comment, and comment on the content of the articles,

    * Post only credible information

    * Contribute to the forum by finding and submitting your own credible articles,

    Please do not:

    * Use memes, emojis or swears excessively,

    * Use foul imagery,

    * Use acronyms like LOL, LMAO, WTF, /s, etc. excessively,

    * Start fights with other commenters,

    * Make it personal,

    * Try to out someone,

    * Try to push narratives, or fight for a cause in the comment section, or try to 'win the war,'

    * Engage in baseless speculation, fear mongering, or anxiety posting. Question asking is welcome and encouraged, but questions should focus on tangible issues and not groundless hypothetical scenarios. Before asking a question ask yourself 'How likely is this thing to occur.' Questions, like other kinds of comments, should be supported by evidence and must maintain the burden of credibility.

    Please read our in depth rules https://reddit.com/r/CredibleDefense/wiki/rules.

    Also please use the report feature if you want a comment to be reviewed faster. Don't abuse it though! If something is not obviously against the rules but you still feel that it should be reviewed, leave a short but descriptive comment while filing the report.

    12:00 UTC


    CredibleDefense Daily MegaThread July 02, 2024

    The r/CredibleDefense daily megathread is for asking questions and posting submissions that would not fit the criteria of our post submissions. As such, submissions are less stringently moderated, but we still do keep an elevated guideline for comments.

    Comment guidelines:

    Please do:

    * Be curious not judgmental,

    * Be polite and civil,

    * Use the original title of the work you are linking to,

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    12:00 UTC


    Standard Missile 6 vs Patriot PAC-3 MSE

    The Patriot system has proved itself to continue to be highly highly capable through its use in the Second Russian Invasion of Ukraine and while defending United States military bases in the Middle East. With that said the Standard Missile 6 (SM-6) has also proven itself highly capable in recent military engagements in the Red Sea and potentially also defending Israel in April 2024.

    The SM-6 and Patriot PAC-3 MSE both have similar objectives in that they are optimized for area ballistic missile defense as well as being able to engage air breathing threats such as cruise missiles and aircraft (in theory they could engage drones but the cost benefit ratio would be horrible). Although the PAC-3 MSE has proven itself effective against threats it does have some rather significant drawbacks when compared to the SM-6. For starters the Patriot in its current configuration is still a one direction radar and launcher system in which the radar points in a specific direction and does not have 360 degree coverage and missiles are launched in a specific direction instead of vertically. Additionally the PAC-3 MSE appears to have a range of 75 miles although this could be an understatement for public consumption while the SM-6 has a claimed range of around 200 miles which again could be understated for public consumption.

    The US Army is beginning to field its new Ghost Eye family of radars for its Patriots systems as well as other air defense systems they will now have 360 degree radar coverage for their missile defense batteries. Additionally the US Army will be fielding the SM-6 as a quasi short range ballistic missile in its new Typhon system that also includes the BGM-109 Tomahawk Cruise Missile for land attack and anti surface ship warfare.

    With all of that said why does the US Army not begin to transition to using the SM-6 Missile for air defense purposes as well. The PAC-3 MSE costs 3.7 million dollars per missile while the SM-6 costs 3.9 million dollars per missile meaning that cost difference is most likely not a huge factor between the two of them. Could magazine depth be an issue where a single Patriot launcher can field 16 PAC-3 MSE missiles while it would probably only be able to house 4 SM-6 missiles on a single launcher? I also know that production rates could be an issue with Lockheed Martin moving towards a production rate of 650 PAC-3 MSE per year from its current 500 per year while RTX only appears to be able to ramp up to 300 SM-6 per year from its current rate of 150-200 per year, could this be one of the considerations for not adding the system to Patriot?

    TLDR: The SM-6 seems like it is just a better version of the PAC-3 in most respects while costing close to the same amount and the army has begun acquiring and fielding the SM-6 for land attack so why is it not incorporating it into the Patriot system for air defense as well.


    PAC-3 Overview: https://www.lockheedmartin.com/content/dam/lockheed-martin/mfc/documents/pac-3/2022-01-05_LM_PAC-3_MSE_Overview.pdf

    PAC-3 Range: https://www.thedefensepost.com/2024/03/07/lockheed-martin-bahrain-missile/

    PAC-3 Production Rate: https://www.defensenews.com/land/2024/04/09/how-companies-plan-to-ramp-up-production-of-patriot-missiles/

    New Patriot Radar: https://www.c4isrnet.com/electronic-warfare/radar/2023/11/20/raytheon-radar-defeats-missile-in-us-army-test-of-patriot-replacement/

    SM-6 Overview: https://missilethreat.csis.org/defsys/sm-6/

    SM-6 Range: https://en.defence-ua.com/weapon_and_tech/unique_sm_6_missile_system_with_longer_range_than_the_patriot_essential_for_the_ukrainian_army-9870.html

    SM-6 Production Rate: https://insidedefense.com/daily-news/dod-dials-sm-6-max-annual-production-capacity-target-300-guided-missiles-2028

    Typhon System: https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/IF/IF12135

    Missile Cost: https://missiledefenseadvocacy.org/missile-defense-systems-2/missile-defense-systems/missile-interceptors-by-cost/

    17:31 UTC


    CredibleDefense Daily MegaThread July 01, 2024

    The r/CredibleDefense daily megathread is for asking questions and posting submissions that would not fit the criteria of our post submissions. As such, submissions are less stringently moderated, but we still do keep an elevated guideline for comments.

