Christina Rene Hendricks was born in Knoxville, Tennessee.
In her early 20s, she began appearing on television, landing a recurring role in Beggars and Choosers (1999) in 2000 and another on Kevin Hill (2004) before rising to international fame in Mad Men (2007). She also won a SyFy Genre Award in for "Best Special Guest/Television" for her role as Saffron in Joss Whedon's short-lived Firefly (2002).
Known for playing intelligent, complex women,
Bright red lipstick,
Voluptuous figure.
Christina Rene Hendricks was born in Knoxville, Tennessee.
In her early 20s, she began appearing on television, landing a recurring role in Beggars and Choosers (1999) in 2000 and another on Kevin Hill (2004) before rising to international fame in Mad Men (2007). She also won a SyFy Genre Award in for "Best Special Guest/Television" for her role as Saffron in Joss Whedon's short-lived Firefly (2002).
Known for playing intelligent, dominant women, Bright red lipstick, Voluptuous figure.
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Friends of the sub:
Fashion for Christina Hendricks
Christina Hendricks Film and TV
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Initial violation will result in a temporary (30 day) ban, further violations will result in a permanent ban.
2: No Fakes/NSFW Images: No fake pictures, no morphs, no edits, no AI, no deepfakes. The only NSFW images permitted are those of Christina herself. If you see a fake or other non-Christina NSFW post, please report it.
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3: No Spam: Fairly self explanatory, any form of spam will be removed and met with an immediate, permanent ban. This includes spamming links to Discord or other questionable sites.
4: Posts From IG Fan Accounts: Images found on fan accounts must provide link back to or credit said account in either comments or caption. If link/credit is not provided, post will be removed, and only approved once credit or link is added.
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