Blackout megathread in r/Save3rdPartyApps: https://redd.it/1476ioa
The comment that started it all.
Posts on this subreddit must display confusing perspectives only.This subreddit, /r/confusing_perspective, is for the sharing and discussion of photographs or videos taken from confusing perspectives. If your submission is a meme, a cartoon, a sketch, or otherwise modified or designed to deceive the viewer, it will be removed.
Titles must be accurate and descriptive.Titles must accurately and descriptively explain what the submission is of. Submissions with low-effort, misleading, or factually incorrect titles will be removed. For reference, other users should be able to reasonably decide whether or not they wish to see a submission, based on its title.
Search for reposts before submitting a post.A repost is when you submit the same or almost identical content within a given time frame. On this subreddit, we do not allow any reposts within 120 days, or reposts within 1 year of submissions where the original has more than 10,000 upvotes. You can use KarmaDecay, Google Reverse Image Search, and Reddit's built-in search function to find previous instances of your post.
No low-effort posts.Screenshots of other Reddit posts and very low-quality images that are hard to decipher may not be posted. This includes pictures such as https://i.redd.it/yyzedbe8qen41.png which have a title embedded inside the image.
No pareidolia.Pareidolia is a word that means "things that look like other things". Most commonly are objects that look like faces, although other things apply. for examples, head over to r/Pareidolia. Sometimes pareidolia is allowed if it directly involves forced perspective (see rule 1); but don't flood the sub with cookie monster blankets please.
Be civil.Hate of any kind including racism, hatred of religion, etc towards anyone (OP, people in pictures, and people in comments) will not be tolerated and result in a ban (the length of which will be decided by the mod who bans the user). This applies to posts and comments. Political discussions/posts are not allowed here. They usually turn into a flamewar and we will lock all political threads. If a meta post about a political issue needs to be made, the mods will handle that.
No creepy compliments
If you have any questions about the subreddit, its rules, or would like further clarification on the removal of one of your posts, feel free to message the moderators.
I can't decide!
Found this iPad on marketplace that looks oddly shaped…
Walked in the door and couldnt believe it…