A sub for all things Mina Ashido. Do come in and make yourself at home.
So continuing my streak of playing Mina in tabletop games, meet Pinky! She’s the Pink Ranger of the Ancient Samurai Rangers and she’s harboring a little secret… she’s a Gedonin! Had a lot of fun designing this to incorporate elements of her mother and father, and I can’t wait to get more art of her.
Artist: u/akaiwar
So I’m a huge Mina fan and have a lot of her artwork saved so I’m trying to find more like those intro pages, and panels of her if anyone could help me find art of her I would appreciate it!
She looks so good in it. I call it a torture top. Also she's torturing Mineta.
Forgot I saved this one, also from Fortnite :3
What's she reading?
I discovered a photoshoot world, and had fun making a few clips of Ashido. This one I'm very glad I did, she's adorable.
Doom's gloves are funny. Also enjoy Mina getting jiggy after an honestly exhausting match. Landed at Doom's Castle, immediately killed Doom for his medal pistol and gloves, then got chased by the same guy all match who killed Mysterio.
I'm not kidding that son of a gun followed me all game long, got in two car chases, I nearly got ambushed by him while killing Doom henchman for crates, and I got the satisfaction of watching him get greedy on the floating island just to immediately die up there as soon as he got up.
Then we're here on some cliffs. I'm sitting back chilling in my car, then pop the first guy who comes up with the glove bombs. Then the rest is in the clip.
Ashido really has moves.
I know I suck at aiming. I have broken joysticks. My poor Switch.
Anyway, it didn't stop Mina from ripping into the final enemy who insists on chainsaw based evasion. Nobody expects a full speed rush.
That satisfying feeling when you drop targets in one or two shots with a pistol at super far range. You just gotta dance.
Got this either yesterday or the day before, I forgot, but it shows patience is everything. That and my shitty aim lmao.