
Photograph via snooOG

Discussion on the CFML programming language and the Adobe ColdFusion, Lucee, and Open Blue Dragon platforms.

A collection of articles, blog entries, and sites related to CFML development.

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Getting this error with Cold Fusion on Mac

Hi everyone,

The cold-fusion version is: 2021.0.0.323925 (developer mode), and I am running on MacOS: 12.7.1 (MacBook Pro Mid 2015)

Error: “libCFXNeo.jnilib” cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified.

Error: "macOS cannot verify that this app is free from malware."

Does anyone have any ideas on how to resolve this? Would be ever so grateful!


1 Comment
21:13 UTC


What are the best modern frameworks for CF these days?

I last used Coldfusion in 2016 - quite some time ago! Around that time FW/1 was still quite popular, and some people were using ColdBox too. What has changed since those times? Which lightweight frameworks are developers using these days? I've noticed that FW/1 is not supported anymore, although I did like using it back in the day. ColdBox seems to be still actively developed and supported. So would Lucee + ColdBox be a good modern way to restart my CF journey?

Would be interested in how people are using CF these days.

Best regards

14:42 UTC


What if no one is monitoring your DB server next week at Mid-Michigan CFUG

Charlie Arehart, CArehart.org, is going to show us how to monitor our database servers at the next meeting of the Mid-Michigan ColdFusion Users Group on Tuesday, April 9th at 7 pm eastern time. Are you having problems with your web app, where you wonder if it might (or might not) be due to your database? Are you able to monitor what is going on in the DB?

In this talk, you will come away with several options to consider, and perhaps a new perspective on how to view DB monitoring.

Meeting URL will be announced next week.

A recording will be available on our group’s YouTube channel in a few days at https://youtube.com/@cfml

05:07 UTC


Question: Getting error in Query of Queries

Here is the code. Reads in an excel file and dumps it out fine. When doing a Query of Queries it chokes where I use a 'WHERE' conditional

<cftry> <cfspreadsheet action="read" src="#expandPath('test-Staffing.xls')#" query="excelData" columnnames="zone,job,employee,fte,shift,comments" > <cfcatch type="any"> <cfoutput> An error occurred: #cfcatch.message# </cfoutput> </cfcatch> </cftry> <cfdump var="#excelData#"><cfquery name="day" dbtype="query"> select * from excelData WHERE zone = 'day' </cfquery>

The dump works fine but the query afterwards

Error Executing Database Query.

Query Of Queries syntax error. Encountered "zone. Incorrect conditional expression, Expected one of [like|null|between|in|comparison] condition,

18:34 UTC


CFAdministrator API question

A bit of a long shot, but does anyone here know how to use the administrator.cfc to set the default page timeout?

08:38 UTC


Get to know Alpine.js with Nolan Erck video

Nolan Erck, South of Shasta Consulting, teaches us about Alpine.js at Mid-Michigan CFUG. Alpine.js has been described as "jQuery for the modern web". It requires no build or compile steps! Alpine.js is only one JS file -- the entire library is fifteen attributes, six properties, and two methods.

Video URL: https://youtu.be/Jp_cEIeVL78

Also check out our new YouTube channel for recordings of the meetings at https://youtube.com/@cfml

03:31 UTC


Quick question: What's this about Coldfusion 2024 when 2023 was just released a year ago.

I've tried to look this up and found a few bits here and there. Are they switching to a yearly release?

17:43 UTC


Get to Know Alpine.js at next weeks Mid-Michigan CFUG meeting

Nolan Erck, South of Shasta Consulting is going to teach us Alpine.js at the next meeting of the Mid-Michigan ColdFusion Users Group on Tuesday, March 12th at 7 pm eastern time. Alpine.js has been described as "jQuery for the modern web". It requires no build or compile steps! It us the perfect solution for when you want to drop some SPA-like functionality into your existing codebase.

Alpine.js is only one JS file -- the entire library is fifteen attributes, six properties, and two methods.

Meeting URL will be announced next week.

A recording will be available on our group’s YouTube channel in a few days at https://youtube.com/@cfml

05:40 UTC


Mark Takata video on Generative AI: an exploration of concepts and models

Mark Takata, Adobe’s CF evangelist, teaches us about Generative AI: an exploration of concepts and models. In addition, he explores the dangers of GAI (generative AI) and how companies and individuals can help to mitigate those risks. This was a very good introduction to AI.

