This sub is a harm reduction sub for crack cocaine users. Please read the rules before posting. And NO SOURCING!
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Link for purchasing fentanyl test strips
Drugs Forum Comprehensive Crack Cocaine Wiki
Tripsit Guide to Stimulant Comedown
Trying to get clean? Check out this sub
Quick Guide to Smoking Crack Cocaine
How to Make a Crack Pipe Out of a Can
what is the science behind properly smoking hard. i love using a bowl and don’t mind using a pyrex w a chore but i can never figure out the best way to not waste it. everyone has a different method and its hard to figure out what works best.
Is it more stronger or what gonna try rn .. but just curious
Idk what my job title is and im wondering if any of u had the same job.
Whenever dealers were making a sale in a potentially dangerous or violent situation, or if someone had unpaid debts. Theyd send me to collect said debt, or to come along with them to give someone a beating if nessicary. What is that job called?? My boss would call and say “hey jade I have a collections job for you ect” and then id go out, storm the trap in question and collect owed money, or beat someone who did them dirty. So my question is. What is that called? I am so confused cuz i wasnt a runner. Never dealt dope. Just protected the dealers and collected debt. If anyone else had a similar job and knows what the job title is called lmk.
What am I doing wrong I got spoon lil bit of baking soda n some product I heat with minimal amount of water it melts n then rocks up i keep cooking untill the water melts away it looks like it’s good I dip penny in then pat the penny with a dollar then instantly tried to smoke it it tasted like it should but didn’t melt right some melted some burnt up what am I doing wrong am I not cooking long enough?
I meant to type cook auto correct sorry
Girlfriend went to a crack house and when she came homethe resin in her pipe was blue has anyone seen this or know what it might be
So I’ve got so fucking many crumbs In my car. How do I get them out
I think It IS because of the weed pipe i bought that isnt good quality. But main question IS how i dry It Up? Btw i m talking about when u clean Up the pipe
This shit is weird, it doesn't sizzle and melt like normal, it's kinda hard to hit and doesn't smoke like normal. It's coke, numb mouth, bellringers, but I just had to scrape a bunch of ash out. Something ain't right. Anyone had similar things happen?
Who's with me
Put a nice lil chunck of good full melt and put it in the ceramic coils its super stealthy and can seriously fuck u up it works great but make sure to get ceramic coils
Wondering if anyone has tried this pipe to smoke crack … let me know tired of just strait pipe with Brillos need a better way of smoking cracks
Too much chore? Only get a little resin each hit. Why is it only white? Before I could get dark drips.
And how much do u pack each time? Do u apply direct fire or heating the glass stem from below?
Smoking with friends is better than smokin by yourself 😜
Sooooo long story short... My one main guy who I only trust was out all last week and me craving it. I ended up in the same neighborhood I met my at... I went to some people I dealt with before and they claim it's fire. They all say that. I did one and tasted florally... I've had that taste before. I asked someone about it and apparently they somehow someway use detergent??? Like laundry detergent?? Why? And how does that even help with profit or what ? Please someone that has knowledge please explain to me about that??? I just am dumbfounded.
-prepare last cook of the day -Cook goes brilliantly -add the splash of cold water -be excited -no seriously be so excited that you have a sudden tremor, spilling the precious elixir all over the fucking bathroom counter -shriek internally -discover that your product has fused to the tiles -spend the next 20 minutes chiselling product off the tiles with an allen key -shamefully load and smoke product -be thoroughly disappointed with result -hope that the sound of the tap running is enough to cover up the weeping
wtf is this, smells n tastes like burnt marshmallow and barely gets me high
Does anyone else after a big hit instantly start sweating also my left leg always feels weak when I smoke and I limp it doesn’t hurt it just feels weak but not numb and walking up stairs puts my out of breath and raises my heart rate to 160bpm till I stop moving and shit down thoughts?
What’s the best thing to use for smoking to get the best hit ? Ive only smoked through a bottle with tin foil and ash at top need to upgrade lol
Wondering what’s everyone’s consumption a week Got a q for the weekend and rarely smoke during the week. But I’m an astronaut on the weekends 🚀
Soo I have a decent vaping technique but every once in a while I want to blast it with flame just to get that other effect. Do yall get headaches from torching it with flame because I do EVERTIME.... I'm just wondering how yall are able to just burn with flame every blast and not get headaches? Any comments?
Anyone ever done this? I would just use a new stem, new piece, water? Maybe water-less? Lil chore in the glass…idk longtime freebaser, new to the rock/glass game. But something makes me wanna try it, feel like I could get the craziest huge rip 😅
Gone from fall out boy, to project pat and three6. Album Mental Trillness (1) up next. Where should I head next…considering Tove Lo
Tips on how to get chore boy tight on the sides so no light shows through. I’ve tried different sizes, thin stem, and thicker stem. I used a metal chopstick to push to each end.
Anyone ever seen this??