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    12:01 UTC


    The Myth of Military Logic - Clausewitz on Civil-Military Relations

    In this post I go over the radical implications of Clausewitz’s most famous assertion for civil-military relations, and why officers have found it very difficult to live by the principle of the primacy of policy. In particular, I look at the way the appeal to “military logic” or “military necessity” has been used to undermine civilian control over the military using the Prussian case.

    I also use the case of Churchill and Alanbrooke to illustrate the difficulties in adhering to civilian control. Effectiveness in many cases depends on the ability of officers to be convincing and on the willingness of civilians to be convinced. Civil-military relations thus produce a tension where military experts must advocate their views while recognizing that civilian leadership retains final authority.

    I hope this (relatively) brief piece can start some discussion as to whether a) Clausewitz has it right and b) what this looks like in practice.

    03:11 UTC


    Collaborative Combat Aircraft

    The US Air Force is betting big on its future with a program called Collaborative Combat Aircraft (CCA).

    These so-called ‘loyal wingmen’ promise the allure of affordable, capable mass by combining cost-efficient air vehicles with exquisite autonomy—and doing it fast. The Air Force expects to buy 100+ CCAs by 2029, with an overarching goal of fielding 1,000+ CCAs and realizing the program’s goal of cost-effective scalability.

    Here is a unique interview with Anduril and General Atomics—the 2 companies selected to build the first air vehicles.

    It's loaded with discussions of hardware, software, program structure, competitive advantages, and the challenges of integrating CCAs into the Air Force within the service's desired timeline.


    13:28 UTC


    CredibleDefense Daily MegaThread June 30, 2024

    The r/CredibleDefense daily megathread is for asking questions and posting submissions that would not fit the criteria of our post submissions. As such, submissions are less stringently moderated, but we still do keep an elevated guideline for comments.

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    12:00 UTC


    CredibleDefense Daily MegaThread June 29, 2024

    The r/CredibleDefense daily megathread is for asking questions and posting submissions that would not fit the criteria of our post submissions. As such, submissions are less stringently moderated, but we still do keep an elevated guideline for comments.

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    12:00 UTC


    CredibleDefense Daily MegaThread June 28, 2024

    The r/CredibleDefense daily megathread is for asking questions and posting submissions that would not fit the criteria of our post submissions. As such, submissions are less stringently moderated, but we still do keep an elevated guideline for comments.

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    12:00 UTC


    Question on NATO's promises to not expand

    In Bonne, on March 6, 1991 the talks were held between high-ranking officials from the United States, the UK, France, and the Federal Republic of Germany. During them, FRG's foreign ministry spokesman Jürgen Chrobog reportedly said in a statement:

    We made it clear during the talks NATO will not expand beyond the Elbe. Therefore, we cannot [offer] membership in NATO to Poland and others

    The US’ Raymond Seitz reportedly agreed with Chrobog, saying:

    We made it clear to the Soviet Union that we will not [capitalize on] the withdrawal of the Soviet troops from Eastern Europe... NATO must not expand eastwards neither officially, nor inofficially

    Do these statements confirm that NATO made some verbal promises to not expand?

    08:54 UTC


    CredibleDefense Daily MegaThread June 27, 2024

    The r/CredibleDefense daily megathread is for asking questions and posting submissions that would not fit the criteria of our post submissions. As such, submissions are less stringently moderated, but we still do keep an elevated guideline for comments.

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    12:00 UTC


    CredibleDefense Daily MegaThread June 26, 2024

    The r/CredibleDefense daily megathread is for asking questions and posting submissions that would not fit the criteria of our post submissions. As such, submissions are less stringently moderated, but we still do keep an elevated guideline for comments.

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    * Engage in baseless speculation, fear mongering, or anxiety posting. Question asking is welcome and encouraged, but questions should focus on tangible issues and not groundless hypothetical scenarios. Before asking a question ask yourself 'How likely is this thing to occur.' Questions, like other kinds of comments, should be supported by evidence and must maintain the burden of credibility.

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    12:00 UTC


    r/CredibleDefense conflicts survey (lurkers more than welcome to participate)

    Hey all,

    We are just curious to know where everyone's positions lie when it comes to the top 3 most discussed geopolitical conflicts in the world right now - China, Ukraine and Gaza.

    Please share your opinion on this link:


    Special prizes to anyone who correctly guesses what the responses from the mod team are!

    EDIT - Had to get a 'premium' account to see more than 25 responses. I've signed up for the free trial period so this survey will be up for 7 days and you should be able to see all the responses now.

    15:51 UTC


    CredibleDefense Daily MegaThread June 25, 2024

    The r/CredibleDefense daily megathread is for asking questions and posting submissions that would not fit the criteria of our post submissions. As such, submissions are less stringently moderated, but we still do keep an elevated guideline for comments.

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    12:00 UTC


    CredibleDefense Daily MegaThread June 24, 2024

    The r/CredibleDefense daily megathread is for asking questions and posting submissions that would not fit the criteria of our post submissions. As such, submissions are less stringently moderated, but we still do keep an elevated guideline for comments.

    Comment guidelines:

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    * Engage in baseless speculation, fear mongering, or anxiety posting. Question asking is welcome and encouraged, but questions should focus on tangible issues and not groundless hypothetical scenarios. Before asking a question ask yourself 'How likely is this thing to occur.' Questions, like other kinds of comments, should be supported by evidence and must maintain the burden of credibility.

    Please read our in depth rules https://reddit.com/r/CredibleDefense/wiki/rules.

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    12:00 UTC

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