Computational Social Science (CSS) is the science that investigates social and behavioral dynamics through social simulation,social network analysis, and social media analysis.
Computational Social Science (CSS) is the science that investigates social and behavioral dynamics through social simulation,social network analysis, and social media analysis.
We invite submissions of dataset papers to the Datasets track of ICWSM 2025.
Link: https://www.icwsm.org/2025/submit/index.html
Deadline: January 15, 2025 [Notifications: March 15, 2025]
ICWSM 2025 is the premier peer-reviewed conference for computational social science (CSS) work. All kinds of research (including qualitative, quantitative, mixed methods, etc.) in CSS (and the clusters of disciplines it overlaps with including sociology, computer science, information science, political science, digital humanities, anthropology, communication, etc.) relies on quality datasets. Research works primarily contributing new datasets deserve their own feedback and a venue to shine, which is what the Datasets track at ICWSM 2025 seeks to provide, building on the success of previous editions.
Original contributions of digitally mediated data sources are invited, which has historically included sources such as web navigation traces, traces from apps, social media traces, data from online platforms such as microblogs, wiki-based knowledge sharing sites, online news media, forums, mailing lists, newsgroups, community media sites, Q&A sites, user review sites, search platforms and social curation sites. Adapting to our continuously evolving field, we are open to new forms of technologically mediated human or society-related data sources (e.g., mobility traces, satellite data); as long as the focus of the dataset is to help advance our understanding of society and the influence of the web on it.
Dataset paper submissions must be between 2-10 pages long, including references but excluding the mandatory "Ethics Checklist" section, and will be part of the full proceedings. Submissions will either be accepted or rejected without an option to revise and resubmit. Authors of accepted submissions will have the opportunity to respond to reviewer suggestions by making minor edits when preparing the camera-ready version. All papers must follow the AAAI formatting guidelines. Please refer to the guidelines for submission. We also encourage authors to submit a small sample of the dataset (maximum of 10MB, in csv, txt, json, or other readable formats) to aid the reviewers. This should be submitted as supplementary material on the Precision Conference system.
The submissions must comprise (i) a dataset or group of datasets, and (ii) a paper describing the content, quality, structure, potential uses of the dataset(s), as well as the methodology employed for data collection. Furthermore, descriptive statistics may be included in the metadata; however, more sophisticated analyses should be included in regular paper submissions. The review will be single-blind, and all datasets must be identified and uploaded at the time of submission.
Datasets and metadata must be published using a dataset-sharing service (e.g. Zenodo, datorium, dataverse, or any other dataset-sharing service that indexes your dataset and metadata and increase the re-findability of the data) that provides a DOI for the dataset, which must be included in the dataset paper submission.
Authors are encouraged to:
ICWSM-2025 will be held from June 23 - 26, 2025, in Copenhagen, Denmark. We hope to see some amazing dataset submissions from you all!
Dataset track co-chairs:
Contact: datasets@icwsm.org
Hi everyone, I am currently looking for PhD advisors in Computational Social Science who also have a keen interest in LLM and AI. I would be super grateful if someone can name some professors in this domain that can possibly be a good fit.
Below is my research interest:
I have a broad theoretical interests in various social issues including misinformation, inequality, innovation and public opinion.
I was looking into CSS and it seems very similar to what is Social Data Science, which is using data science techniques to address social challenges. There are a few universities that offer this as a major or graduate degree, but not many as it seems to be an "emerging" field. Is this not the same exact thing as Computational Social Science?
Hello Lovely Redditors and GMU CSS alumni and current students,
I aim to apply for doctoral studies in CSS at GMU at the end of this year. The application requires a GRE-GEN test score, familiarity with an object-based programming language, and completion of at least one Calculus course at the undergraduate level.
For my background, I hold an undergraduate degree in International Relations (graduated with 3.63 out of 4.00) and a master's degree in Conflict Studies (graduated with 3.32 out of 4.00).
At the moment, I am feeling fear and worry about the upcoming application, which is due this November. I do not know how much would be sufficient for each requirement. Therefore, I would like to ask current students and alumni the following questions:
Thank you so much in advance for your valuable suggestions and guidance. I truly appreciate your time and efforts in answering these questions.
Hi guys,
I am looking for a way to exploit data from linkedin (use the content of the profiles of several -few thousands- individuals I have identified by the companies they are working in as well as their network). However I cannot find a way to access the data by identifying as academia. When I write to Linkedin I am answered with a flat no with no additional info on what I should do.
Anyone that has been through this can share their experience ?
Many thanks !!
same as title.
hi! i’m a prospective undergrad for computational social science at the university of amsterdam. the programme is very project heavy and will familiarise students with data science methods for modern problems like climate change, income inequality, etc. is it viable for a career in IT or tech or would i be better off majoring in econometrics and data science
What are peoples thoughts on this? I have started a project using Mesa but it seems like performance is not that high. I am using reinforcement learning.
