Mike is our patron, Honnold our saviour.
Circlejerk, not complete jerk. Posts that are a direct link or screenshots of threads in other climbing subreddits with the sole purpose of mocking a particular user will be removed.
Dont make fun of gumbies unless you are really nice about it
Whenever I think about climbing, I instantly start to sweat. Even if I have a passing thought about watching Free Solo I feel my entire body drenched in sweat 0.1 seconds later and I start crying and throwing up. Wondering if any of you gumbies have the same problem. I can’t climb my indoor V1 project because it’s too distressing.
We thinking V1 at best
I’ve been crushing hard on this girl at the gym for the past few months. She’s a strong climber, but I’m a lot better, of course
Anytime I see her working on something at the gym I walk over and flash it right in front of her just so she knows how good I am
I work remotely and set up shop at the climbing gym so as soon as I see her walk in I can close my laptop and follow her. I also live in my van in the parking lot and know her car so I can immediately go in once she arrives. She basically can’t get away from me
But idk what’s happening, she seems to notice me even less than she did a couple months back. It almost seems like she’s me at times
What else can I do to impress her
After days of intense meditation and snorting about a kilo of MagDust, I cleansed my chakras and opened my third eye.
I then astral projected to Norway and did a no-hands blindfolded send of Silence. I am currently climbing at grades of about V24 - V30 (astrally, in the normie world I project V2s).
Anyway, what shoes should I wear while astral projecting?
Sound on
Is it fingerboarding or hangboarding? (fuck off dangleboarders)
Let's just combing them and agree we should call it "fangboarding". Helps to sharpen your teeth for extra bite.
Hi! My name's Calvin and I'm looking to help people (nearby London) improve at climbing where they need or want to 🧗🔥 Whether it be about technique, strength, fun or safety, I've picked up some very useful tips!
Climbing is super accessible for all ages, shapes and sizes, which means everyone climbs different. It's really useful to get a 2nd pair of eyes 👀 or a second opinion on how to make your climbing sessions more fulfilling 🤩 Even 1 coaching session can make all the difference!
How it would generally work: We book a date and time where we can go to a climbing gym of your preference and have a fun, eye-opening session. 🧗
£20 for 1 hour. Please contact me if interested: 07789656453 (On WhatsApp also) calvin.o.mcenaney@gmail.com Looking forward to it 😁
Hi! Could someone please help me find a clip of a wet chalkbag getting squeezed and the water inside the chalkbag squirting out of it? I know it sounds strange but I clearly remember seeing that on ig reels, I think one of the Wide Boyz was in that video.
I have tried all the basics doing sick dynos, campusing, being weird in a cooky way. However to mention she is a comp climber much stronger than me like she has twice the forearms. And she is 7 years older than me. In advance i won't talk to her because i am not nonchalant but i am really a shy guy get it. Well i have already signed up for the bootcamp.
The funny thing is i am usually just a scizo weirdo on this subreddit but the insane thing is this is actually 100% real and true.
Ok, I've gone 2 days without a shower before and tried the salt crystal deodorant and yes I consider myself an environmentalist...but this is getting ridiculous! This guy(?) is giving all climbers a bad name, let's promote body hair trimming and grooming in general a bit more please. Definitely want more folks to see us as the svelt, aerodynamic crag conquerors we are not hirsute beasts like regular land walkers.