Video URL: https://youtu.be/FYmDQcSfro8

Also check out our new YouTube channel for recordings of the meetings at https://youtube.com/@cfml

09:05 UTC


Web Hosting - Media 3 vs CFDynamics Dedicated/VPS

Trying to make a decision between these two hosts for a local government site, concerned about reliability/uptime. Media 3 seems like they had a rough patch several years ago, but they also seem to be recommended these days. I know they're both Adobe CF hosting partners.

Other than small Facebook followings and a BBB account, not many actual current reviews on these.

Has anyone here had experience with either of these companies in recent years? TIA.

15:35 UTC


Generative AI: An exploration of concepts and models at the next meeting of the Mid-Michigan ColdFusion Users Group

Mark Takata, Adobe’s ColdFusion evangelist is going to teach us about Generative AI: An exploration of concepts and models at the next meeting of the Mid-Michigan ColdFusion Users Group on Tuesday, February 13th at 7 pm eastern time. Mark will also explore models from a variety of vendors to better understand both the differences and similarities between them all.

Meeting URL will be announced next week.

A recording will be available on our group’s YouTube channel in a few days at https://youtube.com/@cfml

05:57 UTC


ColdFusion AWS Cloud Instance Serial Number

We have a new EC2 Coldfusion 2023 instance for prod and would like to switch our old 2018 instance to a stage environment with CF2023 but it requests the serial number. Is there a way to do this? I know adobe allows to use a stage/dev environment for no charge when you have an Enterprise license.

16:50 UTC


What's the best blog module to integrate into an existing website?

I have an existing website with a pretty old blogging module that still requires manual html formatting, I was hoping I could find something that could integrate with my existing website look and feel without needing to reinvent the wheel. I know of content box, does anyone have anything else they'd recommend?

It also might be as easy as putting an html editor in my old blogging setup but wanted to see what people have used if you have any recs.

23:28 UTC


I'm creating a git repo for an existing CF application; what do you suggest to commit?


I've inherited a few CF applications, and I'm bringing them into version control.

What do you suggest I commit? The entire webroot seems like a lot, but my survey of the webs looks like that's the case? What are your thoughts?




Thanks for the excellent input and suggestions. This is helpful.

18:06 UTC


CommandBox & CF2023 DSN connection issues

I have all packages installed. I am using the same config that worked for 2018 as far as DSN's, but I get this for any connection I try, even localhost. And it's immediate, not like taking 30s to timeout or anything. Any insight appreciated.
java.sql.SQLException: Timed out trying to establish connection

17:36 UTC


Video for customizing the web platform with web components

Ray Camden from Adobe shows us how to customize the web platform with web components at this month’s Mid-Michigan CFUG meeting. Ray also gave us lots of examples.

Please note this is all html and plain JavaScript so it can be useful for anyone who wants to learn about web components.

Video URL: https://youtu.be/HsMWG7amRUI

Also check out our new YouTube channel for recordings of the meetings at https://youtube.com/@cfml

09:25 UTC


Is it possible to password protect a txt file?

Hello, I'm rather new using CF and I've been asked to password protect a txt file.
I know it can be done for spreadsheets but haven't been able to find documentation for doing the same to txt files, is that even possible?

16:20 UTC


Ray Camden on web components at next Mid-Michigan CFUG meeting on Tuesday, Jan 9th

Ray Camden from Adobe will speak on customizing the web platform with web components at the next meeting of Mid-Michigan ColdFusion Users Group on Tuesday, January 9th at 7 pm eastern time. Ray promises us lots of examples.

Meeting URL: Soon

A recording will be available on our group’s YouTube channel in a few days at https://youtube.com/@cfml

05:08 UTC


membership application

Looking for a Cold Fusion membership login application that supports a payment structure for website access.

Access to the search link on the website is only available to paid members.

Search links cannot be shared and will not work unless you have logged in as a member.

14:56 UTC



What are the latest and greatest open source CMS options these days?

Seems that Mura has gone closed source?

22:22 UTC


CF Docker Archiving

For those that have used CF in a docker, what is the correct way to persist my administrator's settings such as data sources, mappings etc.? What I intended to do was to run my docker container, set all of the settings I needed to, then export a .car file of the state and use that in a /data folder for the container to pick up all the settings everytime it is closed/started etc.. However, I cannot successfully build a car file from my admin. I get an error anytime I try.

error image

Does anyone with more experience have possible solutions? Thanks.