Call for Papers: Special Section of JQD:DM in Collaboration with ICWSM
The Journal of Quantitative Description: Digital Media (JQD:DM), rapidly becoming one of the leading outlets for descriptive quantitative work in the social sciences, is hosting a special section that will provide authors with the opportunity to share their work with the community surrounding The International AAAI Conference on the Web and Social Media (ICWSM), a premier outlet for computational social science research. This section aims to build bridges between various scholarly communities engaging in the study of digital media, broadly construed.
Authors of accepted papers will have their work published in JQD:DM, and will present the work at ICWSM’s annual conference in June 2024. Submissions are welcome from all, and are especially encouraged from scholars outside the ICWSM community, with the intent of bringing together communities interested in descriptive work in the social and computational sciences. We are seeking a broad range of submissions with regard to topic and methodology; the primary criterion is that the work must provide descriptive insight into digital media. Note that JQD:DM explicitly does not accept papers that make causal claims. Letters of Inquiry (LOIs) in the JQD:DM format are required, due May 15.
LOIs and questions should be sent to the Special Section Editors at jqdicwsmsi@gmail.com. Other important dates can be found below:
May 15th: LOIs Due
June 8th: Accepted LOIs invited to submit full papers
September 15th: Full papers due
November 15th: Reject or Revise & Resubmit decisions mailed to full paper authors
January 15th, 2024: R&R Submission Deadline
March 15th, 2024: Accept or Reject decisions for R&Rs
Early June, 2024: Accepted papers are presented at ICWSM **(Note: As a condition of publication in JQD:DM, we will require at least one author of accepted papers to present the work at ICWSM.)
Thank you, and looking forward to your submissions!
Dr. Jason Jeffrey Jones, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology and Institute for Advanced Computational Science, Stony Brook University
Dr. Sarah Shugars, Assistant Professor, Department of Communication, Rutgers University
Dr. Yini Zhang, Assistant Professor, Department of Communication, University at Buffalo
What are some other top-tier Computer Science conferences relevant to social science research, in addition to ICWSM and WWW?
Hi everyone, as the title states, I would like to know if I have a realistic chance of getting into a CSS PhD program with my background. I have two bachelor's (one in International Business and one in Psychology) and a master's (in Computational Cognitive Science). Because the focus in psychology and CogSci is more on individuals rather than groups/societies, I'm afraid I might not be considered for such programs.
I'd be grateful to hear your thoughts!
I once enjoyed the company of the handsomest hunk of data on human behavior ever created.
Then, a clamoring awoke slumbering giants, affections shifted in the aftermath and the relationship ended.
Like a jilted (but still comely) maiden - I turned my affection toward the next best suitor.
It took years, but eventually I uncovered unique, unappreciated qualities of my new data beau.
Now, goliaths wrestle anew, and I fear knives are out for my newly-crowned prince of data.
Spurned consorts of the past beckon.
Hi, sorry for this ignorant question, but as hard as I've searched in google I found it difficult to find the field of science that use hard mathematical models to understand social dynamics (I come from engineering). Can anyone one give me a guideline to start studying it or at least which are the main fields of sutdy?
Btw, I find it super interesting
I would like to understand more about the process of simulating a social phenomena computationally; for example, i would like to understand, if possible, how to implement a simulation of social influence in a specific envioronment.
How should one proceed ? Could you link some resources ?
Can anyone recommend me some CSS papers that are broadly about grassroots organising on social media?
I am writing this to get some advice and also to get a sense of what people in the field are thinking about this:
I was wondering whether getting a master/phd in computer science with a professor who focuses on social sciences is better or a professor in sociology/psychology who uses computational methods?
As far as i understood, both lack in one aspect of the research. Professors coming from engineering backgrounds usually do not ask questions which are interesting in the social sides, and they are usually trying to solve important societal problems (elections, pandemics, misinformation) using high level computational methods. Their work usually outputs a solution for the problems rather than a theory defining the reasons behind it.
On the other hand, the sociology/pysch professors usually work on questions which are interesting in theory but they clearly lack the high level maths and computing.
Considering all of this, i am pretty confused which path should i choose. I am mostly coming from a natural science background (physics major sociology minor. Focused on complexity science and collective behavior) and i want to perfectly combine the two sides: using high level methods to develop theories defining underlying reasons of social life.
I’ll appreciate any suggestions and thoughts on this.
A search yielded a single result outside the scope of my intent.
I'm trying to teach myself some basic R from a project perspective. I found a book i think will work out, but after that, I'm wondering about other books that may exist detailing a more general overview in CSS in general. Any feedback welcome.
Edit: Autocorrect title
As the title says I want to get an idea where other members here prefer to publish their Computational Social Science research
Hi everyone! I'm looking for Master/Predoc programs in computational social science, in order to accumulate more experience for PhD application. Any reccomendation about this? I'm mainly interested in topics like social network, network science, sociology, etc. So opportunities relevant to those would be better! Thank you so much!😁
I’m looking for departments doing research in CSS in the UK/EU. Since different faculties use alternative names for CSS, I thought that I might miss some interesting opportunities and deemed it appropriate to ask for your help :)
Hello fellow Redditors! I just got to know the world of CSS and it really amazes me. These days I was researching a the topic a bit and found the term "social computing". I was wondering if it's the same thing as CSS, or os it something similar, but not quite the same? Thank you all!