So you got the proportions wrong again didn't you? And the colors? They look like puke. In fact, why are you even bothering? Basically this is the only subreddit left for you. Your art sucks so bad, this is the only community that'll appreciate your work. It's kind of like the armpit of reddit. Oh well.
Also submit other crappy art you find. There's certainly enough of it out there isn't there?
As usual in all of the crappy subreddits, KARMAWHORING IS ENCOURAGED. Why? Consider it the only reward you'll ever get for your sucky work. Your mom won't even put it on the fridge.
My crappy subreddits- LET ME SHOW YOU THEM!
Not great, but crappy? Not sure. Have at it
My first drawing, I got bored.
I made this.... for some strange reason. its definitely something Im just not sure what exactly
idk why i felt the need to share this lol😅