1 Comment
21:55 UTC


Hostek, our go-to Coldfusion provider, was purchased by a foreign company and has since gone to crap. What are your recommendations for a full-service Coldfusion provider?

I've used Hostek since 2000. They've always been responsive and helpful until about the last six months. Now they are so unresponsive I mind as well be hosting and managing my own server on AWS. Any recommendations would be appreciated.

23:35 UTC


Coldfusion Tomcat logs rotate hourly

Has anyone successfully updated Tomcat to rotate hourly in ColdFusion? I only see a ColdFusion article about disabling it completely. I have not been able to get it to rotate other than the default daily rotation.


14:25 UTC


Containerizing CFML apps for the cloud with Nick Kwiatkowski from Michigan State

Here's the video from our MMCFUG meeting on how to containerize CFML apps for the cloud with Nick Kwiatkowski from Michigan State.

Nick provides real-world examples of using Docker, Kubernetes, Traefik, Tanzu and GitHub actions.


05:39 UTC


Updated URL for Intro to Lucee 6

Apparently the original post got tagged as spam ;<(. But we had to make a requested edit and here is the new link. This has proven to be an immensely popular presentation for our group.

If someone can tell me how I can the spam bots on here we are legit I'd appreciate it. Never had this problem before.


05:49 UTC


CFFTP not connecting to SFTP server

Anyone have experience with CFFTP not connecting to an SFTP server - just hanging during the connection process with the CF process never timing out?

19:05 UTC


CF and AI?

I think it was last years CF Summiit there was going to be a talk on CF and AI but I never saw it. Anyone been tinkering?

For fun I started getting CF to interact with chatGPT but haven't taken it too far.

How about y'all?

12:17 UTC


switch away from coldfusion

I haven't coded in about 5 years. But I used CF for roughly a decade. I am looking to dive back into it, mostly hobby and/or small web applications, nothing enterprise. Is there another language or platform that would be easiest for me to switch to given my experience? I bought a NODE book and got lost in that after about 4 chapters, all the packet downloads and such, had no clue what any of it even did. Or is CF worth sticking with if I am kind of diving back in?

14:53 UTC


how can I extract anything that looks like a number from a text list?

It's been a while and I cant remember how to do this. Maybe by now there is a better way anyway.

So the text list could have all manner of junk in it but it will mostly be chunks of 10 character integers that I need to extract separated by anything. How can I pass in a string and have it return a list or an array or something? It has <cfloop delimiters=""> and we had an issue where they passed in a new list with a new delimiter and it choked. I don't want to have to keep updating the delimiter list as they get worse and worse lists. How do I effectively treat anything not a number as a delimiter? regex with :digit: maybe? But that seems like a thing where you have to keep calling it in a loop, which I suppose is doable if that's how it's done in cf. But any function that returns an array or similar would be nice. A couple keywords may be sufficient if someone could point me in the right direction, thanks.

17:46 UTC


Testbox integration testing - mocking the DAO

Using Coldbox and Testbox to do unit tests and working on expanding integration testing.

I want to be able to mock the DAO so I can control the data that the test is trying to render on the view. For instance, object ID 1 might be valid today, but if I run the test next month, the object may now be deleted or otherwise change status or other values. Also very useful for basic testing since I can inject needles into my mocked data that I can search for in the rendered results.

Is there a way to inject a mocked DAO into the mocked wirebox (or otherwise intercept the call to the DAO) so I can return controlled queries?

This would also be extremely useful to do integration testing on edit pages where I do not want the test to actually change data.

very simple sample execution path:

in handler/main
    property name="user_service" inject="model:user_service";
    function list(event, rc, prc) {
        ... do some stuff ...
        arguments.prc.user_query = user_service.getUserQuery(user_id: arguments.event.getvalue('user_id', 0));
        ... do some other stuff to prep the view ...

in model/user_service
    property name="user_dao" inject="model:dao.user_dao";
    function getUserQuery(required numeric user_id) {
        return user_dao.getuserQuery(user_id: arguments.user_id);

in model/dao/user_dao
    function getUserQuery(required numeric user_id) {
        ... the actual database query I want to mock ...

Any thoughts or ideas?

1 Comment
13:30 UTC

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